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Force Speed = Skip all fire traps in Huttball.


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If you run up to the higher platform you can force speed + jump and clear the fire trap on the lower platform.


This tactic avoids all the firetraps making it almost impossible to catch a sorc/assassin with the huttball.

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and knight/warrior can leap out of the pit, oh and so and vanguard/powertech.


so that leaves smugg/ia and commando/merc requiring a different tactic


or do you want just every class able to do everything?

Edited by Roak
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That's what you get for not having anyone play defense. No defense = easy scores, the way it should be.


No with charge, defense is a liability. Especially with a Tank Jugg thats immune to CC after the charge.

Edited by Kyrandis
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That's what you get for not having anyone play defense. No defense = easy scores, the way it should be.


Play defense? Get hit with a 30 meter stun and then watch him force speed past two burning firetraps? Yeah that's great.

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personally i think it is a valid advantage...there are many way to stop them

i hate force jump 100 times more


as a trooper commando I dislike both, but its part of the game so I deal with it. And when I score I know I earned it so its more enjoyable I think. Cause when I have the ball I run slow with no fast traveling gimmicks (well unless you count when I'm yanked backwards)

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I don't know where you people learned to play but you have to react to everything. If their team gets the ball, know their class and react accordingly. Don't just stand there and let warriors jump to you. My lord you people are silly. Do you just want to convert your character to an NPC?
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30m range Intercede to friendly to not only bypass fire, you can get up from the pit

30m Force Charge enemy to not only bypass fire, you can get up from the pit

Force push said enemy (which reset force charge!)

Force Charge same enemy, again, to bypass fire.



Force Speed is good, but as ball carrier in Hutt Ball compared to Juggernauts - not really ;)

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lol as if other classes can't bypass the fire?


Juggernaught/Guardian has 2 different leaps.


Marauder has leap, Predation and Undying Rage.


Everyone can be pulled past them by Sorc/Sage, and lets face it...force speed is available to both sides, if they're using this against you, and you're not using it back that's not an imbalance issue (or at least not one that can be solved by Bioware).


If you can't kill a sorc by the time they are at the top ledge, or between ledge and goal line...you failed anyway.


The amount of crying on these forums when people lose is insane. Something beats you? It's OP!

Edited by Soazak
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I just don't understand why these classes get to Force Jump, Force Run, Harpoon, and all kinds of crap with the Huttball, bypassing traps altogether, not to mention insane AOE Knockbacks.... yet my class's "nifty ability" equivilant as stealth... isn't allowed?


This game is borked.

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Yeah its kind of a joke how easily a Inquisitor heavy team can score. Movement abilities need to be disabled when you have the ball.


At the very least, they need to have increased CD's on these abilities. They are completely ridiculous to say the least.


I remember Smugglers had ONE stealth ability that could help with Objectives - Smuggle. You could hide your teammate for 15 sec while they got the cap. Guess what? They nerfed the $hit out of that on day 1!


"It's not fair! We can't even see them! Wah!"


Jeez... those guys should see the crap every other class pulls from MY perspective. It would blow your mind.

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even with speed we still need to pass the fire pits we still can be stunned pulled etc

force speed is enough to pass only one fire pit

when warrior uses his leaps he can avod all ill say it again all fire pits

sorc/sage pulls can do the same trick as warrior


so yeah lets remove the only usefull ability that sins have for Huttbal when they carry the ball

also sin = light armor


30 sec cd so if u want to pass all fire pits with force speed ull have to wait gl surviving

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Oh, look, *other* class has different abilities than my toon!


Is this your first MMO? Please, consider CounterStrike as your game of choice - there everyone is equal and balanced.


Except for all the hackers, right? :rolleyes:


That guy killed me from eighty yds away with a single shot! he MUST be hacking!

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