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EA Stock Surges After SWTOR Subscriber Numbers Reveal


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Dont post reality uere it interferes with the blind fanatics that lick dog poop and tell themselves its chocolate. SWTOR has had a strong start but there is plenty of work left to do to convert this game into a long haul true mmo. Its currently a very good online game woth story. Its missing some fundemental mmo features that keep people playing past gear progression.


You have been wrong on virtually every post you have made in these threads.


Are you still holding to the delusion that the call was only about things prior to 1/1/12?

Edited by Drewser
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This guy was one of the dumbest trolls. He lied about working for Goldman Saches. He couldn't get the macro-economics and strategy of this game right.


What's even funnier if you look at his post history he says he is Legacy Level 44 already.


No way someone is hitting that level and having a full time job.

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haha people who play the game think their opinion on its quality affects share holder value.


the most profitable company in the industry sells the worst games.


I'm pretty sure EA reported a loss last quarter.... and doing some research (which im too lazy to do right now) would probably show Activision/Blizzard as the most successful video game publisher.


You sir, are most surely flat out wrong.

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I could care less. Selling my EA stock just paid for this game for the next four years.


F2P for me! Thanks EA!




First of all, I'm glad EA and SWTOR is doing great. I'll keep paying to play this wonderful game.




Now onto the quote. You obviously do not understand what F2P actually means. If you want to see the current model of F2P and how it would work with SWTOR, go here:




This is the model that is going to be adopted.


SWTOR won't be F2P for many years.

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First of all, I'm glad EA and SWTOR is doing great. I'll keep paying to play this wonderful game.




Now onto the quote. You obviously do not understand what F2P actually means. If you want to see the current model of F2P and how it would work with SWTOR, go here:




This is the model that is going to be adopted.


SWTOR won't be F2P for many years.


I think you're not getting his post. :rolleyes:


Read it again


Originally Posted by LogicalPremise

I could care less. Selling my EA stock just paid for this game for the next four years.


F2P for me! Thanks EA!


He's saying he does not need to "pay" for the game because thanks to the EA stocks he sold he has 4 years worth of subscription fee.

Edited by Kirameki
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I'm pretty sure EA reported a loss last quarter.... and doing some research (which im too lazy to do right now) would probably show Activision/Blizzard as the most successful video game publisher.


You sir, are most surely flat out wrong.


Yeah because of 2 titles both of which are tired now. Modern warfare, and World of Warcraft, which lost like 2 million subs in the past year.


they cannot rely on guitar hero anymore because they bled that hose dry a long time ago, same as they are doing to WoW and MW franchises now.

Edited by sheisty
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I'm pretty sure EA reported a loss last quarter.... and doing some research (which im too lazy to do right now) would probably show Activision/Blizzard as the most successful video game publisher.


You sir, are most surely flat out wrong.


I own shares in both EA and ATVI ... and I've never seen ATVI shares worth more than EA shares.


Using words like "probably" to validate your claims isn't a good way to make yourself right. Especially when you follow with, "You sir, are most surely flat out wrong."


Just saying ...

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Yeah because of 2 titles both of which are tired now. Modern warfare, and World of Warcraft, which lost like 2 million subs in the past year.


they cannot rely on guitar hero anymore because they bled that hose dry a long time ago, same as they are doing to WoW and MW franchises now.


Wait, you're telling me every Blizzard game doesn't get top selling status and regular game of the year awards? You're telling Starcraf2 sold poorly and isn't the flagship title for the entire eSports industry.


Wait, you're telling me CODMW2 didn't make 775 million in five days after release?


Wait, you're telling me that since WoW only has 10.2 million, instead of 12 million, the game is no longer profitable?


Wait, you're telling me Diablo3 is most likely going to be a huge flop with poor sales?



Feel like an idiot yet?


Anyways, back to my point. Quality does drive sales, and does drive the best profits. Hence why Blizzard is wildly considered the best game developer in the industry. They don't release crap, and every game they release does EXTREMELY well. EA releases crap all the time, hence why they are suffering financially.


P.S I love SWTOR and subbed for 6 months, this post is just a response to the idiot who thought EA has been extremely profitable lately....

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First of all, I'm glad EA and SWTOR is doing great. I'll keep paying to play this wonderful game.




Now onto the quote. You obviously do not understand what F2P actually means. If you want to see the current model of F2P and how it would work with SWTOR, go here:




This is the model that is going to be adopted.


SWTOR won't be F2P for many years.


Yeah....about being able to read my post.


I bought EA stock right after the slump, and I just sold all my shares for a nice $790. That pays for everything related to the game for quite a while.


I assure you, as a Lifetime Subscriber to STO, I am far more horrifically familar with EXACTLY what a F2P model is than you will ever , ever want to know. Next time please read more carefully before inserting foot in mouth, kthx.

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Wait, you're telling me every Blizzard game doesn't get top selling status and regular game of the year awards? You're telling Starcraf2 sold poorly and isn't the flagship title for the entire eSports industry.


Wait, you're telling me CODMW2 didn't make 775 million in five days after release?


Wait, you're telling me that since WoW only has 10.2 million, instead of 12 million, the game is no longer profitable?


Wait, you're telling me Diablo3 is most likely going to be a huge flop with poor sales?



Feel like an idiot yet?


Anyways, back to my point. Quality does drive sales, and does drive the best profits. Hence why Blizzard is wildly considered the best game developer in the industry. They don't release crap, and every game they release does EXTREMELY well. EA releases crap all the time, hence why they are suffering financially.


P.S I love SWTOR and subbed for 6 months, this post is just a response to the idiot who thought EA has been extremely profitable lately....


so what did you tell us that I didnt say already? The entire activision powerhouse is banking on an old stale map pack for MW3 and Blizzard games? Right?

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Yeah....about being able to read my post.


I bought EA stock right after the slump, and I just sold all my shares for a nice $790. That pays for everything related to the game for quite a while.


I assure you, as a Lifetime Subscriber to STO, I am far more horrifically familar with EXACTLY what a F2P model is than you will ever , ever want to know. Next time please read more carefully before inserting foot in mouth, kthx.


Yesterday's spike to $20.00+ had me selling all my shares I bought at the low end of the slump. I 'knew' that with the report coming out was going to be better than the nay-sayer analysts predicted. Nice little chunk of change yesterday and I'm quite pleased with the results.


However, seeing this the other day:


"Activision shares took a hit after its last earnings report, as the company reported a larger-than-expected decline in the number of “Warcraft” subscribers."


... has me worried about my ATVI shares. :(

Edited by Alkiii
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"Activision shares took a hit after its last earnings report, as the company reported a larger-than-expected decline in the number of “Warcraft” subscribers."


... has me worried about my ATVI shares. :(


They are about to lose more because they ammounced after patch 4.3 there will be no new content until the exp pack, which, knowing blizzard, is like at the end of the year.

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They are about to lose more because they ammounced after patch 4.3 there will be no new content until the exp pack, which, knowing blizzard, is like at the end of the year.


A whole year without any new content or anything new to do? Oh my. Removing the whole Azshara ordeal might have been the wrong move with such a long time without any content.


They getting lazy over there or what?

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They are about to lose more because they ammounced after patch 4.3 there will be no new content until the exp pack, which, knowing blizzard, is like at the end of the year.


I am going to assume that you don't understand how a business works. Shares do not equal = company profits. Shares are a perception the stock market has on a company, nothing else.


Excellent example of this is Blackberry (RIM). Their shares are completely in the toilet because the industry thinks they are going to loose the mobile space battle. However, the company continues to post billion dollar profits.


Shares declined because WoW lost subs, pretty normal. Are they "loosing money" no, they still have HUGE profits.

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so ppl bought low stocks, thats good! And now your selling them before ME3 Comes out in a month and a bit... Riiiggghht. P.s. why do we all even care about a company we're giving money to :s rly!? I mean do you buy a movie then write on the movie forums about universals stocks? Do you drink a coffee then look at starbuck's stocks?... *** play the game. Moneyz is EA's problems not ours. But I am happy for EA. I prefer them to most gaming companys, altho not much... Never trust any 1 with more than a billion.
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But...but...the game is failing! The trolls told me so!


LOL, 1st they use the same report to say how the game is a failure a few weeks back.

And now many of those individuals are now saying this report isn't an accurate indication of the game's success.


Just goes to show that they were on a crusade to tear this game apart, rather than make it better.

Edited by Fraxture
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So, SWTOR has 1.7 million subscribers and growing, and EA's stock raise 6%. Not too shabby. Not too shabby.


Wonder where the analysts that were throwing mud on the game are now. Probably responding to angry calls.


Guess old dear Pachter was right for once :D


Feel sorry for those guys..




j/k Bioware don't ban me.. lol

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Yeah she swore she would never blog again of the sub number reached 3 million...she since removed that blog.....she is more or less considered a laughing stock anyway.


Oh this is the blog where she predicted the games doom. I highly encourage people to tell her how wrong she was. Politely and civilly of course :)


Lol she is using info graphs from a site where the creator of those info graphs said they do NOT determine or count the population.


Really sad that people try that hard.

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So, SWTOR has 1.7 million subscribers and growing, and EA's stock raise 6%. Not too shabby. Not too shabby.


Wonder where the analysts that were throwing mud on the game are now. Probably responding to angry calls.


Guess old dear Pachter was right for once :D


Patcher deserves alot more credit than he gets, he is one of the better analysts in the business.

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