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Shuttle? Orbital Station? Airlock? Class Airlock? WHY?!


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This is NOT our idea of fun.


Correction, it's not your idea of fun. I love all the steps. In fact I'd like actual spaceflight inbetween them.


Sometimes I even walk. I walk and pan the camera around at the architecture, look at the little conversations between NPCs, wonder what they're talking about.


Why? Because I want to enjoy the illusion that I'm in a virtual world, in which it does actually take a bit of time to get from one place to another.


Instant travel ruins MMOs. (It certainly ruined CoX IMHO. Although people blame the UGC tool's rough introduction for taking a chunk out of CoX, I think it was the numerous forms of instant teleport that gradually took the shine off the game. Before the instant transport, you had to use a combination of travel powers and trains to get to a mission door where your group was waiting. The time it took from even a very distant point in the game world was not negligible, but with travel powers it wasn't too bad - and at least you felt you were travelling through a world. With instant travel and teleports, the feel of the game becomes less that of a virtual world and more that of a mere lobby.)


Nah, the only problem with the travel at the moment is the "instant take off whle boarding". There should be another step - you wallking from the inside of the door to your pilot's seat and hitting a take off button. Likewise for landing and disembarking. You should be able to land your ship from the pilot's seat, and only have to go to the door to actually disembark on hoof.


So yeah, more steps please.

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try playing the IA story quest and youll be like ***; especially if you re playing id like me for the 2nd time....


alright get to drooomund kaas (no direct taxi connection between 2 taxi routes) which means you need about 8-10 minutes to get there, talk to you quest npc in the Headquarter IA....

he sends you to another planet... so move back to the orbital station, which takes you another 5-10 minutes....

then you get into your ship and go to the destination, do you quest and what do you have to do next, RIGHT get back to your HQ in droomund kaas... for a 2 second talk with the quest npc...

then it sends you right back to another space station.... guess whats your next step?

RIGHT get back to droomund kaas...


that is content streching at its finest


BH has the same thing. In the middle of you hunting a fugitive on a planet you need to

get your *** back to Dromund Kaas to speak to some guy for 2 minutes, then head to Hutta and shoot some people, then report back to DK and only then can you go back

to your storyline. I mean, couldn't that guy have contacted my BH via holo??


Emshwiller on Red Eclipse

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Yea, this takes the p1$$ so much that i installed the security app on my phone just so i could buy a stack of fleet passes. i never use my ship to get back to fleet now... just to get to other places. saves me about 40 minutes per day of pointless running and loading to be honest so its worth the 1000 credits a time.
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Totally non-constructive post incoming:


If this thread doesn't tell you everything you need to know about the sociology of the SWTOR community, I don't know what does. There are players that actually argue FOR more loading screens. It's hilarious.


But we all know it's not that they want more immersion-breaking elements, or protracted travel methods that could be streamlined (not shortened, but streamlined). It's simply a defense mechanism against any criticism of any element of game play. And yes, there are actually people FOR the ability delay as well, claiming that it made you pay more attention to pacing. I'm still looking for a post where someone complains about the numerous crafting bugs--I'm sure there will be a litany of players claiming that it's a good thing because it keeps you on your toes and simulates the possibility of real life manufacturing errors.

Edited by Traumahawk
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Totally non-constructive post incoming:


If this thread doesn't tell you everything you need to know about the sociology of the SWTOR community, I don't know what does. There are players that actually argue FOR more loading screens. It's hilarious.


But we all know it's not that they want more immersion-breaking elements, or protracted travel methods that could be streamlined (not shortened, but streamlined). It's simply a defense mechanism against any criticism of any element of game play. And yes, there are actually people FOR the ability delay as well, claiming that it made you pay more attention to pacing. I'm still looking for a post where someone complains about the numerous crafting bugs--I'm sure there will be a litany of players claiming that it's a good thing because it keeps you on your toes and simulates the failures of real life manufacturing problems.





It's beyond me how people believe (or actually I don't believe they believe it, but argue anyway) for Loading Screens.


The only progressive way forward for SWTOR is to reduced the number of Loading Screens and/or reduce their impact on game play.


How anyone could be against this is frankly beyond me.

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Goal: Get to Republic Fleet.


1. Find Shuttle

2. Chose Orbital Station

3. Wait for the loading screen to complete

4. Run through Orbital Station (1~ minute of running)

5. Click Elevator, Chose Airlock

6. Wait for scenery change (10 seconds)

7. Run to Class Airlock Room (1~ minute of running)

8. Enter Space Ship

9. Wait for loading (20~ seconds)

10. Run up to the Galaxy Map inside your ship. (5-10 seconds)

11. Click Fleet

12. Wait for scenery change

13. Run down to ship exit, click door.

14. Wait for loading screen (1-2 minutes depending on performance)

15. Arrive at Fleet

16. Do your business.


16 Steps? Really necessary? This whole process takes like 10-15 minutes or even more, depending whether or not you're close to a shuttle, assuming you even know where the closest one is.

Get your **** together. We don't like _pointless_ traveling like this. This is NOT our idea of fun.


Doesn't take 10 to 15 minutes one way.

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It's beyond me how people believe (or actually I don't believe they believe it, but argue anyway) for Loading Screens.


The only progressive way forward for SWTOR is to reduced the number of Loading Screens and/or reduce their impact on game play.


How anyone could be against this is frankly beyond me.


That's right. Progress in the gaming industry is reduction of loading screens. Technologies that intelligently load or drop parts of the map, to create a seamless experience. It's like General Motors having a brainstorming session on how to make the horse relevant to transportation again.

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Totally non-constructive post incoming:


If this thread doesn't tell you everything you need to know about the sociology of the SWTOR community, I don't know what does. There are players that actually argue FOR more loading screens. It's hilarious.


But we all know it's not that they want more immersion-breaking elements, or protracted travel methods that could be streamlined (not shortened, but streamlined). It's simply a defense mechanism against any criticism of any element of game play. And yes, there are actually people FOR the ability delay as well, claiming that it made you pay more attention to pacing. I'm still looking for a post where someone complains about the numerous crafting bugs--I'm sure there will be a litany of players claiming that it's a good thing because it keeps you on your toes and simulates the possibility of real life manufacturing errors.


It's beyond me how people believe (or actually I don't believe they believe it, but argue anyway) for Loading Screens.


The only progressive way forward for SWTOR is to reduced the number of Loading Screens and/or reduce their impact on game play.


How anyone could be against this is frankly beyond me.


And so ppl that think like you are the only *believable* ones... the only ones allowed an opinion classed as valid.... that says a lot about the sociology of the group of SWTOR players you belong too :eek:

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And so ppl that think like you are the only *believable* ones... the only ones allowed an opinion classed as valid.... that says a lot about the sociology of the group of SWTOR players you belong too :eek:


Let them have their hate echo-chamber. That way they can build straw-men and tell each other how awesome they are for tearing the other's down.

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It's not the TIME involved, it's the sheer number of aggravating actions required to travel 100 yards. It's not user friendly. Period.


Is it the load screens or the steps, you can't seem to keep focused on what you really hate. But hey, it's odd that time comes up over and over and over...


Get your talking points out, you folks aren't on the same page!

Edited by Surakis
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And so ppl that think like you are the only *believable* ones... the only ones allowed an opinion classed as valid.... that says a lot about the sociology of the group of SWTOR players you belong too :eek:




No, but the game can't be made better by adding more or longer loading screens in most people opinion (including Bioware's I'd be willing to bet).


The game can be made better by reduction the number, the duration or allowing players to avoid loading screens.






You can quite happily have an opinion that many long loading screens are brilliant game design, just like you can have an opinion that gravity doesn't exist..... however you can't be surprised when a LOT of people disagree with that opinion.

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And so ppl that think like you are the only *believable* ones... the only ones allowed an opinion classed as valid.... that says a lot about the sociology of the group of SWTOR players you belong too :eek:


Oh sure. I mean my opinion is the only one that matters. Give me a break, I'm talking about elements that are NOT considered acceptable on any game platform. You think developers actively find ways to add loading screens and create poor user experiences? This isn't some subjective argument over the color of trees in Voss. It's pretty clear that I was referring to the adamant defense of actually broken game elements.

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Oh sure. I mean my opinion is the only one that matters. Give me a break, I'm talking about elements that are NOT considered acceptable on any game platform. You think developers actively find ways to add loading screens and create poor user experiences? This isn't some subjective argument over the color of trees in Voss. It's pretty clear that I was referring to the adamant defense of actually broken game elements.


What world do you live in where loading screens are "not acceptable on any game platform"? Hell, what games are you playing?

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Have you tried taking a flight from New York to Chicago, recently? Travel is unfun. At least we aren't being required to take a colonoscopy.


Small victories. :)


But in a video game, I should be having fun right?



Totally non-constructive post incoming:


If this thread doesn't tell you everything you need to know about the sociology of the SWTOR community, I don't know what does. There are players that actually argue FOR more loading screens. It's hilarious.


But we all know it's not that they want more immersion-breaking elements, or protracted travel methods that could be streamlined (not shortened, but streamlined). It's simply a defense mechanism against any criticism of any element of game play. And yes, there are actually people FOR the ability delay as well, claiming that it made you pay more attention to pacing. I'm still looking for a post where someone complains about the numerous crafting bugs--I'm sure there will be a litany of players claiming that it's a good thing because it keeps you on your toes and simulates the possibility of real life manufacturing errors.


Love this post.

Edited by MrOuija
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Due to their story line, some classes have encounters in the airlocks from the orbital station to their ship.


Yup, that's largely what created the artefact of excessive loading screens, all right.


The question is what can now be done about it, to reduce, negate or allow players to avoid it where possible.

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