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The reason Sorcerers/Sages are OP in PvP


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you are making the completely wrong assumptions duder. I quit playing sorc a long time ago. I play a sentinel now and I eat them for breakfast. Any more assumptions you'd like to throw my way?


Til then, get over yourself dude. You don't know half as much as you'd like to think you do.


You can kill any badly played spec in seconds. Go figure there are a lot of bad players on the most overpopulated spec in the game.


What the hell does that have to do with a hybrid spec that isn't balanced that most of the people you and I are killing aren't even playing anyways?


If a hybrid spec actually uses thier cooldowns? You aren't dropping them in seconds unless you in a premade with an assist train.



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Jugs without every long cooldown go down fast. Add to that you have non stop uptime on them, because they are melee...


You have no uptime on a hybrid specced sorc. You have 2-3 second windows out of 10 seconds. The more sorc stacked the less uptime you have.


Yes they can die, yes it takes way too long. Yes I found it damn near impossible to die as hybrid spec in a warzone where it is not a long drawn out one on one with a sent/marauder that I am wasting my time fighting anyways. Much better to CC their rebuke (rendering them useless), attack/shield other people, then focus fire them down in the duration of a stun.


When it takes 20-30 seconds to focus fire one down, it takes too long. All other dps specs in this game can go down in seconds and if they pop a defensive cooldown can be CC'd or the dmg just goes right through it (like a scoundrel/ops dodge).


When you add in a sorc who actually knows what his heal button looks like and what LOS is? It becomes damn near impossible to die unless you are with a pug and are fighting people on vent.


I personally, as another Sorc, find hybrid sorcs very easy to deal with. Now, the average player on my server is terrible, so I'm sure that has more to do with it than anything. And yes, any sorc that uses terrain to his advantage well should win, because the class is designed to kite. But, you don't have every cool down available all the time. And if the other team isn't putting more than 1 person on you, then that's on them, not on the sorc. This isn't a 1v1 game, it's not balanced around 1v1, and it never will be. But you put the right classes on a sorc, and you WILL kill them easily.


I find it very easy to stay alive as either spec, simply because most people don't know how to play. But when I go against a group that knows what I can do if I'm left alone, you damn well better bet they focus me down. And I don't know anything in this game that will let me survive 7 seconds with 4 people on me. Sure, I'll knockback root them, and then try to run because the engagement isn't in my favor, but a well timed stun/leap and I'm toast.


And with the lag between client/server player locations, LoS in most areas can become moot with 10m melee range (assassins/shadow).


I think maybe you should consider that the server you play on has terrible people playing on it, that just let you sit back and cast.




Faction tells it perfect.

Edited by TetraCleric
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You can kill any badly played spec in seconds. Go figure there are a lot of bad players on the most overpopulated spec in the game.


What the hell does that have to do with a hybrid spec that isn't balanced that most of the people you and I are killing aren't even playing anyways?


If a hybrid spec actually uses thier cooldowns? You aren't dropping them in seconds unless you in a premade with an assist train.




Okay, let's play this from the opposite: I am a hybrid spec'd Powertech w/ an immunity to roots every 30 seconds. I also have a 6 second interrupt, and a gap closer. My armor mitigates lightning damage.


My main attack auto-snares and is spammable, and also automatically places a dot on them that rivals Crushing Darkness. I use this almost every 1.5 seconds and it can't be interrupted.


Tell me exactly what a Sorc/Sage can do to get away from me once I've decided to make them dead.


Now take away half of their CC and try to understand how this scenario would play out 100% of the time.

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I personally, as another Sorc, find hybrid sorcs very easy to deal with. Now, the average player on my server is terrible, so I'm sure that has more to do with it than anything. And yes, any sorc that uses terrain to his advantage well should win, because the class is designed to kite. But, you don't have every cool down available all the time. And if the other team isn't putting more than 1 person on you, then that's on them, not on the sorc. This isn't a 1v1 game, it's not balanced around 1v1, and it never will be. But you put the right classes on a sorc, and you WILL kill them easily.


I find it very easy to stay alive as either spec, simply because most people don't know how to play. But when I go against a group that knows what I can do if I'm left alone, you damn well better bet they focus me down. And I don't know anything in this game that will let me survive 7 seconds with 4 people on me. Sure, I'll knockback root them, and then try to run because the engagement isn't in my favor, but a well timed stun/leap and I'm toast.


And with the lag between client/server player locations, LoS in most areas can become moot with 10m melee range (assassins/shadow).


I think maybe you should consider that the server you play on has terrible people playing on it, that just let you sit back and cast.




Faction tells it perfect.


Why the hell would I need to watch a video about sorc/sages to know I rarely if ever died on hybrid specced sorc while outdpsing people 2 to 1 while being bored out of my mind?


So that someone can make a video saying "don't nerf me brah" and claiming all other classes are better at damage?


Give me a break. The hybrid spec is most stupidly OP ranged spec ever seen in a MMO and among the easiest to play. The madness/balance spec isn't far behind.


Most of the people claiming it is balanced have never done well with another caster in an MMO. Anyone who was good at a caster in WoW finds the class laughable. It is easier to play then VANILLA specs were when noone even had freakin gaming mice.


Take a vanilla shadow priest, make mindblast a instant proc, remove the need to shift in and out of shadow to heal, make fear automatic when your shield breaks, give them a stun, give them a instant cast sheep and a sprint and that about sums up this stupid class.


How the hell anyone can even stand playing it blows my mind, let alone defending stupid hybrid specs that were never intended. But whatever.


10-49 brackets prove my point. Bad players calling me bad? I could care less about.


Have fun when all these players hit 50. Everyone is rerolling sorc/sages/commandos/mercs cus they are totally balanced, challenging to play and because this game was perfectly balanced at release.


People claiming this crap is balanced are the same people that wanted nerfs on scoundrels/ops. Now they tell people to l2p? PvP forums are laughable at best.


Everyone who knows what balance looks like sees the hybrid spec as a glaring issue, and knows that resolve sucks as well. Why the hell do you all think they are rerolling this class. So they can be underpowered? LOL.

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Why the hell would I need to watch a video about sorc/sages to know I rarely if ever died on hybrid specced sorc while outdpsing people 2 to 1 while being bored out of my mind?


So that someone can make a video saying "don't nerf me brah" and claiming all other classes are better at damage?


Give me a break. The hybrid spec is most stupidly OP ranged spec ever seen in a MMO and among the easiest to play. The madness/balance spec isn't far behind.


Most of the people claiming it is balanced have never done well with another caster in an MMO. Anyone who was good at a caster in WoW finds the class laughable. It is easier to play then VANILLA specs were when noone even had freakin gaming mice.


Take a vanilla shadow priest, make mindblast a instant proc, remove the need to shift in and out of shadow to heal, make fear automatic when your shield breaks, give them a stun, give them a instant cast sheep and a sprint and that about sums up this stupid class.


How the hell anyone can even stand playing it blows my mind, let alone defending stupid hybrid specs that were never intended. But whatever.


10-49 brackets prove my point. Bad players calling me bad? I could care less about.


Have fun when all these players hit 50. Everyone is rerolling sorc/sages/commandos/mercs cus they are totally balanced, challenging to play and because this game was perfectly balanced at release.


People claiming this crap is balanced are the same people that wanted nerfs on scoundrels/ops. Now they tell people to l2p? PvP forums are laughable at best.


Everyone who knows what balance looks like sees the hybrid spec as a glaring issue, and knows that resolve sucks as well. Why the hell do you all think they are rerolling this class. So they can be underpowered? LOL.


You really should have watched the video.

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If you get rooted for 5 seconds on the AoE knockback, then the sorc most likely isn't even trying to kill you because it breaks on damage after 2 seconds. And unless its the beginning of an engagement, then the sorc has DoT's rolling on you. Plus, that root is now on a 20 second CD, and any other stun will put you in full resolve.


Like I've already stated, 2 seconds is long enough for you to sprint away around a corner. The knockback and root need to be separated into two different skills.

Edited by Smashbrother
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Like I've already stated, 2 seconds is long enough for you to sprint away around a corner. The knockback and root need to be separated into two different skills.



Not really, seeing as how sprint itself only lasts 2 seconds, and after the knockback, I'm on a 1.5 second Global. And if you can't gain that ground while I'm throwing up a 3 second heal afterwards, well I don't know what else there is to say.


And that already happens with 31 mad spec. The root is not attached to any other skill, and it's on a 9 second CD. Plus it's a DoT that is affected by DF. I can root you twice before I can knockback again, which ups my survivability even more, and thats from a 31 madness spec.

Edited by TetraCleric
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Why the hell would I need to watch a video about sorc/sages to know I rarely if ever died on hybrid specced sorc while outdpsing people 2 to 1 while being bored out of my mind?


So that someone can make a video saying "don't nerf me brah" and claiming all other classes are better at damage?


Give me a break. The hybrid spec is most stupidly OP ranged spec ever seen in a MMO and among the easiest to play. The madness/balance spec isn't far behind.


Most of the people claiming it is balanced have never done well with another caster in an MMO. Anyone who was good at a caster in WoW finds the class laughable. It is easier to play then VANILLA specs were when noone even had freakin gaming mice.


Take a vanilla shadow priest, make mindblast a instant proc, remove the need to shift in and out of shadow to heal, make fear automatic when your shield breaks, give them a stun, give them a instant cast sheep and a sprint and that about sums up this stupid class.


How the hell anyone can even stand playing it blows my mind, let alone defending stupid hybrid specs that were never intended. But whatever.


10-49 brackets prove my point. Bad players calling me bad? I could care less about.


Have fun when all these players hit 50. Everyone is rerolling sorc/sages/commandos/mercs cus they are totally balanced, challenging to play and because this game was perfectly balanced at release.


People claiming this crap is balanced are the same people that wanted nerfs on scoundrels/ops. Now they tell people to l2p? PvP forums are laughable at best.


Everyone who knows what balance looks like sees the hybrid spec as a glaring issue, and knows that resolve sucks as well. Why the hell do you all think they are rerolling this class. So they can be underpowered? LOL.


Still waiting on an answer on exactly what this super OP hybrid spec Sorc is supposed to do to live when I am beating on them.


I've already tried elaborating on what others can do to lock them down, but doing anything other than running straight at them while being snared and casted on seems to be out of the question in a lot of peoples' minds.

Edited by Varicite
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Okay, let's play this from the opposite: I am a hybrid spec'd Powertech w/ an immunity to roots every 30 seconds. I also have a 6 second interrupt, and a gap closer. My armor mitigates lightning damage.


My main attack auto-snares and is spammable, and also automatically places a dot on them that rivals Crushing Darkness. I use this almost every 1.5 seconds and it can't be interrupted.


Tell me exactly what a Sorc/Sage can do to get away from me once I've decided to make them dead.


Now take away half of their CC and try to understand how this scenario would play out 100% of the time.


Ok I'll even give the PT the upper hand by putting him at melee range at default. I assume the PT doesn't use his grip so I'll leave out one CC at the end that would have been used to counter the grip.


Bubble pops -> Immobilized 3 seconds. Sorcerer uses Crushing Darkness, Affliction, and Force Lightning until you're in melee range(or close) -> 4s Stun and continues to pelt you with Force Lightning and he should have a chain lightning proc by now -> Knockback when you're close. This either puts you in a lower ramp or has you stuck in place for 2 seconds. He uses another Force Lightning -> Bubble pops -> Immobilized 3 seconds and the Sorc uses this time to gain some distance for some more Force Lightning -> Force Slow and dash put him at 30 yards again -> Need I go on? I haven't used Whirlwind yet and if you even have a prayer then he can just use this time when he's 30 yards away to just simply run away.


Sorcerers are at their ABSOLUTE WEAKEST 1v1 and even then they can keep someone CC'd enough to tear them to shreads. In a group setting they're exponentially more powerful and everyone here supporting Sorcerers keeps using 1v1 as their argument for Sorcerers. Even that one argument is weak.

Edited by Tumri
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Ok I'll even give the PT the upper hand by putting him at melee range at default. I assume the PT doesn't use his grip so I'll leave out one CC at the end that would have been used to counter the grip.


Bubble pops -> Immobilized 3 seconds. Sorcerer uses Crushing Darkness, Affliction, and Force Lightning until you're in melee range(or close) -> 4s Stun and continues to pelt you with Force Lightning and he should have a chain lightning proc by now -> Knockback when you're close. This either puts you in a lower ramp or has you stuck in place for 2 seconds. He uses another Force Lightning -> Bubble pops -> Immobilized 3 seconds and the Sorc uses this time to gain some distance for some more Force Lightning -> Force Slow and dash put him at 30 yards again -> Need I go on? I haven't used Whirlwind yet and if you even have a prayer then he can just use this time when he's 30 yards away to just simply run away.


Sorcerers are at their ABSOLUTE WEAKEST 1v1 and even then they can keep someone CC'd enough to tear them to shreads. In a group setting they're exponentially more powerful and everyone here supporting Sorcerers keeps using 1v1 as their argument for Sorcerers. Even that one argument is weak.




i still cant believe a marauder is complaining about 1v1


annihilation marauders are the best 1v1 class in this game



a non wrath procd crushing darkness is a 2 second cast, knockback + gcd + 2 second cast means ur out of the sanre as its applied, the knockback isnt far at all and the sorc can kite and apply alliftion and do virtualy no dmg to you, or stand an turret chain lightning, which you'll be on top of them again.




the mara during this fight has 100% dmg reduction for a few seconds, 20% dmg reduction for 30 seconds cirtualy, and 99% dmg reduction when you get low. all more than enough to finish the sorc.


mara's have insain amount of dmg mitigation. if you cant outlast a sorc then you were outskilled

Edited by wwkingms
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Ok I'll even give the PT the upper hand by putting him at melee range at default. I assume the PT doesn't use his grip so I'll leave out one CC at the end that would have been used to counter the grip.


Bubble pops -> Immobilized 3 seconds. Sorcerer uses Crushing Darkness, Affliction, and Force Lightning until you're in melee range(or close) -> 4s Stun and continues to pelt you with Force Lightning and he should have a chain lightning proc by now -> Knockback when you're close. This either puts you in a lower ramp or has you stuck in place for 2 seconds. He uses another Force Lightning -> Bubble pops -> Immobilized 3 seconds and the Sorc uses this time to gain some distance for some more Force Lightning -> Force Slow and dash put him at 30 yards again -> Need I go on? I haven't used Whirlwind yet and if you even have a prayer then he can just use this time when he's 30 yards away to just simply run away.


Sorcerers are at their ABSOLUTE WEAKEST 1v1 and even then they can keep someone CC'd enough to tear them to shreads. In a group setting they're exponentially more powerful and everyone here supporting Sorcerers keeps using 1v1 as their argument for Sorcerers. Even that one argument is weak.


You failed to notice that the player is full resolve, because you used the 4s stun which soft caps resolve, then you knockbacked, which puts you at full resolve from the soft cap. Also, didn't you say the PT starts in melee range to begin with? So if the sorc is casting crushing darkness (2.0 sec cast time) and a FL (3 second channel), that's 5 seconds, and the incap only lasts 3 seconds. You have to be standing still to cast, so you haven't exactly moved that far out of melee range.

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i still cant believe a marauder is complaining about 1v1


annihilation marauders are the best 1v1 class in this game



a non wrath procd crushing darkness is a 2 second cast, knockback + gcd + 2 second cast means ur out of the sanre as its applied, the knockback isnt far at all and the sorc can kite and apply alliftion and do virtualy no dmg to you, or stand an turret chain lightning, which you'll be on top of them again.




the mara during this fight has 100% dmg reduction for a few seconds, 20% dmg reduction for 30 seconds cirtualy, and 99% dmg reduction when you get low. all more than enough to finish the sorc.


mara's have insain amount of dmg mitigation. if you cant outlast a sorc then you were outskilled


Way to take the post entirely out of context.. He asked for a scenario where the Sorcerer would be able to win 1v1 and I provided one. In any other non 1v1 setting the Sorcerer auto-wins anyways. Sorcerers are at their weakest when alone. That was the important point made in that post.


@ Your posts in general... If you're going to take things out of context and not even read the entire post you're quoting then don't quote.On another note I know that the forums don't exactly have spell check but that's no excuse for such atrocious language/spelling/grammar.

Edited by Tumri
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Ok I'll even give the PT the upper hand by putting him at melee range at default. I assume the PT doesn't use his grip so I'll leave out one CC at the end that would have been used to counter the grip.


Bubble pops -> Immobilized 3 seconds. Sorcerer uses Crushing Darkness, Affliction, and Force Lightning until you're in melee range(or close) -> 4s Stun and continues to pelt you with Force Lightning and he should have a chain lightning proc by now -> Knockback when you're close. This either puts you in a lower ramp or has you stuck in place for 2 seconds. He uses another Force Lightning -> Bubble pops -> Immobilized 3 seconds and the Sorc uses this time to gain some distance for some more Force Lightning -> Force Slow and dash put him at 30 yards again -> Need I go on? I haven't used Whirlwind yet and if you even have a prayer then he can just use this time when he's 30 yards away to just simply run away.


Sorcerers are at their ABSOLUTE WEAKEST 1v1 and even then they can keep someone CC'd enough to tear them to shreads. In a group setting they're exponentially more powerful and everyone here supporting Sorcerers keeps using 1v1 as their argument for Sorcerers. Even that one argument is weak.


A tank specced PT is about the last class that should be afraid of a Sorc 1vs1. A good combination of stun, charge, pull and super short interrupt drives them mad and shuts them down.

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A good hybrid build should never, ever be using lightning strike. It's awful.


It's a single talent point that gives them an advantage during heavy AoE situations. I don't think it's a particularly strong talent but it's definitely worth taking for PvP since all current WZs have times when people pile up and leave themselves open to massive AoE burst from Chain Lightning and Death Field.

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It's a single talent point that gives them an advantage during heavy AoE situations. I don't think it's a particularly strong talent but it's definitely worth taking for PvP since all current WZs have times when people pile up and leave themselves open to massive AoE burst from Chain Lightning and Death Field.

Channeling another force lightning for the no cooldown wrath proc is much better than that talent. Warth is amazing. Lightning storm is awful.


Force Storm costs too much force and does too little damage and has too long of a channel to be effective even in AoE heavy situations.

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Ok I'll even give the PT the upper hand by putting him at melee range at default. I assume the PT doesn't use his grip so I'll leave out one CC at the end that would have been used to counter the grip.


Bubble pops -> Immobilized 3 seconds. Sorcerer uses Crushing Darkness, Affliction, and Force Lightning until you're in melee range(or close) -> 4s Stun and continues to pelt you with Force Lightning and he should have a chain lightning proc by now -> Knockback when you're close. This either puts you in a lower ramp or has you stuck in place for 2 seconds. He uses another Force Lightning -> Bubble pops -> Immobilized 3 seconds and the Sorc uses this time to gain some distance for some more Force Lightning -> Force Slow and dash put him at 30 yards again -> Need I go on? I haven't used Whirlwind yet and if you even have a prayer then he can just use this time when he's 30 yards away to just simply run away.


Sorcerers are at their ABSOLUTE WEAKEST 1v1 and even then they can keep someone CC'd enough to tear them to shreads. In a group setting they're exponentially more powerful and everyone here supporting Sorcerers keeps using 1v1 as their argument for Sorcerers. Even that one argument is weak.


There are a great number of fallacies in your post.


For starters, if he casts on me at all during that first bubble mez, it's not lasting 3 seconds. It lasts until the first damage move hits me, and then I'm back on him. 4s Stun sure, which I will break and continue to melt face. He has not been able to cast a full Force Lightning at this point because I've been in his face the whole time, and if he has attempted it, I will interrupt it.


Second, if he has placed dots on me AT ALL, then that second immobilize on the bubble DOES NOT HAPPEN, because it breaks on damage. 1 second at most here.


Let's pretend that I'm a normal melee and somehow lost my "completely immune to all physics" button, then he knocks me back and I'm rooted for 2 seconds. During this time, I am still close enough to him to hit him w/ Flame Burst, instantly snaring him. If not, I will shoot him w/ Rapid Shots, w/ a good chance of... instantly snaring him.


Honestly, the above scenario wouldn't happen because I would pop Hydraulic Overrides as soon as I see the animation for the jump, and even if I'm not early enough, the ability will break the root and make me immune anyway.


Force Slow -> Dash means that I use my Grapple to close the gap. Now he's beside me again. And snared. And without most of his cooldowns.


I should be around half health at this point from the Crushing Darkness/Affliction/Force Slow/couple ticks of Force Lightning.


Mind you, he still has not had the opportunity to cast one full Force Lightning on me, so the chance of him having a Wrath proc is very, very low.


If he whirlwinds, he will gain 2 seconds of time on me at the most, as you have already stated that I'm dotted and it breaks on damage. He will obviously use this time to either try to LoS and heal, or to cast Force Lightning for the Wrath proc.


If he LoS's, 2 seconds isn't enough time to LoS AND cast a worthwhile heal, so it will be interrupted. If he casts the little heal, well... lol.


If he casts Force Lightning, I wade through the lightning for a couple ticks while also snaring him w/ my main attack. When he stops casting to move, I will be faster than him again and continue beating his face in.


(Most of the things after the knockback wouldn't actually happen in a real fight, because like I said, I'd be immune to that and keeping the pressure on, forcing him into survival mode)


So taking all of that into account, the Sorc still has very little chance to deal damage to me when focused, and even less of a chance to actually win unless outgearing me severely.


W/out the CC, he would have 0 chance at all.

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It's a single talent point that gives them an advantage during heavy AoE situations. I don't think it's a particularly strong talent but it's definitely worth taking for PvP since all current WZs have times when people pile up and leave themselves open to massive AoE burst from Chain Lightning and Death Field.


Are you talking about taking lightning storm? Because using Lightning Strike is a DPS loss. The cool down on CL and CD already work in pretty good synergy, forcing another CL is really just going to pad meters, but you have to waste GCD's, and wrath procs, for it to even happen. Wasting wrath procs to get CL off cooldown means you have to cast FL again to proc wrath so that you can insta cast CL. It's all a DPS loss.

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There are a great number of fallacies in your post.


For starters, if he casts on me at all during that first bubble mez, it's not lasting 3 seconds. It lasts until the first damage move hits me, and then I'm back on him. 4s Stun sure, which I will break and continue to melt face. He has not been able to cast a full Force Lightning at this point because I've been in his face the whole time, and if he has attempted it, I will interrupt it.


Second, if he has placed dots on me AT ALL, then that second immobilize on the bubble DOES NOT HAPPEN, because it breaks on damage. 1 second at most here.


Let's pretend that I'm a normal melee and somehow lost my "completely immune to all physics" button, then he knocks me back and I'm rooted for 2 seconds. During this time, I am still close enough to him to hit him w/ Flame Burst, instantly snaring him. If not, I will shoot him w/ Rapid Shots, w/ a good chance of... instantly snaring him.


Honestly, the above scenario wouldn't happen because I would pop Hydraulic Overrides as soon as I see the animation for the jump, and even if I'm not early enough, the ability will break the root and make me immune anyway.


Force Slow -> Dash means that I use my Grapple to close the gap. Now he's beside me again. And snared. And without most of his cooldowns.


I should be around half health at this point from the Crushing Darkness/Affliction/Force Slow/couple ticks of Force Lightning.


Mind you, he still has not had the opportunity to cast one full Force Lightning on me, so the chance of him having a Wrath proc is very, very low.


If he whirlwinds, he will gain 2 seconds of time on me at the most, as you have already stated that I'm dotted and it breaks on damage. He will obviously use this time to either try to LoS and heal, or to cast Force Lightning for the Wrath proc.


If he LoS's, 2 seconds isn't enough time to LoS AND cast a worthwhile heal, so it will be interrupted. If he casts the little heal, well... lol.


If he casts Force Lightning, I wade through the lightning for a couple ticks while also snaring him w/ my main attack. When he stops casting to move, I will be faster than him again and continue beating his face in.


(Most of the things after the knockback wouldn't actually happen in a real fight, because like I said, I'd be immune to that and keeping the pressure on, forcing him into survival mode)


So taking all of that into account, the Sorc still has very little chance to deal damage to me when focused, and even less of a chance to actually win unless outgearing me severely.


W/out the CC, he would have 0 chance at all.


Just want to point out that the root on the knockback lasts 5 seconds, and if there is damage breaks after 2 seconds. So at the least it's a 2 second root. Also, he can't cast Whirlwind on you after hitting you with the 4s stun and a knockback because you're at full resolve.

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A good hybrid build should never, ever be using lightning strike. It's awful.


mehhh not always. It has its uses when CL is on cool down and you got a wrath proc against a target low on health, and if specced you can potentially proc another CL off it which does happen a decent amount of the time to fish for it. Would never stright cast lightning strike but if I have a free wrath proc I find it worth throwing for a little extra dmg and potentially a reset and instant cast of my CL again. Figure 2k+ hit from a wrath proc lightning strike instant procing CL reset followed by a 3-4k+ CL strike can tickle an enemy fairly well in a few seconds:P

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You failed to notice that the player is full resolve, because you used the 4s stun which soft caps resolve, then you knockbacked, which puts you at full resolve from the soft cap. Also, didn't you say the PT starts in melee range to begin with? So if the sorc is casting crushing darkness (2.0 sec cast time) and a FL (3 second channel), that's 5 seconds, and the incap only lasts 3 seconds. You have to be standing still to cast, so you haven't exactly moved that far out of melee range.


See this is what I mean. I'm wasting far too much time looking up other peoples skills only to have them reply without bothering to know about a game wide mechanic, much less what my abilities are actually doing. I think I have to leave this thread, I'm not getting enough play time. =P

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I didn't think I'd have to spell out absolutely everything. During a 3s immobilize the Sorcerer runs and gains about 15 yards. During any immobilize/stun he runs to gain ground. That's supposed to be an automatic reaction when you're playing a ranged DPS class...


About the resolve bar. The first immobilize + stun will fill it. The sorcerer should have enough time with force slow up to gain the ground required to waste the PTs full resolve bar while he's making his way to the Sorc. I know I didn't mention anything about kiting and positioning in the other post because that should all be automatic for anyone worth a damn in PvP. I'm not going to spend time typing out a detailed novel about a PvP scenario.

Edited by Tumri
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mehhh not always. It has its uses when CL is on cool down and you got a wrath proc against a target low on health, and if specced you can potentially proc another CL off it which does happen a decent amount of the time to fish for it. Would never stright cast lightning strike but if I have a free wrath proc I find it worth throwing for a little extra dmg and potentially a reset and instant cast of my CL again. Figure 2k+ hit from a wrath proc lightning strike instant procing CL reset followed by a 3-4k+ CL strike can tickle an enemy fairly well in a few seconds:P


If you waste a wrath proc on LS, you have to cast FL again to get wrath to proc so you can use CL off the cooldown you just negated from Lightning Storm, assuming you even got the 30% proc. It's a straight DPS loss in literally every situation.

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Just want to point out that the root on the knockback lasts 5 seconds, and if there is damage breaks after 2 seconds. So at the least it's a 2 second root. Also, he can't cast Whirlwind on you after hitting you with the 4s stun and a knockback because you're at full resolve.


I know, I was assuming I had the dots on me for the 2 second root on knockback.


As for the Resolve bar, I didn't want to hear a lolresolve rebuttal, so I just let it ride. :p


The point still stands that other than Hydraulic Overrides and Rapid Shots, I deal w/ a Sorc just like most other melee, and if you focus them, you cut their damage output down to abysmal.


Honestly, Marauders/Sentinels have much better defensive cooldowns and a higher damage output for dealing w/ them than I do.

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See this is what I mean. I'm wasting far too much time looking up other peoples skills only to have them reply without bothering to know about a game wide mechanic, much less what my abilities are actually doing. I think I have to leave this thread, I'm not getting enough play time. =P


Implying I don't know what I'm talking about?


I didn't think I'd have to spell out absolutely everything. During a 3s immobilize the Sorcerer runs and gains about 15 yards. During any immobilize/stun he runs to gain ground. That's supposed to be an automatic reaction when you're playing a ranged DPS class...


Ok but during the 5 seconds it takes to cast the stuff you listed after, the PT is already back in melee range. You have a lot of time dissonance in what you want the Sorc to do, and what it can actually do in the allotted time.

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