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We're not all like THAT...


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I see not everyone plays Death Knight / Paladin / Druid. Certain classes don't have the CDs to effectively Tank / Heal / Dps all at the same time. If the healer / tank is lacking it is quite frankly unacceptable because they are relied upon by 4 other people if they can't pull their weight they shouldn't queue until they are some what acceptable.


I played a rogue, and only a rogue. I've tanked more than my fair share of close calls running the gamut from loose trash mobs to raid bosses. In fact, I once tanked a heroic dungeon boss from 70% effectively managing my abilities (Broodlord Mandokir in Heroic ZG). Kept recouperate up and spaced out CR and Evasion = clutch tank. Had to pop a health pot and I had the gear to make it a shorter fight. I killed Deathwing in normal first week (heroic obviously not available first week) and the tank ended up dying. Me picking up the adds and spacing out my cds led us to our first kill. Point is, if you're really that good, you're going to have the gear and skill to carry any amount of bad. Not here to argue that point though as it's off topic. My sub here ends tomorrow or something, and I've updated wow. Gonna go play it.

Edited by Whatsalightsaver
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of course its doable, if everything wents perfect (gear is ok, healer does his work and so on)

but besides that it takes longer, thats not what i watn to do on a thursday evening after a long work-pace.

yes, i confess there are days, where i simply want to brain-afk me through a fp for the tokens and i want it to be done fast...

well to be back on topic,

i guess the op will not come back to read it but anyway:

there is no black and white.

If u want to play with polite and gentle people that fit your playstyle: Use your friendlist or a specific "casual-guild"


anyway i think most of those "noobs" that complain are bad players, that dont want to learn. they go into a "semi-professional" guild to get their "epics" and be cool to got carried through all raids being "proud" to have them cleared.


in my oppinon, those who simply lack experience and can learn something, do not complain. They learn sooner or later and become a moderate or good player.


those "mimimi all are evil"-whiners usually are those, that will stay in elo-hell forever


edit... oops elo-hell wrong game.. sorry...


of course i meant will stay bad players and will cry forever.

Edited by Ergolus
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I played a rogue, and only a rogue. I've tanked more than my fair share of close calls running the gamut from loose trash mobs to raid bosses. In fact, I once tanked a heroic dungeon boss from 70% effectively managing my abilities (Broodlord Mandokir in Heroic ZG). Kept recouperate up and spaced out CR and Evasion = clutch tank. Had to pop a health pot and I had the gear to make it a shorter fight. I killed Deathwing in normal first week (heroic obviously not available first week) and the tank ended up dying. Me picking up the adds and spacing out my cds led us to our first kill. Point is, if you're really that good, you're going to have the gear and skill to carry any amount of bad. Not here to argue that point though as it's off topic. My sub here ends tomorrow or something, and I've updated wow. Gonna go play it.


Fair enough but Evasion and Combat Readiness + Recup + a Health pot is not enough for a lot of fights especially when the healer is the problem. The main thing I am talking about is PuG raids anyway and therefore its irrelevant that you can tank a few HC bosses.

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anyway i think most of those "noobs" that complain are bad players, that dont want to learn. they go into a "semi-professional" guild to get their "epics" and be cool to got carried through all raids being "proud" to have them cleared.


in my oppinon, those who simply lack experience and can learn something, do not complain. They learn sooner or later and become a moderate or good player.


those "mimimi all are evil"-whiners usually are those, that will stay in elo-hell forever


edit... oops elo-hell wrong game.. sorry...


of course i meant will stay bad players and will cry forever.


Looks like WoW is having some server issues, so I'm back (Yes, SWOTR players, MMOs have server issues! And patch days! And maintenance! It's all part of the cycle.) In all honesty, I'm not in total disagreement with you and the other dude above me who's name is so complicated that I can't be bothered to keep editing till it's spelled right xD Both sides need to change. "Casuals" need to put just *a little more effort* into their roles so that they don't tie groups down and not expect all the content to revolve around their lack of interest or time. "Elitists" need to ease up on the smack talk and jack-***ery that basically acts like bad players are stupid people and that this game (or WoW) is the most important thing on earth.


I don't support the attitude that "I don't want to do X or read X and just want to wing it". Not all content is balanced around such an attitude and you shouldn't expect to be carried through it. I also don't support "**** NOOB! You're ****!" This is just an elitist being an idiot. Both sides need to step it up in different ways.

Edited by Whatsalightsaver
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I only do pick-up groups, but I only respond to people who LFG if they don't specify what class they're looking for. I figure that's a good way to avoid the people who feel a need to teach me how to play their way. When I am in a group in which someone offers me advice, I listen and try it out--even when I think they are wrong. It doesn't kill me (or them!), and it gives me another way to strategize, usually. Sometimes they're not wrong! :p


I prefer my gaming not to feel like an obligation, so I haven't joined any guild, and doubt I will, for the most part--I'm on when I'm on, not when I'm not, and don't need another thing to schedule or keep track of in my life. However! I'm friendly and helpful, and contrary to what the elite players might think given what I've written, I'm not a bad player. I'm well-geared, I read up on my class, I know which moves boost my others and within how many seconds, I'm fast on the keyboard and have a good eye for the cooldowns and I'm a freaking wiz with my interrupts.


Bossy people just bug me, so I do my best to avoid them.

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There seems to be a body of players that automatically assume you know all the basics in grouping. This is a facet of a larger issue, though.


It follows in the same logic the WoW vs X crowd continually uses: the MMO demographic is a static group, so one game has to pull from another for subscribers. There is never anyone who plays both games, and never anyone who comes in new to MMOs after WoW reached its high mark. So they assume anyone in SWTOR either came directly from WoW or from another MMO.


I've grouped with people who did not play an MMO, ever. Not once. They didn't know basic grouping etiquette, lingo, or strategy. This made them excellent learners, since they weren't infected with the "I know everything about everything" virus too many MMO players suffer from. They turned out to be great party members once you gave them some time to learn pulling and how to break CC, and so on.

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I had a guy join my guild last nite, and after some randomizing and BS chatting, he made a comment that disturbed me.


He said he has never done FP's and skips his heroics because he had been yelled at and booted from groups before because he "didn't know what he was doing" or "didnt know his class"


Really? i don't pug anymore, mostly because i have been sick to death of the leetists who treat others this way, and im sad to say i had forgotten this mentality. i formed my guild so i didnt have to deal with this, but in doing so i was able to ignore the poor folks who dont have a group of people to run with, and have to endure the tooth-aching stupidity that can be the general populace.


So i post this, an apology on behalf of the decent folks in the game. there are good people out there, people who understand everyone has to start at one and learn from there. there are people who can be in a group, wipe, and still laugh about it as long as your enjoying yourself. unfortunatly most of those people have foregone the PUG scene and joined or formed guilds of like minded individuals.


hang in there, you people who don't have the best rigs, or infinite times to play. you people who have families that require attn, or full time jobs that require you to focus there first and game as you can.


if you play in mind trick, and your looking for a group like this, my guild site's in my sig. if you play on another server i really hope you find one of the guilds there who are good and decent people who enjoy the game because its fun, not because it matters how fast you hit 50, or how awesome your gear is.


we're not all like that, and some of us are pretty fun guys and gals.






I love how the OP can say, "Hey, we're not all douchebags," and then everyone else replies with, "Well, I don't pug because everyone's a douchebag."


I'm going to copy and paste something I put on the WoW forums a year back detailing why I don't like pugs. Notice how I said I don't LIKE pugging, not that I don't pug. Because me, being the grown man I am, refuse to let such a small percentage of people dictate how I play my game. See, I run heroics and flashpoints all the time with people I pulled out of General chat, and we do just fine because the majority of people on MMO's aren't egotistical idiots or crying adult-children, but basic, normal people just trying to kick back and relax on a video game after a rough day of doing whatever it is they do. So here ya go.


The "Elitist" View


I understand Firelands is new, and shiny, and can be a quick and easy way to get some truly awesome gear. Trash runs for rep grinds keep you from blowing cash on idiots who think a recipe is worth 20k gold. You want that gear, go for it and go for it hard.


But when you insist on bringing in your buddies still in quest greens, don't get pissy when the tank finds an excuse to leave. I don't care how well you know your class, you're still a number, and without gear, you're a low number. Low numbers don't get anybody anywhere and only cause bad tension. I was planning on a nice relaxing rep grind and wound up having to quit because I almost got ticked enough to put a teenager in tears. That's not cool. I don't like feeling that way over a video game. I don't like looking like a #@@@ over it either. But truth be told, I pay a subscription for my own enjoyment, not give someone's girlfriend a free ride. Heck, I don't even do that with my own girlfriend. Only thing I have to do for her is exist. Her words, not mine.


Look, gear is there for a reason. That reason is, so you can get into the newer content without dying horribly over and over and over again. Think about it. When you were questing, did you try going into Outland with the whites you picked up as a level 20? No, you did not. So why would you try and DPS the baddest raid out right now when you're wearing trinkets you picked up in Vash'jir? You stacked PvP gear to get into Heroics. I get that. I DPS in mine and tell anyone with a problem to kick me, so I'm not bashing on those people. Tanking annoys me sometimes, see exhibit A.


But honestly, you know hen you're not ready for raids. You know that. You know you're not going to do well. You know you're going to cause a hassle. Not think. Know. And you come anyway. You come, and then those of us that just wanted to have an chill night have to facepalm at our desktops every time you mess up, restrain ourselves from saying something because for all we know you're just an eight year old with parents just trying to be cool, and wind up logging off that night thinking about checking out this new Star Wars MMO we heard about. That's the real reason this irritates me. I'm trying to be nice because I think you're still watching Dora the Explorer and come find out you're old enough to know why touching ******* is fun and to legally have yours touched. That's when I drop a woman stereotype that would make my mom break my jaw and quit the group with two middle fingers extended.


So when I see people get on Trade or even these forums talking about how raiders are a bunch of *****s who hassle newbie players so we can have quick ROFLstomp-level runs, I just shake my head and sigh. How can you judge us like that when you're the one who thinks you should be given a good time on a silver plate, that we should roll over and provide you with the very best everything? Like I said, I don't pay cash for your good time. Find me someone that would. Find me someone that pays almost $185 a year because they want to help you get your gear for your enjoyment. I want you to do that so you can run with them and leave me to my evening so I can go to bed not wanting to beat the stupid out of an entire generation.


Please and thank you.

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I pray they never bring in dps meters. That totally ruined WoW in my humble opinion.


As a recent convert from WoW, this gets an Amen from me. Played a few heroics and the freedom of not having to impress everyone with huge numbers is amazing, I still made the effort, I still wanted to contribute to the team, but I was relying on my own (probably distorted) views of my playing, and not what the others were thinking about.

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As a recent convert from WoW, this gets an Amen from me. Played a few heroics and the freedom of not having to impress everyone with huge numbers is amazing, I still made the effort, I still wanted to contribute to the team, but I was relying on my own (probably distorted) views of my playing, and not what the others were thinking about.


another one of those, that rely on ppl that know how to play, to get theire gear stuffed up the *** \o/

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I know these situations from wow and the LFD, but whenever I made my own group or joined one server side, then I didnt met rude people usually.


Guess it is because then you can choose if you join a group or if not, something you cant at wow´s LFD.


Just dont join any group or guild, pick those that have friendly peeps in, if someone spams chat or calls you "tank, healer, mage" aka not by your name, then just leave, its a sign for a kiddy ;)

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I am a recovering elitist dlckhead and I now try to teach. If I group with a player who is clearly doing it wrong I try to help. I try to offer spec and rotation tips as well as playstyle tips like "Dont stand in the circle the bombs are landing in"


I was in a group with a guy he was level 34 and I asked him what spec he was and he said sniper. I said, no like what tree are you specced in to. he said "What?" He had never spent a single talent point and we are now good e-friends.



All im sayin is, try to be nice. It works

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another one of those, that rely on ppl that know how to play, to get theire gear stuffed up the *** \o/


I have difficulty reading between the lines, and as your response was only two lines and contains nothing of substance, I am sure I can be excused on this occasion.


I think you mean that with meters you can measure how you are doing, well, that's nice, but personally I prefer to judge on results.


If you can come top of the DPS meters but your team loses, then you may not have really been a lot of use. Knowing how to play (your character?) is important, but topping meters isn't - I prefer playing with teams, rather than, groups of meter huggers blaming the lowest dps for any failures.


Case in point, as we all already know, sacrificing your dps meter top slot to save the healer from getting a bashing ... blah blah blah - we've all heard it before


So thanks for making your position clearer Egolus, but you haven't actually added anything to the conversation have you?

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Being a elite's myself(i think)


I can understand why he got kicked.


With respect this game is to be enjoyeed by all and if one guys keep's pulling argo after you told him 6 times not to break cc you are going to rage kick his ***.


So with all possibol respect it it his own fault for not lissening or asking questions on how to improve.

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When I made my first character I avoided FP's and Heroics for a good few levels. Mainly because of past experience in other games dealing with pugs that were trouble. Iv'e never had issue with players who dont know their class,but rather with people who either want to yell at others for not knowing what to do,rather than offer some helful advice as they go along,or people who find it fun to agree to loot terms then go ahead and take what they like regardless of the fact that someone in the group might actually need. Sadly it seems that you do often need to set loot rules just to be on the safe side.


I can understand wanting to play with others who know what they are doing,esspecially in later levels and end game,but unless you have gone out of your way to be antisocial,by the time you get to that point you should have a decent list of friends or guild mates who you can count on. Otherwise,if you are going to pug,then be prepared to play with one or two people who might need a little help. Its not that hard to offer to share your knowledge,and in my experience,when that happens you get to the end of the FP and everyone gets what they want....and chances are you might have made a friend who will be helpful another time becasue of the help you gave them in learning the class.


Iv'e been lucky so far on The Harbinger,(touch wood) I am yet to team up with a bad group....had a few funny wipes and made some good friends along the way,and gotten to know my class slowly but surely. Funniest wipe,we thought we had it,and just before we took down the last boss everyone but the healer got pushed over the ledge....we learnt from that and got him next try :p

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For those who get yelled at:


swtor [myclass] guide

swtor flashpoints guide

swtor [myclass] [role] build


Why should I run a nab lvl 30 FP for 2 hours? Because that person is too lazy to spend 20 minutes to read his class guide/FP guide?


And there are simple things like - don't hit CCed mobs, tank turns mobs away from the party, dps should hit from the back to avoid frontal aoe, don't stand in **** and such.


I always tell people about boss tactics and CC marks and everything. I don't yell at them. I simply /ignore them after we cleared that FP. Cause I don't want to play with a sorc who wears Strength lightsaber and an Aim implant at lvl 48.

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reading this thread just reminds me again of why I keep general chat turned off and only play the game with my friends lol. I feel bad for those mmo noobs who have no clue and no prior mmo experience to draw from. We all started as noobs once upon a time, too bad so many have forgotten where they started.
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As an MMO noob, I'd like to ask those people saying that I should go out and read more to play better if that's how YOU learned? Or did you have someone give you tips as you went, point out flaws in real game play where you could actually learn by doing?


Team play is a very different dynamic for solo RPG players used to controlling their team. If you mark two people in a mob with different symbols, maybe you could tell your members the difference between the flame and the lightning bolt. But the people who want to learn can't if no one is willing to teach them or be patient while they screw up their timing on interrupts or targeting the wrong person because they're relying on the tab key.


So I thank you, OP and other in this thread, for being willing to PUG with those of us who are still learning the ropes. I'm not obsessed with finishing content as quickly as possible. I do want to have fun, meet people who enjoy the same thing I do, and kill a lot of a-holes who deserve it, no matter what side I'm playing. Preferably with wiping the lot of us. ;)

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I grouped with a new lvl 50 Sorcerer as my healer for a HM BT run. I have done many of these flawlessly with every kind of healer. Now as he just hit 50 the day before his healing was lacking. We wiped a couple times and needed to skip the Bonus boss as our DPS sorc had to heal me as our healer couldnt keep up with the heals. The Sorc DPS flamed. He wasnt happy that our "quick" run wasnt actually quick. He wasnt happy ofcourse but hey i didnt care.


I just gave the newly 50 Sorc healer some tips like upgrading your equipment so that you dont have any greens in any slot. At 50 this should be easy to do. Then told him that with the new PVP commendations you get from the bags gearing up from PvP is relatively easy.


The way i approach situations like this is we were all "newbies" once. Some guidance and direction can help them out. Not flaming and belittling them.

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As an MMO noob, I'd like to ask those people saying that I should go out and read more to play better if that's how YOU learned? Or did you have someone give you tips as you went, point out flaws in real game play where you could actually learn by doing?


Team play is a very different dynamic for solo RPG players used to controlling their team. If you mark two people in a mob with different symbols, maybe you could tell your members the difference between the flame and the lightning bolt. But the people who want to learn can't if no one is willing to teach them or be patient while they screw up their timing on interrupts or targeting the wrong person because they're relying on the tab key.


So I thank you, OP and other in this thread, for being willing to PUG with those of us who are still learning the ropes. I'm not obsessed with finishing content as quickly as possible. I do want to have fun, meet people who enjoy the same thing I do, and kill a lot of a-holes who deserve it, no matter what side I'm playing. Preferably with wiping the lot of us. ;)


Actually i've played for years and at the very beginning i was a noob to an extent. I was also playing with other people who thought they were much better than they were and didn't understand basic game play mechanics like affliction warlocks aren't good on short lived trash compared to bursty melee classes. From the beginning of that experience being told I wasn't doing enough dps i started researching and you'll soon find resources that will tell you all sorts of things about your class. I learned enough eventually to realize if the tank and or healer weren't capable of tanking a couple of mobs long enough for me to get a few dots on and ramp up then there was more to the story than just kill them quick before I die.


For wow it was elitist jerks and various other sites and even some guides on the forums or class specific websites for swtor many are still being created though sithwarrior is becoming a decent forerunner in quality information. Now some sites esp in regards to wow get really heavy into theorycrafting and running simcraft programs but for the average player you don't necessarily need to know these things to complete a heroic flashpoint.


What you do need to know if you're going to play an mmo is how to gear yourself. I'm still surprised at how many people don't realize the difference between primary stats and secondary stats and which are for their class or are not. Now the terminology here is different but even as an experienced player I did some quick googling and research to start finding out if I needed accuracy as a sith inquisitor sorceror and what is alacrity or surge in this game and how do they work. Casters in wow needed to stack hit which is analagous to accuracy in this game so these were valid questions even an experienced gamer needs to know. Which primary stat goes to which class. A wow mage need intellect and spellpower not agility and attack power, and the same rules hold true here. Bounty hunter/smuggler for instance uses aim and is not going to benefit from strength gear even though they may both be heavy armor and equippable.


You also need an idea of a rotation and you need to know which spells do the most damage and which ones are damage over time effects or limited by cooldowns. I mentioned rotation but frankly in most modern mmo's it's more of a priority system than a true rotation. There is information out there for this.


Even knowing how to play your class well it is part of the job that you will always have to do outside research b/c gameplay mechanics change, instances change, stat weights change, spells are balanced and tweaked, builds can change, and with new content comes new gear and you'll want to be thinking ahead to what you are trying to craft or get as a drop.


Once you have the basics of how to play one class in one mmo you'll see parallels to gameplay in others. General things like letting the tank get aggro, not running ahead of the tank as you move through an instance, not breaking cc, communication with groups and awareness of your game surroundings must also be learned. If you're going to go to the effort to play a game, you should do enough research to play it well enough to where you are contributing and a valuable member of a team. You don't have to be the best, and you may not be tackling some of the hardest content in game or even have any interest in doing so, but you can strive to be better and be a valuable addition to your guild or team. There are many levels of difficulty and there is a fit for everyone from a more casual environment to a very hard core one. Put some effort into your gear and always be trying to improve it if you can through crafting, pvp, the gtn, or drops.


I do try to help people when I can in a friendly manner and though I don't pug a lot b/c I enjoy playing with friends, when I do and I can be of help i try to be especially if asked for advice. Heck, i have a lot of alts, i might just start making gear for you.

Edited by Ravenelle
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For those who are disheartened by the 'learn to play' crowd, here's a true story.


I was recruited for a PUG on my tank. I play a Jedi Knight and I was level 24, so while I could take blows fairly well, I couldn't lock down all the mobs.


The two dps decided to grab aggro at the start of every fight. I tried and succeeded to get get the aggro from the boss mob. The healer, who was our 'leader', healed one dps (guildmate) and ignored me and the other dps. I went down, team wipe ensued.


We regroup. Same thing happens again. I get berated for my inadequate tanking skill. We try again. We die horribly. The healer tells me exactly how to play my role and class. Apparently I really suck at it. We try again. Same things follow, same result. I'm asked to leave. I leave.


They never did finish the FP. I later learned that the guild in question has quite the reputation on our server. They all share the firm belief that this game can be played exactly as they play WoW.


The moral of the story (TL;dnr) is that the 'learn to play' types are typically inflexible in their view of the game, miss a great deal of what's out there and, quite frankly, aren't very good at it.


If you want mad skillz at playing the game, try PVP. You'll learn what you can and can not do very very quickly.

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As an MMO noob, I'd like to ask those people saying that I should go out and read more to play better if that's how YOU learned? Or did you have someone give you tips as you went, point out flaws in real game play where you could actually learn by doing?


Well, as a person who didn't come to this genre as a result of WoW (though WoW's creators/original design team came from the same game I did), I'd say both. These days, with the rise of the theme park and how laughably easy MMOs have become, it truly is possible to log in for the first time and be a light year ahead of truly new players, simply by virtue of having read up on the game. However, there are many people who don't feel they should have to do that. It's just different perspectives. Just as there are folks who think theorycrafting was born on a day in late November 2004, there are others who know differently.


Team play is a very different dynamic for solo RPG players used to controlling their team. If you mark two people in a mob with different symbols, maybe you could tell your members the difference between the flame and the lightning bolt. But the people who want to learn can't if no one is willing to teach them or be patient while they screw up their timing on interrupts or targeting the wrong person because they're relying on the tab key.


There was a term years ago, "time starved powergamer". This term described people who spent hours every day reading about a game (often at work) because they didn't have a whole lot of time to play the game. Without available playtime, they couldn't progress to the upper echelons of the game's content (high end guilds back then had playtime requirements) BUT they could be some of the most skilled players in the game due to all that research and data analysis. None of that is actually necessary now. Nowadays, the "powergamer" moniker refers to a focus or playstyle, not the amount of time available to spend playing the game. Basically, a new player and a powergamer can be like fire and ice. The new player can be like the stone in the powergamer's shoe. Teamplay (especially PUG) introduces the unknown to the solo dynamic. Finding a group of like-minded players who share your playstyle and focus mitigates that to a large degree. If you team with the same group of people, the unknown is largely removed by your familiarity with them. Not everyone has the same amount of patience, especially when dealing with strangers. In the process, you all learn how to play better through shared experience (not XP, experience).


So I thank you, OP and other in this thread, for being willing to PUG with those of us who are still learning the ropes. I'm not obsessed with finishing content as quickly as possible. I do want to have fun, meet people who enjoy the same thing I do, and kill a lot of a-holes who deserve it, no matter what side I'm playing. Preferably with wiping the lot of us. ;)


I would agree with those who say that not everyone interested in smooth, focused progression is necessarily an ******. But it's important not to let your perspective be colored by the handful of people you run into who are. Heck, I often get a laugh out of folks proclaiming they "need" a particular class/role in order to succeed at something as simple as a base midlevel heroic. But again, I come from an era in MMOs where you DID need that to have any hope of being successful (and there was usually only ONE class who would fit in a key role - i.e. tank = Warrior, healer = Cleric, etc). These games now aren't designed that way, though using that formula does take a lot of the manual difficulty out of things.

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As an MMO noob, I'd like to ask those people saying that I should go out and read more to play better if that's how YOU learned? Or did you have someone give you tips as you went, point out flaws in real game play where you could actually learn by doing?



In answer to your question, I learned by reading and doing. I had a friend that already played, but I received no help from him other than one run through Deadmines. He said learning on my own would make me a better player. Even today, I still regularly read the class guides, talent trees on torhead, ability descriptions, and everything I can get my hands on to learn more about each and every class.


Why learn classes other than your own you might ask? If one day you become a group or raid leader you will need to know the classes you are leading so you can direct cc, interrupts, situational positioning, etc.

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I had a guy join my guild last nite, and after some randomizing and BS chatting, he made a comment that disturbed me.


He said he has never done FP's and skips his heroics because he had been yelled at and booted from groups before because he "didn't know what he was doing" or "didnt know his class"


Really? i don't pug anymore, mostly because i have been sick to death of the leetists who treat others this way, and im sad to say i had forgotten this mentality. i formed my guild so i didnt have to deal with this, but in doing so i was able to ignore the poor folks who dont have a group of people to run with, and have to endure the tooth-aching stupidity that can be the general populace.


So i post this, an apology on behalf of the decent folks in the game. there are good people out there, people who understand everyone has to start at one and learn from there. there are people who can be in a group, wipe, and still laugh about it as long as your enjoying yourself. unfortunatly most of those people have foregone the PUG scene and joined or formed guilds of like minded individuals.


hang in there, you people who don't have the best rigs, or infinite times to play. you people who have families that require attn, or full time jobs that require you to focus there first and game as you can.


if you play in mind trick, and your looking for a group like this, my guild site's in my sig. if you play on another server i really hope you find one of the guilds there who are good and decent people who enjoy the game because its fun, not because it matters how fast you hit 50, or how awesome your gear is.


we're not all like that, and some of us are pretty fun guys and gals.






nice you said it, its my story.


because i cant find a virtual "family", i cant learn FPs with friends.

today i made my first Cedemimu and got kicked with "learn to read moron" and "you are a *********** lier".

i joined a guild, but it was a deathstar so i left after some weeks.

rejoined another deathstar ...


other server i was actually in a bigger guild, but they ignored me before they kicked me out, what was pretty unexpected as nobody ever said something to personally me.


now im not in any guilds anymore and as you see, im writing here so im not logged on.

ofcause it is all my fault.

maybe i find some n00bs like me in the future.


the next person,who asks me, what i specced, goes straight to /ignore .

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reading this thread just reminds me again of why I keep general chat turned off and only play the game with my friends lol. I feel bad for those mmo noobs who have no clue and no prior mmo experience to draw from. We all started as noobs once upon a time, too bad so many have forgotten where they started.


Been playing MMO's for years. I feel you on certain people. Not liking a recount or add ons. People tend to ruin things... However, there's a lot of good people here in game. Lets focus on them.

Edited by Scotare
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