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Why the arrogance of healers?


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As a healer who often gets shafted in the MVP section despite averaging 250-300k heals, reading some of the posts of how you DPS and Tanks appreciate us almost brings tears to my eyes.


We appreciate MVP votes because we're often mid to bottom table and lose the comms. Especially if a match is particularly intense we're spending every GCD on heals and narry a spare to tag for kills.


Bioware seems to think healers should be penalized for really focusing in doing their job well.


We could medal farm too really, but every GCD spent tagging, is one less on a Heal that was supposed to keep you alive. So all those L2multi comments are really missing the mark of a healer's role - prioritizing other's survival over one's self-interest!

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They just need to fix the killing blow system to also accept healing the person doing the killing as being part of the medal, they did it in Ilum, you can heal or buff someone and get credit for the kills. It should work the same in WZs.



Healers aren't getting the killing blow medals while doing what they are made to do, that's why its un-fair to healers and why people should MVP the healer in a WZ. A DPS can go for their damage medals and achieve their killing blow medals. A tank can get their protection medals, passively, as well as doing DPS and getting killing blow medals, and DPS medals... :rolleyes:

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every1 can get 2k5 healing medal, just unequip gear before wz then equip obv, it should work


Nope, the way to get 2.5k and 5k heals involves the use of removing your equipment and Pure Shockfrozen Water.


It's the only known way for people without heals to get the medal and even then, it's a pretty dodgy way of doing it. Probably a bannable offence.

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soon it will be no problem since there will bo not so long when pure healers dissapear from war zones completly thanks to retarded medal system which discriminate people who wanna just heal... In this game healers are forced to dps in order to get any serious reward...thats just sily... so if this is the way of war zones in star wars then good luck.

I am not going complain too much in few days when nothing will change I simply switch build to dps or hybrid and there will be one healer less, and I belive a lots of players did that already....

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As a healer who often gets shafted in the MVP section despite averaging 250-300k heals, reading some of the posts of how you DPS and Tanks appreciate us almost brings tears to my eyes.


We appreciate MVP votes because we're often mid to bottom table and lose the comms. Especially if a match is particularly intense we're spending every GCD on heals and narry a spare to tag for kills.


Bioware seems to think healers should be penalized for really focusing in doing their job well.


We could medal farm too really, but every GCD spent tagging, is one less on a Heal that was supposed to keep you alive. So all those L2multi comments are really missing the mark of a healer's role - prioritizing other's survival over one's self-interest!



MVP gives you one commendation per vote. Don't sweat it dude. I appreciate healers and MVP em up whenever I can.


Thank you!

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Not sure why people on this thread are acting like it's easy to get medals as a purely DPS class. If you're doing any kind of team oriented play, it's not an easy task to get medals as a class that doesn't have a self-heal or can't touch the protection medal ladder.


Because I heal in WZ, and get 3-4 medals most of the time in good matches. When I respecced to dps I got 7-8 medals consistently without healing. Have you played a healer? I know fresh 50s struggle to get medals, but that is a matter of gear once you have a decent amount of gear 7-8 medals should be the norm. 3-4 is the norm for a healer doing their job. I have to do my job and yours to get 7-8 medals, and that seems silly.


Although I think MVP should go to whomever you think helped us win, or attempt to win the most.

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I don't understand it. Yes I love getting heals, but I also love getting protected by tanks, and I love dpsing someone into the ground.......... why do healers think they are something special? I played main heals in all other mmos I've played and not once thought I deserved to be voted mvp for this and that. I almost purposely not vote healers mvp because they ask so much. Instead just to spite them I'll mvp the guy who just joined or did 10k damage and 0 healing.


Man I can't wait to see the hate messages this post will bring. Anyway, stop thinking you're something special because you keybind moves the same as everyone else.


Generalize much?

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If a healer gets 75k dmg in a warzone it means he's not doing his job.


I beg to differ. Do you realize what 75k damage is? That's 75 Damaging shots. Rapid Shots does 3 hits averaging 350 damage per hit. Guess what? That's over 1k right there, and it costs no heat. All I have to do is use that move 75 times in an entire match, and I've gotten my 75k damage. It's not as hard as you make it seem. Sure at lower levels where it only does like 400 total damage means they'd have to use it more often, but after level 40, if you can't get 75k by the end of a huttball match, then you are not doing it right. We use rapid shots to do some healing or damage.


Lets take this scenario: Alderaan guarding left side as Mercenary and 1 other teammate.


I have Kolto Shell on the teammate for heals as he gets hit, I can use Emergency Scan when needed, keeping Healing Scan up for the Armor buff and a small HoT, basically allows me to hit the target with a few hits as well. Throw a dart on, power shot, rapid shot here and there. Helping to out dps it especially if it's a sorcerer, interrupting the sorcerers heals... It really is just about learning how to play the game in certain scenarios.


When you're trying to take Middle on Alderaan, and you are the healer. You don't go around damaging people if your team is taking damage themselves. That's not doing your job. But if no one is taking damage because your godlike heals and HoTs are keeping them alive, then why WOULDN'T you do some damage to help out the team? I do, and I get medals, and we win.

Edited by Kardall
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As someone who switches between healing and dps specs I can confidently say when I'm healing I have a much larger impact on the game than when I'm dpsing. In both cases I'm usually top of the chart for my respective job, so its easy to conclude that healing is much more influential to the outcome of the game.


I average 8~10 medals as dps, 3~5 as healer, so I don't think its arrogant at all for a healer to ask for mvp votes considering they are getting shafted by the game design.

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I haven't seen healers like that. The fact is if you heal in pvp you're not doing damage and you can't get guard medals. A dps hits a medpac, they get a medal. If healer dps, people die faster, and the spec doesnt allow for competitive damage. You also tend to get focused, so you die frequently. Don't believe me? Play a healer.
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I beg to differ. Do you realize what 75k damage is? That's 75 Damaging shots. Rapid Shots does 3 hits averaging 350 damage per hit. Guess what? That's over 1k right there, and it costs no heat. All I have to do is use that move 75 times in an entire match, and I've gotten my 75k damage. It's not as hard as you make it seem. Sure at lower levels where it only does like 400 total damage means they'd have to use it more often, but after level 40, if you can't get 75k by the end of a huttball match, then you are not doing it right. We use rapid shots to do some healing or damage.


Lets take this scenario: Alderaan guarding left side as Mercenary and 1 other teammate.


I have Kolto Shell on the teammate for heals as he gets hit, I can use Emergency Scan when needed, keeping Healing Scan up for the Armor buff and a small HoT, basically allows me to hit the target with a few hits as well. Throw a dart on, power shot, rapid shot here and there. Helping to out dps it especially if it's a sorcerer, interrupting the sorcerers heals... It really is just about learning how to play the game in certain scenarios.


When you're trying to take Middle on Alderaan, and you are the healer. You don't go around damaging people if your team is taking damage themselves. That's not doing your job. But if no one is taking damage because your godlike heals and HoTs are keeping them alive, then why WOULDN'T you do some damage to help out the team? I do, and I get medals, and we win.


Bringing up specific situations that do not constitute the bulk of the warzone doesn't make your point. I can come up with any hypothetical situation I want that would require a healer to to damge but when there's fighting go on with a ton of damage being done to your team. If your healer has 75k dmg those were GCD that were spent doing something other than keeping their teamates alive.


Maybe its more feasible if your team is facerolling or getting facerolled but in competative matches where every heal counts, the healer needs to be healing.

Edited by Moricthian
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Thats exactly my point. You can get just as many medals as a tank and more than a pure dps class but you choose not to and then complain about it.


I wonder if you'd be singing the same tune if they took out the damage medals and just left kills.


Most dps classes can get healing/tank medals so why should they also get damage medals? I'd love to see how dps would react if they were getting 2~3 medals a game and healers were getting 5~6. Ofcourse this would never happen.


If you want to know how much damage a healer is capable of look at how much damage a tank can do over a course of a warzone, then consider the fact that a healer's capability is about the same except they don't focus on dealing damage the whole warzone. You might have a revelation, but chances are you'd just assume they're a bad player.

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It is on par, though.


DPS get a medal for 2.5k hit, 5k hit, 75k damage dealt, 300k damage dealt -- > 4 medals.


Healers get a medal for 2.5k healed, 5k healed, 75k healed, 300k healed -- > 4 medals.


Tanks get 5k, 10k, 50k protection (and I believe an additional one for "protection in one life") -- > around 4 medals too.


Perfect parity.


Other medals (10 kills, 25 kills, 1 solo kill, 1 final blow) are shared across all 3 archetypes. A healer can pick them up just as easily as a dps (more easily in case with 10/25 kills because a healer is harder to kill, thus he has more uptime in which to get those kills). A solo kill for a healer is arguably easier than a solo kill for a tank.


Those healers who want to tunnel vision and heal the team ONLY get only 4 medals. Those that want to diversify and medal farm can easily get 10 medals per game. Guess what, a pure dps class like Marauder can only get 5-6 medals per game too, unless he goes out of his way to medal farm (in which case he can get 7-8 maybe).


This made me lol a little with the "shared" medals... They clearly don't favor anyone in particular.

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A healer properly playing will get shafted on medals. So, they deserve mvp votes IF they performed at a high level. Anyone that asks for mvp votes auto doesn't get them from me. If you're good, you won't have to beg, you'll get them cause you're good.
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I wonder if you'd be singing the same tune if they took out the damage medals and just left kills.


Most dps classes can get healing/tank medals so why should they also get damage medals? I'd love to see how dps would react if they were getting 2~3 medals a game and healers were getting 5~6. Ofcourse this would never happen.


If you want to know how much damage a healer is capable of look at how much damage a tank can do over a course of a warzone, then consider the fact that a healer's capability is about the same except they don't focus on dealing damage the whole warzone. You might have a revelation, but chances are you'd just assume they're a bad player.




I play a tank and a healer, whats your point? I get top medal or damn close to it so far on every char I have played including my healer because of the simple fact you don't always need to be healing.

Edited by Surgin
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no, he's right, im a healer and i can get my fair share of kill medals and damage medals, not as much as DPS or tank, obviously, but that's what the heal medals are for. ive gotten commando medals on a regular basis, same with DPS medals and such. Edited by Qishari
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no, he's right, im a healer and i can get my fair share of kill medals and damage medals, not as much as DPS or tank, obviously, but that's what the heal medals are for. ive gotten commando medals on a regular basis, same with DPS medals and such.


Ding ding ding we have a winner.... Been my point all along.

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Ding ding ding we have a winner.... Been my point all along.


Healers, listen up.


From now on, just play for medals.


Stop choosing to gimp yourself.


After you get your 300K medal, which is probably within 10 minutes of the game, just switch to full DPS mode to get your 75K damage, etc. medals.


Do it.


And when people complain about you not healing and give you crap about your 100K/300K damage/heal, just say, F-U *****.


Why play your role and benefit your team? It's the dumb thing to do.


"Healers get DPS medals just as easily as DPS classes" is probably the biggest load of crap I've never heard.

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It's an MMO culture thing; depends on how long you've been playing, which games you used to play, etc. In older class-based games, healing classes couldn't do much EXCEPT heal and it was honestly a sacrifice (your personal fun for the team's success) vs. playing a DPS and getting to sneak around/melt face/use a lot more abilities/solo (yes, in older games some classes could not solo even garbage mobs their level).


Nowadays healing classes always have tons of utility outside of just making other players' red bars get bigger, so they're not really any more or less played than other classes.


But the "MVP Entitlement Brigade", I think, is healers that still remember the old days and think people should respect them more just for playing a particular role. In this game, I don't agree, but I do empathize with how they came to that mistaken conclusion.


(Sage healer here.)


I agree, but I think that even in modern MMOs, you should at least take the time to thank your healer for keeping you up that little bit longer that let you put out enough damage to get your medals. We have a lot more to work with than we used to, but something that hasn't changed (except for maybe getting worse) is that nobody ever really notices they have a healer until they're running back from the graveyard, and even then it's only to cuss the guy out for not being perfect. I play a healer because I've always enjoyed it (something about being able to look at some douche and go "Ok, you get to die" is therapeutic for me, I guess), but sometimes it just isn't worth it to heal for people who think that I just "faceroll" or that I should just "spambot to keep me alive already."

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I play a tank and a healer, whats your point? I get top medal or damn close to it so far on every char I have played including my healer because of the simple fact you don't always need to be healing.


My fellow healers I think we should just give up. This guy is obviously the greatest player ever. He tops that charts on both a healer character, tank character, and a dps character. Heck, I'm sure he hasn't even lost a warzone yet.


Seriously, how can he be wrong about anything?


This guy is so awesome I bet he could 1 shot everyone in PvP with just his mind. Is there anything he can't do?

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I play a tank and a healer, whats your point? I get top medal or damn close to it so far on every char I have played including my healer because of the simple fact you don't always need to be healing.


Funny... one simple screenshot of your game performance could have proved your point but I guess it just happens so often you never thought of taking one right?

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I'm a healer and hardly arrogant. Nor have I really seen arrogant healers.


The MVP system is like the lottery. If you get votes, yay! If not, try again.


I've has WZs where I was really not happy with my performance. Bad positioning, let someone die, lost sight of an objective, etc. It never fails that I will get 1-3 MVP votes.


Other times I feel like I played like a madman. Massive healing, incredible defense, capping objectives. I will get zero votes. That usually makes me laugh out loud.


Best not to give it to much thought and just enjoy the battles.

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