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Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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Heck, for all we know, Bioware may not actually count a sub as cancelled until 30 days after they have actually cancelled.


People, I hope you do realize that companies can use whatever form of numbers crunching they want to make a certain number look good.


If there were actually 1.7 million people subbed to this game, it would be noticeable as walk the planets. They are mostly ghost towns, so take the '1.7 million" with a grain of salt.


Wrong. If you break down the numbers it means on average there are 775 people on a server any given hour between both factions.


Only fools think 1.7m log in at the same time.

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Heck, for all we know, Bioware may not actually count a sub as cancelled until 30 days after they have actually cancelled.


People, I hope you do realize that companies can use whatever form of numbers crunching they want to make a certain number look good.


If there were actually 1.7 million people subbed to this game, it would be noticeable as walk the planets. They are mostly ghost towns, so take the '1.7 million" with a grain of salt.


They're ghost towns because the playerbase is currently all spread out. On many different planets, in instances, on the fleet. Not to mention that may of the zones are massive. Playing on Alderaan last night there were apparently 50 other people Republic side also on the planet (this was after midnight). But the zone is so big and since a lot of the content is in instanced areas, I saw maybe 12 other people over 2 hours, including Imperials.

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Heck, for all we know, Bioware may not actually count a sub as cancelled until 30 days after they have actually cancelled.


People, I hope you do realize that companies can use whatever form of numbers crunching they want to make a certain number look good.


If there were actually 1.7 million people subbed to this game, it would be noticeable as walk the planets. They are mostly ghost towns, so take the '1.7 million" with a grain of salt.


where the heck do you find these ghosttowns everyone keep talking about? i play rep on an imp server (have an alt there too). i always see people. sometimes when i want to be alone i just try to hide and not always succeed. Voss is a gank fest, had to help my wife twice and spent about an hour hunting a beatch who ganked me on 2 elites (succeeded tho).


What are you talking about, i dont get it. Oh and we are not even "very heavy" server, usually just heavy in the prime time.

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Caught up to you again Troll, you can be found in various threads repeating your malicious story.

Blizzard forbids you to rest after they heard the news of SWTOR's current success?


Lol, yes... you caught me. Certainly I must be paid by Blizzard to inform everyone of how bad this game is. It's much more simplistic than the fact that it actually is a terrible MMO.


If you actually feel there are 1.7 million people subbed to this game, more power to you. You have more faith than I.

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Wrong. If you break down the numbers it means on average there are 775 people on a server any given hour between both factions.


Only fools think 1.7m log in at the same time.


Let's see... 17 on Imperial fleet... 3 on Ilum... 1 on Correlia... oh man I'm gonna need a lot of planets to add up to 775!

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Wrong. If you break down the numbers it means on average there are 775 people on a server any given hour between both factions.


Only fools think 1.7m log in at the same time.


Yup, lets do the math


1.7 million. About 20% play during the prime time hours (3-4 hour window on a server)

That is 340,000 playing during the prime time

225 servers right?

That is about 1500 players per server on the average

Divide by 2 for the faction, ( I know some servers have more then a 1:1 ratio)

That is about 750 people per side during prime time hours.


i will admit, at this point they have to many servers. This many servers was needed when everyone and their dog had no school and work during a major holiday, but now people are back to work and school and we no longer need this many servers.

Edited by Wolfeisberg
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Heck, for all we know, Bioware may not actually count a sub as cancelled until 30 days after they have actually cancelled.


People, I hope you do realize that companies can use whatever form of numbers crunching they want to make a certain number look good.


If there were actually 1.7 million people subbed to this game, it would be noticeable as walk the planets. They are mostly ghost towns, so take the '1.7 million" with a grain of salt.


There are 1 million unique log ins per day each averaging 4 hours game time, that should also add some perspective, it's very unlikely that it's the same million logging in every day, far from it.

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There are 1 million unique log ins per day each averaging 4 hours game time, that should also add some perspective, it's very unlikely that it's the same million logging in every day, far from it.


Where doe that statistic come from? can we have a link?

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Some figures on server population and why you're wrong if you think the supposedly low numbers where you happen to be at any given time mean anything.


Total Subscribed:

1,700,000 (1.7 million)


Total Servers (EU and US):



Average Players per server (assumes even distribution):



Zones (planets plus fleets, does not include instances or ships):



Average Players per zone (assuming 100% of subscribed players online and even distribution across zones):



Average Players per zone (assuming 25% of subscribed players online and even distribution across zones):




Now, factor in who is on their ship, that there are two factions with different available zones, playtimes and server loads and all of a sudden it doesn't seem outrageous that you might only see 30 people on Alderaan at 11 PM.


Note also that 25% online at any time is actually very unlikely; we do know that there are an average of one million unique logins per day with a four-hour average playtime.

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And you know for a fact that all of group 2 will not renew their subs by march 1st? Who's doing the misleading now?


Right. You are so smart. You got me.


Can you give me any proof that they will? NO. Can I give you any proof that they wont ? NO.


But they have cancelled so most likely they will not come back before Mar 1. Some might but anyone with a brain would consider them not here for that time.

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There are 1 million unique log ins per day each averaging 4 hours game time, that should also add some perspective, it's very unlikely that it's the same million logging in every day, far from it.


I would say most are the same people. Its a new game so most people are playing it every day. Not everyone plays everyday but At least 90% play every day.

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If rift is so great why is it lying dead in a gutter while wow and swtor spit on its corpse. The game even started with over 60 servers at launch, and now its down to 17....


So obviously it must not have been that great?


There are over 60 NA shards. thats not including the EU shards. http://forums.riftgame.com/shard-forums/na-shards/ so now that we are past that what is your point the discussion is about the 1.7 million registered accounts and sub population of SWTOR i made a secondary comment reguarding some ones comment.

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Let's see... 17 on Imperial fleet... 3 on Ilum... 1 on Correlia... oh man I'm gonna need a lot of planets to add up to 775!


96 on my imperial fleet right now which is not bad at all for Noon on an EST server.


BTW, when is your sub up?

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Wrong. If you break down the numbers it means on average there are 775 people on a server any given hour between both factions.


Only fools think 1.7m log in at the same time.


You do know that if you do /who and then put in the planet of it will list everyone on that planet that is your faction. You can also do the ships of your faction and it will tell you everyone on their ship.


You can do that with an imp and a reb and find out how many people on on your server at a certain time. There will be a small margin of error but should not exceed 3%.


So stop trying to say that the players are their but your just cant find them. There are players but not 1.7 I am saying about 1.2 and thats is alot different than what was implied on feb 1st.

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So stop trying to say that the players are their but your just cant find them. There are players but not 1.7 I am saying about 1.2 and thats is alot different than what was implied on feb 1st.


They said 1 million daily.

Edited by daemian
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I would say most are the same people. Its a new game so most people are playing it every day. Not everyone plays everyday but At least 90% play every day.

So stop trying to say that the players are their but your just cant find them. There are players but not 1.7 I am saying about 1.2 and thats is alot different than what was implied on feb 1st.


No offense, but you're as much just guessing as other people. And no, not everyone or 90% is playing or logging in every day, it's common sense and safe to say that.

Edited by dyves
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This has turned into a silly thread.


At least Swtor doesn't have to lie about subs like Blizzard always has.


umm what? Got anything to back that up? Investor would like to know they have been lied to for so many years. The SEC would also like to know if Blizzard have been breaking the law.

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