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Everything posted by Athropos

  1. +1 to the re-skinned WoW AH suggestions. EQ2's broker was also easy to use. I don't care which model they take, just copy SOMETHING because the organic design is not user friendly and is discouraging people from buying all my great stuff. >_<
  2. If there's a pattern you don't like, you have the power to change it. Buy up those cheap diplo missions and crank out some pastes. Sell your slicing missions on the GTN, if people are willing to pay more than augments are worth. Why do you feel like this a problem? It's a business opportunity.
  3. It's fair. Slicing missions are 50k on my server. The good augments sell for upwards of 150k, average ones for 50-75, and lousy ones are obviously worthless. Diplomacy missions are about 25k. Four pastes sell for 40k. UT missions are 25k. Four irons sell for 40k. See a pattern? They're expensive because the products are worth something. Slicing just has more randomness built into it. If you don't like it, sell the mission itself.
  4. EQ2 actually handled this quite gracefully. Whenever you were in PVP combat with someone, your skills all changed. It was usually a damage or heal modifier (30-50% weaker than PVE version), but it also allowed them to change mitigation debuffs, the way taunts worked, other CC etc. There was a checkbox on the skill when you brought up the tooltip - you could see both the PVE and PVP versions. Probably the easiest way to balance both domains in an MMO.
  5. Seriously though, I'd love to see some server- or game- wide class distribution numbers. It's not worth a whinefest and I don't really think it's actually that far off balance (corner cases exempted) anyway, but curiosity is getting to me. =) Would be interesting to see the 10-49 numbers separate from 50's in that chart as well...
  6. 16 inqs? Yep, gonna need a screenshot!
  7. Wow. I posted this not in anger or frustration but just sheer amazement at what I saw on the scoreboard when the match ended. It wasn't a rant or a call for change. Y so srs?
  8. I suppose I was contributing to the madness as well. Everyone has their main, and then the alt that's just more fun to play, right?
  9. ...without you the class distribution would have just been ridiculous. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/94/screenshot2012020817075.jpg/
  10. After spending the last hour drinking my morning coffee and perusing this forum, I was going to post a much more verbose version of this. Instead, I can give you a hearty +1 for yours. Your sig is similarly accurate, +1 there as well. PVP is a completely different skillset from PVE. There are plenty of MMO'ers who are merely average at PVE (hint to general public: you're probably not as good as you think); throw in the additional complexity of the PVP domain and the issue is amplified many-fold. There will always be an immense amount of QQ in any game's PVP forums. An overwhelming majority of it centers around class balance and originates from the mediocre, the unskilled, or the inexperienced/clueless. //break My only two requests for near-term changes to SWTOR PVP would be as follows: 1) Change Ilum to a Warhammer-esque RVR mechanic, where every point is locked down except for the one "contested" objective. This objective moves towards the enemy base as points get captured. Severely limit Valor gains (i.e. give no bonus or quest credit) when fighting reasonably far away from the contested objective. 2) Revamp the Resolve/CC mechanics. This is a much more difficult fix to implement, but I feel that something has to be done or else the "texture" of a PVP match will continue to feel just a little bit frustrating for most people, even skilled players. Legitimate frustration leads to lack of fun, which leads to lack of interest, which leads to lack of subs.
  11. Both of your "observations" above are flawed at best and flat out untrue as a general statement.
  12. The basic concept of the system is not flawed, it's the implementation. If the tokens had a certain chance (say, 33-50%) to be "smartloot" (i.e. a slot you don't already possess) then it'd be bearable. Still RNG, just not ridiculous numbers of constant repeats.
  13. BREAKING NEWS: gathering professions are good because most people are too busy doing things they actually find fun in an MMO! Someone tell the world.
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