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Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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I don't doubt the 1.7 million number.


I also don't doubt that the 1.7 million number includes me even though I've already cancelled and have no plans to renew.


The 1.7 million number can be true and still misleading.


Really, a snapshot in time is nothing but market-speak, even on this level. In 6 months the numbers will really show something. Right now it's just chest-thumping by EA/Bioware.

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Dude you are linking stuff from 2010. The last investors call was 10.3 million.


Again talking out of your ***.


Well then, that explains why I couldn't find any subscription number press releases after 2010!


I guess people really didn't like Wrath/Cata!

Edited by marshalleck
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I didnt think so. You dont want to believe what I say and want to try and use reports to prove me wrong when the reports cannot prove me wrong. They only verify what I say.


Lol you're hilarious. I ask for proof, instead you try to turn it on me and ask me for proof. "My" proof is the financial reports and investors calls that clearly state there are currently 1.7 million active subs. Things may indeed change in the future, as it is as of yet unwritten, but that goes both ways, it could drop below that, it could also grow much higher, or it could stay relatively the same. No one knows, all we know is that right now, there are indeed 1.7 million subs.


You can choose to believe that EA is lying, knowing full well the consequences of doing so. Believe whatever you want.

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Funny I was there for AOC and I remember that launch being an order of magnitude worse then this worse. I mean not even in the same league.


i put it on par with aoc, with how much isnt working how much game breaking stuff is still in

and will be in for months to come


im sick and tired of trying to get my daily pvp done and wins not counting how freaking hard is it to fix it they have had 4-5 months yess..... it was in beta

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This is true and a large part of why i do not think we will be seeing the game mechanics get richer and more indepth. i believe the diffculty lvl will stay very watery. though im critical i do think the game will be successful.


Agreed. I wont stick around for long but I never do with mmos anyways. Maybe GW2 that looks interesting but maybe not. I have a feeling in a year this game will be over run with children.

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Well then, that explains why I couldn't find any subscription number press releases after 2010!


I guess people really didn't like Wrath/Cata!


Well say you what you want about WoW. It lost 1.7 mill subs and still have 8 + million more then tor.

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Lol you're hilarious. I ask for proof, instead you try to turn it on me and ask me for proof. "My" proof is the financial reports and investors calls that clearly state there are currently 1.7 million active subs. Things may indeed change in the future, as it is as of yet unwritten, but that goes both ways, it could drop below that, it could also grow much higher, or it could stay relatively the same. No one knows, all we know is that right now, there are indeed 1.7 million subs.


You can choose to believe that EA is lying, knowing full well the consequences of doing so. Believe whatever you want.


Straw <------ Grasping <-----------Missing<-------continue to fall.


They have nothing else. The haters swung for the bleachers and have just been pitched the strike out ball. They are trying to safe a little face desperately.

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i put it on par with aoc, with how much isnt working how much game breaking stuff is still in

and will be in for months to come


im sick and tired of trying to get my daily pvp done and wins not counting how freaking hard is it to fix it they have had 4-5 months yess..... it was in beta


Not even close to AoC level of fail.


Ilum sucks but it works mostly. the Border Kingdoms didn't work at all. It was an unplayable slideshow.


The GTN interface is bad but we launched with it. AOC didn't launch at all with personal storage or an auction house.


The class balance may not be quite there yet. Healers and Tanks in AOC were out dpsing pure dps classes.


This game has some frame rate loss and stuttering. Aoc was blue-screening ati video cards. And even if you didn't blue screen lots of people were experience frame rates as low as 5fps.


You van level two characters on this game without running into any repeated content. AOC you ran out of quests in the 40s and in the 70s.


It was ridiculous. The game was way way worse. you can't put them on par.

Edited by mezlabor
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Lol you're hilarious. I ask for proof, instead you try to turn it on me and ask me for proof. "My" proof is the financial reports and investors calls that clearly state there are currently 1.7 million active subs. Things may indeed change in the future, as it is as of yet unwritten, but that goes both ways, it could drop below that, it could also grow much higher, or it could stay relatively the same. No one knows, all we know is that right now, there are indeed 1.7 million subs.


You can choose to believe that EA is lying, knowing full well the consequences of doing so. Believe whatever you want.


No fooling I know there are 1.7 million active subs. The difference is you think all 1.7 million of them are going to resub again and are likeing and playing the game. Thats where you are wrong.


The 1.7 million includes people who have cancelled their accounts but the time has not ran out, it also includes the players that have bought the game and are on the first (free month).


So 1.7 million is not the amount of people playing and that like the game but instead the people who like and enjoy the game and the people who have cancelled their accounts but still have active time left and includes the people that are still on the free month and havent made up their mind if they are going to resub or not.

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i put it on par with aoc, with how much isnt working how much game breaking stuff is still in

and will be in for months to come


im sick and tired of trying to get my daily pvp done and wins not counting how freaking hard is it to fix it they have had 4-5 months yess..... it was in beta


this is no where near the state AOC was at release.

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Not even close to AoC level of fail.


Ilum sucks but it works mostly. the Border Kingdoms didn't work at all. It was an unplayable slideshow.


The GTN interface is bad but we launched with it. AOC didn't launch at all with personal storage or an auction house.


The class balance may not be quite there yet. Healers and Tanks in AOC were out dpsing pure dps classes.


This game has some frame rate loss and stuttering. Aoc was blue-screening ati video cards. And even if you didn't blue screen lots of people were experience frame rates as low as 5fps.


It was ridiculous. The game was way way worse. you can't put them on par.



no guild bank, no ui options at all end game content not working and looting issues cant even freaking pass items to people. pvp is terrible not balanced not working

no combat logs and game breaking animations (stupid delays and response times)


i could go on and on and on......like with aoc so much crap......



rift was 100000 times better than this if only rift had freakin glowing sticks and a story like tihs you would all be there

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How come this thread hasn't been closed yet, it doesn't offer any constructive feed back what so ever, but a thread on needing charcter transfer or a cross server LFG system is closed faster then it was opned. I don't know I think the 1.7 million is from the first month and looking at how much less thread posts are becoming and how most servers are on standard i think this game is in trouble by next month (3/20/12) I doubt if this game will have 500K active accounts.
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They didn't lie about the 1.7 million number.


Do you understand the consequences EA would have for lying on the conference call? Do you understand that the SEC reviews EA's books? Do you understand that if the numbers don't add up EA will be DELISTED from the Stock Market? DO you understand that a stock being delisted from the stock market is way worse then just publishing bad sub numbers?


And finally your anecdotal evidence =/= the 1.7 million figure quoted in an INVESTOR CONFERENCE CALL.


  1. EA says 2 million copies sold.
  2. EA says 1.7 million active subscriptions.
  3. EA then says "the majority are paying".


What everyone seems to miss, and the fanboys gush about and gloss over, are the latter two points. Majority paying = 850,000 + 1. Not 1.7 million. What EA said on the investor call, was likely factual. It was not, however, evidence of a "wild success" as others gush about and claim. That evidence won't be in our hands for another couple of months, when they release information about subscriber *retention* rates, and *exact* numbers of *paying* subscriptions. Because technically, every single account that signs up to play the game provides a credit card as some form of payment... but that doesn't cover what happens when people bail. The "paying" portion of the information released, is key. "Majority" of 1.7 million... is not exactly a stellar term. And as I said before... they did NOT say "we're now profitable" or "we''re projecting to break even and start making a profit by X date".


Right now, it's too early to call it a success. It likely will be... but the evidence of that being actual fact is currently thin.

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How come this thread hasn't been closed yet, it doesn't offer any constructive feed back what so ever, but a thread on needing charcter transfer or a cross server LFG system is closed faster then it was opned. I don't know I think the 1.7 million is from the first month and looking at how much less thread posts are becoming and how most servers are on standard i think this game is in trouble by next month (3/20/12) I doubt if this game will have 500K active accounts.


there isnt anything left constructive to say, people have done it 100s of times and they arnt listening

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if they have 2.5 million in a few months ill eat my own ****en foot but if they report 1million or under you ****en eat yours


I ll do you one better, RIFT is one of the best mmos out there, but it wasn't for me.


Swtor is one of the worst mmos out ther, but it is the best match for me. I like the setting, the story, the art design better then any other mmo but when it comes to being a wow (i love wow and just subed for a year) clone its missing to many of the stuff that made wow great: LFG LFR add on, macros, battle net ID, flying mounts, layout, open world, clustred quest, etc.

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Lol you're hilarious. I ask for proof, instead you try to turn it on me and ask me for proof. "My" proof is the financial reports and investors calls that clearly state there are currently 1.7 million active subs. Things may indeed change in the future, as it is as of yet unwritten, but that goes both ways, it could drop below that, it could also grow much higher, or it could stay relatively the same. No one knows, all we know is that right now, there are indeed 1.7 million subs.


You can choose to believe that EA is lying, knowing full well the consequences of doing so. Believe whatever you want.


if you look at the chart it states 12/31/12 that was like 6 days after the game released so no one had even paid for the first month yet.

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no guild bank, no ui options at all end game content not working and looting issues cant even freaking pass items to people. pvp is terrible not balanced not working

no combat logs and game breaking animations (stupid delays and response times)


i could go on and on and on......like with aoc so much crap......



rift was 100000 times better than this if only rift had freakin glowing sticks and a story like tihs you would all be there


There was no PERSONAL storage in AOC. there was NO auction house at launch. PVP wasnt unplayable because it was broken. Pvp was unplayable because you couldn't actually play it. it was lagged out it was impossible. This game has minor bugs compared to how bad AOC was. Tanks were two shotting people while DPSers couldnt 4 shot The same tank. The UI is bad but not nearly as bad as FF14 I dont remember AOC's to be honest. Ability delay is an aggravation to be sure and it will get fixed. And the UI will be to.


Overall SWTOR was in a MUCH better launch state the AOC or most of its peers. Certainly miles ahead of STO or FF14

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  1. EA says 2 million copies sold.
  2. EA says 1.7 million active subscriptions.
  3. EA then says "the majority are paying".


What everyone seems to miss, and the fanboys gush about and gloss over, are the latter two points. Majority paying = 850,000 + 1. Not 1.7 million. What EA said on the investor call, was likely factual. It was not, however, evidence of a "wild success" as others gush about and claim. That evidence won't be in our hands for another couple of months, when they release information about subscriber *retention* rates, and *exact* numbers of *paying* subscriptions. Because technically, every single account that signs up to play the game provides a credit card as some form of payment... but that doesn't cover what happens when people bail. The "paying" portion of the information released, is key. "Majority" of 1.7 million... is not exactly a stellar term. And as I said before... they did NOT say "we're now profitable" or "we''re projecting to break even and start making a profit by X date".


Right now, it's too early to call it a success. It likely will be... but the evidence of that being actual fact is currently thin.

Oh I agree with you there. But I think sub growth from new and old Star Wars Exposure, like the re release of Ep1 in 3d, the release of Star was 1-6 on blu ray, and continued star wars exposure on tv through the clone wars show, will bring in sub numbers that far exceed the people who don't retain their subs.


This is a big start to an MMO with a powerful powerful license behind it. The ability for SWTOR to piggy back on the massive Star Wars media machine will attract easily enough new customers to offset the ones who leave. Like myself and probably you.

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