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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.1.2 PvP bag changes.


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unsubbed, problem fixed. (all pvp problems resolved in a few mouse clicks).


One of my toons has four full sets of champ gear, but no champ hat, got my BM hat before this system changed (still no champ hat, but who cares now, I had a centurion hat with cannibalized champ mods). I think the system is moving more in the right direction, but every single thing BW does (and does not do) proves they are not only completely clueless about PvP, but also have no one seriously playing the game for any pvp reasons. They make no efforts beyond a bare minimum to fix any of the many, many problems that plague the overall pvp in this game. With this move with the bags it shows that they are not going to fix the completely unplayable (on my server) ilum or the forced pug warzones in any way that is needed or wanted, but in some skewed perspective from their own (should be fired) testers and pvp developers.


I suppose I should have expected this when they brought in a fail group of devs from a fail set of games for the pvp in this game.


PvP is dead, only solution is to unsub. enough do, they might actually start to listen.


I would come back if the system was fixed, but I hold little hope that BW even has a clue as to what is really wrong.

Edited by PandaVello
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Really Bioware? You just don't get it.




So, to fix the issue, you are going make everyone that isn't 50 yet or just hit 50 so far behind, that they minimal chance to succeed. This change will make a ridiculous gear gap for months. The gap between centurion and champion gear is too big for this kind of change. Not to mention, you are making it even more RNG dependent. We want less RNG.


It's easier to get geared now as Centurion gear is much MUCH easier to get. Two of my companions are now in FULL CENTURION gear on account of how easy it's become to farm Centurion gear.


Did you really expect they'd be handing out full Champion/Battlemaster sets to fresh 50s?

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It's easier to get geared now as Centurion gear is much MUCH easier to get. Two of my companions are now in FULL CENTURION gear on account of how easy it's become to farm Centurion gear.


Did you really expect they'd be handing out full Champion/Battlemaster sets to fresh 50s?


Yeah its barely worth giving it to companions. Centurion gear is garbage. The expertise on it isnt enough to warrant the purchase.

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Yeah its barely worth giving it to companions. Centurion gear is garbage. The expertise on it isn't enough to warrant the purchase.


Disagree... the expertise on the cent gear does improve survivability I last longer against the same people that melted me prior to gearing up. I'm almost fully cent and it's definatly making a difference...

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Yeah its barely worth giving it to companions. Centurion gear is garbage. The expertise on it isnt enough to warrant the purchase.


did you even try centurion ? I got 600 expertise with mostly centurion.

Edited by Thotor
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Good. Sometimes people can go days without getting even one battlemaster commendation for alot of hard work(republic that is)So that 25% chance sometimes is a little off.


There is no way in Hell the drop rate is 25%. More like 10% or less. I have a War Hero 70+ player in my Guild still missing 6 pieces.

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BW should do this:

1. keep wz/merc comms the way it is, or drop merc comms all together

2. centurion requires 40 valor, champ 50, BM 60... or some other set valor req

3. champ gear costs X wz/merc comms + centurion item of same type.


for example: if I want a champ helmet; it will cost me X comms + centurion helmet.


This would give pvpers steady progression from cent to champ to BM. And if BW wants to add some element of randomness to the system, they can do it in the form of extra comms or earpiece, implants, and relics. But dont make the entire gear system SOLELY dependent on randomness.

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Let me just point this out, since there's confusion about it.


The 1.1.2. bag changes have reduced the RNG element on drops DRAMATICALLY. Exactly what you guys asked for.


Instead of hoping to get specific item tokens, you now get (more) commendations that you can turn into an item of your choice. That is a lot more deterministic and reliable than opening bags and hoping for a token.


-- Georg


So BM commendations are still RNG and as of late broken. IE, those that exploited / kill traded their way to lvl 60 valor in the first month of the game will continue to retain their advantage until BW's failed patching is fixed.

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It's obvious from comments here that the patch note is not specific enough, so we'll get it updated before the patch goes to the live servers. Here are some specifics:


Champion Bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations AND 7 Champion Commendations. Battlemaster Bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations. So Centurion gearing up progression for new level 50s is increased significantly and Champion gearing up progression will be steady.


We do still intend on adding more intro level 50 PvP items as well as change how Battlemaster Commendations operate toward the same 'steady' goal. It's just the scope of that change was more than could be done in a weekly patch as it included vendor changes, conversions to existing commendations on players already, etc.


That being said, the current interim 'gearing up' system will change significantly when we introduce Ranked Warzones (aiming for Game Update 1.2). Stay tuned for more details on that.


- Gabe


BM Bags are not providing BM commendations and are still on your broken RNG system that you claimed you fixed.


Can it be fixed correctly this time around?

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BM Bags are not providing BM commendations and are still on your broken RNG system that you claimed you fixed.


Can it be fixed correctly this time around?


They never said BM Bags would contain BM coms. I still don't get how people think BM Gear will turn them into super uber beings that can destroy all. Here is a hint, if you are getting wrecked in PvP chances are it has nothing to do with the opponents gear. . . (I say that as someone who has a single piece of BM and consistently ranks in the top of all my matches)

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Yeah its barely worth giving it to companions. Centurion gear is garbage. The expertise on it isnt enough to warrant the purchase.


Actually it's one of the best ways to gear your companions. I spent a lot of time upgrading ME while I went through my story, so my guys were very under geared when I got to level 50.


Rather than complain about "IM NOT GETTING WHAT I WANT FROM THE BAGS" I used the stuff I needed and geared my crew out with spare comms and gear. Now I have my healer and secondary DPS in full Centi gear, and my main DPS in full Champ gear and I'm halfway done with BM.


This is what I've managed to do over the last three weeks just doing the pvp dailies and weeklies. I don't even always do the WZ daily as I don't always have time to run three war zones in a day after I do Ilum and some PVE with my friends.


It's no a huge issue....

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BM Bags are not providing BM commendations and are still on your broken RNG system that you claimed you fixed.


Can it be fixed correctly this time around?


BM Bags are working fine. Just because you were unlucky doesn't mean there needs to be changes. You guys got Champ gear GIVEN to you because you were all to lazy to farm bags like everyone else, so now that you're close to getting your easy champ gear, you're now doing the SAME thing for BM gear.


Grow up and invest some time. I've received two BM pieces (4comms) between Sat and Tuesday (9 bags total) Granted that's probably very lucky, but it's not broken.

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They never said BM Bags would contain BM coms. I still don't get how people think BM Gear will turn them into super uber beings that can destroy all. Here is a hint, if you are getting wrecked in PvP chances are it has nothing to do with the opponents gear. . . (I say that as someone who has a single piece of BM and consistently ranks in the top of all my matches)


Here's a news flash Ego Boy. I never said I was getting wrecked in PVP. I am fully Champ Geared out and do just fine. However that does not mean I have to like the RNG system for BM Commendations. Especially when many imp peeps gamed the system early before all these bugged changes.


All anyone is asking for, for the most part, is that the system works fairly for everyone. The fact that some peeps open 40 bags and get zero BM comms is garbage game design. Others opening 4 bags and getting 3 comms is garbage.


If anything they could do the following. Make BM gear have costs similar to champ gear and provde 5 comms per bag. Also provide an exchange rate for Cent Comms to Champ and Champ to BM.



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Wow you basicly got easy mode for gear, welfare epics and still ************. Nothing will make any of you scrubs happy.


Gear is sadly easy to obtain, and makes the game boring.


Next patch, 1.2 = Give everyone blue frogs in the mail right, will that make you happy?


Agreed. It's pathetic the levels that carebears will QQ. This change is very good for peeps that need Centurion and Champ gear, especially if they were unlucky pre-change (like my toon).


Unfortunately, Battlemasters are still screwed. The RNG has to go, but I appreciate the change will take a bit more time considering there was no existing mechanic in game to easily switch to like that which exists for Cent/Champ stuff.

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Same boat as you. Right off the bat I saw the difference. I was getting my rear handed to me so fast. I kept playing though....doing what I could to help the team. Lost a lot of games, but never gave up. Finally had enough to get a centurion belt. Starting to see a small difference now. (FYI, i'm a MM sniper)


It's all about attitude. Some people just CAN'T stand to lose. Nobody likes losing, but it's so bad in this game. I can't tell you how many games I went to that were just full of deserters. Games happen over and over and I just kept jumping in and doing my part.


The system definitely needs to be fixed. No doubt there, but players CAN play the game and get their gear if they take up the challenge to make the effort. I don't mind players beating me. There will ALWAYS be someone better.


Now, I log in and do what I can to reach my goals. As long as I see progression, I can deal with it.





This is my exact mindset. I was forewarned how abused I'd get. However, funny thing, after two days - starting from literally 0 - I have one Tier 1 and one Tier 2 piece.


I'm horrible in Zergstar. I do great in Huttball but understand I'm more of a support role character (read: I play PvP healer first, barely DPS). I do fine in Alderaan as well.

I got creamed relatively speaking...but the valor still comes, the commendations still come. Gradual, steady progress is made.


My main gripe was they should have rolled back valor/commendations the day after the bug was found. This was after the fact they should have completely shut down Ilum as soon as the bug became known!

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Actually it's one of the best ways to gear your companions. I spent a lot of time upgrading ME while I went through my story, so my guys were very under geared when I got to level 50.


Rather than complain about "IM NOT GETTING WHAT I WANT FROM THE BAGS" I used the stuff I needed and geared my crew out with spare comms and gear. Now I have my healer and secondary DPS in full Centi gear, and my main DPS in full Champ gear and I'm halfway done with BM.


This is what I've managed to do over the last three weeks just doing the pvp dailies and weeklies. I don't even always do the WZ daily as I don't always have time to run three war zones in a day after I do Ilum and some PVE with my friends.


It's no a huge issue....


Easy to say when you're imperial and can horde play on Illum all day.


Reps actually earn their kills on Illum with some tactics fighting out numbered.


Horde Play = Cowbell

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I already have battle master gear and YOU DON'T!!




Thank you so much BIOWARE. I get to kill new level 50s forever. I love you so much. Thank you for listening to me saying that I should be able to kill new people with no challenge over the 1000s of people telling you to end the gear disparity.




Lmao this was pretty funny.

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I really dont understand where people are coming from. This was a really good change...


Since centurion gear was useless to me since I had better gear from elsewhere, I relyed on “luck” to get tokens for champion gear. Fortunately, I got 3 pieces before the change.


Now every time I get a bag, i'm guaranteed progress toward getting champion gear, with still a chance of a token drop. I got my first token in probably 15 bags, but I also was able to buy 2 pieces of gear with it.


Either way, I EARNED what I got. It wasnt by luck anymore. I did my daily and weekly pvp mission and collected the normal amount of bags you get from warzone commendations.


So what's the problem??? People just want crap handed to them without that much effort? I don't understand the fuss...

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Really Bioware? You just don't get it.




So, to fix the issue, you are going make everyone that isn't 50 yet or just hit 50 so far behind, that they minimal chance to succeed. This change will make a ridiculous gear gap for months. The gap between centurion and champion gear is too big for this kind of change. Not to mention, you are making it even more RNG dependent. We want less RNG.


Please go here and read http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=297348


Also note i got full centrion in 4 days, doing dailys and the weeklys. 4 weeks is hardly a long time to get a full set of really good gear. man up.

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It takes 1 week for new fifty to get caught up in gear. What is the problem? I just finished gearing my second companion in complete champion gear. . .


Battlemaster and unemployed?


Never the less with everything taken into conideration -- I like BioWare, I like this game and I like to PvP; the system needs hardcore tweaking and potentially discard the RNG system to PvP-gearing, but I'm going to hang in there and remember to have fun.

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Once you hit 60 is when the real fun begins you start logging on just to dailys to usually not be rewarded with anything useful. 2.5 weeks at Battlemaster has netted me 6 coms. Thanks Bioware.


I have just quit pvp'ing. 3.5 weeks of dailies and weeklies has only netted my companions champ gear. 25 percent my arse.

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