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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Yes, but I will admit it is starting to lean more the other way with the plethora of broken quest I have encountered just reaching level 50 (2/6/12). I would have expected by now that quest of this nature would have been fixed by now. Also I was very unimpressed with how BioChem was "fixed" instead of bringing the other professions up to par.
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I have quit WoW after over 6 years and I aint never going back! So it will be SWTOR or some other MMO. I am/was desperate to have SWTOR be a great MMO. The Dev team have had years and years of what works and and what doesn't in MMO's and even though I get that the SWTOR Dev team want to be unique as they can be, they failed to implement certain things that should have been included at launch;


Combat Log - how can serious guilds that cracked on with Operations measure their performance? How can players measure their own performance against others to see where they might be going wrong or where they can improve?


Server only Flashpoint Finder tool - I'm sitting on the fence over cross-server 'dungeon finders' ruining server comunities, but not including a server only Flashpoint Finder tool was a huge mistake. There is such a tool for PvP, you could easily implement a similar tool for PvE and while I understand that the Dev's wanted players to enjoy and become absorbed in the levelling experience you could have implemented one that was locked until level 48 - 50. Healers and DPS have not great problems getting groups when their guildies are not free/available/online or they just jumped on for a quick Flashpoint before work, etc. Its not fun trying to get a group in these circumstances.


Macros - Love 'em or hate 'em basic macro's can turn a frustrating gaming experience (healers for example) into the pinnacle of gaming satisfaction. Not to include macros in a game in this technical stage of MMO game evolution is just evil.


UI Customisation - Where is it? Warhammer got that bit right at least.


Addons - WoW has shown that addons can work and can be policed by the Devs (imo - I am sure others would disagree). They add another layer to a players UI customisation/gameplay preferences.


Part of me thinks these things have all been coded already and are waiting for beta-testing, but BW have told the Dev's these things won't be released as each think forms part of the games developmental roadmap to keep the dollars rolling. Why on earth these things could not have been included in the game at launch leaves me totally mystified.

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The leveling thru questing is so linear that making alts is somewhat maddening, with the exception of class quests. So what, that's 80% grinding thru stuff you've already done, and 20% new (and that's being generous.)


There is little to bring the community together. It amazes me that simple items like guild banks weren't included at launch. Yes I know that's coming, but that's just one example. What else do we have to work on advancing other than our own gear? Nothing! What do we have to work on collectively as a guild? Nothing! Guild achievements that unlock special titles or maybe a special crystal, new speeders, etc would give us a collective goal. How about a collective space to tweak for our guilds (a la EQ2.) And instead of simply copying an idea, why not expand on some of these concepts? It just seems to me that the "wall of crazy" isn't so crazy. Want a crazy idea? Have more than one storyline arc that actually depends on your light/dark side choices. It doesn't matter what you pick... the story will be the same. Don't believe me, try being a good sith or an evil jedi.


There are glaringly obvious bugs where the only way they didn't know about them in beta was if they didn't play the game at all, and didn't read bug reports. This leads me to believe that they DID know about them and for whatever reason didn't fix them. Some of these bugs were repeatable and in noob zones which are the most heavily tested area!


I've lost many guild mates and once it gets down to a handful of people playing at different hours, I'll probably give in at that point. I want this game to succeed as I was looking forward to it for a long time, but at the current rate, it's going to crash and burn.

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541 for NO

532 for YES




Click HERE to view results in pie-chart form.




I was impressed how the community randomly started color-coding their vote ala~ (yes, no, undecided) style. It made a huge difference for me when I was tallying up the totals. I REALLY appreciated it. Thank you!


Tally was counted three times per yes, no, undecided group. Accuracy, as always, was top goal.


Continue on, everyone.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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Not gonna dig deep into the bashing since we all know what the current state of the game is, but after 14 years of MMORPG experience this is one of the worst content and user accessible launches ever. It is 2012 outside and what we have is definitely not what we want. Hell, even Rift cut my attention for a year, this game for less then 2 months. If the game ain't gonna be dead by the next year, then i stop by for another try. :cool:


Good Luck BW, and have fun guys, sad to leave this game so soon but i just don't have fun with it anymore at all and i don't see how the game could be drastically changed in future. It is what it is, and its not mine cup of tea.:csw_jabbapet:

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I don't care about the low performance (it's not too bad on my non-gamer laptop, actually). The bugs are not the problem either; they are acceptable in newly released, complex software (for a while). Exploits don't seem to be that frequent, from my experience (but it makes me wonder if there are some fundamental design flaws, if these exploits are possible).


But sadly the design of the planets and the game world in general is not for me. Every area feels "indoors", somehow. When travelling between plantes, I don't get the feeling of entering space and landing again - just load screens. The altitude of the terrain is about the same all over a planet. Everything feels bounded. This all ruins the immersion. Of course, this is a very personal feeling and obviously many others like the level design.


In general I still wish the game and the team at BW the best of luck. And with the strong SW franchise threre will always be enough subscribers, anyway.

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I enjoy the game, but I'm going to say no.


I was in awe at first, but now it's clear to me that this game was rushed out far too early.


Aaaah. Alundo. I remember you well from the old Off-Topic forums, friend. How are you doing?. I still have a lot of respect for you, y'know. You were always a friend and a good person.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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We have reached and surpassed 1000 votes recently. I just wanted to quickly ask everyone what they think about this thread.



Questions? Comments? Concerns? Improvement ideas?



I have spent 12+ hours on this thread to make it head-and-shoulders above the rest. I want to make certain that it continues to be excellent. Feel free to speak your mind.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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We have reached and surpassed 1000 votes so far. I just wanted to quickly ask everyone how they feel about this thread.



Questions? Comments? Concerns? Improvement ideas?



I have spent 12+ hours on this thread to make it head-and-shoulders above the rest. I want to make certain that it continues to be excellent. Feel free to speak your mind.


The thread is a good pulse of the people who care about the game. wether you love it hate it or hope for it to get better. its a good thread to follow.

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Sadly.. NO


Example: My 34th Level SI-S is unable to continue his Class Story due to a bug that has been in since release where the NPC simply will not speak to your toon in order to start the mission. None of the 'work-arounds' people post have helped and CSR support via in-game tickets tell me to wait for them to work on it.


Just one more of the endless reasons this game is slowly becoming an MMO that I don't even think to play every day.

Edited by DarthAbominor
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We have reached and surpassed 1000 votes recently. I just wanted to quickly ask everyone what they think about this thread.



Questions? Comments? Concerns? Improvement ideas?



I have spent 12+ hours on this thread to make it head-and-shoulders above the rest. I want to make certain that it continues to be excellent. Feel free to speak your mind.


I would recommend adding something along the lines of, "What would this game need for you to enjoy it in its current state?".


I've been spending a good 30 minutes looking though this and too many of them seem to be in a nutshell, "No, this games an unsalvageable failure.".

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