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why can tanks get healing medals?


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As the title says I'm just curious in what world does it make sense for tanks to be getting 3 healing medals? I know there are items that are easy enough to get 3 healing medals off of but seriously if you are going to give tanks/pure dps the option to get healing medals give everyone a pvp guard so we can all get any medals we want. This really bothers me seeing tanks get medals like this.
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The issue isn't that tanks get healing medals.


It's that medals reward deathmatching.


If the medals were things like "killed a ball carrier", "healed a ball carrier", "protected a ball carrier", "planted a bomb", "Captured a turret", etc then each role could be designed to have the same number of possible medals *and* objective-based play would be encouraged instead of deathmatching.

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Yes... There is an ice hoth crystal thingie that will heal you for 9k when you are out of combat. That is what they are using, sooner or later it will be nerfed.


A cloaked class (three of them) can use them when they stealth because they leave combat...

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As the title says I'm just curious in what world does it make sense for tanks to be getting 3 healing medals? I know there are items that are easy enough to get 3 healing medals off of but seriously if you are going to give tanks/pure dps the option to get healing medals give everyone a pvp guard so we can all get any medals we want. This really bothers me seeing tanks get medals like this.


this bothers you? ...really? ...REEEEEALLY?


my god you must have a sickeningly uneventful life to be bothered by something as asinine as whether or not another class gets a medal and what that medal is for... which has absolutely ZERO bearing on your accomplishments in the slightest. i envy you, sir. i only wish that i too could find the time to be bothered by something so trivial.

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The issue isn't that tanks get healing medals.


It's that medals reward deathmatching.


If the medals were things like "killed a ball carrier", "healed a ball carrier", "protected a ball carrier", "planted a bomb", "Captured a turret", etc then each role could be designed to have the same number of possible medals *and* objective-based play would be encouraged instead of deathmatching.


I agree, more achievements for medals is needed... not that it's game breaking but would be cool to get each game.

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Yes... There is an ice hoth crystal thingie that will heal you for 9k when you are out of combat. That is what they are using, sooner or later it will be nerfed.


A cloaked class (three of them) can use them when they stealth because they leave combat...


Vic once loved Neeener!!!! <3

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If a warrior class is out-healing you, you're doin it wrong.


in all reality, the way i see it, im a marauder, if i go down my "healing" tree, why shouldnt i get medals for, oh, i dunno, Healing? My heals contribute group wide, just like another class, why NOT give me a medal for it? Especially considering i hafta be very specific about doing it, its not on "accident" that i'd start an AoE heal.


i actually tried that tree and i enjoyed being able to contribute heals to the team, especially when short on actual healers. You think i shouldnt get credit for that?? really?? Thatd make about as much sense as saying a "healing class" shouldnt get medals for doing dmg.


(yes, i agree the current medal system was a bad idea)


Threads like this are what bug me...


as a marauder:

i get no force push

they took away my force pull

people dont want me jumping at them in huttball, especially if i have the ball

now u wanna take away my heals, or at least, the cred for heals too?



how bout i just stand there and get mobbed, since some folks seem to think a warrior class should do nothing else but that...:(

Edited by Pullzar
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this bothers you? ...really? ...REEEEEALLY?


my god you must have a sickeningly uneventful life to be bothered by something as asinine as whether or not another class gets a medal and what that medal is for... which has absolutely ZERO bearing on your accomplishments in the slightest. i envy you, sir. i only wish that i too could find the time to be bothered by something so trivial.


Its trivial because I would love to be a class that can get 14 medals a round by guarding people able to hit like a truck and still cheat my way to healing medals. I mean let's face it getting all the protection medals isn't hard as it is to get all 4 of the healing ones. But then to allow them cheat there way to 3 of the same medals is a little sickening to me. Tanks/hybrids have the most opportunity to get medals as is but then to add insult to injury let's allow them to get any medal they could ever want

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If a warrior class is out-healing you, you're doin it wrong.


in all reality, the way i see it, im a marauder, if i go down my "healing" tree, why shouldnt i get medals for, oh, i dunno, Healing? My heals contribute group wide, just like another class, why NOT give me a medal for it? Especially considering i hafta be very specific about doing it, its not on "accident" that i'd start an AoE heal.


i actually tried that tree and i enjoyed being able to contribute heals to the team, especially when short on actual healers. You think i shouldnt get credit for that?? really?? Thatd make about as much sense as saying a "healing class" shouldnt get medals for doing dmg.


(yes, i agree the current medal system was a bad idea)


Threads like this are what bug me...


as a marauder:

i get no force push

they took away my force pull

people dont want me jumping at them in huttball, especially if i have the ball

now u wanna take away my heals, or at least, the cred for heals too?



how bout i just stand there and get mobbed, since some folks seem to think a warrior class should do nothing else but that...:(


What class you talking about bro? I want to see a heal spec maruader lol

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What class you talking about bro? I want to see a heal spec maruader lol


Not necessarily a "heal spec" marauder...


The annihilation tree offers a variety of bleeds. when these bleeds (applied in the right order) crit, they give an AoE heal to the marauder and surrounding friendlies. in addition, there is one very specific ability (rupture) that causes the bleeds to practically all be applied, if enough fury is applied, and you go berserk before using it.


not everyone knows every single tree that every single class has, i was trying to be as basic as i could in the description of what a marauder can do, in terms of heals, by calling it a "healing tree".

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Yes... There is an ice hoth crystal thingie that will heal you for 9k when you are out of combat. That is what they are using, sooner or later it will be nerfed.


A cloaked class (three of them) can use them when they stealth because they leave combat...


Any hints on how you get this? Been looking around and not much information.

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Medal system needs to be either totally scrapped, or completely reworked.


The way it is now, some classes get TOTALLY screwed. Some get mildly screwed. And some make out like bandits.


Healers get TOTALLY screwed. It's not even funny how much.


Pure DPS get somewhat screwed.


Tanks (or classes capable of tank spec) make out like bandits.


Good example is my PT. He's Pyro (DPS) spec. But at the start of the match, I pop Defensive stance and get 3 tanking medals. Then switch to DPS stance, and get the damage medals. End of the round, 8-11 medals on average, depending on the map. That is without getting healing medals with "that item that will be nerfed soon if Bioware has any brains at all".

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Good example is my PT. He's Pyro (DPS) spec. But at the start of the match, I pop Defensive stance and get 3 tanking medals. Then switch to DPS stance, and get the damage medals. End of the round, 8-11 medals on average, depending on the map. That is without getting healing medals with "that item that will be nerfed soon if Bioware has any brains at all".



Heh. If I only get 11 with that item I feel like I'm doing it wrong :(


Realistically though, no item should give healing medals, and they should be CLASS orientated. (e.g Sorcs, OPs, and Mercs get Healing Medals *only*, no full DPS AC or Tank/DPS AC should be able too. )


At least this way they keep it so every class has access to same # of medals (even if some classes have it easier)

Edited by exphryl
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Heh. If I only get 11 with that item I feel like I'm doing it wrong :(


Realistically though, no item should give healing medals, and they should be CLASS orientated. (e.g Sorcs, OPs, and Mercs get Healing Medals *only*, no full DPS AC or Tank/DPS AC should be able too. )


At least this way they keep it so every class has access to same # of medals (even if some classes have it easier)




If sorcs can get 75k damage medals as a heal sepc, I as a Juggernaut should be able to get a heal medal with Endure Pain.

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If sorcs can get 75k damage medals as a heal sepc, I as a Juggernaut should be able to get a heal medal with Endure Pain.


I didn't realize Sorc's had access to the Guard Protection medals Juggs had.


Oh wait..............................


To amend my previous comment. Pure DPS get screwed in this deal. So since they can't do anything *but* dps dunno, not sure what to add there.

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Yeah, confused guard medal with something else, so I changed my post. But my point still stands. Hell, heal specs are able to able to get 2.5k damage in one hit, 75k total damage and assassin medals all quite easily.


Heal specs complaining about lack of medals are flat out lazy.


And if pure DPS classes wanted to do something other than DPS, they should have picked a different class. It's their own fault for getting a lower amount of medals.

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Yeah, confused guard medal with something else, so I changed my post. But my point still stands. Hell, heal specs are able to able to get 2.5k damage in one hit, 75k total damage and assassin medals all quite easily.


Heal specs complaining about lack of medals are flat out lazy.


And if pure DPS classes wanted to do something other than DPS, they should have picked a different class. It's their own fault for getting a lower amount of medals.


It's their own fault that protection medals are so easy to get that even the worst Juggernauts will get more medals on average than the best played dps. Riiight. I see tons of GOD awful Juggs and PTs get geared in like 3 days, I mean yeah they still blow, but it's annoying all the same.

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It's their own fault that protection medals are so easy to get that even the worst Juggernauts will get more medals on average than the best played dps. Riiight. I see tons of GOD awful Juggs and PTs get geared in like 3 days, I mean yeah they still blow, but it's annoying all the same.


Both of your "observations" above are flawed at best and flat out untrue as a general statement.

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