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Shuttle? Orbital Station? Airlock? Class Airlock? WHY?!


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I often tend to defend the game against unwaranted complaints, but this one is not unwarranted in my opinion.

While there may be some reason to take issue with the number of steps it takes to go from one planet to another, or from the fleet to a planet, the example that was given of travelling TO the republic fleet is really not a good one.


Everyone has an Emergency Fleet Pass that will take them to the fleet instantly once per day. As well, every planet (as far as I have seen) has at least one Flashpoint Shuttle that is next to both a Quick Travel Point and a Taxi Station that will take you directly to the fleet.


The fleet is the easiest place to get to in the game.

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I'm glad i only have to go through this once per day for my Ilum daily, once the daily is done i fleet pass and never leave the fleet till my daily is reset and i repeat the process.


I'm glad most endgame content can be done while being in the fleet, cause if i had to travel to every raid/instance.... i don't even want to think about it.

Edited by Leadslinger
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Think positive.

The first loading screen gives you plenty of time to go to the bathroom.

The 2nd loading screen gives you plenty of time to get a new beer.


It is like commercials they are there and you might as well start to think of how to use the time efficient.

These days i start traveling when i need to make dinner the loading screens take long enough to turn the meat around and the walking through the spacedock is long enough to make it good on the other side.

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I travel between planets very little, personally. I log on, go to the fleet to do and be able to turn in my pvp daily, then fly back to the planet (sometimes I use my fleet pass to bypass the first flight, if I can remember to do so) to finish quests. Sometimes I might have to fly to a new planet to quest there. So while leveling, 3 flights in a day is the maximum in my eyes, with 1 flight being the usual. At 50 I'd imagine this is even less an problem, as you only have to fly to illum, lets say, then you can fleet pass back and pvp/pve from there. Not a major aspect of the game in my eyes.


There are a lot of annoyances in this game, but many are small, like this one, and since it can be done with little to no effort, I still find it not worth complaining about on the forums.


If we could all just play the game like you... oh, wait, we don't. So, it is a small annoyance to you, but for someone who might craft or travel to and from a lot of planets, it is a major annoyance and they believe its important to make it known.


I deal with it, but it is poor design based upon poor decisions. Definitely needs to be addressed!

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I travel between planets very little, personally. I log on, go to the fleet to do and be able to turn in my pvp daily, then fly back to the planet (sometimes I use my fleet pass to bypass the first flight, if I can remember to do so) to finish quests. Sometimes I might have to fly to a new planet to quest there. So while leveling, 3 flights in a day is the maximum in my eyes, with 1 flight being the usual. At 50 I'd imagine this is even less an problem, as you only have to fly to illum, lets say, then you can fleet pass back and pvp/pve from there. Not a major aspect of the game in my eyes.


There are a lot of annoyances in this game, but many are small, like this one, and since it can be done with little to no effort, I still find it not worth complaining about on the forums.


Actually that's not true. Because you have to travel to do Flashpoints, Dailys and Ops on different planets. Then you have to get back to the Fleet to turn in your PvP Daily/FP Daily.

It's actually alot more at lvl 50.



I'm glad i only have to go through this once per day for my Ilum daily, once the daily is done i fleet pass and never leave the fleet till my daily is reset and i repeat the process.


I'm glad most endgame content can be done while being in the fleet, cause if i had to travel to every raid/instance.... i don't even want to think about it.


Wow, that sounds like so much fun!



This is almost an exact repeat of another post, maybe even the same OP, not sure.


But anyways OP, you should find that one and post in it, or send an email to BW about your discontent. Nothing any of us can do about it...


I prefer this approach as it adds to the visibility of the issue not just to BioWare, but to other players who visit the forums. I know that BW doesn't like it, but as long as I'm not violating ToS / EULA I can post any concern I have with the game. It is a right I have as a customer.


For the record - no. I did not start the other thread.


Lastly, a tip which is allegedly viewed as an "exploit" (citation & source needed) is to queue for a Warzone, and wait for the Deserter debuff to run out. This teleports you to the Fleet.


Pretty handy when your Fleet Pass & Quick Travel are on CD.

But, use is on your own risk. Though I doubt that they would do anything.. After all, that's how they programmed the game. They didn't do anything to the Ilum exploiters either. Besides, you might actually have been AFK ;)

Edited by MrOuija
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Yes, they are.
OK, just checking, because there seem to be a lot of them around. I didn't realize that they went to the Fleet for a long time. I assumed they were for flashpoints.


Are there planets that don't have them? I think maybe if you are on a station like Port Nowhere, you might have to take a ship, but I can't think of anywhere else.


A "Return to Previous Planet" shuttle on the Fleet might be nice....

Edited by sjmc
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Well I have been trying to figure out why in the hell they would even include the space stations causing and extra 5 minutes of travel time. They CLEARLY made a conscious decision to add this to the game.


I can only draw one conclusion. Money hungry bastards. More of your time wasted translates to more money in their pocket, and this is not the first time I have seen this in MMO's.


I never thought Bioware, the company that is supposed to be FOR gamers, would do this. Shame on you Bioware, you aren't getting my money.

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Well I have been trying to figure out why in the hell they would even include the space stations causing and extra 5 minutes of travel time. They CLEARLY made a conscious decision to add this to the game.


I can only draw one conclusion. Money hungry bastards. More of your time wasted translates to more money in their pocket, and this is not the first time I have seen this in MMO's.


I never thought Bioware, the company that is supposed to be FOR gamers, would do this. Shame on you Bioware, you aren't getting my money.





Pretty sure it's an artifact of the story quests.

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Bring back the Mass Effect 1 elevators! (transport shuttles or ship fly into atmosphere) If there is so much detail in a world that it takes a long time to load then so be it! But just let me move around and talk while I wait.
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No wait...I've got one better.


Quest log:


Travel to Drommund Kass


Well I'm in the middle of nowhere, so let's just use an emergency fleet pass. *poof*


Arrive in Drommund Kass from the fleet shuttle ('cause you know, going on the shuttle is FASTER than my own ship)


Realize that since beta, the game doesn't update the quest based on your actual location--only if you clicked galaxy map. Experience a millisecond of disappointment in self, then channel rage toward the actual guilty party--you know, the ones that write the code.


Stand there for a moment and realize these "little annoyances" are going to continue for the next 25 levels.




oh my GOD I did this and I was so pissed off. I got all the way to imperial intelligence before I realised.

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More or less: /signed.


Travel is quite tedious at the moment, time consuming, boring.

That needs to change.

I'd be perfectly fine though if you'd have to earn quick-travel routes to a planet, though. Like, Explore all the map, or Finish the planet's class/planetary/bonus plot line, or even a simple Find and click the spacetravel binding thingy. No problem at all.

But walking through empty orbital stations, hangars and airlocks all the time is neither fun nor does it help with immersion.


As for the orbital stations themselves:

My guess is that they exist so Bioware can add additional areas to existing planets later. New content, without needing to travel through the already visited and solved areas. That'd make sense, even if it makes the stations seem quite useless for now.


And while I'd like it a lot more if I could actually have real open-world planets where I could choose to land my ship anywhere ... let's face it, that'd be just 99.99999999% contentless wastelands.


So yeah, I think I get the point why - but that doesn't make it less of a pain to be forced through them all the time.

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Goal: Get to Republic Fleet.


1. Find Shuttle

2. Chose Orbital Station

3. Wait for the loading screen to complete

4. Run through Orbital Station (1~ minute of running)

5. Click Elevator, Chose Airlock

6. Wait for scenery change (10 seconds)

7. Run to Class Airlock Room (1~ minute of running)

8. Enter Space Ship

9. Wait for loading (20~ seconds)

10. Run up to the Galaxy Map inside your ship. (5-10 seconds)

11. Click Fleet

12. Wait for scenery change

13. Run down to ship exit, click door.

14. Wait for loading screen (1-2 minutes depending on performance)

15. Arrive at Fleet

16. Do your business.


16 Steps? Really necessary? This whole process takes like 10-15 minutes or even more, depending whether or not you're close to a shuttle, assuming you even know where the closest one is.

Get your **** together. We don't like _pointless_ traveling like this. This is NOT our idea of fun.


If I need to go to Fleet I just use the Fleet Shuttle, and avoid all that poorly designed loading nonsense. I think there is one on every planet. That way its only one loading screen and you are there.

Edited by Thamelas
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No wait...I've got one better.


Quest log:


Travel to Drommund Kass


Well I'm in the middle of nowhere, so let's just use an emergency fleet pass. *poof*


Arrive in Drommund Kass from the fleet shuttle ('cause you know, going on the shuttle is FASTER than my own ship)


Realize that since beta, the game doesn't update the quest based on your actual location--only if you clicked galaxy map. Experience a millisecond of disappointment in self, then channel rage toward the actual guilty party--you know, the ones that write the code.


Stand there for a moment and realize these "little annoyances" are going to continue for the next 25 levels.




Did the exact same thing, btw. I raged.

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Problem is in most MMO's you can actually take breaks while traveling, you can fly/take a horse/whatever for 15min and don't mind because you CAN go afk.


Here you don't get breaks unless you just stand somewhere and go afk. This lack of "breaks"' in combination with "pointless" orbital/airlock traveling just builds frustration imo.

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Well I have been trying to figure out why in the hell they would even include the space stations causing and extra 5 minutes of travel time. They CLEARLY made a conscious decision to add this to the game.


I can only draw one conclusion. Money hungry bastards. More of your time wasted translates to more money in their pocket, and this is not the first time I have seen this in MMO's.


I never thought Bioware, the company that is supposed to be FOR gamers, would do this. Shame on you Bioware, you aren't getting my money.

It could be because they have to design a cut scene showing you taking off and landing at each planet, as well as designing and populating a ground station. By using orbital stations, they can avoid having to design individualized cut scenes for those planets.

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