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Official Q&A Thread for February 10th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Are you going to address the terrible Ilum FPS issue? Most people get sub-20 (some into single digits) frames per second on Ilum warfront, lag spike when nodes swap sides, lag from large fights (16v16 or larger). Ilum becomes a headache inducing slide show.
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What do you plan to do about player's costuming concerns (ie. Twi'lek Female headbands disappearing when worn with Chest pieces that would normally be hooded, the desire of players to be able to disable the hood, the lack of items used in cut scenes, like Pistols that Troopers and Agents use, the lack of gear options that were previously available in beta and can still be seen in many of the trailers) and when can we expect these changes to be added to the game?



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As the guildleader of the most progressed guild on Shii-Cho, im currently concerned about this games ability to keep players playing till this mystical march update.


What is being added, SOONER than later, to prevent bored battlemaster full rakata geared raiders from becoming bored enough to unsubscribe, before the march update?


And is there any plans to fix the drops in 16 player instances, normal was amazing (10+) items per boss, but hard/nightmare drops very few useful items per boss (1 Rakata item on NIGHTMARE? Really?)


I honestly expect more fixes in these patches, at this rate of people burning out i do not expect i will be going to the Guild Summit thing in march, or even playing, by the time it happens, we like the game, but there is not enough currently to retain a highend playerbase, and i need to know that some sort of remedy for this is coming, and coming soon.





Exiled, Shii-Cho

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Okay so i know this question maybe have been posted already (several times).


Are u guys going to develope a better LFG system to find group to both Flashpoint and Operations in the future? Most of the time is seem difficult to find someone to find a group and u need to spam the General chat like 10-30 times and without any luck or sucess u keep fail to find one.


Will it then feature cross server LFG so u can group with other people from other server? I see the idea of this maybe will destroy a part of the FP/OP because i am afraid someone going to ninja/troll when u joinin random with people from other server.


Also will u guys make a better way to spawn inside the Flashpoint and the Operations instead of being kicked out of the Flashpoint/Operations and need to re-enter it? Most people seem to be tired of running inside the Flashpoint/Operation gate just to spawn inside the place again.



Will you also make a easier system to find Heroic Quest group?

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Are we ever going to get a Looking for Group system for Flashpoints and Operations? One that would allow us to be on another planet doing other things while we wait rather than hanging around the fleet space station waiting for someone to spam the general chat. It would work similar to the PVP warzones now...teleporting us into the fp or ops and putting us right back where we were when we exit.

The game is great,guys,just needs fine tuning.


Edited by mfontmt
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Is the fix for Reverse Engineering on Scatter Guns / Vibro Knives etc. going to be done anytime soon?


Reverse Engineering does not work on these recipies (It can be done but always fails).

Has been like this since beta.

Have yet to see any "official" word on it even being recognized as something that needs to be fixed.




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Hi. SWTOR is awesome and am excited to see this game as it grows and the devs push the limitations of the tech to new heights. Can't wait!


One big feature that I truly miss is a keybind option, came reverse view option. any plans for this?


Don't want to name names but the game that rhymes with "Nerld of Norbraft" has that and I find it extremely useful, particularly in PvP scenarios.


Keep up the good work!

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Legacy has been truly an often advertised feature, but with absolute no detail. I love making characters, but with the limited number of classes I do not want to make/level them all now and find out through legacy there are numerous bonuses such as added weapons or races. Does legacy benefit leveled characters or only freshly created ones?
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Mercenary Arsenal Spec:

Can we please get a re-design of the tree? I chose Mercenary because I wanted to use dual wielding pistols, not bending over 5x to stack a buff in what is probably the most boring tactic in a pvp game. Class is based around a dual wield aspect, there should be more of a heavy reliance on pistol attacks. Rockets, flame throwers should be used for sure, but the arsenal spec could really imo use a redesign.

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Q: Why do 4 to 5 of the Marauders abilities Stun / Knockdown / Incappacitate "standard / weak enemies" but not on players in pvp?


Support: Seems kind of unfair that I can be chain stunned by a operative / assassin but I can not return the favor.

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can you verify whether or not tanking stats (defense, absorb, shield rating etc...) are working as intended in PVP? i play a 31/0/10 Assassin Tank in full tank gear (Champion Survivor). I dont notice any increase in survival vs a similar geared dps class and worse survival than a healer class. Yes, i know how to play my class and i know that i have a lot of utility. My question is regarding our non-existent or marginal level of survival above other similar geared dps/hela classes who are not spec'd as pure tanks nor don full tank gear. The massive amount of dps we give up by going with this tank pvp set shows almost no benefit in survival other than the expertise we gain (which anyone can get with pvp gear) from it and some more hp (about 3-4k more...so like two crit hits from a dps).


i am wondering if this is working as intended or if there are any plans to actually make tanks be viable as tanks in pvp, specifically assassin tanks without having to burn all CD just to survive for a few seconds which other classes that are not tanks have.

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I see that most of the questions so far relate to the following subjects in no particular order.

1. Server Population & Imbalance

2. Bugs & Technical Support

3. Companions

4. Legacy

5. Guild Utilities


My Question Is:

Subject: Guild Utilities


Do you have generic or specific plans on guild utilities, including but not limited to the following:

A. Guild Bank

B. Guild Calendar

C. Guild DKP System

D. Virtual Guild Community, aka: Guild Space Station or Guild "House"




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Myself and many others have submitted tickets for not receiving loot when defeating a boss ops or hm. These tickets state that it has been referred to the correct dept and that we will receive no further update on the issue. None of us have received the loot in question and have waited over a month with no further reports. What is Bioware going to do to make sure that earned loot is given when it's bugged or just not received, or are we just out of luck as the emails we receive suggest?
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