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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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This game is years behind its current competitors. It only has cool story and voice acting. And newer graphics. And that's it.


The devs are adding new content with patches but actually these should be already in game. Like guild banks. Chat bubbles. LFG tool. Macros. Addons. etc... SWTOR has nothing of it. These game is a huge disappointment.

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Are you kidding? UI is the most successful and beautiful looking UI ive seen in MMOs as a default. And about PVP quitters its the community not the game. Tell me your MMO history and tell me one MMO which -was/is 2 months old- gave you what you ask here? 'None' right?


If you think Rift gives better sevice then you are free to go play Rift? Because youre here means you prefer SW:TOR to Rift. Again people like you -as always and this will never change- try to compare SW:TOR with other games.



You need to stop drinking the coolaid. The UI is horrible. Personally I am not quitting over that as it is workable but I am quitting over a lot of different reasons.


1. Customer Service - Worst I have ever seen in a game and from a company in general.


2. Game feels lonely. I am apart of a huge guild but the worlds are instanced....***. I want crowed planets in a MMO because you know it is a multiplayer game. Why is it that Imps and Republic missions never really cross like STV?


3. Faction imbalances - Why is this so hard to fix?


4. Lack of "pretty" abilities. The game is really dull unless you have a light saber. Look at druid healing spells or warlock spells for reference.


5. Poorly thought out crew skills/commendation items - Why have anything outside biochem when commendation items are just as good or better than anything you can craft?


6. Ilum....just wow!


That is it for now. Customer service is number 1. I have had a ticket in for over 10 days without a response and that was the last straw.

Edited by LexiCazam
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Are you kidding? UI is the most successful and beautiful looking UI ive seen in MMOs as a default. And about PVP quitters its the community not the game. Tell me your MMO history and tell me one MMO which -was/is 2 months old- gave you what you ask here? 'None' right?


If you think Rift gives better sevice then you are free to go play Rift? Because youre here means you prefer SW:TOR to Rift. Again people like you -as always and this will never change- try to compare SW:TOR with other games.



***? this thread is asking people about their opinion. he replied. why the rant?


and srsly, the UI is ugly and eats performance like a fat kid candy. no need to lie here, we all see the UI everytime we play.

Edited by LexiCazam
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You need to stop drinking the coolaid. The UI is horrible. Personally I am not quitting over that as it is workable but I am quitting over a lot of different reasons.


1. Customer Service - Worst I have ever seen in a game and from a company in general.


2. Game feels lonely. I am apart of a huge guild but the worlds are instanced....***. I want crowed planets in a MMO because you know it is a multiplayer game. Why is it that Imps and Republic missions never really cross like STV?


3. Faction imbalances - Why is this so hard to fix?


4. Lack of "pretty" abilities. The game is really dull unless you have a light saber. Look at druid healing spells or warlock spells for reference.


5. Poorly thought out crew skills/commendation items - Why have anything outside biochem when commendation items are just as good or better than anything you can craft?


6. Ilum....just wow!


That is it for now. Customer service is number 1. I have had a ticket in for over 10 days without a response and that was the last straw.


I may or may not agree on other issues you count here but this is not the case.


Tell me one MMO which had the better UI as a default than SW:TOR. Tell me one and i will stop this discuss. As a two months old MMO and as a default UI i havent seen any better. So tell me one and i will check!.

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I'm pretty much 50/50 on the like/hate thing


It's in a state where it's enough to have a subscription, but casually play, and not nearly enough to say I look forward to playing this game when the rest of this years games come out


I still have 'some' faith in BioWare to fix what is wrong, but it's not going to be the type of fixes that are going to make me anymore addicted to SWTOR than I already am, which isn't very much.... and that's VERY rare in my case with MMOs

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I may or may not agree on other issues you count here but this is not the case.


Tell me one MMO which had the better UI as a default than SW:TOR. Tell me one and i will stop this discuss. As a two months old MMO and as a default UI i havent seen any better. So tell me one and i will check!.


WoW. It was better though not by much.


1. Less lag.


2. Custom bars


Just a couple things to point out. There are a couple things I like about TOR UI but it is way behind the game in terms of what it should be in 2011/12.

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1) Getting a group going Republic side on my server is an exercise in futility. Even spending hours in Fleet your chances of getting a group together are slim and none. Being in a guild, between the small group size (which magnifies the typical issue of the same people running content while everyone else twiddles their thumbs, at least with five and six person groups there's usually room for one or two floaters, but not with four) and guilds hemorrhaging members, doesn't even help.


2) The lack of any reasonable chance of doing group content on any kind of a reliable basis makes this essentially a single player game. As that it fails miserably. The Dailies are some of the most boring I've ever seen -- an accomplishment, to be sure, given that dailies are always boring. Not interested in PvP, at least not the joke version of it offered in games like this, so that leaves sitting in Fleet spamming 'LFG'. Not really an activity worth spending my entertainment dollars on.


3) The UI is the worst I've ever seen. Even AoC and Fallen Earth, two games with pretty terrible UIs, have some degree of customizability, but here there's squat. UI elements are in non-standard places with no way to move them. The UI is several times the size it needs to be and includes elements that take screen real estate and serve no useful function (do I need a picture of myself next to my health bar? No, no I don't.). The unit frames blow chunks, especially from a healing perspective -- good luck keeping track of buffs and debuffs (yeah, I know, a half dozen people will respond that they do it all in their heads. Good for you, us mere mortals are used to UIs that don't try and obfuscate as much information as possible). The button bar's fixed location is absurd.


4) While part of the UI, the chat interface deserves special mention as utter fail. The lack of any way of scrolling through people you've recently responded to makes having a private conversation with more than one person darn near impossible. No memory/log, randomly wiping itself, not being visible during space missions, many are the ways in which the chat system utterly and completely blows chunks.


5) Customer service. My guild did EV, killing all but the last boss (ran out of time). We all had the weekly, which required killing the second boss or anything past that. Half of us got credit for it, the rest didn't. Sent in a ticket. Got a "known issue, ticket closed". Never got credit, never got squat in the way of useful response. Completely unacceptable.


I could go on, but there's really no point. If I was having enough fun I'd re-roll Empire side, like everyone else, and maybe at least have a chance of running content. Sadly I didn't enjoy leveling the first time and I'm not really interested, nor should I have to be just to play the game reasonably, in re-rolling. Given that, for me at fifty it's a single player game with limited and boring content, a horrible UI, and a total lack of customer support.

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That must be the most stupid comment I have ever seen.


How is that stupid?


Love the game in it's current state? No LFG tool.. Ilum pvp planet does not work by the Development teams own admission... If you say yes you should be stuck with it, because as far as you're concerned this is good enough.


You're stupid if you don't understand the question.


In its current state it is outdated and terrible...


They are furiously trying to add things that most people would expect in a brand new MMO. While also trying really hard to fix things that have been broken since Beta.

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718 for NO

677 for YES




Click HERE to view results in pie-chart form.



YOU MAY CONTINUE TO POST YOUR YES/NO/UNDECIDED VOTES IN THIS THREAD AS USUAL (until mod locks). I will simply carry them over to the next thread when a moderator comes along and creates thread #3 because this one has reached the "100 pages" limit.


Thank you, carry on!

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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Thanks for doing this. Can you add a graph for level ranges of who says yes and no?


I would do so, but there is one problem: Some people have a hard enough time following the thread instructions as it is. If I were to ask what levels they have reached, I don't know how many would respond accordingly, leaving gaps in the statistics.


I am open to feedback on this issue. What say you?

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I would do so, but there is one problem: Some people have a hard enough time following the thread instructions as it is. If I were to ask what levels they have reached, I don't know how many would respond accordingly, leaving gaps in the statistics.


I am open to feedback on this issue. What say you?


I would make it a 2 part question


A) Are you under level 50?

B) Your question here:


I understand the common idiot who posts here can't eat with their mouth closed... but.. it would be a better sample of data. I would also consider using an online poll place too. So you do not have to update and results are instant. Although by doing that.. it leads to people skewing.. Where as posting seems the best way to monitor.

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It is boring, uninspired and watered down. Where is the depth? Where is the complexity? Crafting was half assed. Combat is boring and follow the boring trinity. Social aspects are a joke.


Story is literally the only thing interesting about this game. What else is interesting and has you coming back for more? That's what features like crafting are supposed to be for. A way to break up the combat grind and have something else to do amd become an expert at.


This game caters to the brain dead. A monkey could play this game.


They paid 300 million for a couple voice actors and storylines. They obviously didn't use that money elsewhere.


Innovation. Give it a try sometime Bioware.

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I would make it a 2 part question


A) Are you under level 50?

B) Your question here:


I understand the common idiot who posts here can't eat with their mouth closed... but.. it would be a better sample of data. I would also consider using an online poll place too. So you do not have to update and results are instant. Although by doing that.. it leads to people skewing.. Where as posting seems the best way to monitor.


I considered doing an online poll, but just as you said I couldn't abide by the fact that people would blatantly skew it. Thus, I chose the harder manual route.


I'll think about adding in the level question. Lots of things would need to change in order to do it. Including a complete restart of tally. Not certain if I want to go that way quite yet.


I'll take everything into consideration.

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