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922k healing and 3 medals, plz add a 600k and 900k medal


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You should NEVER be able to heal 900k


Can't wait for the next WZ healing nerf. I'm hoping for 60%.


That said, you should be able to get 5 medals healing ... a 1.5k single heal (which will be big once the correct healing debuff is in place), 75k heals, 300k heals, 10k without dying and 30k without dying.

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I agree there needs to be more healing medals (and so does Bioware as they have already said they are adding more healing contribution ... so not sure why this thread is so long).


I would have to say though that I DO NOT want to see a ton of them. I don't care if a healer does over 1000k healing because not contributing to kills means they are just bloating healing numbers with self heals (because even crap teams will target the hell out of a healer chain healing so they will need to focus heal themselves at times ... and not their teammates).


So little damage, so little objective points and so few kills tells me a healer is just like an aoe dps player who has few kills ... what are you actually doing in order to shorten the battle?


The best healers in my mind are the ones who assist in ensuring the team takes less damage the entire battle ... not contributing to making sure you take the most amount of damage possible before victory.


Because of this I do not want to see a system rewarding such behaviour. This also goes for ineffective dps ... which sadly is rewarded too much atm.

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Try it, then we will talk.

Healing is a pain in the arse in this game.


Ever try mouse targeting someone in this game whose name is green and not red?


Its worse then tab targeting enemies.


Oh hey this guy is right in front of me and noone else is around




Why did i Just attack that guy 30 meters away?

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That's the problem. It would be worse to further reward the enablers. Keeping bad players alive is a bad healer.


Haha. I like this.


I'd almost support letting bad players die... but you gotta remember they do serve a role: playing the decoy.

Edited by Bhorzo
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I agree with OP.


Moving shield/bubble to Prot medals is a TERRIBLE idea though, because it doesn't help mercs/ops, and will lead to absurd medal inflation for hybrid sorc specs who could easily play a balanced heal/dmg/bubble combination to rack up 8-10+ medals every single game even when ungeared.

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I'm looking at the screen shot and reading all the information. What I see is a lot of people trying to give you advice on how to get those 2 extra medals by doing other things.


What I also see is that even if you had access to the 600k and 900k medals which you would have earned, you'd have 5 medals in a loss.


So, both sides have valid arguments.


I think you should be rewarded for the massive healing you did. I also think that if you altered the way you play you could earn a few more medals and perhaps better impact the outcome of the match.


All of that is irrelevant to your original point. I vote with you on having access to a 600k and 900k healing medal, though it's value is questionable.

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I'm looking at the screen shot and reading all the information. What I see is a lot of people trying to give you advice on how to get those 2 extra medals by doing other things.


What I also see is that even if you had access to the 600k and 900k medals which you would have earned, you'd have 5 medals in a loss.


So, both sides have valid arguments.


I think you should be rewarded for the massive healing you did. I also think that if you altered the way you play you could earn a few more medals and perhaps better impact the outcome of the match.


All of that is irrelevant to your original point. I vote with you on having access to a 600k and 900k healing medal, though it's value is questionable.


I'm willing to bet all those helpful people giving advice don't actually play a healer.

Using damage abilities as a healer is very inefficient, in a group setting where both sides are about even it would translate to your side losing because you sabotage your own healing capabilities.

I'm already GCD capped using my healing/cleanse abilities while trying to keep my force up, the only times when I can dps are times when my dps doesn't matter at all ie. when my side outnumbers the other side. In a map like voidstar this usually means I should be moving towards the other door instead of wasting my time throwing inefficient damage abilities around.


Getting medals has nothing to do with skills. A good player will always use their strengths and avoids putting themselves at a disadvantage. The medal system is counter intuitive as it requires healers to play poorly.

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I am Jedi Sage Seer Jayess from Infinite Empire, basically full champ set w/ maxed biochem. If I can do it I wanna be rewarded for it, especially since it was such an intense game I couldnt go for any other medals.




I can get behind this.


Healers who hit 600k-900k healing aren't going to be getting any of the damage medals except, maybe, 1 killing blow. I think it's fair to further acknowledge their considerable contributions.

Edited by McVade
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Healers get the shaft in WZ PVP bigtime! I regularly do 400-500K+ heals in the wz matches I'm in. In huttball I have scored more times by extricating the ball runner (who was getting stunned and couldnt move) across the line for the winning point than anything. And yes, I do damage too, if everyone is topped off, I will switch to dps and start tossing DOTs around, or focusing the enemy with the lowest life with a few shocks or FL... Thank goodness some players actually know how to MVP vote, I often get 3 or 4 mvp votes per game.


But, they really need to add more rewards in WZ for healing. Many times I have made all the difference in keeping my teammates alive and getting the score, or the cap, or the kill or whatever. BW really needs to increase the number of healing medals or show the healers some love, otherwise everyone just wants to pew pew and not play the "unrewarding" support roles.

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As a pvp healer, this thread is confounding in my opinion.


The first mistake is that the OP is asking for sympathy on the most toxic MMO forums that have ever existed. Even though he is right on the medal system, if he doesn't like it switch to DPS and get every medal.


Secondly, 900+ on a Voidstar is damn impressive. And as a Sorc, he is not getting that in the corner life tapping. Even though clearly you were playing a very disorganized team that obviously allowed you to free cast for the entire fight, you still had a great game.


Thirdly, for everyone saying that pure healing is not helping the team....well that is just wrong. Against good teams healers are (rightfully) swarmed. A weak pvp healer is dead. A good/great pvp healer is probobaly going to die as well but if he can keep himself up and still heal others...his/her team is going to win the mini-battle. Other than interrupts, cc's or purges...the offensive capability of a healer against well-geared teams doesn't make up for the healing that it will cost.


With all the burst damage, knockbacks, stuns, etc in this game pure healers are playing a much more vital role than what it seems was initially intended. And regardless of the fact that we don't get many medals in intense Warzones, the imps on my server are mostly very good about giving MVP votes to heals. I usually walk away with 2-4 votes in every game so in a way that's balancing things out.

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Judging by the stats your team died quite a few times even with your 900k+ healing. Roughly adding up the enemies total damage and subtracting your "amazing" healing would equal out to some 200k+ damage that you didn't heal and from the look of it your team did some minor healing as well so why the 30+ deaths on your team? Sounds like someone just decided to heal themselves and use that health/force swap skill.
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As a pvp healer, this thread is confounding in my opinion.


The first mistake is that the OP is asking for sympathy on the most toxic MMO forums that have ever existed.




Trust me, compared to the WoW forums, this is tame. At least until SWTOR opens up an Armory and then people get mocked for the characters they post on in addition to their points.

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While impressive I will say that BW's original medal design was probably oriented towards people voting for healers with MVP to make up for lack of medal gaining.


I usually vote a healer at the end of the match, and typically I see a healer getting 2-3 votes per match as long as they weren't worthless.


Unfortunately this isn't always the case and many times, especially when premades are entered into the picture, everyone just votes for their friends instead of who actually helped more.

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I'm confused why healers aren't tagging more enemies? Sure, your DPS abilities are terrible, but if you're using your CC abilities, you should be tagging them and getting shared credit for kills.


A healer that doesn't use CC doesn't deserve more points.

Edited by Bhorzo
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I'm confused why healers aren't tagging more enemies? Sure, your DPS abilities are terrible, but if you're using your CC abilities, you should be tagging them and getting shared credit for kills.


A healer that doesn't use CC doesn't deserve more points.


CC = 1 min cooldown, a smart player would be mindful of resolve bar and situational use of their abilities.


Better question is why doesn't the game award healers credit for kills that their healing target receives. IF a healer is put in combat for healing someone then there clearly exists an agro table that can keep account of such things, if not then why does the healer even go in combat?

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