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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Its not only because Im against the linear type of games, more because of the huge oversights made during development.


Not talking about bugs or percieved class imbalances or such, any and all MMO will have those.


No, Im talking about the very basic misstakes that became apparent even after just a short while in the game, how come an entire team of devs never realized it?


Companions and how/when different classes get them.

Pick the right class and playstyle and you get an awesome companion that supplement your playstyle 100%.

Make the wrong choice and be stuck with someone that is completely useless.

For example, if you go for BH/Tank you will love your first companion. As a BH/healer, not so much...


Orange gear, great idea but pointless since once you reach 50 you will grind the gearsets like everyone else. I liked how my character looked a lot better at 49 then I do now when I been 50 for quite a while.

Soo... why bother even putting orange gear in the game if you dont even make the end game grind fit into that concept?


The huge flaws in utility of the different tradeskills. Could they really not see for example how biochem is a heck of a lot more usefull then say, crafting weapons?

Add to that, the fact they destroyed any potential in game market for those at max lvl, all due to the fact that you dont need to buy anything from players, (except stims if you dont have biochem).


All the best weapon/armor modification items can be bought at a really low price at a vendor. No need to buy them from a player.


Same goes for actual armor/weapons. even the lowest of the set gear items are way better then anything you can make. A few exceptions of ops scematic drops exist but thats it.


The list goes on, all in all it really gives me the impression of a team that never took one step back and tried to see the game as a whole.

Edited by Zeral_storm
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I enjoyed the levling some how, tho I space bared throught must of it, because I am really not a lore type of guy, I really dont care cause I played all mmo's there is, and questing sickens me. (dont flame me for this) End game was fun the first days. But after a week, I am full epic, and yea. Nothing to do. I think this game can be good. But for now, I wont continue my sub before they improve endgame, pvp, class balance and fix all the god damn bugs.

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I give this one a very big HELL no! FPS is horrible, way to many bugs, game is COMPLETELY unplayable, and I can not BELIEVE they chose the Hero Engine. I bought a 60 day game card once I bought it and I uninstalled the game, and now my 100 dollars is going to waste. Technically I am a active subscriber but will not be soon, so getting my money's worth on the forums. Horrible game, has potential though if they fix the fps problem they "claim" not to have.


Man, are we even playing the same game. I play almost everyday. How is it unplayable? My FPS is 50-70 with occiassional dips into the high 30s or 40s on the station when full.


There is nothing wrong with the Hero Engine either. That is the mob mentallity taking over your brain in the same way people jump on and say this is not an MMO.


There are bugs, as there are in EVERY MMO, and there are far less in TOR than in other MMO launches. The only one that was bad was the ability delay and that is completely gone for me now.

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Man, are we even playing the same game. I play almost everyday. How is it unplayable? My FPS is 50-70 with occiassional dips into the high 30s or 40s on the station when full.


There is nothing wrong with the Hero Engine either. That is the mob mentallity taking over your brain in the same way people jump on and say this is not an MMO.


There are bugs, as there are in EVERY MMO, and there are far less in TOR than in other MMO launches. The only one that was bad was the ability delay and that is completely gone for me now.


Do NOT talk to others if you disagree with them. You will wreck my thread. Stop it.


You have your opinion, they have theirs. Fair?




Thank you.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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I give this one a very big HELL no! FPS is horrible, way to many bugs, game is COMPLETELY unplayable, and I can not BELIEVE they chose the Hero Engine. I bought a 60 day game card once I bought it and I uninstalled the game, and now my 100 dollars is going to waste. Technically I am a active subscriber but will not be soon, so getting my money's worth on the forums. Horrible game, has potential though if they fix the fps problem they "claim" not to have.


Quite simply.. this sounds like a you problem. Buy a better computer.


You may think your computer is awesome but obviously it is not.


There is nothing wrong with the Hero engine.

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Quite simply.. this sounds like a you problem. Buy a better computer.


You may think your computer is awesome but obviously it is not.


There is nothing wrong with the Hero engine.


Do NOT talk to others if you have an opinion that disagrees.


I have kept the previous thread in pristine condition by asking people to offer their opinion and not to argue about what other people say. Please leave it at that.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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You're starting the count over? Why not add to the existing total?


EDIT: After a lot of thought, I have decided to revise thread to add in votes from previous thread. Thank you for the suggestions to do so.


Continue on.

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I have voted NO, and did so in thread # 1.


There are too many bugs. Too many rough edges. Too much of a "mind-numbing" experience.


The game doesn't feel alive, and the end-game content is disastrously low. What is more, they forced me to change my name even though there wasn't anything bad about it, which caused my entire friendslist to become worthless now that nobody (including my guild) recognizes me anymore.


I really wanted to love this game, but I can't bring myself to log on anymore because there isn't anything fun to do and I am furious for other reasons too. Unsubscribed.


Very disappointing.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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I would have to vote NO.


Prior to 50 I would say Yes based on story line, although I do spacebar the VO since I could care less about hearing what I can read 3 times faster.


At 50, PVE is meh and I prefer to PVP anyways, and don't start me on Huttball for the 397,036,946th time or Ilum. I can deal with class balances as they are because well, who knows if/when anyone will look at it. And I was surprised they patched Agent/Smuggler but further fixing can be scheduled by tossing a dart at a 2012 calendar and making it +/- 6 months from that date.


Out of game the lack of customer service or even reasonable communications on fixes is the icing on the cake. I haven't unsubbed yet since my Imp toon is only 30ish, but once it hits 50 and I have seen that storyline it will probably be lights out.

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Do not encourage flaming and arguing. If I see more of this, I will discount votes.


Keep this thread clean and professional. Thank you.


I wasn't flaming at all. I was just making my own comment. I didn't quote anyone when I made that post, so I'm not sure how I was flaming anyone when I made it.


But to be honest, I'm not sure if telling people not to discuss opinions with others on a discussion forum really works.

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Yes, they'll add new features and eventually fix pvp isues. I know the game has flaws with endgame right now but wow, it's been just two months and I haven't finished all the story-lines, just one of them. I'm sure they'll add/fix things, and I'm looking forward to that, but I like the game already. ^^





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If we're voting again I vote a big fat hell no, because of Hero Engine and all it's faults (remember Warhammer anyone?) game is unplayable.


EDIT: What was previously written no longer applies. Tally is now continued from thread #1, and multiple votes are not allowed.


Thank you.


Continue on.

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I wasn't flaming at all. I was just making my own comment. I didn't quote anyone when I made that post, so I'm not sure how I was flaming anyone when I made it.


But to be honest, I'm not sure if telling people not to discuss opinions with others on a discussion forum really works.


It worked for my last thread.


Thanks for your understanding. :)

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