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Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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Where are they hiding all these people? Prime time has 50 imperials in Ilum and 20 republic at best. The server capacity is freaking joke, world pvp is basically non-existant and warzones are just huttball after huttball after huttball. This on a server which was heavy/full the first weeks after launch. Well gg, you distributed your players over too many servers and apparently mergers aren't gonna happen anytime soon.


If only people had some sort of incentive to play republic, quite obvious that most would choose sith tbh.

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if you look at the chart it states 12/31/12 that was like 6 days after the game released so no one had even paid for the first month yet.


Okay, I know I'm risking an infraction for this, but considering this argument has been brought up time and time again and it has always been pointed out that the sub numbers are current (as in, as of 1 February 2012), I feel that I'm quite justified in saying, "You're an idiot."

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Okay, I know I'm risking an infraction for this, but considering this argument has been brought up time and time again and it has always been pointed out that the sub numbers are current (as in, as of 1 February 2012), I feel that I'm quite justified in saying, "You're an idiot."


Shhh. They cant help it that they are.....you know....a bit slow. ;)

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Electronic Arts is positively glowing about “Star Wars: The Old Republic’s” sales numbers.


Tuesday, during EA’s quarterly earnings call, it was revealed SWTOR had sold more than two million copies and had around 1.7 million people subscribed to the game.


In addition, around 40 percent of those copies were purchased on EA’s new digital distribution service, Origin.


In a prepared statement, CEO John Riccitiello said BioWare Austin’s game was the fastest growing subscription MMO in history.


“We’re incredibly pleased to see this great game from BioWare off to a very strong start,” Riccitiello stated.


CFO Eric Brown said SWTOR’s launch was more successful than they could have ever imagined.


“During the course of December, server performance and stability exceeded our expectations, allowing us to make more product available to our consumers at launch and through the end of the December quarter,” Brown stated.


Because of the game’s success, Brown said EA will increase the momentum and make a bigger marketing push during the fourth quarter of 2012.


President of Labels Frank Gibeau lauded the game’s server stability, saying every MMO that preceded SWTOR had instability issues during launch.


Quoting PCGamer, Gibeau said, ““BioWare hit a big homerun with server stability.”


“In summary: we nailed the launch. Adoption and daily usage among core MMO users are trending very favorably. More people are buying the game and subscribing. More content is on the way,” he later added.


Read more: http://www.myfoxhouston.com/dpp/entertainment/games/120202-star-wars-the-old-republic-sales-numbers-please-ea-hierarchy#ixzz1lHImySMh




:D Haters are scruffy looking nerf herders!

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Okay, I know I'm risking an infraction for this, but considering this argument has been brought up time and time again and it has always been pointed out that the sub numbers are current (as in, as of 1 February 2012), I feel that I'm quite justified in saying, "You're an idiot."


But it is a quarterly report for the quarter that ended 12/31/2011. To me that says that it is based on data from that quarter. Its not like they just click a button and a report like this is automatically generated based on real time data. This kind of thing takes weeks to prepare. I highly doubt that they would just add in Feb 1, 2012 data at the last minute because the ARTICLE date is Feb 1, 2012.

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The last report was about 10.3 million. About half the subs are from Asia but its not anywhere near 80%.


Correct. 12 million in 2010, 11.4 million in May 2011, 11.1 million in June 2011, 10.3 million in Nov 2011, and... silence since then.

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Where are they hiding all these people? Prime time has 50 imperials in Ilum and 20 republic at best. The server capacity is freaking joke, world pvp is basically non-existant and warzones are just huttball after huttball after huttball. This on a server which was heavy/full the first weeks after launch. Well gg, you distributed your players over too many servers and apparently mergers aren't gonna happen anytime soon.


If only people had some sort of incentive to play republic, quite obvious that most would choose sith tbh.


where do you think WoW has it's 4 million in North America?? Not everyone plays every day at the same time.

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Correct. 12 million in 2010, 11.4 million in May 2011, 11.1 million in June 2011, 10.3 million in Nov 2011, and... silence since then.


not entirely silence they have released their first new TV ads in several years and this time featuring Chuck Norris. talk about desperate.

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Frank Gibeau:" We currently have a little over 1.7 million active subscribers. The rest have either not started playing yet or have opted out. "


Opted out to me means that they have not renewed or canceled. Now based on that we take it to mean that then as of Feb 01 we have 1.7 million ACTIVE subs meaning none have opted out.

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EQ 2 peaked at 700 k subs Eq 1 peaked at 400k the difference is EQ1 was launched and expected 40k subs at its peak life. they anhilated the projections. they released Galaxies and anticipated 1 million subs and never got more then 400k. EQ 2 released with a projection of 500k and hit 700 at its prime. WOW projected 250 k and ended up with millions lol. TOR will not hold high numbers for a long haul , I do not believe a word of EA reports until they are legit shareholder reports. 1.7 Active subs Does not equate 1.7 paying subs. just look at the server populations they were full to heavy 3 weeks agao now they all say standard and light at peak times.


Except for right now, 6 pm Pac/9 Eastern, when every server is standard to heavy, except for 9 East Coast servers which are indeed light.


With the increase to server pop they were talking about the other day, that would kind of completely debunk your made up point on server populations.

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But it is a quarterly report for the quarter that ended 12/31/2011. To me that says that it is based on data from that quarter. Its not like they just click a button and a report like this is automatically generated based on real time data. This kind of thing takes weeks to prepare. I highly doubt that they would just add in Feb 1, 2012 data at the last minute because the ARTICLE date is Feb 1, 2012.


Well since the game officially launched on 12/20 with EGA being what, 7 day earlier, want to explain to the class how they can sell 2 million+ units in a little over a month? I mean, what with those number being from 12/31 and 2 1/2 weeks =/= "a little more than a month"



....Didn't think so. Not to mention press releases include financial reports as well as operating metrics(which is what the sub numbers are part of)...two entirely different things.

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Frank Gibeau:" We currently have a little over 1.7 million active subscribers. The rest have either not started playing yet or have opted out. "


Opted out to me means that they have not renewed or canceled. Now based on that we take it to mean that then as of Feb 01 we have 1.7 million ACTIVE subs meaning none have opted out.


Yup. It's quite clear that the 1.7 number is current.


The only people who disagree are emotionally invested in believing that this game is failing.

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Well since the game officially launched on 12/20 with EGA being what, 7 day earlier, want to explain to the class how they can sell 2 million+ units in a little over a month? I mean, what with those number being from 12/31 and 2 1/2 weeks =/= "a little more than a month"
They don't sell units to users; they sell them to vendors, except online through Origin.
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Half of them paying. That means half of 1.7million (850k for those math challenged) are actual subscribers.


So over 2 million sold and more than a million are walking away. Yep. Successful.


At least get your facts right with an article that you yourself post. It says "more than half" which means without a hard number you just pulled 850K out of your rear end.

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I suspect the data is more recent than 12/31, but obviously it's not as recent as 2/1; that's just an obvious fanboy fantasy.


Is English not your native language, or are you just too bloody lazy to read?


Q: Are these 1.7 subscribers paying?

A: Active subscribers means anyone paying or in their trial period. Most of those 1.7m are paying at this point.


Note that phrase "paying at this point?" That means the numbers they're quoting are at the very least after 20 January 2012, since that's when Bioware began to charge our credit cards or activate our game time cards.


Star Wars®: The Old Republic has generated 1.7 million active subscribers and sold through more than 2 million units in a little over one month.


Notice that phrase "in a little over one month?" If the numbers they're quoting are including paying customers, and they are numbers that have occured "in a little over one month," what do you think that says to you?

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Half of them paying. That means half of 1.7million (850k for those math challenged) are actual subscribers.


So over 2 million sold and more than a million are walking away. Yep. Successful.


But thats not what their quarterly states...


Frank Gibeau:" We currently have a little over 1.7 million active subscribers. The rest have either not started playing yet or have opted out. "

Edited by WhiskyJax
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There was no PERSONAL storage in AOC. there was NO auction house at launch. PVP wasnt unplayable because it was broken. Pvp was unplayable because you couldn't actually play it. it was lagged out it was impossible. This game has minor bugs compared to how bad AOC was. Tanks were two shotting people while DPSers couldnt 4 shot The same tank. The UI is bad but not nearly as bad as FF14 I dont remember AOC's to be honest. Ability delay is an aggravation to be sure and it will get fixed. And the UI will be to.


Overall SWTOR was in a MUCH better launch state the AOC or most of its peers. Certainly miles ahead of STO or FF14


thats why im saying its as bad as aoc, drrrrrrr derp derp it has all the problems aoc had and aoc had 1/4 of the money spent on it and it was released a yr to early

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At least get your facts right with an article that you yourself post. It says "more than half" which means without a hard number you just pulled 850K out of your rear end.


It also doesn't say that all of the ones not paying are canceled accounts they could be new accounts not billed yet.

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thats why im saying its as bad as aoc, drrrrrrr derp derp it has all the problems aoc had and aoc had 1/4 of the money spent on it and it was released a yr to early


Its not as bad AOC was. AOC went from 700k to 70k subs by the end of its first month.

Edited by mezlabor
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