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BUFF operatives!!


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i agree that the operative nerf went too far (jedi guardian perspective). i dont have to adapt playstyle at all anymore when facing one of them (imo i should have to adapt playstyle FOR EACH CLASS to be successful).


it seems a general attitude, if something gets nerfed, it gets nerfed to the ground. remember the rakata medpack? no ones talking about it anymore, because no one is using it anymore (im considering to sell mine since the pvp heal consumable is simply better)

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i agree that the operative nerf went too far (jedi guardian perspective). i dont have to adapt playstyle at all anymore when facing one of them (imo i should have to adapt playstyle FOR EACH CLASS to be successful).


it seems a general attitude, if something gets nerfed, it gets nerfed to the ground. remember the rakata medpack? no ones talking about it anymore, because no one is using it anymore (im considering to sell mine since the pvp heal consumable is simply better)



you can use both. They're on separate cd's............

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BW will base any nerfs/buffs on real data, not some ridiculous subjective poll. And I have strong doubts that the data supports your whining ;)


true, a nerf will be based on real data


HOW FAR the nerf goes appears to be a matter of mood. its been a while to see a well thought nerf in a patch (including other games btw)

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BW will base any nerfs/buffs on real data, not some ridiculous subjective poll. And I have strong doubts that the data supports your whining ;)


Now that was the most ridiculous thing I've read in a long time. Look what they did on Warhammer Online. They don't base it on any number except sales, accounts and popularity.


If they did, Sorcs would have gotten the bat too, but they are too many to risk.


Anyways, I've just played my first wz:s after the patch today. I love how the knockdown doesn't fill the bar, just makes it so much easier to stun lock even more! Although, the dmg on the opener seems weak, but it might be just some getting used to.


I really don't understand how we didn't get any utility or buff to our pve damage. The nerf to acid blade really screwed us on sustained for PvE.


Btw, were we that OP to begin with? I got critted for over 14K by a sorc today. Full hp to dead in ONE hit. How is that not OP?

Edited by Lushbits
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Most OPS after Patch are Like that:


Come out of Stealth and attack you from behind, make like 50-60 % Damage, then you come out of the Stun and they are like:


****, He's not Stunned anymore. What am I Gonna do. Oh no, i don't know what to do.


Instead of making Damage they Run away most Times ... do i have to explain why thats a Fail?

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Most OPS after Patch are Like that:


Come out of Stealth and attack you from behind, make like 50-60 % Damage, then you come out of the Stun and they are like:


****, He's not Stunned anymore. What am I Gonna do. Oh no, i don't know what to do.


Instead of making Damage they Run away most Times ... do i have to explain why thats a Fail?


Maybe you need to learn how operatives play before talking and thinking you know... After the initial skills they have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to use on you that will do any damage or debuff worth using... after you use ur intial skills your worthless and can die in 5 hits cuz you are the squishiest class ingame

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I am getting along just fine with my operative


Played about 10 games last night and had top damage/kills in every game (except the one game a sorc did over 500k) with maybe 5 deaths at the most each game


I still feel very useful to my team.


Not trying to toot my own horn here but I have had plenty of other operative/scoundrels get the jump on me and I still end up beating them 8/10 times. I think most people are just bad to be honest.

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Not trying to toot my own horn here but I have had plenty of other operative/scoundrels get the jump on me and I still end up beating them 8/10 times. I think most people are just bad to be honest.


So as someone who seems to know how to Play your Class do you agree with the Poster above who tries to tell us OPs are useless when their Opponent is out of the Stunlock and the only thing they can do is run away?

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Maybe you need to learn how operatives play before talking and thinking you know... After the initial skills they have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to use on you that will do any damage or debuff worth using... after you use ur intial skills your worthless and can die in 5 hits cuz you are the squishiest class ingame


From what I've seen, it's the bad ops who don't get kills and die as they run away, and the good ones who stay and continue to burn people down.

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Operatives have been nerfed completely, the concealment spec is too weak... You can barely kill clothies and automatically lose vs heavy armored opponents...


You are weak an others know it so since you are melee you are one of the first targets for noob tracer spam











LOL you are just bad...

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This is a L2P issue... cuz i had an operative stun me and kill me in my champ/bm sorc with 16k hp... Not much u can do when stunned and then hit 4 times for 4k+ each and dead.... So ops are pretty good still!


I have to say I agree with this statement. I have an operative and I completely suck with her. I constantly get owned by other classes. However, when I play my bread and butter classes, Gunslinger and Merc, where it is I who do the owning, I still occasionally get picked apart by skilled Operatives. So in my case, I need to L2P. It's tempting to want to sign this "petition" when I get rolled on my operative, but I think the class is fine, just not in my hands.

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No, they weren't, you're right. Did BW/EA offer anything to balance out the class besides a major nerf bomb to it though? No. When sap was initially nerfed on rogues in 1.1.1 of WoW, they also gave them safe fall, and other abilities to equal out the hit. Thus making the players of that class feel like they gained as well as lost. This nerf was targeted with no real statistic given as to why.


Truth is, the knockdown needed to be taken down by 1.5s I think the majority of ops/scounds could agree that was OP, but instead of balancing out our burst damage with some sort of sustained, they just left it as "Here's 100 energy (105 with 4 set champ or BM, lol suckers), with lower burst. Good luck against heavies and those with absorbs and tons of CC. Oh wait...that's just about...well everyone else. So good luck." It just doesn't equal out.


EDIT: They could balance by cutting the massive cost of our abilities so we could actually stay in a fight, but noooo that would be asking too much.


Except absorb and shield don't work against a number of those attacks, tech and force attacks bypass those stats.


A typical opener from an operative now will be a 2k attack followed by 2*2k. They can fail a crit and do less than 2k.

But still, a 4k-6k opener with a dot that takes another ~1k over 6 seconds (and of course, their other attacks).


On a 19k health tank that's about 30% of my health gone on average. Which is more enough imo.


Operatives and scoundrels do not need to be able to kill their target 1vs1 coming out of stealth, in fact they shouldn't. They're burst classes that are about disabling and taking a portion of health away (possibly to finish an opponent) quickly.


I can agree about the consequences in PvE, however, pure burst really isn't that viable in PvE to begin with.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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You do not balance based on lvl 47 players fighting lvl 10 players.






And------- you do not nerf a class based on fully geared level 50s vs undergeared level 10-49s every fully geared, adrenal buffed class does insane damage to all classes.

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