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HM Flashpoints are Easy, give us NM

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HM Flashpoints are easy mode still. I've never run the level 50 instances on normal mode, and HM has only given us minimal difficulty, with the only times we fail to complete instance being due to bugs.


Give us Nightmare mode Flashpoints please! I would love a way to still progress without needing 8 people and something that I can do more often than once a week. Even if we were able to get Rakata gear, if the difficulty was high enough and the drops were contained (like still only drops one piece per run) then I don't feel like this would be a huge upset to the game.


Anyone else bored of HM Flashpoints? I honestly like them a lot more than Ops but the difficulty isn't there.


Edit: Actually a one week lockout wouldn't be bad, but we would still have many (7 at the moment) different flashpoints to clear each week. Thoughts?

Edited by DarthMaben
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HM Flashpoints are easy mode still. I've never run the level 50 instances on normal mode, and HM has only given us minimal difficulty, with the only times we fail to complete instance being due to bugs.


Give us Nightmare mode Flashpoints please! I would love a way to still progress without needing 8 people and something that I can do more often than once a week. Even if we were able to get Rakata gear, if the difficulty was high enough and the drops were contained (like still only drops one piece per run) then I don't feel like this would be a huge upset to the game.


Anyone else bored of HM Flashpoints? I honestly like them a lot more than Ops but the difficulty isn't there.


Edit: Actually a one week lockout wouldn't be bad, but we would still have many (7 at the moment) different flashpoints to clear each week. Thoughts?


I want flashpoints that are so hard that I soon as I walk through the door I'm getting my face eaten and die in 2 seconds! just kidding


Yes I would welcome a more challenging version of flashpoints.

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HM Flashpoints are easy mode still. I've never run the level 50 instances on normal mode, and HM has only given us minimal difficulty, with the only times we fail to complete instance being due to bugs.


Give us Nightmare mode Flashpoints please! I would love a way to still progress without needing 8 people and something that I can do more often than once a week. Even if we were able to get Rakata gear, if the difficulty was high enough and the drops were contained (like still only drops one piece per run) then I don't feel like this would be a huge upset to the game.


Anyone else bored of HM Flashpoints? I honestly like them a lot more than Ops but the difficulty isn't there.


Edit: Actually a one week lockout wouldn't be bad, but we would still have many (7 at the moment) different flashpoints to clear each week. Thoughts?


The game is shallow in its current state. just like the water in game. the longevity is in rerolling and i am not willing to do that at this point gonna take a break

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You either bought/made a bunch of lvl 50 artifact gear and/or had pvp gear or your other group members were geared if you didnt have trouble with HMs other then bugs


I have still hit enrage timers on HK and bulwark in groups where they are clearing most if not all bosses in HM OPSs (lol we dont wipe just killed them right after the enrage hits)

Edited by AngelicFrosty
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Hard Modes were a good challenge and everything early on but once you get Columi gear and go through it a few times it becomes really easy.


Dropping Rakata and having a one week lockout on each one would be very balanced IMO. Would be a good way for smaller guilds to advance without having to get 8 players together for an operation.

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72 player raids were too large

40 player raids were too large

25 player raids were too large

10 player raids were too large


..... now 8 player raids are too large.


Seriously, anyone who says "My guild isn't big enough to do 8-man content" needs some sense smacked into them, go recruit 4 people.




Back on topic, I would love to see Nightmare Mode Flashpoints IF they did more than increase damge done/damage needed to not hit enrage timers. Mix it up with the fight mechanics. Maybe let some Rakata drop, but I would prefer to see some COOL items drop. Relics with cool clickie effects (Loved my Super Monkey Ball trinket in WoW). Interesting weapons with cool proc effects, special speeders, ship enhancements, etc...etc...


This would make NM Flashpoints a step up for Columi geared players, while still providing Rakata geared players with a reason to do them.

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this would be an interesting idea, but what gear would drop?


Alternate gear - create some kick ***, unslotted orange sets and sprinkle them in the various NM flashpoints.


One thing everyone loves, and that's to look epic.

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I will only accept nightmare mode FPs if they go away from the enrage timer mechanic. I want hard and challenging fights, but I don't want every fight to have a timer over the bosses head. That's boring. After you get geared up the enrage timers don't even affect you. The bosses are too easy that way. Please, for the love of god, find a new trick.
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HM Flashpoints are easy mode still. I've never run the level 50 instances on normal mode, and HM has only given us minimal difficulty, with the only times we fail to complete instance being due to bugs.


Give us Nightmare mode Flashpoints please! I would love a way to still progress without needing 8 people and something that I can do more often than once a week. Even if we were able to get Rakata gear, if the difficulty was high enough and the drops were contained (like still only drops one piece per run) then I don't feel like this would be a huge upset to the game.


Anyone else bored of HM Flashpoints? I honestly like them a lot more than Ops but the difficulty isn't there.


Edit: Actually a one week lockout wouldn't be bad, but we would still have many (7 at the moment) different flashpoints to clear each week. Thoughts?


make em a 3 day lockout

but even though i wouldnt probably run these, i think it is a good idea worth supporting for you folks who would

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Having alternate gear is a great idea! I was only saying Rakata because that's the next tier of gear but I would love to see new stuff as well. I agree that enrage timers are a tired mechanic, would love to see stuff like adds, new abilities, etc. that require us to learn the nightmare mode of the flashpoint all over.


As for the 8 person argument:

I wasn't saying that I can't get 8 people, in fact we do 8 man ops each week. I was just saying that I'd like to have something to do when I'm online and there aren't 7 other people ready to go (with an unlocked op).

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I will only accept nightmare mode FPs if they go away from the enrage timer mechanic. I want hard and challenging fights, but I don't want every fight to have a timer over the bosses head. That's boring. After you get geared up the enrage timers don't even affect you. The bosses are too easy that way. Please, for the love of god, find a new trick.


I have to agree with you


I find enrage to be the dumbest thing ever, not because I can't deal with it, I've done 8man hard, starting 16 soon, and all the hard fps with no troubles



It's dumb because it's lazy scripting.. get some creativity in boss design and get rid of this time limit crap lol..



It makes no sense that a mob can just decide "oh hey it's that time, I'm going to enrage now" if they have that ability why wouldn't they just be enraged from the start. Maybe I'm wrong in trying to approach it from a logical standpoint as it is a video game with make believe monsters, but the best science fiction still follows logic that's a key aspect in making it awesome.

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