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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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I know that's the overall issue. I said "whatever the issue is" referring to whatever specific issue within the whole "abuses have been done" thing. Because all I know is that someone abused the tag (I'm not sure how one abuses it) and now we have to wait for Bioware to put the tag back on whilst this thread very abruptly dies. Here's hoping we don't wait so long that we need to make a new thread before necroing this one.
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I know that's the overall issue. I said "whatever the issue is" referring to whatever specific issue within the whole "abuses have been done" thing. Because all I know is that someone abused the tag (I'm not sure how one abuses it) and now we have to wait for Bioware to put the tag back on whilst this thread very abruptly dies. Here's hoping we don't wait so long that we need to make a new thread before necroing this one.

One abuses it by posting images BWEA finds objectionable, for whatever reason. If this has happened multiple times, I wouldn't bank on it ever being re-enabled.

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Got my main Scoundrel through the prelude and a little beyond last weekend.






Kylie: WHY would I engage in cannibalism?!

HK-51: Interjection: After deletion of troublemakers, devouring them would be an effici-





Edited by Sinapus
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One abuses it by posting images BWEA finds objectionable, for whatever reason. If this has happened multiple times, I wouldn't bank on it ever being re-enabled.


That's actually not what happened though. See the new Bug Report board posts by Tait, they were saying how screenshots help a lot when reporting bugs, so someone said they should enable the IMG tag in that board so they could link screenshots there easier since they said they help with bugs. Tait starts poking around and assumes the IMG tag is incorrectly enabled here and disables it, even though it's been possible to posts screens on this part of the board since launch, well before he was ever working for BW. That's the problem.

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Its like there are children in charge of bioware. I have never seen a forum with the img tags disabled until now.


Actually, the tag is still active in the fan art section...


EDIT: Nope, nevermind... apparantly they've "fixed" that too now... was working a few days ago.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Its like there are children in charge of bioware. I have never seen a forum with the img tags disabled until now.


All part of Biowares general commitment to cutting corners and doing as little as possible. Why bother policing the forums when you can just disable stuff and too bad for all of the much more common and legitimate uses of the functions that the community uses?

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Well I'll try and press through this idiocy. I'll still put the links in spoiler tags in the event that they eventually restore the tags.


*Irish accent* Toppa da mornin to ya!




Swiggity swooty coming for the booty




You had one job




I want you



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