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No one will remember if a game is late, only if it's great.


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Joined: Dec 2011. The majority of these threads come from people that joined the forum in November and December. Yes, we get it. Every two months you float around to the next big flavor of the month game and then you play forum warrior with your miserableness. One day you will find the perfect virtual world.
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So you admit that we dont know what anyone that doesnt post on these forums think of the game and can only really go by whats being posted.


Basically, it means that opinions are opinions, and nothing more. You cannot quantify who likes the game or who does not other than by how many are subscribed.

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Well he uses terms like "many" just how many is "many"? 5? 100? He said that "many" seasoned MMO players have left the game, what does he have to back this up and how much is "many"? I'm a seasoned MMO player, and I am not leaving, and I know about 150 other seasoned MMO players that are not leaving either (My guild which was created in UO). So I can say that many seasoned MMO players are staying with the game.


He wants to use his example about Blizzard. Well, where was Blizzards values when it came to WoW's launch, that game was in a horrendous mess, by far the worst launch in MMO history, and the buggiest game in MMO history as well when it launched. Yet they had the same values about releasing a game when its done back then, but they didn't apply it to their MMO? Why? What is is about an MMO that they couldn't wait till it was "done"?


That statement kinda ruins your credibility as a 'seasoned MMO player'. I'm not saying WoW's release was perfect, but calling it the 'worst launch' and the 'buggiest game in MMO history' just confirms bias more than it describes actual events.

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Duke Nukem Forever begs to differ...


I think you missed the point. The problem with Duke Nukem Forever is that not only was it late, it was also bad. People have an expectation that if you take the extra time to release your game, it'll show positively in the results. If it doesn't, then the fact that it took so long to get garbage out brings even more attention to the development time.


Had Duke Nukem Forever been "game of the decade" (which is probably what gamers were expecting after waiting so long), the focus would have been on results and not the development time.

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So you admit that we dont know what anyone that doesnt post on these forums think of the game and can only really go by whats being posted.


Going by WoW forums, one would think that WoW has been dying and a massive failure since November 7, 2004. Forums are not a good indication of the general populace feel of the game. With years of experience with MMOs and their forums, I would say it is safe to say that forums are mostly filled with people not happy with various aspects of the game, then there are of people who are just happy with the game.

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That statement kinda ruins your credibility as a 'seasoned MMO player'. I'm not saying WoW's release was perfect, but calling it the 'worst launch' and the 'buggiest game in MMO history' just confirms bias more than it describes actual events.


Well, the worst MMO launch in history goes to Anarchy Online...but WoW's not that far behind in how they handled a lot of their patch FUBARs.

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No no no , i did that with Star Trek Online , not again , pay for beta testing essentially is what you say.


Keep paying a sub while the major stuff gets incorporated , nahhhhhhh.


Bugs etc no problem id sub 7+ months and beyond but not for standard stuff that should have been in the game from day 1.


Please define your "standard" because nothing beyond what is already in the game is needed day 1.

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Well, the worst MMO launch in history goes to Anarchy Online...but WoW's not that far behind in how they handled a lot of their patch FUBARs.


Agree AO was a botched job, and WoW was pretty bad.


Difference in the 2?


Blizzard worked over a period of the next year after launch to fix and improve their game. The orginal version of the game was a pretty big steaming load. If I had to compare ToR to WoW, day 1 of each game, ToR wins on all grounds.


Now the challange will be to see if Bioware follows the success pattern of WoW and improve the game in a rapid and steady pasce over the next few months.

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That statement kinda ruins your credibility as a 'seasoned MMO player'. I'm not saying WoW's release was perfect, but calling it the 'worst launch' and the 'buggiest game in MMO history' just confirms bias more than it describes actual events.


nearly 2 months of free time, not including the initial 30 days with purchase, would beg to differ.


I remember the mess of WoW launch very well. I can only assume you were not there for the launch of the game at all.

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I think you missed the point. The problem with Duke Nukem Forever is that not only was it late, it was also bad. People have an expectation that if you take the extra time to release your game, it'll show positively in the results. If it doesn't, then the fact that it took so long to get garbage out brings even more attention to the development time.


Had Duke Nukem Forever been "game of the decade" (which is probably what gamers were expecting after waiting so long), the focus would have been on results and not the development time.


No I didn't miss the point.


The point was that holding a game back longer to polish doesn't always make for a great game, as the OP implied. More often than not holding a game back to extend polishing has hurt the game in the long run.


The issue with DNF is simply that it didn't live up to the 'build-up' that people we hoping the game would be. Matter of fact, I see DNF as a rather stark slap in the face to FPS gaming simply because it took the 'good' from the popular FPSes out there and slapped Duke's mug on it...only to completely botch the landing. Basically I look at DNF as a parody of what FPS gaming has become thanks to the shifts in gamers' tastes. I don't think mechanically there was anything truly wrong with the game other than it was just dull.

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Bioware gambled, and rushed SWTOR to launch way before it was polished. SWTOR could have been GREAT. They gambled and lost in my opinion. I realize many will point to sales figures and say 1.7 million subscribers say different. But lets be real. It was one of the most hyped, and long-awaited MMO's in history, and one of the biggest IP's ever. It's the hype and IP that drove the initial sales. But the majority of the seasoned MMO players out there who have played this game know it has not delivered. Many of them have gone back to their previous games.


BioWare and EA should have had the attitude of Blizzard. They should have listened to the beta-testers, and delayed SWTOR's launch until the product was truly ready.


Read this quote from Blizzard:


"While working on Diablo III we've been called out for messing around with systems too much, that the game is good as-is and we should just release it. I think that's a fair argument to make, but I also think it's incorrect. Our job isn't just to put out a game, it's to release the next Diablo game. No one will remember if the game is late, only if it's great. We trust in our ability to put out a great game, but we're not quite there yet."


-- Jay Wilson, Game Director: Diablo III



Sage wisdom if you ask me. Something EA seems to sorely lack IMO.



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nearly 2 months of free time, not including the initial 30 days with purchase, would beg to differ.


I remember the mess of WoW launch very well. I can only assume you were not there for the launch of the game at all.


Sure I was. Its blatantly obvious though that you weren't around for some other game releases. Or you have an axe to grind with Blizzard. A little objectivity goes a long way.

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yeah, apparently brightly colored and humongous shoulders makes for good graphics :rolleyes:


Im not on about the actual style , zoom in on your SWTOR character and see how the actual material of the gear looks , it looks like smeared watercolour its been painted with.



And this is FACTUAL, as in beta there was decent textures.



NB:- please no one give me "oh that was beta" , at launch you dont take out graphics that have been shown in beta.

Edited by Urko
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Everything on Ultra in WoW looks far better , depends what your settings were set to.


The game itself WoW, there will be no going back to whatever happens.



WOW looks amazingly bad, even on Ultra.


AS far as MMO's go, WOW has some of the WORST graphics out there.

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Sure I was. Its blatantly obvious though that you weren't around for some other game releases. Or you have an axe to grind with Blizzard. A little objectivity goes a long way.


I don't have an axe to grind with Blizzard at all, I very much enjoyed WoW for the years I played it, I still think that WoW is a great game, but I got bored of the world. Yes, I admit I didn't play AO, at all, so I was ignorant on their launch, but as someone else said, WoWs launch was not to far behind that one.


If WoWs launch wasn't so horrible with bugs that made the game unplayable, then why did I get nearly 2 month worth of free time? The facts speak for themselves, WoWs launch was horrible.

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WOW looks amazingly bad, even on Ultra.


AS far as MMO's go, WOW has some of the WORST graphics out there.


You think the textures on gear in WoW looks worse than the textures (forget the design) in SWTOR. :confused:


When you say WORST , are you on about say1680 x 1050 with everthing as high as they will go?


I bet you aint.

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Im not on about the actual style , zoom in on your SWTOR character and see how the actual material of the gear looks , it looks like smeared watercolour its been painted with.



And this is FACTUAL, as in beta there was decent textures.



NB:- please no one give me "oh that was beta" , at launch you dont take out graphics that have been shown in beta.


Guess I'm still missing how you could sub to WoW for 6 years and put up with those awful gear textures/designs for that long, but are complaining after less than two months about SWtOR's gear, which looks exponentially better...

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How do you delay a launch when you have no money left to pay your developers? I don't think you people understand that they HAD to release the game when they did.



Relax, kids.


Kids lol , im 46, so your saying that we pay them to fix up the game with our subs because they hadnt the money to pay the workers to get it in a fit state , that about sounds what your saying.


BIG NO to that.

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Guess I'm still missing how you could sub to WoW for 6 years and put up with those awful gear textures/designs for that long, but are complaining after less than two months about SWtOR's gear, which looks exponentially better...


Because they dont , guess we probably will wonder what each other is smokin i guess.

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I don't have an axe to grind with Blizzard at all, I very much enjoyed WoW for the years I played it, I still think that WoW is a great game, but I got bored of the world. Yes, I admit I didn't play AO, at all, so I was ignorant on their launch, but as someone else said, WoWs launch was not to far behind that one.


If WoWs launch wasn't so horrible with bugs that made the game unplayable, then why did I get nearly 2 month worth of free time? The facts speak for themselves, WoWs launch was horrible.

You got the free time because of their servers, that couldn't handle the load when they were literally overrun by players.


In terms of the game itself, WoW was much more polished and had much less "bug-density" than any previous MMORPG at their launch.


Nowadays it is almost impossible to have such massive server problems, because server and network hardware is just so much more powerful.

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Diablo II release was delayed nearly 2 years after it's first street date was announced. I remember it clearly, and it helps me to accept that Diablo III is likely heading in the same direction.


I have no problems playing games that aren't quite perfect, works in progress. It at least gives me something to do after work instead of the same nonsense I'd been doing for 6.5 years.

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