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[Poll] Most boring planet?


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Will do a Most fun too, it's just that i have seen a post where not everyone had the same feeling about one planet as being the most boring one (wil not say which one), so i thought on making this poll.


You can vote here <---- for most boring planet




You can vote here <---- for most fun planet



So Far


Most boring planet?


Alderaan 6% (12)

Balmorra 11% (24)

Belsavis 4% (8)

Corellia 2% (4)

Coruscant 6% (13)

Dromund Kaas 2% (5)

Hoth 5% (11)

Hutta 0% (1)

Ilum 2% (5)

Korriban 0% (1)

Nar Shaddaa 18% (38)

Ord Mantell 0% (1)

Quesh 6% (13)

Taris 21% (44)

Tatooine 6% (12)

Tython 3% (6)

Voss 7% (15)


Total votes: 213

Edited by recsa
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i love how they made hoth feel so damn big, i wish they make tattoine feel the same, i know it aint swg but i still miss some vastness on tattoine, or maby it is just me.


narr shadaa worst planet imo(dunno if its because ive lvled there too many times or what)

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Not possible to allow for multiple choices?


I did enjoy questing on Korriban, Dromund Kaas, Hoth and Tatooine other planets really didn't do anything for me.





i love how they made hoth feel so damn big, i wish they make tattoine feel the same, i know it aint swg but i still miss some vastness on tattoine, or maby it is just me.


narr shadaa worst planet imo(dunno if its because ive lvled there too many times or what)




Agreed. Hoth was great because it felt huge and vast. Tatooine and Alderaan also allowed me to take different paths to get to the same destination ulike say Nar Shaddaa.

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Tython is pretty, I like the "feel" of it.


Tatooine is faithful to the movies, so I'm happy with that - same story with Hoth.


I think the most boring to me is probably either Balmorra or Quesh. Really didn't give much of a monkeys what happened on those planets, aside from class quests.


Korriban was pretty cool, as was Dromund Kaas.


Coruscant was okay, so was Nar Shaddaa, but they seemed a little shallow. They looked gorgeous, but there was very little you could actually "do", to say they were city-planets. Where are the casinos on Nar Shaddaa for instance?


EDIT: Alderaan was stunning too, one of my favorite places in an MMO (Beaten only by Grizzly Hills in WoW and Minoc in Ultima Online)

Edited by Hebrind
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Not possible to allow for multiple choices?


Its possible, and thought about it, but decided to go for the MOST one, so please make an effort and choose just one if you havent yet.


For me it is clearly Nar Shaddaa, i just cant stand on closed spaces

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Not sure about most boring, they all fall in that department after you've done em a couple times...


Most hated, though, I can safely say is Taris. Lots of dead ends every where, heavy mob density, and lots of running back and forth over the same areas...over and over and over.

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Its possible, and thought about it, but decided to go for the MOST one, so please make an effort and choose just one if you havent yet.


For me it is clearly Nar Shaddaa, i just cant stand on closed spaces


I think BioWare dropped the balls slightly on Nar Shaddaa. Don't get me wrong, like I said, it's pretty and it's got character, but compare it with the Nar Shaddaa of Dark Forces II and it seems like the most upstanding place in the galaxy.


Now, Dark Forces II had it nailed. Dark, gritty, seedy, lots of dark corridors and back-room shady deals.


- this is the Nar Shaddaa I grew up with and love! Edited by Hebrind
Added a cinematic link
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Nar Shaddaa was definitely the most disappointing for me.


I expected it to be the most atmospheric, but once you leave the promenade it's like the entire moon was made in a single day with the same metallic floor/wall texture. And it stretches on forever.

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I thought Taris was the worst, but Nar Shadaa is pretty close.



On a side note, I laugh everytime I go to Hoth and summon a female toon in the Republic Dancers outfit. Especially after they give you the cold weather "equipment" stim. lol.

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The upper part of the city is great (looking) but the actual questing areas are absolutely ghastly, among the worst leveling zones I ever navigated through in any game.

Nar Shadda is very similar but I actually liked it a lot more.

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Will do a Most fun too, it's just that i have seen a post where not everyone had the same feeling about one planet as being the most boring one (wil not say which one), so i thought on making this poll.


You can vote here



So Far


Most boring planet?


Alderaan 3% (1)

Balmorra 8% (3)

Belsavis 5% (2)

Corellia 0% (0)

Coruscant 8% (3)

Dromund Kaas 8% (3)

Hoth 10% (4)

Hutta 0% (0)

Ilum 0% (0)

Korriban 0% (0)

Nar Shaddaa 23% (9)

Ord Mantell 3% (1)

Quesh 5% (2)

Taris 13% (5)

Tatooine 5% (2)

Tython 0% (0)

Voss 10% (4)


Total votes: 39



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How can Nar Shaddaa ever by the most boring planet when its just like Coruscant but with colors? Imo they did a real good job on it, environment-wise.


For me it is Taris. The way Belsavis is built up makes that the second one.

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