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Stop making female gear have bare midrifts!


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I imagine a person can choose what to wear, or what not wear on their toon, so it's not much of an issue. More variety in styles accessible to ALL classes and armor types would be nice!


More PANTS options for Light Armor!!! More PANTS options for Light Armor!!!!



Say it with me, peeps! :D

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Seeing as you use the force and energy shields to avoid damage, it really shouldn't matter what clothing you're wearing from a defense perspective.


I do support more gear variety though. All the 'best' gear looks the same. There is no real variation in stats, no gear of comparable quality but different looks. Orange gear is fun, but not yet the best gear.


I'm also a bit annoyed at the female/male only gear. If my male Sith Sorcerer wants to get around in a bikini I don't see why I shouldn't be allowed to. I can already wear eye shadow and maskara. And male Twileks do the same sexy bar dance as the female as their racial ability. More bare midriffs for boys! Have you see the six packs in this game?!?!


(Also would like to see ears on female Twileks... the males have ears... the females don't... What the ...?!?!?)


I agree with almost everything you're saying; I despise gender restricted gear. But I love my twi'leks nubby ears! They make her look more alien :)


I'm actually hoping to find more bare arm/bare midriff armor for my characters, I think some of it is quite pretty. I was a bit disappointed when my knight switched from her tank top to a dowdy.. I don't know, moddable duster thing. But at least we have choices, I'm pleased that we can both be accommodated.

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Haven't read everyone's replies yet, but...


I think the bare midriff tops are pretty stupid. That being said, I don't care if other people want to wear them--I'm glad I have other options. At least they aren't the only decent gear you can get for 20 levels (meaningful glance at the wardrobe fail that is Rift).


My problem?




(****ty is censored? Seriously guys?)


Not that I would use it (cough), but fair is fair. We're not equal until we're all naked and objectified, dancing drunk in the cantina.


Now, back to see if someone else already posted what I just said :)

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More PANTS options for Light Armor!!! More PANTS options for Light Armor!!!!



Say it with me, peeps! :D


More PANTS options for Light Armor!!! More PANTS options for Light Armor!!!! /sign

Edited by Darkarn
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I would just like to humbly request that Bioware make MORE female gear with bare midriffs.


I am female and I support this post! More skin for males is a good idea also! And pants! Yes! More pants! Less dresses! :p

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Honestly, in any MMO, I was always amused whenever melee classes had gear that left their midsections bared. Why bother with those heavy boots, legplates, shoulderpads, and helm when the enemy can just aim for your belly button?


Indeed. Now I can go along with light armor being protection enough for Force users (due to the Force) but I loathe walking around with bits hanging out. Especially in places where it makes utterly NO sense like Hoth.


This whole "exposure" thing has gotten toned down a great deal over the years (chainmail bikinis anyone?) thankfully. I avoided one pretty decent bit of armor when I saw that I would look like a flippin' belly dancer. Not what my Sage cares to look like, thank you.

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Sith Femail Assassin Tank in a mix of the Slave Biking social outfit and the Twi'lek dancer security kiosk outfit. Yeah, I tank in a bikini. Does it make sense from a roleplay perspective, nope. But I think it's funny, and that's all that matters since it's my account.


Obviously, as I get better gear, the bikini will go away, but what ever, it's fun for now.

Leia tanked a boss in that outfit. And she handled all the DPS as well!


And overall, I think there's actually very little "sexy" looking gear in game. Even Shae Vizla's armour looked nicer in the trailer than about any gear in game. Except maybe for the Imperial Slingbra.

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More PANTS options for Light Armor!!! More PANTS options for Light Armor!!!! /sign


This reminds me of a youtube video I saw a long time ago.. from that 'other mmo' where the avatar was singing 'why do I always have to wear a dress'



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This reminds me of a youtube video I saw a long time ago.. from that 'other mmo' where the avatar was singing 'why do I always have to wear a dress'




Did Big Blue Dress teach us nothing?! :o

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Not saying the OP is guilty of this, but I think that this is pretty apt -


"This game is too easy, make it harder"

"QQ Moar hardcore players, this game isn't designed for you, suck it up or quit"


"This game is sexist, fix my gear"

QQ Moar feminists, this game isn't designed for you, suck it up or quit"



Basically, if you aren't a male ages 15-30 who plays this game casually then you aren't entitled to have things you want.

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Wow this statement/topic is completely contradictory to what I was expecting. When Rift first came out people were crying, complaining, gnashing their teeth, threatening to cut themselves because of the frumpy frocks they were having to wear and were bringing in artwork from things like Tera stating that in order to be an MMO woman should be running around nekid and be able to not be hurt by any monster because it was the RPG in MMORPG that made it so...


I am in shock considering the number of people running around in the slave outfit on my server..


Odd. I don't remember anyone grousing about "frumpy" armor. I do remember grousing about uninspired armor. Then again, I wasn' there the first couple weeks so I may have missed it.


I'm all for options but I get irritated when a piece of very good, on-level armor ends up being too out there (and that's not just the "skimpy" thing, it's the goofy shoulders and, don't EVEN get me going about headgear).

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I want to be a female DARK LORD OF THE SITH - not a frakkin belly dancer! I realize Star wars comes with a decent amount of sexism and racism imbued in it from the outset but seriously guys - get your art department in order.


Your gogo girl female chest pieces are horrible. Just my 2 cents.

There is no T if midriff. This is an MMO, be happy you don't have a chainmail bikini.


Edit: Besides, what's wrong with sith looking good? It's cloth clothing. It's not like covering more will give better protection. It's also not like all the armor is that way or even most. What's wrong with the human body?

Edited by Game-Hermit
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Your gogo girl female chest pieces are horrible. Just my 2 cents.


First thing I do in game is figure out the lowest level I can aquire one of these in orange gear so I can mod it and wear it forever. They have them in light, medium, and heavy armor on the Imperal side by level 20 so I gather them up and wear them on all my characters.


Different people, different preferences.


Now, if I could just find some boots with clear high heels..... :p

Edited by Andryah
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Showing off the midriff is fine provided the overall armor design fits. However every female version of armor I have seen with an exposed midriff just looks inappropriate or poorly designed. Especially when you take into consideration the "personality" of each character. I can't really see a female sith sorcerer exposing her midriff for example.



Having the option to turn that on or off would be nice.

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I can't really see a female sith sorcerer exposing her midriff for example.



I disagree with you on that.


My sith sorc wears the security vendor top which is a tiny bikini top with a waist sash. It flaunts with imperious power - the ability to do and wear anything you like, and nobody can do anything about it. Including the OP. :p


My sith sorc also flirts to manipulate too. The outfit helps with the immersion in that regard.

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I want to be a female DARK LORD OF THE SITH - not a frakkin belly dancer! I realize Star wars comes with a decent amount of sexism and racism imbued in it from the outset but seriously guys - get your art department in order.


Your gogo girl female chest pieces are horrible. Just my 2 cents.

Chainmail bikini's ftw
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2) There are no Jedi and Sith wearing bikinis/bare midriffs in Star Wars, because there are no female Jedi or Sith in Star Wars to begin with. Not in the movies, at least, which are the base and ultimate canon.


I think you're about to make a lot of the EU crowd very mad XD

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