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My wife is playing! (feints)


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She had been watching me play Skyrim, and really thought it was cool, and asked if I had any games like it we could play together.


Aside from playing Skyrim I have been enjoying SWTOR, so I mentioned she should try it just to see.


She loved it, especially playing together. She has a lvl 6 smuggler and getting better.



I would have to say to Bioware (if they read this), that a super newbie tutorial quest line to start would be awesome for people who have never played an mmo, or even a computer game before.


I would like to say kudos for making it VERY cool to quest together. I am playing a commando with her, and I love that I can go into her story areas and watch her story unfold.


Thanks for making a great game (my wallet hates you!)!



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I would have to say to Bioware (if they read this), that a super newbie tutorial quest line to start would be awesome for people who have never played an mmo, or even a computer game before


I had my wife try out the newbie tutorial in SWG during beta. She sat down at the computer, promptly ran into a corner and couldn't get out.


I chased her away. She plays Famrville and we're both happy now.

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My girlfriend hated the fact that I like video games. I told her "sit down, try this game, you might like it."


Now every time she is around my computer at all, she wants to play SWTOR. The best part is that it is actually funny to watch because she knows absolutely nothing about playing video games. The highlight of her experience so far on her level 8 JK is that she was killing flesh raiders from on top of a rock.

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It is funny to watch her run into corners haha! She is doing great though, and I don't make fun of her, as that might scare her away.


The only other game we ever played together was Titan Quest, and it was...OK in my opinion. She loved it though. Can't wait for Torchlight2 and Diablo3!

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My girlfriend hated the fact that I like video games. I told her "sit down, try this game, you might like it."


Now every time she is around my computer at all, she wants to play SWTOR. The best part is that it is actually funny to watch because she knows absolutely nothing about playing video games. The highlight of her experience so far on her level 8 JK is that she was killing flesh raiders from on top of a rock.


I see noting wrong with that being a highlight=0 Its the little stuff that make me enjoy games. Just wish my favorite part sploring was more rewarding in this game. I dont know there really isnt a whole lot to come across on your own. =(

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My girlfriend not only plays the game, but is playing the pvp warzones.


she gets upset that people don't vote for the healers for mvp enough.


She's not a totally now game - she loved "the Sims" and "Fable" series. But still, she's REALLY into this game, and she doesn't have a ton of video game history.

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It is funny to watch her run into corners haha! She is doing great though, and I don't make fun of her, as that might scare her away.


The only other game we ever played together was Titan Quest, and it was...OK in my opinion. She loved it though. Can't wait for Torchlight2 and Diablo3!


Haha, awesome me and the wife played TQ to, old diablo gamers both of us.


Memorable moments:

Just moved to a new country waiting for our furnitures and interent to arive, sitting on cardboard boxes playing D2 on LAN together, sleeping in a corner on a thin top mattras and only having 2 plates, 2 cups, 2 forks, well you get the picture.


Sometimes I love beeing a "nerd"

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My and my husband's first MMO addiction was EQ1. We haven't always wound up enjoying the same MMOs since then, but when we do, it's a lot of fun.


I can't say either one of us 'introduced' the other to gaming, though. We were both gaming geeks before the internet existed, before we knew each other. It's great that we don't have to explain or give excuses to each other for our gaming enjoyment! Lack of 'spouse aggro' over gaming is awesome.

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My husband and I have really enjoyed playing this together as well. I am the tanking vanguard and he is the healing sawbones. It's nice that we can both enjoy this game. We are both gamers but usually he is more of a nintendo fan, loves his Mario and Zelda...while I like the mmos and rpgs. However, he decided to give this one a try since we both love star wars and now he's hooked!
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I can't say either one of us 'introduced' the other to gaming, though. We were both gaming geeks before the internet existed, before we knew each other. It's great that we don't have to explain or give excuses to each other for our gaming enjoyment! Lack of 'spouse aggro' over gaming is awesome.


This, 100%. My husband and I have been playing video and pen and paper games since the time of Atari. We are poor college students, so date night usually consists of watching movies or running on either our Imperial Agent/Bounty Hunter team or our Trooper/Jedi Consular team. It's nice being with someone who shares some of the same interests I do. :D

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She loved it, especially playing together. She has a lvl 6 smuggler and getting better.

Wow! A brave husband you are, you let her pick up a class with the most (apparantly) heartstriking female-targeted companion! :D Do you actually know what are they doing on their xs-freighter?.. ;)


ps: or mb Mr Corso already took a blastershot in his knee from your hand, and since then only wookie or Risha are allowed nearby? :p


pps: My husband does not play, and it feels like ok to me. About 10 years ago sitting by the PC at the game seemed ok to me (and that was just a different guy and different time and really different me), but not anymore. I like to be married with a man that does not use a PC to spend time with me.

Edited by NRieh
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This subject is a double-edged sword for me. On one hand, I sometimes wish that my boyfriend gamed so we could play together... But on the other hand, I really love that we have separate hobbies. There's a ton of other stuff we love to do together. He's a musician and I'm really into music and support him at all of his shows. So - it's nice. I'm a nerd and he thinks he's a rockstar :p.
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Hahaha I know how you feel! I know so many gaming couples now and am the female part myself ;) I am SO glad, that my husband got me into gaming just when we got to know each other...playing together, going through the ups and downs and getting REAL competitive really got us so much closer together. I am the opinion today, that couples that can competetively game together, stay together ;)


It's a lot of stress and hardship to go through, yelling at each other...especially PvPing together on a 'working to be the best'-daily level certainly cemented our relationship XP


Grats to you and wish me and my better half luck in getting the wife of our best friend and hardcore gamer to play with us as well. A regular premade group of four for PvP adventures - what could be better than that? XP

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and this is why you get your father to teach you how to game early folks!


Ah, the memories of playing Contra and TMNT with my dad....:)


I let my son play. Hes 5 and about the only thing he can really do is make characters and move them around. He is beginning to understand though.

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I have always been a gamer when time and funds have permitted, at times it has been all that keeps me sane.:p


My GF and I both play SWTOR and WOW. My GF had only played solitaire and a little Zelda before we met. All my WOW talk sounded like Blah Blah Blah to her....until she decided to try it.


Several months later her toons were better geared than mine and she had more gold/credits than me.:D


She bought SWTOR 1 day after seeing what it looked like on my computer and now is two levels above me with her main. We play together about 4 nights a week and it's a lot or fun. We also cycle in the warmer months and have laying hens in our backyard to keep us busy. Honestly, it's great having a gamer spouse/significant other, but I realise it's not for everyone.

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My wife was a back seat driver when it came to computer games.... She has always loved to watch and direct. In a bid to reduce the wife agro when I played computer games to long, I installed EQ2 on her computer back when that was new and talked her into giving it ago... Talk about a steep learning curve, but she got the hang of it and now loves playing these types of games. It's funny as the other night she informed me that she is so happy that they have not put swimming into star wars.... LOL!


While soloing is fun, being able to duo content is even better, especially when your with someone not trying to rush you through the content.

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