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Offhand weapon - nothing but a +stat item?


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offhand weapon damage seems to just be a global flat damage, it doesn't go up or down if I change weapon at all, is it purely just for aesthetics? if so, I think that sucks. it feels dumbed-down and just.. lame. I want my weapon upgrades to be a big deal, but the offhand saber is basically just a stat stick, making us really no different from other classes.


anyone agree?

Edited by SunwindIon
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By that same logic people should already only play shadows, cause they have the high dmg weapons atm.


Do yourself a favour, go to columni vendor, and check the damage on shadow weapons vs any other weapons.


Ignore the rating.

Edited by Munx
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It absolutely adds damage directly to any attack that uses both sabers. You can see the difference when you put points in Dual Wield Mastery, where the damage of things like Merciless and Slash goes up significantly.

Agreed. Always Always Always put full three points here no matter what tree you are going up. You always end up with extra anyways.

Edited by Ryat
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It' kinda stupid, yeah. We're the class the supposed to be using 2 sabers for pure unadulterated dps.


And to those saying "What? Just because you get 2 weapons already means you're supposed to have the most dps compared to other classes? NO WAY!" Well guess what? We adn the marauders are the only PURE DPS classes here, we're supposed to EXCEL in dealing damage compared to others, it's our ONLY role. If we can't even do that properly then what is the point?


Shadows and ops can destroy ppl with initial burst from behind, healers can kite and cc you, tanks are just plain ridiculous to kill. Sents and Maras are supposed to be dominating in 1v1.


You keep saying that we're not supposed to be the best in DPS when it's our one and only job? A PURE DPS class that's not the best in it? Wow. We're already glass cannons as is and without much utility in groups with the strictly situational "CC"s that we have.

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It' kinda stupid, yeah. We're the class the supposed to be using 2 sabers for pure unadulterated dps.


And to those saying "What? Just because you get 2 weapons already means you're supposed to have the most dps compared to other classes? NO WAY!" Well guess what? We adn the marauders are the only PURE DPS classes here, we're supposed to EXCEL in dealing damage compared to others, it's our ONLY role. If we can't even do that properly then what is the point?


You forgot gunslingers and snipers...

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You forgot gunslingers and snipers...


Range classes. Don't count. They sit there and shoot, unlike us who have take it during pve and keep track of 50 things at once during pvp.


But seriously, what I'm talking about here is that the Sent has one role, and not being the best(next to the slinger if you want) in it when it's the only job it has is ridiculous. Having the same damage or lower as a HEALER or a TANK is right? Really?


Hell, go ahead and up the damage of snipers if you feel they lack, I don't care. I treat them as turrets anyway that own at long range where you either fall flat if you can't close the gap fast enough or reach them and pop them off cover with stasis(that is bugged mind you, I had someone dance at me while I used it).

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I was fairly disappointed by the dual wield bonus in general.


It's supposed to be a character defining attribute. Dual Sabers.


it adds stats and a base flat damage (66% offhand saber damage if you have dual wield mastery) with no bonus from Power or Strength on it.


It's like someone skimped the meat in our sandwiches.



I would really like it if they gave the sentinels some off-tanking buffs in the Combat Tree and some survivability. If the second saber isn't going to be bread and butter for damage, at least let us parry with the damn thing or wave it around in front of us to keep people from attacking us.


Otherwise, I believe it's fairly cosmetic.


I mean, Hell, Bladestorm, an ability that they've been ramming down our throats (3-4 talents in the combat tree to buff Bladestorm when they could be buffing our Dual Wield abilities), that doesn't even benefit from Dual Wielding. What the hell is up with that?

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Hell, Light Sabers are supposed to be dangerous weapons but here is my Sentinel waving two of them around and he has mobs standing on his toes and they are not taking any damage except whenI specifically use an attack that hits multiple mobs.


I would love to see the sabers given an AoE damage for anything within 2m of your toon. Give it a 20% chance of hitting and damage of 50% base damage.


But back OT, the offhand saber is pretty pathetic. Inaccurate, pathetic damage and basically looks pretty with stats.


Sentinels are supposed to have trained to use two sabers so at least give them the damage bonus like the main hand one gets. even if it gets only a portion of it, it will be something.

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The reason that our damage on our off hand is so pitiful, is so DPS Guardians don't have a sadface when we do 20% more damage than them in WZs.


We have to settle for the 5% damage over them, which they get 5% extra survivability.


Pure DPS classes should do more damage period. This no hybrid tax is retarded. Everyone else can do almost equal DPS to us, even though they might not be necessarily DPS specced.


I am currently playing a Commando and can't believe how easy it is to play as this class. I put so little effort in and do equally as well as my Sentinel, in which I have to work my *** off to get those kind of numbers and survivability.


As Commando I can heal and dps, along with mow through mobs with 100% more efficiently.


Kinda sad to see that class balance is that bad.

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this argument is going to exist until the end of time, in any MMO. WoW had the same problem, and they came to a very good solution. DPS should do equal damage to DPS.


first off, you dont do less damage than a healer or a tank. you do less than the other dps specced hybrids.


this in itself isnt fair, but you also shouldnt be doing MORE damage than any other dps specced hybrid. if marauders are purposely made to do more damage than dps specced juggernauts or sages, there wouldnt be a reason to bring the other dps classes. DPS SHOULD BE EQUAL ACROSS THE BOARD.


when you spec dps, you are now dps. equality should be the goal here.


and what if there was a hybrid tax? what if you did 5% more damage than other dps specced hybrids, just because youre a pure dps? well congratz on that, but 5% isnt going to make a difference. the only difference it makes is giving you a 5% increase to your e-peen.

Edited by CavemanDaPirate
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Why? Do we have the same utility as other ACs? No. Do we have the same versatility? No.


The only thing we can do is damage, so it is expected we are better at it than them.


DPS should NEVER be equal across the board as long as range and melee are not treated equally in fights. And in this game in particular, the gap between melee uptime and range uptime is enormous.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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The second lightsaber does matter, a lot. Saying that it's a stat stick is stupid because everything in this game revolves around stats. Your main lightsaber is a stat stick as equally as your offhand is. The fact that your offhand does less damage (so that we aren't roflstomp OP) doesn't mean you get to neglect to upgrade it or that it's in any way less important to our DPS.
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The second lightsaber does matter, a lot. Saying that it's a stat stick is stupid because everything in this game revolves around stats. Your main lightsaber is a stat stick as equally as your offhand is. The fact that your offhand does less damage (so that we aren't roflstomp OP) doesn't mean you get to neglect to upgrade it or that it's in any way less important to our DPS.


according to my stats window my main hand does


646 - 797 DPS


my offhand does




these are both Champion level PVP lightsabers. face it , offhand is basically a stat stick - like Hunters melee weapon in WoW.

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