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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Think ill say no. Why?:


1. Crafting is just utter sh*t...other than biochem, there is zero advantage to take any craft up atm. Companion forced crafting with moronic wait times is also a silly thing (why can i not craft ON the spot, at a station, and let my companions do missions? so if friend 1 needs a mod, i can whip 1 out, and not tell him to wait 2 hours?). Crafted gear is sub par to every other gear option in every respect. Til this is fixed, and the game goes to a player driven eco (which the devs have stated they want to eventually happen)...this game is not worth it imo...thats 9/10 of my main issues


2. End game is boring as hell (pve, i cant comment on pvp as i dont do it) Dailies are spread all over hell and back, and the ones on ilum take too damn long (balmora ones are tolerable but just barely)


3. Overall game design holds from similar mmo's released over 5 years ago...too much following the wow mold and not taking a bit more chances...and whats there is imo a beta state....


a. Voice over as your strongest selling point is nice for leveling...worthless for end game (how many damn times do you want to hear the same convos over and over and over...yaaaaa)


b. Companions are such an intregal part of leveling and dailies...but direct control over them is severly lacking...no go-to command, no intermediate controls other than "be totally passive" and "kill that!"...that to me is just...stupid.:confused:


c. Tons of quality of life issues that went live that make zero sense...speeder scaling speed (i think mopeds go faster, cost less too), being forced to travel needlessly (you have a personal holocom! Wth do i need to keep backtracking! Cant i just CALL said person?)


d. Patches seem to not be tested very well, as problems crop up for the fixes to the fixes for the fixes (as of the latest 1.1.3 all my animations are absent, buffing, healing...sigh)


I WANT so bad to love this game...i really do...but i have 2 toons to 50 (bh and sorc) and im just...bored as soon as i log in...

I'll hold out for the legacy system to be implemented, and hope its not just fluff, but im sure it will be (common, how many people would ***** if person 1 has a 28 legacy for example and combat advantages, vs person 2 with say a level of 4...cant immagine pvp complaints)


So well see.

Edited by Sardia-Jax
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Still a big yes.


On it's own, there's some things that need help- I find the balance for classes is better than almost every other mmo I've played. On the other hand, Ilum is inconsistantly fun, a boring grind or a laggy messhole. Of course, I am looking forward to rankings in WZ quite a bit.


The levelling game is lightyears ahead of competition.


Most bugs and issues are small annoyances really- the way the UI looks, GTN browsing, etc... are pests but don't impact gameplay at all. Most of the big bugs have been fixed- some remain, but as others have been fixed I don't see why they won't get fixed sooner or later too.



The other thing I consider is- what else would I play? LotRO is solid, but too bland for me and I loathe the pvp. DDO is a fun one, but is group only so I can't solo around- and finding parties can be a pain. I don't like grindfests, so that takes out most Korean mmos.


AoC made levelling long and painful, and class balance isn't great. WoW has broken my class and has left huge bugs in the game for literally years- at 7 years post launch that's unacceptable, and pandas don't interest me.


Only other mmo I'd really consider going back to is Rift- but it's still a pretty bland levelling system, and mid level zones are usually devoid of rift hunters, not to mention some class types aren't balanced well. Still, the gameplay was pretty fun, pvp was pretty fun, and I did enjoy rifts.

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I really like the game.


If I wanted a time sink, I would go back to EQ.....although I do intend on checking out my old chars when it goes FTP.


I guess going into it and looking at it as something fun to do, vs some type of virtual reality economic simmed PVP sausagefest helps. /shrug

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I'm quite happy with current state. Of course things could be better, but I'm not complaining. I've never played WoW, so I don't have a much of a experience games like these. But I've enjoyed playing SWTOR and I'm not quitting anytime soon.


GO GO GO !!! :D

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YES, BARELY- Because it is Star Wars, but I actually started writing this post with a No response then changed my mind so I'll leave my criticisms.



No- Primarily because of the endgame.


-There is not enough in the end game and the constantly bugged SOA makes there even less content.


-The PvP warzone stacking made me give up PvP @ valor 57 (I can't do illum w/o crashing every 5 mins)


-I'm an offtank, and with the current design of random 2 tank fights here and there I NEED dual spec.


-I really hate when I buy an unfinished, unpolished game. I have been following the development of TOR for years and every time the release was delayed it was said they didn't want to release an unpolished product and all this crap about giving a good service.


In summary the customer service blows, the end game is too short, buggy and is badly designed, WZ exploits are unacceptable.

BUT it's Star Wars so yay!

Lucas -1 Bioware -0

Edited by sol_
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Currently, No.


It seems like the devs are more focused on pushing out new content than just fixing bugs.


Also, this game is defined as an MMORPG. So where is the:


  • Macro system?
  • GUI AddOn support?
  • Weapon preview?
  • Target-of-Target?
  • Dual Spec?
  • Flashpoint Finder/LFG Tool?
  • Actual valuable crafting items? (Outside of BIOCHEM)
  • The ability to Alt-Tab without reloading the entire game?


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Gotta say NO


Its just boring imho, endgame is way to copy pasted from other MMO's, only worse.


Replayability i find non existent, 95% same quests ftl and the other 5% only differentate by different voiceovers. "Youw ant me to kill wombrats yes yes i get it already"


The missing features i have come to expect of MMO's such as lfg finder, crossrealm stuff etc.

Some of which even alot of f2p MMO's offer.


The fact that the game apparently cannot handle raid vs raid size pvp as ilum demonstrates.

Zone crashing when 50+ people on screen ftl.

The fact that, i kid you not, 98% of my classes skills/talents are 1:1 copys of another game.

Yes i know MMOs tend to have alot of the same skills, but come on that does not mean any innovation is out of the question.

The retarded gearing system, especially in PvP. Random loot BM bags ftl.

Uninspired looking sets.

Weak space battle, 1998 UI quality, epic world pvp consists of either rightclicking boxes or power point presentation quality fps battles, su much CC, camera glitching very often, every place in the game except from the daily mission terminal seems empty, dead low pop servers with 5 people in ilum at primetime and warzones not popping.


The far below average customer support.


The bugs, oh my god the insane amout of bugs:eek:


The biggest issue for me though is the Combat itself, it feels slow paced, clunky and boring. 2001 called they want their combat back.


I could write so much more but i think i have exeeded the "Yes/No" requirement of the thread to much already.



After seeing the talent/skill update of my class for the next expansion of another mmorpg that shall not be mentioned today, i got blown out of the water, every single gripe and suggestion made by the playerbase was taking care off + truly innovative new abilitys.

I will go crawling back there like the unworthy maggot i am:p



This is all my subjective OPINION though, no need to bash me and i wish everyone that plans on continueing here all the fun in the world.

Edited by Anelitt
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Gotta say NO




After seeing the talent/skill update of my class for the next expansion of another mmorpg that shall not be mentioned today, i got blown out of the water, every single gripe and suggestion made by the playerbase was taking care off + truly innovative new abilitys.

I will go crawling back there like the unworthy maggot i am:p




Really because I felt they were insulting to anyone with half a mind that enjoyed theory crafting and spec building. I mean if you want a hole meant for a circle just big enough to put your square block into kudos man. Because that's what those talent trees did for me.


Also enjoy your Pokemon.

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After leveling too 50 twice leveling my third toon is just painful.


I'm only leveling more and more toons because endgame on my other toons consists of spamming general chat for a party and sitting on the fleet. Sitting on the fleet spamming is not fun. I don't think i can keep playing without a flashpoint finder so i can get back out in the world and still find a group.

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I really don't see this game doing well at all. 1.2 looks to be too little too late. There's no RP, the forums are showing most people are fed up with the game and I don't blame them. For a game that just came out there should be a lot more going into it. By this I mean the Dev's talking a lot more then they have, talking about things that they want to put in, in the next 3 to 6 months. The PvP is broken, the PvE gets old fast. The community is talking more about Tera and Guild Wars 2 then TOR.

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