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NOW = 1.7 Million Active Subscribers | 3 Months from now = Guess What


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Who knows how the actual numbers will do...what really matters is if you get more friends to play or lose friends to other games.


My personal experience? I have seen a lot of old friends show up to play. People I haven't seen since the beta days for the Matrix Online. We've only lost 1 due to personal issues...not leaving for another MMO. Other than that everyone else is continuing to play and we're still gearing up and leveling to get to the point where we can do HM Flashpoints...let alone Operations. I haven't really heard of anyone getting tired of the game. They're all engaged with their characters and the game.


This can only be good for the game. Anecdotal evidence to be sure...but if even half the game's community feels the same way...that's good for the game. Considering the large number of people who subbed after the first month...I'd say that makes up at least half the userbase, at least to some degree or another.


Personally I'll be playing both ME3 and GW2 when they come out...and I expect to be continuing to play SWTOR...just means my time in game will be more limited. 2 paid sub MMOs I can't handle....but 1 paid sub MMO, 1 single player game, and 1 F2P MMO I can handle...just have to budget my time more effectively. The paid sub always gets preference though since I feel guilty about paying for it and not playing...so that is good for SWTOR so long as I remain interested in the game.


And when I log on...around 6:30pm Central time...most US servers are Standard...2-3 heavy....5-6 light....just a rough guess but it seems to be rather consistent day to day. I'll admit I don't look at the entire server list every day though...since I don't have to. I would bet the same applies to most people attempting to gauge the level of the servers day to day.

Edited by Thunder-God
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It would depend on both players skill level.


Which is my point.


Except... it doesn't.




Hutt ball.


I was at 50% HP on my Merc. A fresh 50 Merc started to attack me(I know he was fresh because he only had about 12-13k HP. I was able to kill him without stuns because I was hitting him 2x as hard as he was hitting me. Had nothing to do with skill and everything to do with gear.


Hell I could take out ANY level 50 that was fresh with 1 damn button on my Merc.

Edited by Dantragk
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On amazon.com right now:




At the time of writing, no. 8, but no. 2 if you don't count games that cost less than $10. This does not include the Collector's Edition.


On ebgames.com right now:




No. 2. Collector's edition is no. 4.

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On amazon.com right now:




At the time of writing, no. 8, but no. 2 if you don't count games that cost less than $10. This does not include the Collector's Edition.


On ebgames.com right now:




No. 2. Collector's edition is no. 4.


***, FFXIV is on that list... and it's only been there for 33 days <_<; ***?

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After you complete your Class quest..there is not much to do ..then you say ok let me pvp .......the combat pvp is not smooth.....moves take too long to activate.....I would have rather them restore Star Wars Galaxies...much better game...:D

I got no problem PvPing. When I cast a spell guess what? It casts. When I go into stealth and jump a player guess what? They get abused. 1/2 the animations in other games are so disjointed but that's ok right? SW:TOR isn't smooth. ~chuckle~

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***, FFXIV is on that list... and it's only been there for 33 days <_<; ***?


so? as you can see, FFXIV is down to 10 dollar, and on top of that got huge content added I think in January. it would only make sense that people try it (again?)

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After you complete your Class quest..there is not much to do ..then you say ok let me pvp .......the combat pvp is not smooth.....moves take too long to activate.....I would have rather them restore Star Wars Galaxies...much better game...:D
Hopefully, something interesting will happen on the next patch:)
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If 1.2 Flops


Under 750k in 3 months.


If 1.2 is a success


Around 2.2 million


I really hope Bioware understands just how many subs are reliant on this next content patch. I'm on a small pop server and if 1.2 doesn't deliver I would estimate 50-60% of the current 50 pop on the server is going to unsub, at least for the time being. I've heard similar things from other higher pop servers that I have old WoW buddies on. This won't kill SWTOR by any means but it could be a major setback. SWTOR needs to keep these subs if it wants to be successful in the future. I'd estimate we start hearing significant details about Blizzard's Project Titan in the next year or two. If SWTOR is losing subs at that time they may be on life support. They have to establish a solid base NOW or they're going to be knocked out by the big kid on the block (Blizzard, not WoW).

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If 1.2 Flops


Under 750k in 3 months.


If 1.2 is a success


Around 2.2 million


I really hope Bioware understands just how many subs are reliant on this next content patch. I'm on a small pop server and if 1.2 doesn't deliver I would estimate 50-60% of the current 50 pop on the server is going to unsub, at least for the time being. I've heard similar things from other higher pop servers that I have old WoW buddies on. This won't kill SWTOR by any means but it could be a major setback. SWTOR needs to keep these subs if it wants to be successful in the future. I'd estimate we start hearing significant details about Blizzard's Project Titan in the next year or two. If SWTOR is losing subs at that time they may be on life support. They have to establish a solid base NOW or they're going to be knocked out by the big kid on the block (Blizzard, not WoW).


Making up numbers is fun.

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In 3 months after launch, the haters and doomsayers will have to swallow dry again. The game is getting released soon in new regions, the number of subs will naturally increase. The game is stil selling 30k+ units a week so it should no doubt rise the number of subs.


But hey... im sure that its gonna be 6 months until doomsday next . The funny thing about the doomsayers/haters is they never quit... and keep paying that monthly to post. <3

Edited by Nemmar
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In 3 months after launch, the haters and doomsayers will have to swallow dry again. The game is getting released soon in new regions, the number of subs will naturally increase. The game is stil selling 30k+ units a week so it should no doubt rise the number of subs.


But hey... im sure that its gonna be 6 months until doomsday next . The funny thing about the doomsayers/haters is they never quit... and keep paying that monthly to post. <3


Adding a new market area and using that as a basis of the game growing is incorrect.


Yes the game will get more subs when they do it. How many we dont know but those players will be in the same situation as the US/EU players that bought the game in Dec. The game is new and fun for the first 1 or 2 weeks and then nothing. Many of those players will quit also like the ones that bought the game when it was first released have.

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I'm still here for three reasons.


1. Story-driven MMO.

2. PvP is more fun than WoW (for me) in its current state.

3. Star Wars.


With that said, TERA will pull me away from this game come May 1st. I have friends in the beta and we've discussed the game at length. From what I've seen so far, it's shaping up to be a much better game than Star Wars...and I love this game, too.


Also, considering PvP is one of the only reasons I'm still here...Guild Wars 2 is going to be the nail in the coffin for me.


I really, really hate to say all that, and I've done my best to defend both Bioware and SWTOR, but I've come to the ultimate conclusion that while this is a good game, it is simply not a game for everyone and naturally will not have as many subscribers as its leading competitors.


I predict 1.5 million subscribers in 3 months, and a maximum of 1 million subscribers between 6 months and a year from now.


If I get a better job so that I can support two MMOs, I'll still be one of those subscribers. However, if TERA or Guild Wars 2 live up to even half of the hype, I won't be here longer than 3 months with my current income.

Edited by photometrik
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Making up numbers is fun.


That's why it's my opinion, it's based on what I've heard from friends and former raid buddies not facts. He asked for our opinion on where the game would be in 3 months, this is mine. You can come back with a smart *** one line comment, but know that a good portion of people who are threatening to unsub genuinely want this game to succeed. They just don't have anything keeping them around since they caught and ate the carrot.


So go ahead and make jokes, but to deny that this game is not where it should be right now is ignorance or blind favoritism. That's why 1.2 needs to be where Bioware turns this and gets back on course. There is too much happening this year for Bioware to faff about and not get this game sorted. This game won't die anytime soon, but it's in this beginning time that they need to really produce strong baseline and get these subs locked in for the immediate future.

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More new people starting all the time, everyone I've played with still playing, still seeing the same people playing that I haven't played with. . .


I started playing the 19th of January, and now I'm signed up for 6 more months. I've been playing this game so hard it ain't even funny, and I"m loving it.


From what I've seen when I've bothered to look, I've seen mostly Standard, some Light, some Heavy. . .


Last night at one time I was on the Fleet Station and there were 180 something people just there alone, and half of them were level 50's. . .


How many complaints have you really heard in actual chat in the actual game? Complaints about a bug here, maybe one over there. . .


No issues with delayed responses at all, so far, ~knocks on wood~


And one of the best things of all? This game is built using the Hero Engine. So with that in mind, I have very high hopes for this game's future.


Also, I still can't play any other games unless this one is being patched. Maybe that will wear off, but I don't see it happening any time soon. I haven't had this much fun with a game since the last Bioware game I played, and those came to an end, whereas this one is open ended.


And we get our own ships! That's player housing for those of you that never got to play a game that has it. As you all well know, its very nice.


Gotta fix those bugs though :D Speaking of bugs, doesn't a certain game that's been around for years still have some of the same bugs it had years ago? I really wouldn't know, I quit playing it years ago, lol.

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Also, that clock time is way wrong. It's actually around 11:20a.m. here. Don't know what's up with that. Should go fix that yes?


Well, I guess I would fix it if I could find the option which I can't, lol.


Also, don't care, and sorry for spamming the topic. I'm done now though. Thank you for your patience :D

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