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Pvp gear nerfs are you freaking kidding?!


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Players that hit 50 and didn't spend any of there time pvping are getting beat beacuse they don't have any gear


Well, see, I do spend a lot of time in PVP but when I hit 50 on my current character it'll be just as powerless as the last characters that got there. Even though this one will hit 50 and valor rank 50 at the same time. The last one only made it to Centurion and the one before only to Gladiator. But I have nothing to show for it - about the only thing I can buy for all that time spent is level 40 equipment and level 46 weapons, and I'm facing a significant amount of time where I just suddenly drop in effectiveness and PVP suddenly is just less fun than it used to be. I'm not complaining specifically about people out-gearing me while I get actual PVP experience, but why would I even log on to my level 50 characters if I know I'll have way more fun on the lower level ones? If it comes to this kind of situation then something is broken, plain and simple.


Time spent on PVP has nothing at all to do with it. It's only time spent on PVP after level 50 that counts, and that is on top of all things affected by faction imbalance and silly things like kill trading/spawn camping on Ilum are worth more than actual PVP. Of course, because level 50 pvp is in that kind of state, it's even less interesting to someone who's used to halfway decently balanced PVP before 50.

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I really don't care whether or not the PVE gear is better for PVP, vice-versa. I just think each respective area should scale on time-investment and skill. And if you haven't invested time or skill, you have no right to complain when someone who has facerolls you.
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The irony of this thread is that OP is crying about the value of "hard work" for PvP gear and valor rank...


When we all know damn well this entire "1st season of TOR PvP" is borked to kingdom come due to the fact a series of successive bugs/exploits that allowed players of both factions to gear up into champion gear on ilum 1.0 and then allowed players of one faction to milk ridiculous amounts of valor in no time and start getting BM gear way way sooner than planned.


how did Ilum get anyone any gear if I may ask ?


cause, you know, the only thing on ilum that gets you gear is the Daily/Weekly quest.


sure, you might argue that people have gotten to BM faster(which is bulls*it imo, some people exploited it and all you whiners suddenly cry "EVERY BM DID IT !!!111!1!1!!") but thats about it.

BM gear still is hard to come by given the fact that you can only get 2 BM bags per day and those reward a BM token only 30% of the time from my experience.


imo Bioware is going too casual with this change ... free gear is what it essentially is.


Im fine if they increase the droprates but put some damn valor requirements on the gear at the same time.

Centurion = Req. Valor 40

Champion = Req. Valor 50

Battlmeaster = Req. Valor 60(which allready is in place)

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there is no bigger CAREBEAR than the dedicated pvp er who rolls his toons on a PVE server


I always play on PVP, but!

If he rolls PVE he loses out on...


Contested Zone PVP in zones other than Ilum.


That is all.

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I'm on a pvp server. I pvp in pve gear. I don't need the expertise to make me good.

You prove my point, that ALL PvE carebears care about (when asking for a nerf on PvP gear) is using their wellfare epics in PvP, which are called PvE Tx gear in this game. They want this in order to have an edge over PvPers and thus cover their lack of PvP skill, in most cases.


If you don't need expertise to be good in pvp, then we agree that no nerf is needed to PvP gear. End of story.


Delicious tears.

Aye, same carebear tears that have been fueling our ships in EvE since 2002.



P.S. Btw, instead of trying to get PvP gear nerfed, maybe try to fix PvP so it's more skill based? Maybe change Ilum daily quest objectives (I have been asking for this since ever) to encourage small scale PvP, since mass PvP is a joke in this game AS this game was clearly not made with mass PvP in mind and we ALL knew that?

Edited by Lord_Indomitus
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It sounds like they are going to lower the gap in power between top-end gear and bottom-of-the-tree stuff. What is so tragic about it? It means you will **** a little less, yes. You will still be more powerfull then a fresh 50, just not as much as right now.


You speak of "serious nerfs" when you have no idea what is going to be changed and how. Quit freaking out/take your pills?


It's fine and dandy to close the gap; however, lowering the stats on the current gear is not ideal. Rakata/Columi gear is actually just barely a step down from the current battlemaster/champ gear in pvp. Nerfing the pvp gear will make pve gear better for pvp. If that's going to be the case, may as well just delete expertise, and equalize battlemaster to rakata, columi to champ, tionese to centurion - in every way.

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gettin centurion quickly and getting about 500 expertise is very good for new 50's. i wish it was there when i just turned 50. but now i have champion items. I still need implant, lightsaber, helm, upper armor, belt and bracers.

but what will happen now.

it was already quite bad when I turned 50, because i could play ONLY against 50's. and most of those 50's had already grinded PvP equipment from warzones when they were level 10-50, so for new people it was already more difficult, just like being level 10 again.

and now when i feel like level 30 in 50's, i will probably have to stay it for so long because ill have to get centurion gear..


they should make some ways to get champion commendations..

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So let me get this straight,


People who dedicate 75% or more of there time in game to pvp just to get the gear and strategies down in the warzones.Now have all there hard work and time spent absolutely dumped on because?


Players that hit 50 and didn't spend any of there time pvping are getting beat beacuse they don't have any gear



NO CRAP ! You didn't spend anytime toward it why would you expect to be able to compete against people who spent a majority of there daily time online even before 50 pvping?!


Time and time again I see people with valor ranks less than 20 WHINING and crying in the warzones about getting beat by people who were better geared.




What about the countless number of people who are geared in pvp and barely have any Columi/Rakata gear!? I only have 2 pieces of PVE Gear - So someone who's pvp'd twice or maybe 3 times with no pvp gear


BUT - A full set of columi gear can hold there own agiasnt a person who's valor 65 and worked extremely hard just to get geared out in battlemaster gear.


Thats ridiculous I agree that people should be on a level playing field in PVP but they should HAVE TO WORK FOR IT JUST LIKE WE DID.


Handing them a free ride doesn't fix the fact that they didn't put in the time and I know this is long winded but GIVE ME A BREAK this is BS


Sorry umad, bruh.

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Where does it say that they're going to nerf anything?


What I read is that they want to close the gap a little. Yeah that's possible with a nerf, but it's also possible by re-introducing the blue level 50 PVP gear or by giving us a chance to buy Centurion gear early or something like that. In both cases, we'll also have to work for it, so other than the fact that this is Bioware and that company has a particular history of making specific bad decisions, I see no reason to be offended just yet?

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dont know why all this whinging is going on the game is way too easy anyway, lvling in TOR for an mmo is a joke ,

Just give everyone all the gear they want, BW might as well they dumbed down everything else


just fix ilum and make it so you can have mass pvp without watching a slideshow and you might just keep the intrest of a few people for more than 2 months .

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how did Ilum get anyone any gear if I may ask ?


cause, you know, the only thing on ilum that gets you gear is the Daily/Weekly quest.


sure, you might argue that people have gotten to BM faster(which is bulls*it imo, some people exploited it and all you whiners suddenly cry "EVERY BM DID IT !!!111!1!1!!") but thats about it.

BM gear still is hard to come by given the fact that you can only get 2 BM bags per day and those reward a BM token only 30% of the time from my experience.


imo Bioware is going too casual with this change ... free gear is what it essentially is.


Im fine if they increase the droprates but put some damn valor requirements on the gear at the same time.

Centurion = Req. Valor 40

Champion = Req. Valor 50

Battlmeaster = Req. Valor 60(which allready is in place)


Whether or not all did the exploit or just a portion is ultimately irrelevant.


The unexpectedly fast progression skewed balance and since PvP rewards only success the rich faction gets richer while the poor faction lags even further behind.


And it's not down to individual effort. There is a vast difference in queing up for solo WZes for an imp as opposed for a rep on pvp servers. Cos % speaking chances are quite a bit higher you'll pug with geared/valored players on the imp side, thus increasing the rate of valor/gear accumulation for the newbie imp 50, compounding the problem further.



If they ever hope to start fixing the faction inbalance they needed to make this change.


Cos atm, nomatter what fluff incentive, even a reasonably geared (champion decked) and valored imp player would be a bit loco to reroll republic on a pvp server, which will ultimately be their goal.

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just fix ilum and make it so you can have mass pvp without watching a slideshow and you might just keep the intrest of a few people for more than 2 months .

That's just impossible and it;s not needed in a fluffy, PvE game that will die. Just wait for GW2 and if that sucks too (for PvE), back to EvE.


Btw, I am just PvPing... but I had my first HM instance yesterday with my PvEing buddies, it was BT. It's funny how easy it is, especially trash... you can solo-faceroll trash. It's also amazingly BUGGY, did they let Mythic do the PvE? haha. Like, one bug/exploit for every boss, like in Warhammer hahaha.


And about the SWTOR "harcore" PvErs, a guy I PvP with a lot, got kicked out of the guild by a (self named ofc) harcore PvE guild in my server because he failed at EXPLOITING the boss and wiped the team, haha. They told him that they all are experienced gamers and he should had known in what kind of guild he was getting into.


Hardcore SWTOR guild is hardcore, if you fail at EXPLOITING you get KICKED!


It's so funny... Another funny story... Semi hardcore PvErs roll guilds on a CASUAL PVE GAME, we all knew it's such a game. They do that MOSTLY to be "that" guild or to be "that" person they can't be in some other game, with serious, competitive PvE. Then they burst through easy mode content exploiting and overgearing the content, then they whine about lack of content... LOL

Edited by Lord_Indomitus
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I am really wondering what you 'with all the time I spent on getting gear' people did with all that time. AFK in warzones? Dance in front of the rep base on Ilum? You SHOULD have an experience and training advantage over those derps who are fresh 50s. Why do you need that crutch? Are you really that bad in PvP that you must be so afraid of gear equalization?


Dunno if I should laugh or feel sory for generation WOW, where gear is the be all and end all.

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Otherwise it just turns into an Esport, where newbies lose and veterans win, until, by some slow, tedious process the newbie manages to make it to being a veteran through toil and turmoil that is not inherent...


This is called skill gap. Skill gap gives people who haven't polished their skill something to achieve and aspire to. How can you see this as a bad thing? The counter-strike community has survived on this very concept and is one of the single most successful, and healthy, communities in gaming history. 1.6 is STILL played as the main competitive e-sport and has a huge amount of servers purchased monthly. Watering down the games just leads us to what cs:s and call of duty have become, stale, stagnant, and boring to play with out the skill gap.


Also, ungeared 50's with any semblance of a brain can still have an impact in WZ's if they know their class. When i fresh dinged 50 on my shadow, I had no issues acquiring medals and even MvP votes because I utilized my toons strengths and avoided situations which exploited my weaknesses, ie: picking important targets, utilizing cc's properly to interrupt healers, capping points and my personal favorite, spamming taunts even though I'm infil spec to lower the damage done to my better geared 50 partners. Utilizing these strengths landed me valor, and only one piece off of full champ gear in only 2 and a half weeks. I'm sure any other class can find a way to do the same, even if it means a temporary respec to do so.


I very rarely will say this statement because it's complete troll, but seriously, people need to simply learn to play. Catering any game solely to casuals leads to stupid ******** like kill and death streaks ala call of duty garbage post cod2.

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It's gonna be a nerf that rivals the one to slicing.


That doesn't sound bad? The slicing nerf basically changed a button that took x credits from you and gave you back x*2 or something like that after half an hour to a button that doesn't just make you credit-rich automatically anymore...

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When i fresh dinged 50 on my shadow, I had no issues acquiring medals and even MvP votes because I utilized my toons strengths and avoided situations which exploited my weaknesses, ie: picking important targets, utilizing cc's properly to interrupt healers, capping points and my personal favorite, spamming taunts even though I'm infil spec to lower the damage done to my better geared 50 partners.


What you're saying is that you can choose utility over doing damage in battles and still be useful, which is true. However, not every class has the same kind of options that a shadow has. I'm pretty sure I could be useful on my shadow if I play naked just because taunts, guard, CC and force pull/wave and all that will do exactly the same thing completely regardless of gear. Now try it on a scoundrel/operative and you have a class that's designed to be either burst damage or heal focused not being able to use most of their abilities as efficiently, since aside from a bit of cc and interrupting, everything is affected by gear. Then go look at one of the pure DPS classes that live on their gear and their gear alone, like gunslingers/snipers or sentinels/marauders and it gets even worse.

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So let me get this straight,


People who dedicate 75% or more of there time in game to pvp just to get the gear and strategies down in the warzones.Now have all there hard work and time spent absolutely dumped on because?


Players that hit 50 and didn't spend any of there time pvping are getting beat beacuse they don't have any gear



NO CRAP ! You didn't spend anytime toward it why would you expect to be able to compete against people who spent a majority of there daily time online even before 50 pvping?!


Time and time again I see people with valor ranks less than 20 WHINING and crying in the warzones about getting beat by people who were better geared.




What about the countless number of people who are geared in pvp and barely have any Columi/Rakata gear!? I only have 2 pieces of PVE Gear - So someone who's pvp'd twice or maybe 3 times with no pvp gear


BUT - A full set of columi gear can hold there own agiasnt a person who's valor 65 and worked extremely hard just to get geared out in battlemaster gear.


Thats ridiculous I agree that people should be on a level playing field in PVP but they should HAVE TO WORK FOR IT JUST LIKE WE DID.


Handing them a free ride doesn't fix the fact that they didn't put in the time and I know this is long winded but GIVE ME A BREAK this is BS


been out a month bill bro baggins

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