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For those bored at 50...


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What are the hallmarks of this MMO's existence?


Story and Companions... unfortunately, at max level, your story ends and your companion no longer talks to you.


So, they built a game on one premise, but try to mold end game to "regular" mmo content at the end. Doesn't mix!!


I would like to see further progression of story, without quests, grinding, gear, etc...


I would like to see further development of companion relationships, without grinding, gearing, etc...


this MMO is about Story and Companions, sadly, end game is dead as a result of these ending at that point.


Ok...like what?

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I would like it if they just made it easier to do flashpoints for everyone. I think there should be a rating check before going into hard modes but apart from that I think they should include a server based LFD and maybe even LFOps.


I am in a healthy guild with lots of members, so I don't have quite a problem to group for HM and ops, but I know many who does.


I'd like pazzak matches.

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There is nothing to do AROUND the instances.


Theres no achievements (codex does nothing)


Theres no artifact gathering like in Rift


Theres no deeds etc etc



You can only do HM 4 man instances so many times before they become really boring and you know every speech the NPCs give you.


I think that is why MMo players gets bored quite quickly with new MMOs, theres just no "sidedish"


One thing that helps it a little bit is PP, but not everyone are PvPrs, and the PvP in SWTOR is quite bad

Edited by SeloDaoC
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I would like it if they just made it easier to do flashpoints for everyone. I think there should be a rating check before going into hard modes but apart from that I think they should include a server based LFD and maybe even LFOps.


I am in a healthy guild with lots of members, so I don't have quite a problem to group for HM and ops, but I know many who does.


I'd like pazzak matches.




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There is nothing to do AROUND the instances.


Theres no achievements (codex does nothing)


Theres no artifact gathering like in Rift


Theres no deeds etc etc



You can only do HM 4 man instances so many times before they become really boring and you know every speech the NPCs give you.


I think that is why MMo players gets bored quite quickly with new MMOs, theres just no "sidedish"


One thing that helps it a little bit is PP, but not everyone are PvPrs, and the PvP in SWTOR is quite bad



So you posted about what it doesn't have....instead of reading topic....and POST an Idea

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But that's the problem.


There's plenty of content. There are like 12 flashpoint hard modes that would be enough to keep me happy as a clam for months. The PROBLEM is that the lack of a key feature, a flashpoint finder, is keeping me from being able to actually DO any of that content. :mad:


Compounding the problem is the unreleased Legacy feature which makes me not want to level any alts because I don't know if next month I'm going to find out that legacy would have either made it a lot easier, or unlocked some cool thing I'm going to have to reroll to get anyway. :(


The game HAS content. The problem is features.

Edited by omechron
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There is nothing to do AROUND the instances.


Theres no achievements (codex does nothing)


Theres no artifact gathering like in Rift


Theres no deeds etc etc



You can only do HM 4 man instances so many times before they become really boring and you know every speech the NPCs give you.


I think that is why MMo players gets bored quite quickly with new MMOs, theres just no "sidedish"


One thing that helps it a little bit is PP, but not everyone are PvPrs, and the PvP in SWTOR is quite bad


So you posted about what it doesn't have....instead of reading topic....and POST an Idea



Add achievements,

Add special items, very rare so people sought out those

Add deeds as in daily quests for crew skills or bounty hunt, smugglers run

Add new flashpoint or even better make choice matter in flashpoints, say you chose option a : a door open and you have 3 new path, you chose door b, you have 3 different path than door a, each door have different set of encounters, and boss.

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But that's the problem.


There's plenty of content. There are like 12 flashpoint hard modes that would be enough to keep me happy as a clam for months. The PROBLEM is that the lack of a key feature, a flashpoint finder, is keeping me from being able to actually DO any of that content. :mad:


Compounding the problem is the unreleased Legacy feature which makes me not want to level any alts because I don't know if next month I'm going to find out that legacy would have either made it a lot easier, or unlocked some cool thing I'm going to have to reroll to get anyway. :(


The game HAS content. The problem is features.


Obviously you didn't read the topic.

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Add achievements,

Add special items, very rare so people sought out those

Add deeds as in daily quests for crew skills or bounty hunt, smugglers run

Add new flashpoint or even better make choice matter in flashpoints, say you chose option a : a door open and you have 3 new path, you chose door b, you have 3 different path than door a, each door have different set of encounters, and boss.


Ok....what i was looking for...was content that is different then the normal run of the mill end game content. People complain about this being the same kind of content that other games offer but in a Star Wars wrapper...I was looking for new idea's for end game content.

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Content would be nice, however, i have 2 50's and are finding myself with nothing to do. Can never get into a flashpoint because there is never enough groups or no groups forming in general. I dont understand the appeal of pvp, if gear wasnt so insane to aquire i might do it. BUt grinding endless hours for a chance of 1 upgrade just doesnt sound right. Love the game, just nothing really to strive for at lvl 50...


How about doing pvp for fun? Don't get that epic hunting all day long.

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I would like to see some quests that actually take some time to complete and would take a group to complete it to enter into another area.


For example, to enter an area (flashpoint, operation) you need to aquire a key, to get the key you need to quest for an item, combine it with something that got dropped off a hard boss etc. That way you feel you are working towards something with a group.


This shouldnt be a quest you can get in a day, it should be something that takes a while. That way you feel liek you are working towards something.

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For those bored at 50, Name one content feature you would have in End-Game. I don't mean LFG or any of that. True content...ya'll are quick to point out that this is same old same old....Step-up. If you feel prod-dev's are lazy, this is your chance. Real Simple a CONTENT FEATURE you would like see in game. There are a few catch's...


1) It has to have broad appeal....Raids, Hardmode's and Pvp have broad appeal.


2) If you response is I don't work for (insert random company name here) this thread isn't for you.


  • [*]A FFA PVP server
  • Player bounty system, open for anyone to accept, when killed in open world pvp you can be given the option to place a bounty on the killer, however much you want to pay, and an automatic 1k added to the killer, when they kill someone that cons gray to them.


The bounty system would compliment a FFA system perfectly also, it would make open world pvp very competitive and rewarding, at the very least for money. Plus it would turn into a guild vs guild atmosphere, and would create various "factions" between the community themselves, and the folks who get a kick out of killing lowbies (like myself) would be penalized with being hunted down for cash, win win situation.

Edited by ujiomizuko
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Obviously you didn't read the topic.



And you obviously don't understand the playerbase. Right now the game has enough FEATURE CONTENT, what we need is a better way to get it all working as it should be.


Dual Spec,

FP finder,

better crafting,



epic quests,

player driven missions,

pod race,

pazzak match,

pvp driven PvE content

space combat



All those would help the game as it is right now, introducing a whole new mechanic is not what is needed right now.


I am sitting at 50, full columi gear, dailies reward is not good enough anymore, my crew skill is at 400, I researched most lvl 49 to purple. My companions all have lvl 50 gear.


Now what? I log only for OPS to help my guildies get gear so we can do HM OPS. Since I don't feel like re-speccing and I missed the boat on pvp I will not go in and get slaughtered by full expertise players, every 1-2 hour because the lvl 50 pvp is scarce.


The flying mission are fun for the 1-2 times you do them, once you do them and beat them with all bonuses every day, it is not fun anymore.

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  • [*]A FFA PVP server
  • Player bounty system, open for anyone to accept, when killed in open world pvp you can be given the option to place a bounty on the killer, however much you want to pay, and an automatic 1k added to the killer, when they kill someone that cons gray to them.


The bounty system would compliment a FFA system perfectly also, it would make open world pvp very competitive and rewarding, at the very least for money. Plus it would turn into a guild vs guild atmosphere, and would create various "factions" between the community themselves, and the folks who get a kick out of killing lowbies (like myself) would be penalized with being hunted down for cash, win win situation.


Nice...actual bounty hunting

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Content would be nice, however, i have 2 50's and are finding myself with nothing to do. Can never get into a flashpoint because there is never enough groups or no groups forming in general. I dont understand the appeal of pvp, if gear wasnt so insane to aquire i might do it. BUt grinding endless hours for a chance of 1 upgrade just doesnt sound right. Love the game, just nothing really to strive for at lvl 50...


Not trying to be rude but... grinding the same stuff to get upgraded gear, whether it be pvp or operations or whatever ... that is just how MMOs work. Keep doing "x" boss until "x" piece drops for your upgrade.

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Not trying to be rude but... grinding the same stuff to get upgraded gear, whether it be pvp or operations or whatever ... that is just how MMOs work. Keep doing "x" boss until "x" piece drops for your upgrade.


So....you didn't read the topic:rolleyes:

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For those bored at 50, Name one content feature you would have in End-Game. I don't mean LFG or any of that. True content...ya'll are quick to point out that this is same old same old....Step-up. If you feel prod-dev's are lazy, this is your chance. Real Simple a CONTENT FEATURE you would like see in game. There are a few catch's...


Open-ended (does not ever end/reset), dynamic PvP zone with controllable areas/structures/artifacts/whatever that give bonuses to the controlling faction. Illum is such a completely broken attempt at a dynamic PvP zone that someone needs to get fired, no exaggeration, shameful beyond words.


Easily balanced despite population imbalance - give the underdog team X amount of champion or boss NPCs to fight for their side in proportion to however many less players they have. Have these NPCs aide in the defense of underdog-controlled areas, and create a feature where the underdogs can call them in as reinforcements when attacking an overpopulated area. Have these NPCs have no threat, just make them very powerful and attack random enemy players, and give them a plethora of player-abilities and come in difference classes (ie Jedi DPS NPCs, Bounty Hunter NPCs who heal, ect ect for every class/spec combo). Make them more powerful than an actual player would be to compensate for AI being naturally somewhat inferior.


This can be fine-tuned to be fair, any Bioware dev saying "But that would be haarrrddd" should get FIRED. Hard work only ever = better product. A dynamic system where players can affect real change for their faction is the most profound way to get players to want to log in every day despite having the best of everything. If you're going to make it easily possible to have a full set of champion and rakata gear after less than a month of being at level cap, you desperately need some system to keep players logging in that doesn't involve a carrot on a stick.


No the system doesn't have to be exactly like I described, there's a billion ways to do this. But the overall theme of "Dynamic system; players can individually contribute and have that contribution matter; benefits (that aren't gear) for contribution" are all the same.

Edited by Mhak
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For those bored at 50, Name one content feature you would have in End-Game. I don't mean LFG or any of that. True content...ya'll are quick to point out that this is same old same old....Step-up. If you feel prod-dev's are lazy, this is your chance. Real Simple a CONTENT FEATURE you would like see in game. There are a few catch's...


1) It has to have broad appeal....Raids, Hardmode's and Pvp have broad appeal.


2) If you response is I don't work for (insert random company name here) this thread isn't for you.


1). guild features. Guild ship, bank,quests and guild story.


2). long quest lines that span from lvl 1 to 50 other then class story, like a class weapon.Think epics or SOD form EQ 2 some thing other then dailies to work on and FP's.


3). Fluff content customising ship interior, chr features.


4). Unlock the other FP's for hardmode and give us some rare unique items that are equal to or better then set gear.


5). In crease the diffculty of game its a single player game all the way to 50 then has multi player options. Making the diffculty harder would encourage more to group for the lvling process.

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1) Cross-server warzone queueing (because my server doesn't have enough people to get a q pop more than once every 30 minutes during prime time). And when it does its always against the same set of battlemaster imps.


2) More types of warzones.


3) Overhauled Ilum/world PVP system that actually means something.


4) Some sort of ranking/tournament system for warzone PVP. Give a reason above and beyond gear grinding to continue to play.


3) Higher rated PVE gear (along with harder OPS).


4) Gear that drops with random stats (within reason).


5) Some sort of guild system other than just a roster (accomplishments, levels, etc.)


6) Crafting that actually means something


7) An economy that makes it seem like an accomplishment when you make/buy/sell something of value.


8) Different leveling worlds/zones for different classes (to make leveling alts more enjoyable)


9) More high level space missions with more rewards that are actually desirable


10) More datacron like activities (exploration related, etc.) with rewards that can help improve your character in some way (either stats, passive/active abilities, or whatever)


11) Improved mechanism to get from location to location that doesn't take so much time.


12) Ability to swap out skins on armor, more skins available (perhaps this is coming with the change to purples).


13) Ability to retire a character and pass down an enhanced piece of equipment or ability as a reward (a la Torchlight).


14) Speeder racing mini-game


15) Cross-faction teams in warzones. Having imps/reps on both sides would help offset the balance problems between the two sides.


16) More titles for high level achievements, and add stats to titles.


17) Endgame content that utilizes companions (give us a reason to grind gear for them). Maybe a single-player flashpoint that requires multiple companions or something.


18) Remove ability to have rep/imp characters on the same server with the same game key (overly abused to farm valor).


19) PVP gear for valor ranks > 60 (minor stat increases, but different/better looks)


20) More bug/balance fixes.

Edited by Gallael
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