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Official Q&A Thread for February 10th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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I personally feel all the scaleing is great. Just wanted to know if there will be a huge push towards pvp? Frequent-ish updates, warzones, gear, upgrades, guild v.s. guild ques, server leadeboard stats, GEAR GRANTED ABILITIES, etc.


Perlemian Trade Route // Republic Trooper, Atalas // Guild, Purgatory

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I stopped reading after a few dozen out of the hundred pages currently existing so the question might have already been asked and I apologize in advance. My concerns about PVP have already been discussed by other players so here is the next one :


I totally support the ideas you came up with in order to make orange gear a viable end game alternative but I have a concern about augments : do you guys plan on including an item (craftable or not) that would allow us to add an augment slot to an existing orange set that currently doesn't have one ? I worked hard to get some of them that I like a lot !

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When can we expect a Looking for group/raid function?


I mean even Teleporters like the summoning stones of WoW would be nice start. I am discouraged from partisipating while leveling because I don't want to stand around when I can simply level. If I got to run to here and here and here and here and... well you don't get alot of exp that way.

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Will you ever make the Legacy system a cross server option for though who want it? Some servers have little to no Republic players. I started as an EMP. I have had to change servers to find a high population Rep server. I would have preferred to stay on the same server to early my legacy points.. but I would have had no one to play with.



PS. Please never add combat logs or damage meters!

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Why doesn't the Global Cool-down reset after cancelling a spell?


Eg. I start casting a heal on myself just as someone throws a lot of burst damage at me, I react by cancelling my cast (because I decide I will die before the cast finishes) to immediately cast my instant/emergency heals. However, due to the GCD I have to just wait and watch my character die. Either way I die and I have to just sit and watch it happen.

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Why are there so much PVP based content on PVE servers? Is it the main playstyle of SWTOR? Not all of is enjoy this mindless way of playing and therefor roll characters on PVE servers. I would prefere flashpoint cue system over this warzone stuff. And what is the point of allowing lvl 10 toons to enter a warzone filled up with lvl 50's?
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Will chat bubbles be Implemented in SWTOR ?

Conversations are difficult to have ingame with all my attention placed on the little text window. I have A lot of the 'optional' names and otehr details turned OFF....so the text window has no reference point ingame to me....I could make it simpler by enabling names displayed.....bit of course I still have to refer to the text window to see what is being said.

Let me simply enable chat bubbles, that will keep my screen clear until someone talking actually catches my attention.

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There might be a clear reason for this, but I fail to understand the intent of it hence my asking here in the hopes i don't get flamed if the answer is totally logical.


Most MMOs I know will grant you extra XP when your character is rested, great. but in practice, resting your character means playing less, so it actually means, that the less you play, or if you somehow schedule your playing time according to your rest bar, you get more XP, making it somewhat faster to level up by playing less.


Why is this the logic instead of encouraging continuous play by granting XP bonus the more you play?


I usually like to play a lot over weekends, but once the rest is gone, it's much more painful to continue playing the character, that's usually my hint to log off and go do something else.. I however don't really follow the logic there, never did. I get it that extra xp is a bonus, but shouldn't the bonus be given to more active play rather than the contrary?



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At present, open PvP lends itself to 1 dimensional game play, that is, the dominant faction ends up camping outside the oppositions base, while the opposition is happy to stay in there base.


What ideas does BW have that can possibly grant incentives for players not to camp and defenders to not turtle?

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Some of the class quests are bugged, completely preventing us from continuing the class storyline.


My Friend, who plays a Jedi Knight Sentinel, has the level 32 class quest to talk to Master Satele Shan in the Jedi Council chamber, but every time he clicks on the door he gets the message, "The council is not in session."


On my Trooper Vanguard, I have the level 32 class quest Inconspicuous Valor. Whenever I travel to the Justice it says that I'm ineligible to enter my own class quest phase. I've seen other Troopers having the same problem as well, so I know it's not just me.


So my question is: Is anyone looking into fixing these class quest bugs that prevent players from advancing their class storyline?

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Are the current textures for most of the end game armor sets place holders? And if not, then why do Bounty Hunters and Inquisitors have a different look for their sub classes, while everyone else just has recycled gear with different colors?


If they arent place holders then is there any plan to address this in the future? Are we going to continue to see a trend of Marauder and Jugg gear with the same textures, despite being different armor types?

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will any actions be taken to prevent the game from crashing my high-end system,

hard-reseting it, damaging the mainboard, crashing the graphics board ... ?


I would say I love the game, but no game ever effected my (a brand new)

system in a way swtor does ... ! (hardresets, mainboard and graphiccard failures)




and when will you re-sticky this thread so we can expect some solution?



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Will there be any improvements to the current targeting system, such as clickable nameplates (aka V-Bars) for mobs/players? I know as a tank having to rely on tab to *maybe* target the specific mob I'm looking for is a tad bit frustrating. Thanks!
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Is it intentional that there are many mods/enhancments etc... around that either have different names but the same stats or the same name and different stats?

And if why is that so?


e.g. Advanced Agile Mod 25/A/B (all with same stats)


Advanced Agile Mod 23 (one with ilv 51 -Armor - and one with iLv 52 - Weapons)

Edited by Lyandria
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