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10 Good
  1. Will there be a Looking for group system for Flashpoints and Ops that form groups based on your class spec and what is needed per group? Also, can it be cross server? Being there are lockoouts on the FPs and Ops, it's hard to log on and find groups through chat and not everyone wants to sit around the Fleet waiting for someone to spam LFG for the Hard mode flashpoint you want or can do. It would work similar to the PVP one, in the fact that it teleports you to the area and back when you are done. As much as I don't want a carbon copy of WOW, the LFG system in WoW was one of the better additions to that game. If you guys don't implement this soon, the game can get frustratingly boring real fast as it will be a player just sitting in the fleet watching chat to get a group.
  2. Can we please have a Looking for Group system for flashpoints and operations, normal and hard mode....one similar to the PVP Warzone one? Also, can it please be cross server? It's getting harder and harder to find people to group with for Hard Mode FPs. It's also frustrating to have to hang around the fleet spamming when I could be doing other things like dailies. To be specific, the system I am talking about is the same as WOW, in which we select a flashpoint and mode in TOR and our class and then the system will build the group. We are teleported from what we are doing and when it is finished, teleported right back to what we were doing. It's a real pain to have to fly back and forth to the fleet just to spam chat channels for a group and maybe never finding one. Thanks so much for your time and an overall great game.
  3. Are we ever going to get a Looking for Group system for Flashpoints and Operations? One that would allow us to be on another planet doing other things while we wait rather than hanging around the fleet space station waiting for someone to spam the general chat. It would work similar to the PVP warzones now...teleporting us into the fp or ops and putting us right back where we were when we exit. The game is great,guys,just needs fine tuning. Thanks:)
  4. Hi, One issue I have is item stacking in the cargo bay. When I right click an item in my inventory (say a metal like phobium) and I have one already in the cargo bay, I expect the one from inventory to auto stack with the current ones in the bay. It's frustrating when you have many crew skill items and I have to manually go through and play a game of match to combine stacks. Also, one other minor fix I would like. If a quest is repeatable in a world, can you guys make it a distinguishable mark or color. If I already completed a quest, I always keep thinking the triangle on my map is a new quest giver or that giver has a new quest and keep getting disappointed. This also applies to space combat missions. Finally, I find upgrading my armor and weapons are a little frustrating. When I find that I don't want to upgrade the weapon I have open, the only option I have is to cancel, which closes the character sheet too. I would think the character sheet should stay open so I can select another item to see how my new mod would fit into it. Otherwise, the game is great. I especially love the crew skills system. Sending your crewmates to do the work while you keep questing is genius. Thanks for a great game...it was worth the wait.
  5. I'm not sure if this was already posted, or if it is already possible, but my friends and I wouldn't mind jumping to a lighter server, we just don't want to lose our progress. Is it possible to transfer our progress or do we absolutely have to start over on a new server? I know you can switch your entire progress to other servers on other MMOs, but I didn't see an option to do that on TOR. Someone please enlighten me if there is a way.
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