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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for February 10th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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--Will there be some kind of social aspect to SWTOR in the future similar to the Player Cities of SWG?

--It seems swtor is 98% solo game with occasional pug groups....and I find the actual people who play more interesting than the mechanics, no matter what the mmorpg is.

--(in the interest of full disclosure yes I was mayor of a city, Tuskn Flats, on Tatooine)

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Are you guys ever going to fix twi'leks not being able to wear hoods or helmets anymore? We used to in beta and now we can't, twi'lek jedi look absolutely stupid wwithout hoods.. I don't have any drive to play my character because of it. Please let us know if it will be fixed.
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How do you guys feel about slight diffrences between the Empire and Republic in PvP?


example- diffrence between shadows project, and assasins shock


The diffrence is small, but in clutch situations it can make a large diffrence. Like when someone at really low health about to score in hutball, or stopping someone from capping in void star or civil war.

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I recently just got to the end of the voss stories on my way to 50. To be honest I struggled to take down the end bosses in some of the stories while soloing (Sith Inquisitor story and the Avatar particularly).


What is your design philosophy for some of these end world bosses - as I feel they could present real bottlenecks for less practised gamers.

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Will we see a widening of the available color crystals that Artificers can craft, both in the colors themselves (adding the oft-requested purple, for starters) and stats (the also-oft-requested Power, for one), as well as a removal or lessening of Light/Dark restrictions for Green/Blue/Red crystals, at any time in the future?
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