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Everything posted by FrutigerSans

  1. It's the Bloom setting. Because the silly ring of acid is actually a damn light source
  2. As a healer who often gets shafted in the MVP section despite averaging 250-300k heals, reading some of the posts of how you DPS and Tanks appreciate us almost brings tears to my eyes. We appreciate MVP votes because we're often mid to bottom table and lose the comms. Especially if a match is particularly intense we're spending every GCD on heals and narry a spare to tag for kills. Bioware seems to think healers should be penalized for really focusing in doing their job well. We could medal farm too really, but every GCD spent tagging, is one less on a Heal that was supposed to keep you alive. So all those L2multi comments are really missing the mark of a healer's role - prioritizing other's survival over one's self-interest!
  3. Tried this and it didn't work. What worked for us was to let south always solve first all the way.
  4. Agreed totally. Another solution that would go a long way is to allow Trading in of Centurion Comms for Champion Comms
  5. Please let us change Centurion and Tionese comms to Champion and Columni comms. I don't care if it's a 10:30 ratio - I want to feel my time working at WZs and Hard modes is worth something. I want progress! Not another failed attempt at dice rolling for loot. If you're gonna keep the damn RNG at least let me see that those currently useless centurion and Tionese comms are adding up to something. Two weeks of daily PVP and HMs and Ops and no loot.... Not fun at all bioware's, not fun.
  6. My group, being not entirely geared, beat the Hard mode Sith Entity (bonus boss for false emperor) by the skin of our teeth. We were 3 men out of the fight and our last DPS was at 78/15000 health before the boss fell. Even more exciting was that he was just kiting the heck away and it was the numerous DoTs on him that got him.
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