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Ok, I seem to be getting myself in trouble on these forums today for coming to BW's defence. So I am going to try this one more time. With a little more PC. (Political correctness)


I think the OP is entitled to his opinion and I, respectfully, couldn't disagree more.

I wont take the time to explain why because I think its self evident that his suggestion is a failure.


My personal belief is that this suggestion would absolutely lead to more problems and even more widespread .. differing of opinions.


In conclusion I do thank the OP for making me have a real LOL. (an audible and literal laugh out loud)

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i think the best common ground there would be


daily is 5 warzone points for the day.


loss = 1 point

win = 2


still have to win 3. but eventually you will get a daily before 15 games




or a more win based

10points total


wins are worth 3-5 loses still 1


means people would have to afk forever. but could still get there eventually. aka worth staying in the wz instead of quitting. but wins way better

Edited by NessusFett
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It's a miracle people still doing that stupid "win 3 warzones" quest.


Also it's a miracle person who designed this quest isn't in mental hospital but instead working for (bad) game development company.


1-5 hours for *daily* quest - it's way beyond common sense.


And people wonder why are players leave warzones in mass? Because some of them don't have whole life to spend in stupid game doing stupid quests.

Edited by Pashgan
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I think what some of the posters are saying is there are 6 distinct issues at play here, but seems a lot of people can't read and just knee jerk a response of "L2P"


1. Warzones are not working properly or the awarding of victories isn't.


2. Que times are LONG, very long combine with no.3


3. No penalty for dropping out of a WZ


4. WZ's starting with out a proper balance to begin with, leading to more of no. 3


5. No reporting of people just AFKing in WZ,


6. Illum, when one faction can just gain victory by swarming a zone then yes there are bigger issues at play resulting in some serious game imbalance.


People who respond L2P are not paying attention. You won't have anybody to play against if this situation continues. Almost none of the solutions offered to help treat the problem hurt your toon or your bloated sense of accomplishment. We aren't asking for a WIN every time we are asking that our efforts be at least acknowledged. We won't be gearing up faster than you L2Pers you will still be ahead of us and so can still revel in your sense of Virtual superiority. We just want the issues fixed so that PVP can be rewarding for everybody of differing levels. We aren't asking for equality between wins and losses, I haven't even seen it suggested that 1 loss = 1 win, the closest ratio was 3 - 1. Stop going on about L2P or Reroll (an even less profitable solution) and try to understand what we are saying.

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ridiculous, just because BW has been responsive to our demands, dont abuse that. petition for the need to remove wins from the quest? have you gone mad? are you that bad? listen to what you're saying here. you just want free handouts and i hope BW never ever implements something like this. dont they already give you a freebie with the quest that says all you have to do is participate in one wz? now you want all of them to be like this? jeez lewis.
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I win about 10% of matches. 20-30 matches to get my 3 wins for the daily takes 10 hours per day. With 4ish hours per day it takes a good long while to get those bags.


Many of my matches consist of being camped/farmed.


Then there are the times the wins don't count. I don't want my "wins" given for free but at least on my server we pay our dues with hours of painful humiliating losses.


I have real concerns people will stop PvPing. Maybe you're enjoying the camping/farming but eventually you won't have an opposing team and certainly not a geared opponent.


Some type of tokens for hours played might not be too much of welfare epics.


At the current rate I expect to get to 60 valor in late 2013.

Edited by Aerry
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Wow, why don't you guys just ask for a full set of Battlemaster gear upon reaching level 50. And while you are at it, why not add in a full set of Rakata too. Maybe even give 50 Legacy levels because people are just too busy to be bothered to play the game. I know, how about when we create a character we can push a button and be instantly leveled to 50 with all gear and 50 million credits.


Seriously, be thankful you get anything for losing a WZ. Bioware could have easily set it up so the losing side gets nothing.

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It's not losing that's the problem, it's putting in the time to get the wins. It's not healthy to play an MMO six or more hours every day even if you have that much time to spare. I admit it, I play more hours than is healthy most days, but why maintain a system that promotes an unhealthy lifestyle for people smart enough to look after themselves better?


There are good arguments for not implementing a system that allows losses to count. Or one good reason, anyway. Afkers. But the rest of the arguments in this thread are invalid. It's a game and what the moralist 'work for it' crowd must realize is that when you play a game for several hours every day to accomplish something in the game, you are giving up other activities that might be more important (perhaps those involving work, family, or friends).




If health is what you're trying to promote here then you're definitely on the wrong forum for that.




A video game has always been about reward. You complete a game 100% you unlock a character. You beat a boss without dying the first time you are rewarded a feat point. Etc. Take that away then you don't have a challenge. There will be no risk. Therefore the game will be boring and simply a place to congregate with nothing to gain nor lose.



The problem is people wanting to take away what people have earned through hard work.



You don't have to put in so many hours in order to win. Try forming a top notch premade. Try only pvping when they are on. Communicate on teamspeak or whatever comm you may use.


If these people that are whining don't use any of the above then it'll be pretty sad because what this thread is promoting is lazy gaming and completely diminishes any achievements playing. It'll literally be one big sooze fest. Trust me, I've been in raids where people were literally conked out and snoring over the mics. You don't want that.



And to the person who said that we won't have anyone to play with it this continues... Well if I had a dollar for every time I heard that one... W/E

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Wow, why don't you guys just ask for a full set of Battlemaster gear upon reaching level 50. And while you are at it, why not add in a full set of Rakata too. Maybe even give 50 Legacy levels because people are just too busy to be bothered to play the game. I know, how about when we create a character we can push a button and be instantly leveled to 50 with all gear and 50 million credits.


Seriously, be thankful you get anything for losing a WZ. Bioware could have easily set it up so the losing side gets nothing.




Or better yet, how about allowing people to pay with actual money to get any gear they want. Yeah, that'll make a lot of people happy. :rolleyes:

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As a republic player that hates the imp advantages and obvious favortisum, I still say no.


While it is more difficult for us Rebs to win now, it will make us all better in the long run and then it will be time for some Pay Back.


Just win baby!


Alot of the Reps on my server are really geared.. and **** players in Ilum

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As a republic player that hates the imp advantages and obvious favortisum, I still say no.


While it is more difficult for us Rebs to win now, it will make us all better in the long run and then it will be time for some Pay Back.


Just win baby!


As an Imp that hates the repub advantages and obvious favortism, I still say no.


That's right, I rolled a Repub to 50 just like the rest of these haters, played him just as much as my Imperial so have a fair view. Obviously so has the rest.

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Heck let's just give pve gear for trying to defeat a boss three times and when we fail he feels sorry for us and gives up his loot


Bottom line there are commendations to buy bags not just dailies and the fact is you can continue your dailies the next day. It will take you longer than others but that's just the way the world works. You can't put the time in so you can't get it as fast


Now I gripe that coveted gear shouldn't be rewards but that's another thread.


Your best bet is to join a pvp guild and join with players to who want to win and not just top the boards. Also in a few weeks your factions gear will catch up to the others and you will be on more even ground (if it's not a pug thing and more of your faction is underdog type problem). Stick it out and you will be rewarded and it will be that more satisfying. Yeah probably not. But you can't just get something for not doing anything but queuing


Oh wait that's what ilum was for many a weeks for imps on my server!

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If health is what you're trying to promote here then you're definitely on the wrong forum for that.




A video game has always been about reward. You complete a game 100% you unlock a character. You beat a boss without dying the first time you are rewarded a feat point. Etc. Take that away then you don't have a challenge. There will be no risk. Therefore the game will be boring and simply a place to congregate with nothing to gain nor lose.



The problem is people wanting to take away what people have earned through hard work.



You don't have to put in so many hours in order to win. Try forming a top notch premade. Try only pvping when they are on. Communicate on teamspeak or whatever comm you may use.


If these people that are whining don't use any of the above then it'll be pretty sad because what this thread is promoting is lazy gaming and completely diminishes any achievements playing. It'll literally be one big sooze fest. Trust me, I've been in raids where people were literally conked out and snoring over the mics. You don't want that.



And to the person who said that we won't have anyone to play with it this continues... Well if I had a dollar for every time I heard that one... W/E



None of your suggestions in any way address the simple fact that no matter how many wins I get, which was 5 today by the way, I cant complete my daily and collect my rewards because the game is not counting my wins, none of them. Bioware obviously has NO idea how to fix this bug and it's gotten to the point where they need to just scrap the whole PVP daily and come up with something fresh that WORKS. It's absurd that I can finish ALL of my PVE dailies in less time than completing ONE PVP daily.

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Do not get rid of them. There is no problem with having dailies that force you to try and work as a team and win. However, the dailies also make it so as soon as a WZ takes a wrong turn and you start losing, It's a lot more beneficial to leave and re-queue, and try to get into a winning one.
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If you dont win 3 games, you dont deserve the reward. Like really, its like being in 3rd grade and everyone has a prize for their participation.


What kind of reward should I get for winning 5 games today? Apparently NONE because that's what I got then the bug decided to eat them all up and not count them. They obviously arent able to fix this bug and need to come up with something new that maybe their moronic sloppy code monkeys know how to implement.

Edited by Notannos
rude/ use of retard
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PvP is supposed to be hard. It is dynamic and constantly changing on the second... unlike PvE. If you do not LIKE the PvP dailies it is simple - don't do them. Stop whining about something that you do not want to put time or effort into, or that is 'bugged'. Just go do something else and stop asking for free handouts.
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PvP is supposed to be hard. It is dynamic and constantly changing on the second... unlike PvE. If you do not LIKE the PvP dailies it is simple - don't do them. Stop whining about something that you do not want to put time or effort into, or that is 'bugged'. Just go do something else and stop asking for free handouts.


If instead of asking Bioware to FIX their mistakes and FIX their broken code and FIX all their stupid bugs, if instead of doing that I just went and "did something else" then guess what, I wouldnt be playing this game at all because every aspect of this game has some type of bug. Asking them to count the wins I earned through hours of gameplay is not asking for free handouts you child.

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Why is my participation alone not enough. It should be changed to Warzone Matches Played. Some days it can take over 5 hours to get 3 wins. Not everyone has a premade PVP team.



make one.../problem solved..



i myself find more annoying that wins are still not counting.. ;) ... won 5 times in row today.. none counted towards daily... up until today i didnt care much for it.. but since i just hitted valor 60 , i`m gonna spend time in game only for thsoe two pvp dailies in forseeable future..


therefore if i`ll have to win 10 times just to get 3 victories, i`ll be really pissed off since i got some real life stuff to do and dont wanna loose my BM bags.. :-P

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Long loosing streaks are extremely annoying. More so because once you hit 50, the bulk of the average persons PvP reward comes from the dailies, in contrast to how it works in the 1-49 bracket.


The solution is really very simple and intuitive. On average, the skill level across warzones evens out (premades are, of course, exempt from this logic - but that's another discussion) you should win as many games as you loose. So if you want to win 3 games, you'd have to, on average, play 6 warzones. Change the daily objective to play 6 warzones and make wins count double. Premades and Rambo keep their 3 win dailies, while the average player is spared the frustration of long loosing streaks.


Competition, merit, etc. is all important and ultimately makes sense. But the fact is, this is a game. No one wants to be frustrated playing a game. Having to play only half the games to complete the daily is ample reward for winning. Not to mention the extra valor/commendations you're awarded anyway.

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Im amazed at how people cant tell the difference between a quest and a bug with said quest.


No, it stays.


I'm amazed that people haven't realized that Bioware obviously has NO idea how to fix said bug and needs to come up with another way of letting us get our bags than HOPING this time my win counts. Also, even assuming a 50/50 win rate, you will need to play 6 matches with an average time of 10 minutes and 2 minutes in the qeue, that comes out to 70 minutes for ONE daily... and that's assuming ALL of my wins count. Now why can I complete ALL of my PVE dailies in the same amount of time it takes me to complete this one pvp daily? The daily shouldnt be 3 wins, if you want to keep it as wins, fine, but it should be 1 or 2 max, not 3.

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A lot of the problems would be addressed with server transfers. On my server, in the 50 bracket it takes an average of 90 minutes for a match. Republic is often at a huge disadvantage when the wz shuts down due to insufficient players since our turrets always shoot late. The 50 crowd is small tight knit group but simply too small to complete any daily missions. I have started a new character on a heavy pop server and I can see why this would make things worse for the majority of players. I'd rather BW concentrated on allowing the user base rebalance itself than trying to apply blanket fixes across all servers which work well for some groups, but not others.
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