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How to Fix PVP: Create an ARENA


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The most common argument against arena in this game is, "WoW did it and it failed" or "Classes are too imba.." "This game wasnt designed for arena"


Here is some news for you, BW IS fine tuning and balancing the game, It takes time.

I played WoW and many other MMO's I love pvp. Arena makes sense and was a huge success for WoW. It became an esport, people went to blizzcon just to watch the pros play. Stream sites popped up creating vast communities supporting competitive play. Ladders were placed on the site, I cant even imagine how many hits they get from people checking armory and ladder rankings. Games have evolved, its now possible to make MMO's and with a little tinkering make an MMO just as balanced as any other computer game you might play. The game isnt to far off as it stands now. I duel a lot, All the duels I have done have been close fights no 1 single class has been crazy broken like DK in season 5. This game is in great shape. Lets get these arena's started already.

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The most common argument against arena in this game is, "WoW did it and it failed" or "Classes are too imba.." "This game wasnt designed for arena"


Here is some news for you, BW IS fine tuning and balancing the game, It takes time.

I played WoW and many other MMO's I love pvp. Arena makes sense and was a huge success for WoW. It became an esport, people went to blizzcon just to watch the pros play. Stream sites popped up creating vast communities supporting competitive play. Ladders were placed on the site, I cant even imagine how many hits they get from people checking armory and ladder rankings. Games have evolved, its now possible to make MMO's and with a little tinkering make an MMO just as balanced as any other computer game you might play. The game isnt to far off as it stands now. I duel a lot, All the duels I have done have been close fights no 1 single class has been crazy broken like DK in season 5. This game is in great shape. Lets get these arena's started already.


i like this guy. he has something to say other than "CRY I DIDNT LIKE WOW'S ARENA SO THEREFORE NO ONE GETS TO PLAY ARENA IN SWTOR"

Edited by hategambit
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what better way to gather data about the inbalance of classes than to have them go at it 1v1.


sure it might be unbalanced to start, but they can work on balancing it as it goes along.


to just give up on it because the current state of the game is not perfect, thats just quitter talk.


if I want homogenized classes. I'd go back to wow.


Guess I'm still here though.

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all you wow nerds cry about how bad wow's arena was.


man i dont care about wow or how bad it is.


i care about having SOME method of a fair fight in >THIS< game.


be it 1v1 2v2 4v4 16v16... some way of fighting without stupid objectives


ARE YOU MAD I CALLED IT AN ARENA? too many wow flashbacks?




it is a fair fight in Warzones....


You can call it whatever you want.... Dont want ARENAS... there are only a SMALL population here that actually want this....


so stop thinking EVERYBODY WANTS IT BS....


again..you want an ARENA to play in.. WORLD OF WARCRAFT has one... go play.. nobody is stopping you...


stop trying to change this game.. I would much rather they put effort into the current system they have.

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it is a fair fight in Warzones....


You can call it whatever you want.... Dont want ARENAS... there are only a SMALL population here that actually want this....


so stop thinking EVERYBODY WANTS IT BS....


again..you want an ARENA to play in.. WORLD OF WARCRAFT has one... go play.. nobody is stopping you...


stop trying to change this game.. I would much rather they put effort into the current system they have.

Arenas are coming eventually whether you like it or not. You don't need to queue up for them if you don't want to, you can just continue feeling like a ****** while you kill fresh 50s in a warzone instead of getting dealt with 24/7 in arena by people who actually have skill.
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please explain how open world pvp will *NOT* turn into 50 imps vs 10 repubs all day long?


Please explain why I, as a PvPer, not a carebear, should care. Go back to WOW and continue playing hand-holding training-wheels-PVP there.

Edited by -Fenix
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it is a fair fight in Warzones....


You can call it whatever you want.... Dont want ARENAS... there are only a SMALL population here that actually want this....


so stop thinking EVERYBODY WANTS IT BS....


again..you want an ARENA to play in.. WORLD OF WARCRAFT has one... go play.. nobody is stopping you...


stop trying to change this game.. I would much rather they put effort into the current system they have.


cry pants. i said a fair fight where there are no objectives. read first.


news flash: devs will continue to create new content. this is something i hope they create.


ALSO, its not a fair fight in warzones, more often than not its 8vs 7 or 10vs8 or something unbalanced.




no one wants arena? or is it just the people who cry about it so hard that want to troll the forums to make sure it doesnt get implemented because THEY dont like it.


people who cry the loudest are not the people that should be listened to.




and seeing as how a large portion of players of this game came from that bad cartoon game, this should apply:


Arena makes sense and was a huge success for WoW. It became an esport, people went to blizzcon just to watch the pros play. Stream sites popped up creating vast communities supporting competitive play. Ladders were placed on the site, I cant even imagine how many hits they get from people checking armory and ladder rankings.
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Please explain why I, as a PvPer, not a carebear, should care. Go back to WOW and continue playing hand-holding training-wheels-PVP there.


youre obviously so bad you need a major advantage to be able to feel good about yourself. continue being bad at pvp.


FYI, i was the FIRST battlemaster on my server. so yeah obviously i need training wheels lol.

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if they added arena they would need to add a second function to everything (talents, abilities) that they could balance without changing the pve function, because otherwise they would have to balance by changing everything about a class every damn time they wanted to 'spice up' pvp. WoW did it and it was horrible depending on the class, balancing the whole game around pvp is crap.


I believe Rift solved this problem using something similar to what I proposed in my last paragraph, I never played it though, so I couldn't tell you for sure. To make Arena work you have to separate PvE and PvP for purposes of balance, it makes no sense to try to balance them at the same time when you don't have to. It also adds a different, PvP way to play each class, adding depth to the game for those who want to PvP in an arena setting without making all of the PvE-ers worry "god I wonder what they're going to eff up with my class next patch."

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Please explain why I, as a PvPer, not a carebear, should care. Go back to WOW and continue playing hand-holding training-wheels-PVP there.
Uh because you're acting like world pvp is good pvp (which it's not, it's just for people who are too bad for real pvp) and 20v5 isn't good pvp. How is being carried by 19 other people while you kill 5 people of the opposite faction not "training wheels pvp"?


your way of thinking has no place in modern MMOs and the kind of game you want will never exist so lol @ you scrub.

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Uh because you're acting like world pvp is good pvp (which it's not, it's just for people who are too bad for real pvp) and 20v5 isn't good pvp. How is being carried by 19 other people while you kill 5 people of the opposite faction not "training wheels pvp"?


your way of thinking has no place in modern MMOs and the kind of game you want will never exist so lol @ you scrub.


awwww yeah this guy +1


'cause ilum is such good pvp lol.

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Arenas are coming eventually whether you like it or not. You don't need to queue up for them if you don't want to, you can just continue feeling like a ****** while you kill fresh 50s in a warzone instead of getting dealt with 24/7 in arena by people who actually have skill.


post a thread where they said its coming? till then stop making assumptions...


you can think arenas take skill all you want...


LOL... This isnt battlefield 3

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post a thread where they said its coming? till then stop making assumptions...


you can think arenas take skill all you want...


LOL... This isnt battlefield 3


1v1 or 2v2 or 4v4 or 16v16 requires a ton more skill than... 50vs10.


on ilum, with my trooper alt, i can just sit back and launch my AOE taunt and rack in the kills and valor. i dont even have to do damage. <<<<<<<<<<<<<< SKILLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

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You are concerned with all classes being the same?


How many ways can u stun somebody? how many ways can u do damage? Thats the first thing I recognized when I played this game, they gave every class a lot of very essential similiar abilities to each classes. "IE crowd control, leaps.etc" also abilties are scaled differently somewhat in pvp you might have a great pve ability they his standars targets for a lot but it wont do anything in pvp, did you think BW implimented that system on accident? or maybe to balance pvp and pve sepreately? how many different ways can u create red numbers over the enemies head. its a math system these numbers weren't thrown together randomly there's a sense of balance as is. As for homoegenous abilities, its unavoidable and its a solution that can be dressed any way you like to cover it all up. the fact is, homegenous abilities which is already heavily present in this game help create balance. The skill cap on this game is high, trust me.

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if they added arena they would need to add a second function to everything (talents, abilities) that they could balance without changing the pve function, because otherwise they would have to balance by changing everything about a class every damn time they wanted to 'spice up' pvp. WoW did it and it was horrible depending on the class, balancing the whole game around pvp is crap.


I believe Rift solved this problem using something similar to what I proposed in my last paragraph, I never played it though, so I couldn't tell you for sure. To make Arena work you have to separate PvE and PvP for purposes of balance, it makes no sense to try to balance them at the same time when you don't have to. It also adds a different, PvP way to play each class, adding depth to the game for those who want to PvP in an arena setting without making all of the PvE-ers worry "god I wonder what they're going to eff up with my class next patch."


this game already does this. certain skills work differently in pvp or dont work at all.

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post a thread where they said its coming? till then stop making assumptions...


you can think arenas take skill all you want...


LOL... This isnt battlefield 3

It's a reasonable assumption, without rated pvp most of the people who enjoy pvping will eventually get bored of doing the same 3 warzones (2 of which are already rip-offs of sota and battle for gilneas in WoW) and just move on to a different game.


And yeah arena takes skill, more than anything else in an MMO. PvE isn't hard at all, the only thing that's hard is getting people to stop playing with their ***** long enough to realize they're standing in fire. Random BGs are fun but take no skill overall, whichever team has less AFKers and less downies wins no matter what.


Arena takes organization and tactics to get a kill on the enemy team, you actually have to use your brain when you're doing arena. Most people who hate arena just suck at it or are to stupid to handle it, simple as that.

Edited by GregMD
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It's a reasonable assumption, without rated pvp most of the people who enjoy pvping will eventually get bored of doing the same 3 warzones (2 of which are already rip-offs of sota and battle for gilneas in WoW) and just move on to a different game.


And yeah arena takes skill, more than anything else in an MMO. PvE isn't hard at all, the only thing that's hard is getting people to stop playing with their ***** long enough to realize they're standing in fire. Random BGs are fun but take no skill overall, whichever team has less AFKers and less downies wins no matter what.


Arena takes organization and tactics to get a kill on the enemy team, you actually have to use your brain when you're doing arena. Most people who hate arena just suck at it or are to stupid to handle it, simple as that.


And said people getting bored by three warzones won't get bored doing ONE arena over and over again. You, Sir, are a genius! Pray, are you a consultant by any chance?


Rated warzones > arena. Deathmatch is so 90s.

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And said people getting bored by three warzones won't get bored doing ONE arena over and over again. You, Sir, are a genius! Pray, are you a consultant by any chance?


Rated warzones > arena. Deathmatch is so 90s.


thats an opinion. im sure many share it. does that mean the people who think arenas > rated warzones should not be able to play arena?


should the people who want something not get it because there are people out there that dont want it.


what a conundrum.


its like its gonna hurt soooooooooo bad if they introduce an arena and people have fun at it BUT YOU DONT.


oh man thats gonna hhhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttttttttt.


"i dont like it therefore no one can do it"


^ cool story.


this is a proposed addition. its not taking any of your precious away.


^ cooler story.

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And said people getting bored by three warzones won't get bored doing ONE arena over and over again. You, Sir, are a genius! Pray, are you a consultant by any chance?


Rated warzones > arena. Deathmatch is so 90s.

No they won't. It's the competition and the false sense of superiority you get when you **** on kids that attracts people to arena. WoW has had pretty much the same 5 arenas forever (I know they were released at different points, my point remains valid) yet people continue to do them over and over every season.


I like the concept of rated warzones (rated huttball would be fun as hell imo) but as WoW has proven, no one really gives a **** about rated BGs.

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what i dont understand is why people just come around to say no to a proposed addition.


again its like the space battles. BW initially said no space battles, then they added it and people were mad because it was on rails. at least u got space combat.


now to arenas. if you dont like arenas dont play them. YOUR PROBLEM IS SOLVED.


the only thing i can think of is that you would rather the new content team spent time developing something ELSE.


so instead of being wow cry trolls and saying "lol, no." why dont you say something like:


"i dont like arenas, i would prefer to see the devs work on xyz"


saying no to a proposed addition is like saying no to getting a free ten dollar bill because u really wanted two five dollar bills.

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what i dont understand is why people just come around to say no to a proposed addition.


again its like the space battles. BW initially said no space battles, then they added it and people were mad because it was on rails. at least u got space combat.


now to arenas. if you dont like arenas dont play them. YOUR PROBLEM IS SOLVED.


the only thing i can think of is that you would rather the new content team spent time developing something ELSE.


so instead of being wow cry trolls and saying "lol, no." why dont you say something like:


"i dont like arenas, i would prefer to see the devs work on xyz"


saying no to a proposed addition is like saying no to getting a free ten dollar bill because u really wanted two five dollar bills.


That is because it sets the direction the game is/will head. If i wanted to play WoW I would play WoW. I'd rather see TOR try a different approach. I'll give you an example from LotRO:


Originally you had to travel to the instances to do them. To me it was part of the world feel. Now they 'fixed' it to be in line with what that-other-game offers: click a button, start the instance. Many people will probably disagree but everyone in my guild agreed that it was a step in the wrong direction.


I don't want ToR to be e-Sports. I want it to be a world and would rather see changes in THAT direction.

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