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Everything posted by BanesBluff

  1. I think they just don't know what is wrong. Why can't they just have the quest counter be linked to the same code that makes the scoreboard say "Victory" or "Defeat"? Because it's not like THAT has ever been wrong...
  2. I think they just don't know what is wrong. Why can't they just have the quest counter be linked to the same code that makes the scoreboard say "Victory" or "Defeat"? Because it's not like THAT has ever been wrong...
  3. It's just such a shame because traveling in Illum makes you think how much great potential it has to being really awesome. Like imagining people being strategic in Illum asking themselves "Oh should we take the tunnel instead for a suprise attack?" or just exploring while imagining people all over the place fighting each other makes you think how cool it could be. And if you explore around you can find cool little nooks and crannies. Like there is a tower you can go in to get an aerial view of the battlefield and you can post up there to see if anyone is comming. But few if any know about it. But the potential is there, it was just pulled off in a bad way.
  4. The only bad thing about the bolster system is Illum is so enormous, and what happens when someone being bolstered comes across someone alone? They will completely destroy them and then THAT person will be the one that is frustrated. And I'm pretty sure BioWare doesn't have the knowledge to know how to do the second one. They don't even know how to give you credit for winning a warzone, nevermind implementing a system that knows exactly how much credit to give you per kill depending on the situation.
  5. And you can STILL PvP him! It would STILL be considered WORLD PvP you just don't get the reward for ganging up on someone. But you still get the good feeling of beating someone down in the open world. I think there just needs to be something that the player needs to give up a little in order for something good, overall to happen. Sure I may not get Valor for killing someone, but its because we killed him when he was in a helpless situation. That's the way it should be if you are trying to avoid what is happening right now. Because with everyone getting valor/credit for ganging up on only a few players, you directly get the nightmare that is going on now. And I very strongly believe that. Just the fact that you get valor just for COMPLETELY DOMINATING other people based SOLEY on numbers because there absolutely NO incentive to play competetively, is the reason why there is base camping and why it is complete garbage right now.
  6. I don't know if you saw my last post or not, but I asked if you were trying to get credit as fast as possible, would you really just stand there and wait to see if MAYBE the guy is still alive after they fight? Or would you move on and try to find another armament or someone else to kill? That would be such a huge waste of time if you kept watching people instead of trying to be more productive by finding others or other armaments.
  7. Well let me ask you this. If you were trying to get credit as fast as possible, would you really just stand around and watch? or would you continue on and try to pick up an armament or kill someone that might be near by? Because if the guy on your side wins, that would be a big waste of time just sitting there for nothing.
  8. Just the fact that there is NO CAP AT ALL to control how many people fight the other side is the reason why that needs to be put in. If 500 players were standing right outside your base, how would you go about killing ONE person without getting INSTANTLY burned down. This causes frustation for both populated AND less populated factions. It just all depends how many people are on one side in ILLUM. It doesn't matter who has more people on the server, people that keep dying and dying simply because the other side has more people at the time (yes it can sometimes be Republic) gets EXTREMLY frustated after a while.
  9. See what you just said? You would actually NOT fight in a situation where if you joined in, it would be unfair for the guy on the other faction. And the same would go for you if two people on the other faction found YOU alone. Would you rather stand a chance (unless the other guy just wants to kill you for the hell of it), or do you want to fight against multiple people and probably lose? As for the "good bye operations"; the main problem in Illum is the faction imbalance, and how many even fights have you seen? Not very many I'm going to guess. If they were to implement a system that made people QUEUE for the zone, then Ops vs. Ops would be great. But because it is open world PvP in a world that is so dominated by one side, I dont think that would be the best thing for the smaller faction.
  10. The only problem with that is in the current state of the game, Imperial would ALWAYS win. In WoW the factions are a lot more balanced and can actually put up a fight, but in this game with it being, what, a 2 to 1 ratio, there is no way in hell Republic would win if the Empire wanted to as well, which would snowball more and more Republic players switching. Until the factions become more balanced, I don't think this game is ready for something like that yet.
  11. I'm pretty sure that would be the antithesis of fixing Illum haha
  12. Okay, I'm pretty sure we all know Illum is failing. Hard. So instead of whining about it and posting a thread telling everyone in the forum that I am quitting (I don't understand why people do that), I'm going to offer my idea of how to fix the system. Let's look at the PROBLEMS first: -Faction imbalance, which results in Imperial ops completely dominating Republic ops -Base Camping (resulted from faction imbalance) -Kill trading Now this last patch, I was reading the notes and I saw the one note say they reduced the amount of armament nodes to keep people from farming. Now this got me thinking. What would be the result of having less nodes? In an MMO, people want to get their gear as efficiently as possible. So by slowing down the armament farm speed, they just made that option a lot less appealing. Why would they stick around to farm arments if it takes them a lot longer to complete the daily than killing the other faction? So what do they do? They join an ops group to kill the other faction. Which just ADDS to the imbalance problem because even MORE people are trying to kill now and are joining ops groups to gang up on the other faction. Not only that, but the armament system is really the only way for the faction with less people to complete the daily/weekly if they are brutally outnumbered (unless they try to pick off base campers), and that's just a HUGE slap in the face if now their only of getting credit just became even slower. So I tried to come up with a way to fix the problem. **SOLUTION** 1. Make a TON of randomly spawing armaments throughout the WHOLE map that give credit for the daily. This will completely solve the imbalance issue because if there are other players in the zone, the LAST thing you would want to do is to be anywhere NEAR anyone else because they are all competing to collect the nodes and wouldn't want people to steal the caps from them (just like gathering skills). So the enormous cluster of Imperials would naturally disperse, making it easier for Republic players to be able to actually compete with them. 2. Make it so the first person to deal damage to the player will be the one to recieve credit/valor for the kill, just like NPC's. Hear me out before you "stop reading here". Again, why would you want to stick around with another player if you have the possibility of not getting credit because of the guy you are with? This would make ZERGING, BASE CAMPING, AAAANNND KILL TRADING completely NOT APPEALING AT ALL, because someone else might keep getting credit while you get absolutely nothing and waste your time. So that's it. That is what I think they should do to fix Illum, because right now it is not acceptable. As of right now I can't think of any holes in the plan, but I am still only human and did not major in game design, so if I am overlooking anything PLEEEAASSE post what it is so I can make the needed changes. I really want this game to do well, and I find it a LOT more productive to actually discuss ways to actually FIX the game and not cry about it like a baby and leave.
  13. I just have to say you probably don't need to worry about centurian belts, bracers, and relics...
  14. Yeah I am, but anything you buy with centurian comms can be replaced by champ tokens anyway, except companion gear. And you should have a surplus of comms any way, no matter how many non-repeats you get.
  15. Honestly its your choice to buy w/e with the badges, just get the best upgrade, for now, but you might eventually buy a gear piece that you replace with champ gear anyway simply because you run out of things to buy with the badges. The "missions" are not missions at all, they are just something that the player can use to look at for quick reference for which nodes are capped by whom without looking at their map. They are not completable.
  16. WAHHH WAHHH WAHHH WAHHHHHH Posts like these are like listening to babies on an airplane.
  17. Yeah... I don't really think you have the right to tell someone to l2p.
  18. Would a 2 hour cooldown for the battlefield on Illum rewards help solve the problem of it being like an absolute ghost town because more people would come? Or would it make the faction imbalance seem even more apparent? Or what if you queued for it and imperial players were only let in if there was an equal amount of republic players in the zone? What could help Illum?
  19. I play a Warrior, so I didn't know this off the top of my head. Not like it really matters, people with half a brain would still understand what I meant. It's okay to actually bear with some people in here.
  20. I don't think you understand what he is saying... He's asking why even bother with Merc's and why not just have all Warzone badges, so instead of having to buy 200 merc badges before you buy a bag, just buy the bag with 800 wz badges and not even worry about the Merc's. I agree, it just seems like an extra annoyance to go through for no apparent reason.
  21. Yeah I don't see what all the complaining is about... although I could see why ops taking half your health within the first 5 seconds of engagement might having people think they are OP. The only REAL imbalance I see is the grapple ability that sorcs and bounty hunters have, because I don't see how pulling the ball carrier into your base to insta kill him is not an exploit or fair. But as far as one on one combat is concerned, it is very balanced.
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