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No wonder you all play Empire


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I got fed up of Republic and rolled an Operative on Empire and all I can say is Easymode but am loving it, this will be my new main.


Am not trolling here am serious, the Empire are light years better than Republic. I have plenty of groups, flashpoints, getting gear is easy, we win most pvp games. The quests are better, more polished, it's almost as if Republic was an after thought.


Am sold on it.

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I got fed up of Republic and rolled an Operative on Empire and all I can say is Easymode but am loving it, this will be my new main.


Am not trolling here am serious, the Empire are light years better than Republic. I have plenty of groups, flashpoints, getting gear is easy, we win most pvp games. The quests are better, more polished, it's almost as if Republic was an after thought.


Am sold on it.


Glad you're enjoying (if not trolling). But remember, pleasure leads to wanting, wanting leads to pain, and pain leads to the dark side. Muahahahaha...

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Played rep for a month, then rerolled empire for a couple of weeks. Better gear designs, easier to find groups, etc. However, I didn't appreciate the fact that you need to be an evil wannabe kid in order not to cringe at the quests. Even if you play light side, the quests have a bad outcome quite often. Not to mention you get reprimanded in flashpoints if you choose light side while the rest of the evil sheep choose dark. I was even called gay once for choosing light side. Edited by Chomag
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Have to admit though I was persuaded by my m8 who has an Operative and he was so big headed in the warzone that he was asking me to nominate which player I would like him to kill. :o He literally went around killing everyone I told him, regardless of class lol, he is only level 27 as well.
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I got fed up of Republic and rolled an Operative on Empire and all I can say is Easymode but am loving it, this will be my new main.


Am not trolling here am serious, the Empire are light years better than Republic. I have plenty of groups, flashpoints, getting gear is easy, we win most pvp games. The quests are better, more polished, it's almost as if Republic was an after thought.


Am sold on it.


I never have issues getting a group on the republic side and as a bonus i don't need to look like a goth emo kid.


I have an empire alt and i find the stories to be rather boring, yes you hate everything and everyone is scum....blah blah blah.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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I have to agree that the Empire is a lot more fun. Still just an opinion but yeah. I like the gear more, I like the classes more, I like the endings a lot more.


I watched the republic endings and was really disappointed actually. Empire All get like a final battle of epic proportions and most of the republic's was just dishing out rewards to your character.-Bleh


EDIT: Im a goodie goodie Sith though, cause I do what I want! :p

Edited by TheImprovonist
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I tried Republic with an alt but didn't stick with it. For me, the storyline felt like I was a grunt in the military. To much about service and doing my part for the Uncle Sam of the galaxy. Not my thing.


Empire gives you that feeling of being a mercenary. A freelancer. Even though you are still part of a military, I feel things are more about me versus being part of something else that is great.


Seems like the Republic caters to good alignments where as Empire caters to neutrals and evils. By virtue of the latter having more freedoms in this regard, it probably attracts more on that alone.

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I tried Republic with an alt but didn't stick with it. For me, the storyline felt like I was a grunt in the military. To much about service and doing my part for the Uncle Sam of the galaxy. Not my thing.


Empire gives you that feeling of being a mercenary. A freelancer. Even though you are still part of a military, I feel things are more about me versus being part of something else that is great.


Seems like the Republic caters to good alignments where as Empire caters to neutrals and evils. By virtue of the latter having more freedoms in this regard, it probably attracts more on that alone.


Funny you mentioned that. The only actually free characters in the lore are BHs and smugglers. The rest all serve sith/jedi masters or military authorities.

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One other thing with regards to the imperial side over republic I found fun/amusing


Supposedly Imperials are the consumate xenophobes, hsowing disregard to all non-humans and the further from human-ish you are the more you are to be looked down upon.



Yet look at the species'




Repbublic: Fleshtone, much more humanish

Imperial: Multi-colors, far less human0esque



Faaction-only classes



Miraluka: Human-esque with a blindfold

Mirialan: Finally something a little more exotic





Chiss-- Their blue to Mirialan's Green neturalizes that out


Pureblood Stih: Meaning The two strong force-tied races are blindfolded human against bright red representative of the Imperial/Sith culture (on that note, the core 'pureblood' of the faction is thereby not human, but alien to start with).





I think a point has to go to the Imperials there, the Republic are actually far less culturally diverse then they think, they are simply closet xenophobes that ignore rather then overtly oppress nonhumans.

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One other thing with regards to the imperial side over republic I found fun/amusing


Supposedly Imperials are the consumate xenophobes, hsowing disregard to all non-humans and the further from human-ish you are the more you are to be looked down upon.



Yet look at the species'




Repbublic: Fleshtone, much more humanish

Imperial: Multi-colors, far less human0esque



Faaction-only classes



Miraluka: Human-esque with a blindfold

Mirialan: Finally something a little more exotic





Chiss-- Their blue to Mirialan's Green neturalizes that out


Pureblood Stih: Meaning The two strong force-tied races are blindfolded human against bright red representative of the Imperial/Sith culture (on that note, the core 'pureblood' of the faction is thereby not human, but alien to start with).





I think a point has to go to the Imperials there, the Republic are actually far less culturally diverse then they think, they are simply closet xenophobes that ignore rather then overtly oppress nonhumans.


I've read a lot of crap on this forum but this takes the cake.


The openly racist sith who praise the sith pureblood as the ultimate race, are less racist than the multi racial and cultural ancient republic.


Right. /facepalm

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sry i did the opposite, making and rushing 5 toons to lvl 25 i noticed that reps have it alot easier, i crunched the loot down from starting areas my rep toons ran out with some 25+ commendations and around 30k without using the GTM and just chest farming around lvl 16.


My Imps could barely farm out the 8 commendations in the starting zones to get that chest piece, only getting like 3-5. and the credits around lvl 16 was about 10k.


I DO agree the story for the IA is prolly the best in the game (playing all but one class). But the story and convo options seem more realistic. Even tho i was an Light side IA even the bad sided choices made more sense then lets say the Sith Inq. story choices. Drove me nuts that my sith Sin would talk so much trash to a darth lord and that drak lord just brushed me off his shoulder when in reality (assuming there was a star wars reality) that darth lord would end me in the blink of the eye.


So the story prolly has you it was my favorite toon, but i rerolled trooper and now im having a blast healing away.

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I've read a lot of crap on this forum but this takes the cake.


The openly racist sith who praise the sith pureblood as the ultimate race, are less racist than the multi racial and cultural ancient republic.


Right. /facepalm


Let the Imperials lie to themselves to justify playing on the side of an oppressive, racist, xenophobic totalitarian government that endorses slavery and will slaughter it's citizens for one slip up, that wasn't their fault.


I'll take the government that won't fall to a bunch of pissed off rebels.

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I don't know, I just didn't find the Republic on my servers very friendly. I tried a Jedi Sentinel, but switched him out for a Sith Marauder.


While I find Jedi gear and abilities much cooler than Sith (and I don't like the Sith in general) the NPCs on Republic are a whole level of dickishness beyond Imperials. I expect it from the Imperials.


So, I'm playing a light-side Warrior and Agent, killing every Sith in my path.



And you know what I realized? The Imperial Agent is the only class that doesn't appear in the ****** CGI videos for this game.

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I think a point has to go to the Imperials there, the Republic are actually far less culturally diverse then they think, they are simply closet xenophobes that ignore rather then overtly oppress nonhumans.


That's the reason I like playing Republic more than Empire. The empire completely embraces their possible "evilness" so is kinda bland (to me) while the Republic is trying so hard pretend to be noble. I'd argue that the Republic is more sinister than the Empire because they do everything they can to hide their own corruption in order to play the "good guy" card. They torture, execute and destroy lives just as much as the Empire only they justify it with some nonsense to keep up appearances. At least this is the way I see it so far, I'm just a level 33 Trooper.

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I got fed up of Republic and rolled an Operative on Empire and all I can say is Easymode but am loving it, this will be my new main.


Am not trolling here am serious, the Empire are light years better than Republic. I have plenty of groups, flashpoints, getting gear is easy, we win most pvp games. The quests are better, more polished, it's almost as if Republic was an after thought.


Am sold on it.


You gotta give it to him, it is a subtle trolling. Pulls on yer heart strings....

Edited by Uben
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That's the reason I like playing Republic more than Empire. The empire completely embraces their possible "evilness" so is kinda bland (to me) while the Republic is trying so hard pretend to be noble. I'd argue that the Republic is more sinister than the Empire because they do everything they can to hide their own corruption in order to play the "good guy" card. They torture, execute and destroy lives just as much as the Empire only they justify it with some nonsense to keep up appearances. At least this is the way I see it so far, I'm just a level 33 Trooper.


Ha, the trooper story-line definitely encourages you to be more evil than the other ones. You are always being ordered to make the "difficult choices that no one else can make," and the way you get light side points is to defy your orders. My trooper is fairly loyal though, and now pursues the "greater good" with cracked white skin and glowing yellow eyes.


If only my companions weren't all a bunch of do-gooders... they don't deserve to be in HAVOC Squad.

Edited by BaeGeeN
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. My trooper is fairly loyal though, and now pursues the "greater good" with cracked white skin and glowing yellow eyes.


I'm no lore junkie, but this is just stupid. "Sith Corruption" is supposed to be caused by using the dark side of the force, it should not apply to non force users.

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I've read a lot of crap on this forum but this takes the cake.


The openly racist sith who praise the sith pureblood as the ultimate race, are less racist than the multi racial and cultural ancient republic.


Right. /facepalm



You do realize that was a fun eyebrow raiser not a "I genuinely think this" sort of comment? As the joker might say, "why so serious..."



Though we could delve into that amusing fact that the supposed "master race" of the all-human no alien club is not at all human.

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