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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Yes. Love the soloing, its like playing KOTOR.


Other days like socializing over FP, meeting friendly people, who freely offer help/ trading/banter and make for awesome allies, while raiding a specific FP. Im also finding PVP very fun, Ive come to love all the Warzone, even Huttball. And ones i thought that was a Horrible Idea.


EndGame PVP has its "Uhhhhh" distasteful aspects, concerning rewards and progression. But its still enjoyable. I really like that theirs no penalties for kicking the crap out of each-other. Rewards are okey... just wish we had other applications for acquired gear,besides FPs.


My biggest complaint is the games stability and performance and i hope it improves, but i wont hold my breath.

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1-49 is one of the best MMO experiences I've had. 50 feels to me like an unrefined WoW gear grind. I think I would rather have had no end-game content than bad end-game content.


Fortunately it's easy to just roll an alt... just my $.02

Edited by BDutch
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I am sorry to say so, but NO.


Reasons for NO (no special order):

- inconsistent performance even on higher end HW

- look of my toons (low res. textures)

- missing chat bubbles

- too basic crafting minigame

- everything is instanced that much that sometimes I don't feel I am in MMO at all.


Reasons why my sub stays:

- story and voice overs

- StarWars

- combat is fun

- updates/patches release speed (read hopes for brighter future :-) )

Edited by Kyarc
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It's depressing, but no.




I wanted to love this game, but it's World PVP has fallen flat, the gear design has turned out to be unimaginative (and in many cases, flat out ugly), endgame PvE is horribly buggy, the 'Loot Bag' system was terribly implemented, and PVP gear progression was uninspired.



World PVP: Steps to fix:


Ilum: Change objectives to be only capturable if adjacent objective is owned, except for own base. Change reward from objective capture AND successful defense to gear or gear tokens, rather than valor. Only allow an objective to be captured once for a specific period of time. Alternatively, make each objective point open to assault and defense only at a specific time of day.



Gear Design: There's not a lot of ways to make a lightsaber cooler, and so more focus needs to be put on making armor feel 'heroic'. Some of the biggest examples of bad gear are the Jedi Knight PVP gear and the Bounty Hunter PVP gear.



Endgame PVE: Bugs. So many bugs. Yet on normal, they're the ONLY thing slowing you down. Perhaps this was a little TOO easy?



Loot Bags: This was promised holy grail of raiding. The end of loot drama.


What we thought we were getting:

1. Everyone gets their OWN bag and their own INDIVIDUAL CHANCE at loot.

2. If you didn't get a loot drop this time, you got commendations that you could save up FOR THAT SAME LOOT DROP YOU DIDN'T GET. Awesome!



What we actually got (oh god):

1. Loot is randomly assigned to all players within the operation with no regard to whether or not they need it. A player who needs loot off of a boss can get screwed out of getting loot because there was another player of their same class in the operation, and they didn't need the drop but were assigned it ANYWAY.

2. Oh, you didn't get a drop this time? Here's commendations for the gear that you DIDN'T WANT, a full tier below what you're actually shooting for! Have fun playing the slot machines!



Protip: Implement the first one. Not the second.




PVP Gear Progression: Heeeey, I hear you're fixing some of this! Amazing! But not really enough for me to resub. Here's the deal.


When a player hits Battlemaster in PvP, they have two goals each day.


1. Get 3 warzone wins (COUNTED, not actual! lol).

2. Get 30 Ilum kills/armaments/whatever.

3. Open bags. Get commendations now? Hey? Yo? Do this to PvE too and we're getting somewhere.


Here's the problem: Once a Battlemaster is finished with these goals, they have no reason to continue pvp'ing during the day. Doing more warzones doesn't garner them more 'points' to spend on gear, it doesn't improve their ranking, and doing more ilum doesn't get them ANYTHING of use, whereas warzones might at least get pvp consumables and the occasional green box drop.



How to fix: Rated Warzones? Might have to make those premade vs premade to truly get anything done on that way, but it looks like that's the route you're taking. I'm not sure where else to go with this, but a player having no incentive to continue playing is not a good situation.

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It's depressing, but no.




I wanted to love this game, but it's World PVP has fallen flat, the gear design has turned out to be unimaginative (and in many cases, flat out ugly), endgame PvE is horribly buggy, the 'Loot Bag' system was terribly implemented, and PVP gear progression was uninspired.



World PVP: Steps to fix:


Ilum: Change objectives to be only capturable if adjacent objective is owned, except for own base. Change reward from objective capture AND successful defense to gear or gear tokens, rather than valor. Only allow an objective to be captured once for a specific period of time. Alternatively, make each objective point open to assault and defense only at a specific time of day.



Gear Design: There's not a lot of ways to make a lightsaber cooler, and so more focus needs to be put on making armor feel 'heroic'. Some of the biggest examples of bad gear are the Jedi Knight PVP gear and the Bounty Hunter PVP gear.



Endgame PVE: Bugs. So many bugs. Yet on normal, they're the ONLY thing slowing you down. Perhaps this was a little TOO easy?



Loot Bags: This was promised holy grail of raiding. The end of loot drama.


What we thought we were getting:

1. Everyone gets their OWN bag and their own INDIVIDUAL CHANCE at loot.

2. If you didn't get a loot drop this time, you got commendations that you could save up FOR THAT SAME LOOT DROP YOU DIDN'T GET. Awesome!



What we actually got (oh god):

1. Loot is randomly assigned to all players within the operation with no regard to whether or not they need it. A player who needs loot off of a boss can get screwed out of getting loot because there was another player of their same class in the operation, and they didn't need the drop but were assigned it ANYWAY.

2. Oh, you didn't get a drop this time? Here's commendations for the gear that you DIDN'T WANT, a full tier below what you're actually shooting for! Have fun playing the slot machines!



Protip: Implement the first one. Not the second.




PVP Gear Progression: Heeeey, I hear you're fixing some of this! Amazing! But not really enough for me to resub. Here's the deal.


When a player hits Battlemaster in PvP, they have two goals each day.


1. Get 3 warzone wins (COUNTED, not actual! lol).

2. Get 30 Ilum kills/armaments/whatever.

3. Open bags. Get commendations now? Hey? Yo? Do this to PvE too and we're getting somewhere.


Here's the problem: Once a Battlemaster is finished with these goals, they have no reason to continue pvp'ing during the day. Doing more warzones doesn't garner them more 'points' to spend on gear, it doesn't improve their ranking, and doing more ilum doesn't get them ANYTHING of use, whereas warzones might at least get pvp consumables and the occasional green box drop.



How to fix: Rated Warzones? Might have to make those premade vs premade to truly get anything done on that way, but it looks like that's the route you're taking. I'm not sure where else to go with this, but a player having no incentive to continue playing is not a good situation.


You are very detailed. I like this, and it speaks volumes about your personality. I would love to be a friend of yours IRL.


...However, for others looking to post: Please keep your responses slightly shorter so the developers can read through these with relative ease as they review this thread. :p:D


Thank you!

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Yes and No for me.


Yes: Because the stories for the Imp side are pretty good. But after the second play through of the non-class stories or the FP's the dialogue becomes a pain in the *** to have to spam your space bar through.


No: Because it has so much unrealised potential and is missing so many features. Some of which are basic and should not have been excluded, such as a /roll <insert number> feature.



In short, my opinion is more No, than Yes.

Edited by Tarka
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Room for improvement but you have to be a dumb person if you thought the game was going to be 100% polished at release. Single-player games release with pre-ready to launch patches available on day 1 or 2 etc. Apply that to an MMO and well it is what it is!

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Not planning to renew when my 3-month sub runs out.


Same has this guy.


A game forcing me to play the same FP until I hurl, no thanx.

Oh and everything except class storyline is a copy of all other MMO's out there, and space battles are poorly simulated mini games. Need I continue?

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I vote yes!



*Story, characters, overall feel of the game. depth of the setting. Bioware's filling out of and exploring of the Old Republic setting makes Star Wars feel way more engaging than the prequel era movies/stories/games.

*Graphics, music, sound are great.

*Backgrounds on planets. Especially the cityscapes.

*Gameplay is solid and is keeping my attention, definitely room for streamlining and improving, though.


Needs Work:

*Endgame content and better pvp. I know it's in the works, and I have faith but this is a big issue.

*SGCR! I'm a lesbian, I'm a Bioware fan. Kinda let down this didn't make launch.

*Crafting, ease of equipment and customization/mods/enhancement stat comparisons.

*Space combat really needs expanding, SW: Galaxies had better space combat and you never ever ever want that game to be doing something better than this one! ;) Space Group play/heroic and flashpoint stuff would be awesome too.

*Galactic market is a nightmare.

*better outreach from Bioware/devs about what they are aware of, what they're fixing, what new content is coming and roughly when. A lot of 'we're doing something awesome and you'll love it!' but not a lot of specificity. They're getting better but it'll keep players happier and those $15s flowing. The in game support is pretty lackluster at the moment as well.

*Need a /suicide command for when /stuck won't work and the game thinks you're unstuck. I've been stuck in or on more walls than an acid head in an Escher drawing.


Little things I'd like to see:


*I would love to see a day/night cycle and variable weather, but that's a minor atmospheric thing.

*Native Mac version! This runs beautifully on my Mac in bootcamp with all the graphics settings maxed, but a native Mac client would be so much more convenient!

*An option to toggle a different color name tag above our characters to signify who is actively a RPer would really help us recognize who was interested in RP and who wasn't. The RP servers are still full of non-RPers.

*interact-able seating in Cantinas, environments. Kind of feel ridiculous just standing around by all these empty chairs in Cantinas, and would be great for RP purposes.

Looking forward to seeing what this game is like by expansion 1!

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For now.... Yes.


One of the few MMOs where is really fun to make alts, BUT (BIG BUT here) BW MUST improve the end game and cutomization (not only UI) if there is any intention to make it last.


Few thoughts for BioWare: :p


1. End level gear MUST be really hard to get.... (by now is to much easy). Players have to spend time to get a single highest level gear.


2. "Vanity" and "trivia" are both important aspects in any "social game". Each player after "conquer the galaxy" will like spent time in customization to make sure their toon is not only "unique" but can interact with friends in a real live world (they have to interect with mobile NPCs, chairs, beds, customize their own ship/home, etc)


One last thoughts for Players:


This is the SW:TOR infancy. Let BW keep their good work so far, becuz even if that super special feature is not yet implemented, just remind is their first big MMO and give them a chance to listen and do it. ;)

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Per request, to update my "No, as of this weekend":


I posted a thread about it in the Hard Mode section of the forums. Basically I tried to get a group together to do a hard mode and got crushed by the last boss's insta-kill mechanics. He would double shot people with lightsaber throws, and there was nothing we could do. He would drop purple circles on the ground and people would get hit by them 3 yards outside the circle. They were running out and still getting one-shot. I couldn't tell if it was lag or the effect not matching the spell area, but it looked bad. The group wiped 7 more times before we gave up since it was costing us about 100k in credits.


Add into the fact that I'm JK tank, and I find tanking in this game to be waaaaay too difficult without better AE management tools and indicators on threat generation. There are times when I can't figure out who or what has aggro without a mob's target indicator, nor do I understand which abilities in the defense tree are appropriate for my threat generation. The vigilance tree seems to hold aggro better than Defense. This seems backwards.


Bear in mind I lead as a warrior RL in WoW from Vanilla to Wrath, and this game frustrated me in tanking. It just makes no sense to me.

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I think there can be many major improvements. But yeah, I find it fun. I love the community, the feel and the revolutionary mod system it has. BioWare also has a color aesthetic system incoming, so you can get a chestpiece and color the rest of your gear to it so you aren't a walking double painbow.
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No (played as Rep on PVP-server)


- Dead Zones.. neither Reps nor Imps around.. NO pvp in zones.. on a PVP-SERVER!!!

- Dead chat (suprisingly quiet.. then "general chat" is connected to zone ie 10ppl > dead)

- Dead market (no auction, no goods)

- Dead interface (not customizable, no macroes)

- Dead crafting (No use crafting.. better of scavaging >> nothing to buy)

- Dead character creation (well.. could be worse :-)

- Dead-convineant-linear zones.. (its all som smoothed out.. "been there.. never going back)


Pretty good single player game though .. but id pref Mass Effect if thats what I was after..


Leaving feeling sad.. :(

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