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Last 6 wins didnt count!! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?


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you know how hard it is to GET wins sometimes as republic? then you finally win one.. atlast!! and it doesnt count...


REPEAT another 5 times and you can imagine how im feeling right now, i should have finished my weekly almost, instead im still 2/3 daily for the last 10 games (having won like 6 of them)

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reset your console UI by pressing ctril+U twice. All your wins should count afterwards...


Google is your friend...


Wow didn't know that.


I've noticed and heard that if the Warzone is about to shut down due to a lack of players as the final seconds tick off, the win doesn't count.

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Wow didn't know that.


I've noticed and heard that if the Warzone is about to shut down due to a lack of players as the final seconds tick off, the win doesn't count.


great theory, along with having to reset, or not winning 6-0 in huttball, or making sure you get atleast 3 medals, or, or, or... none of these "fixes" have really worked for me yet

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great theory, along with having to reset, or not winning 6-0 in huttball, or making sure you get atleast 3 medals, or, or, or... none of these "fixes" have really worked for me yet


or you can just reset your console UI by crtl+U twice before joining a warzone to get your wins to count.


Edit: okay maybe there must be something really wrong with your situation...

Edited by AndantePhist
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reset your console UI by pressing ctril+U twice. All your wins should count afterwards...


Google is your friend...


Doesnt work, and this anyways should not be a way to actually get your winns !


Yes OP we all know. Fail game system is fail game system.Wonder if this is only rep players that is having this game breaking issue.More and more people ingame like me no longer care about doing these fail dailys and weeklys.


I have a friend that is the founding member of the us star wars fan club that is a friend of george lucas. Maybe i should get him to call up the big man himself so he can tell him what they are doing to his great ip by not fixing these things so people are unsubbing=losing money ;)

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or you can just reset your console UI by crtl+U twice before joining a warzone to get your wins to count.


Holy **** people. I post a viable solution and simply get ignored... what is up with this forums?


Have you even tried my solution?


It's worked for everyone of my guildies/friends/ anyone on my server who ever had my server.


Or maybe we are ALL wearing tin foil hats.


i told you, i have TRIED it, it does NOT work, what is hard to comprehend?

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i told you, i have TRIED it, it does NOT work, what is hard to comprehend?


you tried it before or after the win?


Lets say you won a game and it didn't count. Resetting your console UI afterwards will do nothing.


Lets say you log into swtor, reset console UI, every game you play onwards should count.


This is what I mean, please clarify what you did.

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you tried it before or after the win?


Lets say you won a game and it didn't count. Resetting your console UI afterwards will do nothing.


Lets say you log into the game, reset console UI, every game you play onwards should count.


This is what I mean, please clarify what you did.


this is all nonsense, nobody listen to him - it is not player specific, everytime a warzone doesnt count, it doesnt count for anyone

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when the win doesn't count, it doesn't count for anyone in that warzone, the issue isn't player/client specific


Indeed. Whenever it doesn't count for me, it doesn't count for my guildies or other people I'm in the premade with, ever. I don't see how a reaload UI on one client could reasonably affect this unless the game does something very weird when you're in a premade.


Also to answer a question from earlier in the thread, I can confirm that this is not a Republic-only problem.


Each time it has happened the following two things have been true (to the best of my recollection, at least):

- The "Warzone will end in 120 seconds" message has appeared but later been cancelled.

- The Warzone has been particularly quick to end but with the objectives being met (rather than auto-end). 3 minutes to the datacore, 5 minute 6-0 in Huttball, etc.


The above two things seem to be consistent with the experiences others have explained on these forums.


I doubt there's any "fix" or workaround we can do right now - best we can do is continue to report it with as much detail as we can possibly give (how many times it flashed up saying it will end in 120 seconds, how quickly the auto-end got aborted, how long the match lasted, etc). The more detail we put in our tickets the better chance we have of having it fixed.

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BS, it affects all participants.


wait a second... are you guys all empire...


I play republic and the only times my game didn't count, (and for others in our warzone) is when it was same faction huttball.


I've played republic vs republic huttball like 3 times total out of 300+ warzone games I've played.


1 out of 3 of those games didn't count for anyone...


So... are you guys empire? and are your games mostly empire vs empire huttball?

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This happened to me last night. Was stuck on 2/3 wins with time fading on how much longer I was going to play for the night.


Won three games none counted.


I literally DELETED my character. MMOs are a time sink anyway, and having an additional time sink tacked on top of it where you can't complete dailies when you should be was too much.

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You do realise that the wins counting has nothing to do with UI resetting? EVERYONE in the entire group is effected, so unless 1 person doing that helps others I see no connection.


The amount of frustrated players from this issue alone is a sad sight to see in a modern day MMO when they aspect of the game is a huge part for people doing those dailies in the first place and is rather shocking that it is taking this long to fix, of course we don't know the trouble they are having at isolating the issue, but hopefully we will see that fix next.

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wait a second... are you guys all empire...


I play republic and the only times my game didn't count, (and for others in our warzone) is when it was same faction huttball.


I've played republic vs republic huttball like 3 times total out of 300+ warzone games I've played.


1 out of 3 of those games didn't count for anyone...


So... are you guys empire? and are your games mostly empire vs empire huttball?


I'm Empire. It most commonly happens to me on Voidstar, though I've seen it happen in both EvE and EvR Huttball.


It's not a factions-specific problem, I can almost guarantee you. It's something to do with matches ending after an auto-end got aborted and the game is shorter than average - I've been paying very close attention to when this has happened to me and reported in detail so I can say with at least some degree of certainty.


I've never had it happen on Alderaan but then I've only ever won 600-0 once (ie. quicker than normal) and we didn't get the auto-end message come up that time.

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It took me 15 wins, to get the credit for 3 wins on the daily.

To get 15 wins, I had to play over 40 matches over the course of 5 days ( I am Republic ).


So I am averaging 1 credit for every 5 wins.


Sounds more like a Weekly than a Daily.


Now, I am still sitting at 7/9 for the weekly, and first started it over 2 weeks ago.

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I play around 10 WZ's a day, every day.


Being in a Republic PvP focused guild that only premades, our winning % is somewhere around 90%, so we've gotten a lot of practice at different conditions.


WZ's not counting for the daily happens frequently. Here's my list:


1.) It happens in all three WZ's.

2.) winning quickly isn't a factor. Neither is 6-0 in huttball, or 600-0 in alderaan (yes, we had a flawless Alderaan not count, but we've had several count)

3.) as mentioned, it doesn't count for everyone, so it's not a single user issue, and a UI reset or untracking/retracking the quest won't matter

4.) it doesn't require a "warzone will end early" condition to happen, either.

5.) it happens in tie games won by tiebreaker, close games, and blowouts.


I know everyone wants to find some magic switch that turns the problem on or off, but I honestly don't think we're going to find it. Whatever's making it happen, it's a multi-order contributor or something unrelated to the WZ progress, imo.

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I play around 10 WZ's a day, every day.


Being in a Republic PvP focused guild that only premades, our winning % is somewhere around 90%, so we've gotten a lot of practice at different conditions.


WZ's not counting for the daily happens frequently. Here's my list:


1.) It happens in all three WZ's.

2.) winning quickly isn't a factor. Neither is 6-0 in huttball, or 600-0 in alderaan (yes, we had a flawless Alderaan not count, but we've had several count)

3.) as mentioned, it doesn't count for everyone, so it's not a single user issue, and a UI reset or untracking/retracking the quest won't matter

4.) it doesn't require a "warzone will end early" condition to happen, either.

5.) it happens in tie games won by tiebreaker, close games, and blowouts.


I know everyone wants to find some magic switch that turns the problem on or off, but I honestly don't think we're going to find it. Whatever's making it happen, it's a multi-order contributor or something unrelated to the WZ progress, imo.


Interesting - as I say, in every instance of it happening to me it has been both a quick game (not necessarily flawless, but quicker than average in some way) and with an aborted auto-end timer message.


But of course, I'm aware this is only my personal experience and my personal sample size isn't necessarily big enough to say for definite.


I feel it may be one factor that causes it, personally, just because it's quite a coincidence that these conditions have been met each time. But it's a fair point that it may not be the only cause or that the cause may be based on various factors rather than just one.


Since you seem like an actually smart person, have you reported your info to Bioware? I know the roleplay robot crew don't exaclty inspire a lot of confidence but I have this vague, possibly naive, hope that they do still eventually find their way to the right person if they have enough info and don't have any "OMG I HAD THIS BUG I WILL SUE YOU" type garbage in it.


So yeah, hope people are able to provide info to Bioware as I think we'd all very much like to see this issue disappear (for real this time!)

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