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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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I would have voted yes until patch 1.1.3 but when it was released I cancelled my account so I have to vote no.


Issue #1 - I feel that Bioware has philosophically latched onto the "Nerf bat" and that for me is not acceptable. I've played other MMOs where the devs nerfed whatever the flavour of the week was and it slowly squeezed all the fun out of the game. I'm not sticking around for that.


Issue #2 - In addition, in my view, they seem to be focused on trying to balance the game for PvP which is harming the PvE game. I personally don't care at all for PvP so that focus irks me.


Issue #3 - In addition, there have been several cheaters on our server. They've been reported hundreds of times. No action was ever taken against them.


Issue #4 - In addition, the recent spat of hard crashes. The game hard crashes my computer 2-5 times per session. EDIT: I'm not referring to the crashes from the mouse problems, I'm referring to the Black Screen of Death hard crashes that pre-date this and are still ongoing.


Issue #1 is the biggest issue for me. So again, as SWTOR currently stands I vote NO.

Edited by LeonTheNeon
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Yes... almost.


Essentially yes because I understand that the game is box fresh and there are ALWAYS teething problems. While the launch may not have been faultless (personally I had minimal problems with the "game breaking" bugs people QQd about) it was far smoother than other MMOs I have played.


I am looking forward to more customisation at some point and more developement to areas like crafting ie. maybe crafting missions where I have more to do than send a companion and cross my fingers;


In the future;

"Oh, you can make that item? You put in a lot of hard work doing that crafting quest line, I'm impressed, you could become a valued ally"

"Thanks, now pay up!"



"Oh, you can make that item? That must have taken a lot of right clicking?"

"Yes, I enjoy right clicking..."


Thanks :)

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You know what?


Im tired of the censorship here and tired of the things the game is missing at end game.


So, no i dont like it and i did cancel my subscription.


Going to love Tera, already like the Beta :)


Have fun in SWTOR people, thats one more "vet" from 2008 that leaves.



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I've spent and am still spending many hours enjoying the various classes/factions stories.

There is certainly place for improvement notably on the multiplayer contents, but I like it so far as a whole.

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I like it enough to stick around.


I'm hoping it goes the EQ2 route where it's pretty crappy at launch and then becomes a very good game over time. Right now, it's a total casual solo friendly MMO with a very limited (and broken) end game. The potential is there for this to be a very good game, so I'm just going to try and wait it out. They do need to make the end game much better before competing new MMOs launch or there will be a mass exodus.


Anyway, so a "Yes" from me. For now.

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No I dont like it, but still playing.

Im giving it one more month after I will cancel my subcsr if...


Im waiting new big content patch in march if I will like what they will make with legacy and PvP I will stay if not I will leave.

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A bit of both for me, but overall I would have to say No sadly.


Its early days though, so will give it a chance yet.


They DESPERATELY and I do mean DESPERATELY need to add in speech bubbles to this game however, the worlds feel unbelievably empty to me without them, even if the option is there to switch them off for people who dislike them, and/or remove them from BG's and PVP zones only. Without them the game feels utterly hollow and a complete solo journey at times. Its truly, truly awful, and for me such a small thing which is UTTERLY spoiling this game for me, I never realised such a small thing would irritate me to such a degree that I no longer enjoy playing? But it does, it just feels like a big solo game and not an MMO at all...PLEASE BIOWARE FIX THIS!!! Small as it may be, this could easily be fixed, and with it my enjoyment and desire to log back in may come back with it.


Grouping is another major issue in this game, all too soon one of your mates is either to far behind you, or too far in front of you to help you or for it to be worth while for them to come back and help you that few seem to do so, this forces the player into a solo levelling process, something which is sadly becoming the norm in MMO’s and simply just being accepted but it need not be if you ask me? Simply scaling groups down or up to meet the content they are playing and a reflective amount of XP given would be far better. Penalising people’s time for helping others is such an appalling game mechanic. If I am running say a level 21 quest and my mate is level 28 why not let him choose to drop to level 21 to join me and gain level 21 XP whilst doing it? It won’t be huge XP for them obviously but at least it is some, it also means the content is still fun to play and not a whitewash where the higher level guy simply cleans out house.


I will say that this is above all, what bothers me about SW:TOR. It is the lack of community this game portrays. The sad thing is I know how awesome many of the player base are, especially on Juyo which I play on most of the time, but I rarely see them, group with them, or speak to them whilst I level my characters, at end game sure that will change, but honestly should you have to play a game or stop start on chars which you only use when X or Y person is on for a few months before you get to hang out with them? No. That’s an appaling mechanic, especially for a game which is supposed to be an MMO.


SW:TOR more so then any other MMO I have played over the passed 10 years or more is so incredibly insular and linear. This is fine in many regards, the combat etc can flow nice and quickly, and one bit leads in to another and so on, but it feels to me at least it is very much at the expense of the multiplayer aspect of the game? I like many, do not play MMO’s to play a slightly bigger online version of KOTOR, even if KOTOR is one of my all time favourite single player RPG’s it is not why I bought this game, I bought it to play with my mates, to group up and have a laugh with them, and I want to do that even when I level, or to feel like helping out other people is not stopping me from progressing my own character etc as well.


Also the imbalance of some of the classes and the inability to gain a healer (so badly needed by most classes when levelling especially if you don’t opt to be a healer yourself which many don’t is awful in some classes, Inquisitor especially for me, until very late in your levelling process??) why can we not respect our companions to more fit our own playstyle and class choices? Again small things, they already have the same names, the same basic looks are we not going to be able to customise these things at all?? come on…


Honestly overall I still maintain this game has arguably one of the best basic platforms at launch to progress and improve from in any MMO since the unmentionable one….lol, but it still has a TON more to do to make this a truly awesome game, again potential is the word here, but this is still not an MMO if you ask me, it is still an online RPG with MMO plug-ins. BioWare, your story is awesome, the worlds look fine, though I would have preferred more realistic worlds and characters so be it, you went for longevity and that’s fair enough, (though please do something with Tattooine, that planet is awful…just awful…enough of the darn tusken raiders already!! Lol) its pretty bug free considering it has only just launched, especially in comparison to most if not all other MMO releases I have been a part of. You have in fact done a great deal of things right, but its those things which are wrong that are really hindering this game and me loving it. I don’t dislike it as it is, I simply don’t like it either though, I kind of nothing it if anything.


Oh and one last thing, allow communication between x-faction friendly guild members as well, I don’t see why I cannot talk to people who are my friends just because they play on a different faction, whats the logic behind that? Again perhaps not in PVP zones, but outside of that? Whats the issue?

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I hate to break it to most of you... BUT...


SWTOR wasn't designed for PvP. It has always been plugged as the first "story-driven MMO." I don't remember any devs putting the PvP on the front line of awesomeness; nor should they.


'So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away!'


James Ohlen- Game director


They have crafted a "KOTOR 3-10" if you will (each class' story). Like it or hate it, THAT is what SWTOR is and has always been intended to be. The PvP was thrown in because, face it, a lot of you wouldn't have even bought the game if it didn't have PvP.



:47 second mark



So whether you continue to sub or not, they've made their $60-$150 from you and millions of others just like you.


As someone who enjoys PvP, but understands what this game is supposed to be, I vote a very strong "Yes." Keep the content coming, but amazing job delivering what was promised.


" We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. "


James Ohlen- Game Director


I understand "what this game is suppose to be", but when you give us what we have, and make comments such as they did, don't be surprised when folks complain your PvP isn't very good.

Edited by Tic-
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A bit of both for me, but overall I would have to say No sadly.


Its early days though, so will give it a chance yet.


They DESPERATELY and I do mean DESPERATELY need to add in speech bubbles to this game however, the worlds feel unbelievably empty to me without them, even if the option is there to switch them off for people who dislike them, and/or remove them from BG's and PVP zones only. Without them the game feels utterly hollow and a complete solo journey at times. Its truly, truly awful, and for me such a small thing which is UTTERLY spoiling this game for me, I never realised such a small thing would irritate me to such a degree that I no longer enjoy playing? But it does, it just feels like a big solo game and not an MMO at all...PLEASE BIOWARE FIX THIS!!! Small as it may be, this could easily be fixed, and with it my enjoyment and desire to log back in may come back with it.


Grouping is another major issue in this game, all too soon one of your mates is either to far behind you, or too far in front of you to help you or for it to be worth while for them to come back and help you that few seem to do so, this forces the player into a solo levelling process, something which is sadly becoming the norm in MMO’s and simply just being accepted but it need not be if you ask me? Simply scaling groups down or up to meet the content they are playing and a reflective amount of XP given would be far better. Penalising people’s time for helping others is such an appalling game mechanic. If I am running say a level 21 quest and my mate is level 28 why not let him choose to drop to level 21 to join me and gain level 21 XP whilst doing it? It won’t be huge XP for them obviously but at least it is some, it also means the content is still fun to play and not a whitewash where the higher level guy simply cleans out house.


I will say that this is above all, what bothers me about SW:TOR. It is the lack of community this game portrays. The sad thing is I know how awesome many of the player base are, especially on Juyo which I play on most of the time, but I rarely see them, group with them, or speak to them whilst I level my characters, at end game sure that will change, but honestly should you have to play a game or stop start on chars which you only use when X or Y person is on for a few months before you get to hang out with them? No. That’s an appaling mechanic, especially for a game which is supposed to be an MMO.


SW:TOR more so then any other MMO I have played over the passed 10 years or more is so incredibly insular and linear. This is fine in many regards, the combat etc can flow nice and quickly, and one bit leads in to another and so on, but it feels to me at least it is very much at the expense of the multiplayer aspect of the game? I like many, do not play MMO’s to play a slightly bigger online version of KOTOR, even if KOTOR is one of my all time favourite single player RPG’s it is not why I bought this game, I bought it to play with my mates, to group up and have a laugh with them, and I want to do that even when I level, or to feel like helping out other people is not stopping me from progressing my own character etc as well.


Also the imbalance of some of the classes and the inability to gain a healer (so badly needed by most classes when levelling especially if you don’t opt to be a healer yourself which many don’t is awful in some classes, Inquisitor especially for me, until very late in your levelling process??) why can we not respect our companions to more fit our own playstyle and class choices? Again small things, they already have the same names, the same basic looks are we not going to be able to customise these things at all?? come on…


Honestly overall I still maintain this game has arguably one of the best basic platforms at launch to progress and improve from in any MMO since the unmentionable one….lol, but it still has a TON more to do to make this a truly awesome game, again potential is the word here, but this is still not an MMO if you ask me, it is still an online RPG with MMO plug-ins. BioWare, your story is awesome, the worlds look fine, though I would have preferred more realistic worlds and characters so be it, you went for longevity and that’s fair enough, (though please do something with Tattooine, that planet is awful…just awful…enough of the darn tusken raiders already!! Lol) its pretty bug free considering it has only just launched, especially in comparison to most if not all other MMO releases I have been a part of. You have in fact done a great deal of things right, but its those things which are wrong that are really hindering this game and me loving it. I don’t dislike it as it is, I simply don’t like it either though, I kind of nothing it if anything.


Oh and one last thing, allow communication between x-faction friendly guild members as well, I don’t see why I cannot talk to people who are my friends just because they play on a different faction, whats the logic behind that? Again perhaps not in PVP zones, but outside of that? Whats the issue?


Wow! You basically summed up what i've been driving at for ages!! Linear, static, hollow, single player... blah! blah!! Thank you for putting this into words I could not.


I always remember the first time I stepped out into Mos eisley on SWG! People running around, chatting, laughing.. Blaster fire sounds in the distance, as some got on with some missions... then, wow!! Was that someone on a Bantha MOUNT!!!?? I want one!! It felt instantly as I'd just gone to bed and woke up in my dream and I was in Star Wars!! Now that what's I call emmersion, a true MMO.. not a linear SP game with some online content.. in a boring static environment


BW please don't send me another mail warning me about my posts... it's ridiculous, or are you scared of the truth????????!

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Yes from me.


Nothing much else to say really. Not the biggest pvp fan and am taking my time to get max lvl. Seeing as endgame and pvp are the two main gripes ppl have so far.... im pretty safe.


But as a Single Playeer game you love the content?? We all did, but we wanted to be immersed into a Massive Star Wars MMO.. :mad:

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I subscribed when my free month expired and I expect to subscribe for at least another month after that. So I guess I'm a "Yes." Or more accurately a "Yes but".


I like the classes and the class quests. I like many of the planets. I like space combat.


Warzones are fun at times but are not all they could be. Some of the changes promised for the future should help (cross server queuing, ranking, another same-side warzone). But there also needs to be some form of PvP progression before level 50. Adding valor abilities like the realm abilities in DAOC would be one obvious way. Also they need to solve the issue where warzones have much lower FPS than other areas. Improving the resolve system so being chain CCed is less possible would also help.


Ilum sounds so bad that I haven't even bothered to try it on my level 50. End game PvE gear progression/gear grinding/raiding is something I detest, so I've chosen to just skip it and focus on playing alts.


I'll subscribe as long as I continue to have fun playing different class alts (probably no more than another month or two.)

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If I had posted yesterday I would have said yes.


Today my first reaction is no not really.


Just found out I'm losing my guild and likely a whole swath of friends to transfering and BW is limiting who can switch too.


It stinks and I think they should understand that other people in the world play on oceanic servers for a reason.


And no I'm not going to reroll and start everything again.


Yeah I suppose I'll live but it really doesn't make me go yeah yeah I get to play Star Wars now!!



They should seriously just put in the ability for everyone to transfer. Paid ones for all I care.


Would solve a whole lot of peoples issue in one fell swoop.

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Yes - Content is satisfying for release (pve and pvp).

Storyline is way too good for a mmo.

Soundtrack is awesome.

VO is not bad.

Class differences are ok.

Latency issues are minimal.

Bug team is responsive.


No - The game is too straightforward and contains no surprises.

Cosmetic and RP items mostly don't exist.

Races are basicly skins. (This is probably the most commonly criticised element)

Closed world.

Too little hidden jewels that force the player push the limits.

Servers are empty.

Talent system is so last decade, not fun at all.


At the moment I'm %51 on the positive side and expect a lot to be added to the game including different poses and animations for each race.

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While I personally enjoyed the story and questing a lot, now that I have two characters at the maximum level, a third character on 38, and my main is a battlemaster, I am starting to feel a bit exhausted.

This is mainly due to these damn daily quests, which sort of forces me to play every day at certain times (like having to play at 13.00 for the Ilum daily, or farm boxes for 2 hours), or having to play for hours in order to win three warzones (which are randomly selected, and winning against the other faction only happens one out of fifteen times) if I want to progress.


I am starting to feel less like I am playing a game for fun, and more like I am doing a job and not getting paid enough for the effort. The whole battlemaster random token drop thing is really taxing, and all of my friends seem to have left the game already. After completing all the dailies, I am too tired to play the game anymore and end up shutting it down instantly, without doing something I actually want to do, like playing through another class story or maybe doing a flashpoint.


To sum up, the dailies (specifically the pvp ones) take up too much time, but the rewards are so great that not doing them is folly. This forces you to do something you do not want to do, which in time will make you grow tired of the game much faster than you might otherwise.


Also, http://penny-arcade.com/2012/02/14/swtor3

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