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10 Good
  1. Wir Spielen hier ja auch Clone Wars: The Old Republic^^
  2. Also ich als PVE-Spieler finde es eine unverschämtheit, dass ihr die 11k Life gummels in die Hero-Flashpoints oder gar Raids schicken wollt. Die haben da absolut nichts zu suchen ohne sich vorher equipment zu farmen. See what i did there? Und was den Begriff Tier angeht... Das kommt nich von WOW... das gbs davor schon
  3. another one of those, that rely on ppl that know how to play, to get theire gear stuffed up the *** \o/
  4. of course its doable, if everything wents perfect (gear is ok, healer does his work and so on) but besides that it takes longer, thats not what i watn to do on a thursday evening after a long work-pace. yes, i confess there are days, where i simply want to brain-afk me through a fp for the tokens and i want it to be done fast... well to be back on topic, i guess the op will not come back to read it but anyway: there is no black and white. If u want to play with polite and gentle people that fit your playstyle: Use your friendlist or a specific "casual-guild" anyway i think most of those "noobs" that complain are bad players, that dont want to learn. they go into a "semi-professional" guild to get their "epics" and be cool to got carried through all raids being "proud" to have them cleared. in my oppinon, those who simply lack experience and can learn something, do not complain. They learn sooner or later and become a moderate or good player. those "mimimi all are evil"-whiners usually are those, that will stay in elo-hell forever edit... oops elo-hell wrong game.. sorry... of course i meant will stay bad players and will cry forever.
  5. Don't get me wrong... I never flamed, or insulted one of those guys, that don't fit my playstyle.. All i wanted to do with my post is, that those guys blaming "experienced" or "advanced" players, for not playing with them stop their acting and look to that point from a different angle As i told above i am short of my playing time. So if I see someone in my group that is performing exceptional bad, i tell him, that he should maybe get some help to improve his playing, if he wants, but i can not provide that (for several reasons, maybe even, because i am not used to his class or don't have time). So i tell him to please look for a group that: a) has time/will to explain him b) has time/will to spend more time in the dungeon because of someone who is or might be failing. I do not see why i should be telling him: "Oh sorry dude you are so bad, but you are learning and i like that please stay in my group even if i can not finish that flashpoint then.. i don't need to reach my set targets in that game if u can get better<3"
  6. and aggain they do not realize there is NO LONG TERM.. so many other things are just in the pipe... swtor is allready dead.. sorry devs...
  7. we do? just because i am not willing to write a wall of text, that has been written thousands of times? I am one of those players, that want to get the maximum out of his character.. call it what you want, but that is my way of playing. I prefer playing with people like me. People that share my oppinion. If you want to judge me for that.. just go ahead, but remember. "low-effort" guys want to play with "low-effort" guys, and people like me want to play with people, that know how their char works, what stat is needed, what rota should be done. If i meet people that do like "oh wow this skill LOOKS great i only gonna use this" i ask him if its his way of gaming, or if he does not know.... if he answers he does NOT play my style, i shouldnt be forced to play with him. thats exactly the story of black, white and grey... don't expect me to respect "low-bobs" if i am not respected... unfortunately, although beeing progress oriented, i am not one of those guys mentioned above, that can play 24 hours a day... i got a few hours spare a few days in the evening when my daughter is asleep and my wife watches tv. i want to do my fp then and maybe do something other but guiding a newb through his first flashpoint attempt in green/white gear.. sorry.. my time is short.. so i use it for MY pleasure.. not for some random-guys pleasure... how egoistic ....
  8. /sign guys whining about dps-meter are those that DESERVED to be left at home, because of repeated trying to destroy others game-experience... if u dont want to mess with other players dont play with other players... uninstall and play tetris.
  9. All i hear is: "mimimi 3 guys did not want me.. they ruin my game experience" but what about the other 3? that "low-bob" destroyed theirs.. nuff said newbs is the short-form of newbie... nothing rude about that word... there are new players and there are advanced ones.. sorry but thats real..
  10. I would like to have macros, too... no mouseover-macros since i am no healer but i would like to have text macros.. its a pain in the *** to type your teamspeak adress on each raid you take randoms with you... a macro could simply say: "Teamspeak adress: Password: randompassword" Or in PVP i would like to have the option to tell things quicker: "Need help on left turret" or i believe it was said allready: "Enemy xyz was stunned for 60 secs from now" such things would be cool... especially it would sound a bit better than a simple "left", "middle" or "right". So it would even enhance your gaming experience by adding sentences to the game. Additional it would be awesome to have the possibility to modify-buttons. on pressing shift for example do skill 2 instead of skill 1... without eating another quickbar-slot where i might have some "luxur"-buttons like vehicle, quick-travel or meditation/reload additional i want it to be more fair, especially in pvp... some are using macros with their hardware.. for some reason i am not able to use them and i am disadvantaged. Basically i want macros to solve this disadvantage a little bit. And all those guys, that dont want an automated play... well.. its easy to have automated play just now, without ANY macro or hardware support... the swtor-client can not really check for 3rd party programms that run macros / bots if u use a virtual machine^^ let the game run in a virtual machine and on the original os you can let the bot /macro-tool run see what i did there? indeed i, as a tech-savvy, am doing exactly what you dont want to happen.. edit: i love the point where some people say "i don't need it .. so you don't either.." my answer: "i don't need sound ingame, so you don't either"
  11. Immerhin versteht man inzwischen, warum das ganze Spiel so buggy ist... Wenn ich meinen Patch erst ne Stunde vor einspielen angucke ob er bereit ist, versteht man sofort warum der restliche Rotz so verbuggt ist... und btw: Nein Abo deswegen nicht gekündigt. Bioware/EA haben ihren gewünschten Effekt erzielt, erstmal den ersten Monat abkassieren und DANN den patch bringen. Ja nicht rechtzeitig patchen, damit die Leute entscheiden können, ob der Patch eine Verlängerung dess Abos rechtfertigt.... Ich bleibe bei der Meinung, das ist, und bleibt eines der übelsten Spiele die je releast wurden
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