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1.1.2 PvP bag changes.


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I did not cheat for even 1 valor rank, and there are rarely any imperials in illum on my server... i worked my *** off in Warzones for Battlemaster. Ive had to ride around in circles for hours competing with friends for armaments everyday for weeks... I even rode around in circles for hours in smugglers den to get the few extra tokens from the chest there....the most boring place in SWTOR to get geared up. I paid my dues...and PVP should be something you work hard for... why walk in and get ultra geared the first week playing casually? Fine, the games supposed to be fun.... but give us felxibility with battlemaster stuff by trading in other pieces and tokens for it aswell then.
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beside of the topic... i am wondering if most people here actually have no interest in pvp but prefer item hunting and catwalking with their dress.


are there any pvp'ers? hello? anybody out there liking to fight others with similar statslevel?



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beside of the topic... i am wondering if most people here actually have no interest in pvp but prefer item hunting and catwalking with their dress.


are there any pvp'ers? hello? anybody out there liking to fight others with similar statslevel?




I do, the only reason I do PvP in this game is for the joy of PvP. Champion Powertech with 0/5 champion gear btw lol. You are right most ppl do PvP for gear but I have to agree with those ppl too at some points. Like the fact that Ilum sucks and the fact that I saw a rank 14 freshly dinged 50 Sniper opening 3 pcs of the champion set while waiting for Voidstar to open... Cant enjoy my PvP much against every noob that outgears me cause the RNG system is flawed. I still go on doing my PvP though cause I just like the thrill of it.

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I do, the only reason I do PvP in this game is for the joy of PvP. Champion Powertech with 0/5 champion gear btw lol. You are right most ppl do PvP for gear but I have to agree with those ppl too at some points. Like the fact that Ilum sucks and the fact that I saw a rank 14 freshly dinged 50 Sniper opening 3 pcs of the champion set while waiting for Voidstar to open... Cant enjoy my PvP much against every noob that outgears me cause the RNG system is flawed. I still go on doing my PvP though cause I just like the thrill of it.


i do not deny that this random system is frustrating. but in my opinion it is stupid what i hear here from others about "i worked hard for my stuff and now others get it easier....".


the random flaw seems to get addressed. the official statement says this is only a first step and not the end.


but most people (at least on the forums) here seem to not care about pvp but on running after gears and outgearing others as long as possible. this is the CONTRARY OF PVP!!!


this is



I have no real live, now i own you with my virtual gear!


edit: don't get me wrong. i do not think we should get top gear for free. there should be kinda challenging and/or time consuming effort. but man(!!!) it is not a pvp issue if this is getting lowered!

Edited by me_unknown
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The cost of Champion and Centurion items are NOT changing.


The chance for a Battlemaster Commendation to be in a Battlemaster Bag is NOT changing. It is still 25%.


To reiterate the mention in my previous post, we will be changing Battlemaster Commendation drops in a future patch toward the same 'steady' progession goal without changing the overall average time to gear up.


Something like a 20 bag streak without a single Battlemaster Token for me.. as when i was rank 40 and got 28 champion bag streak without an item.. its intentional or what? as now i opened 25 bag and only got 1 Battlemaster Token..

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it's not ideal but's better then it was, considering the champ bags now give 15 cent AND 7 champ comms, pretty sure I read that right..... so the argument of omg make the RNG worse !!!! now i can't finish my champ set out OMG angst !!! 7 champ comm in the cent bags....



Champion bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations and 7 Champion Commendations, and the chance to obtain a direct trade item token has been reduced. Battlemaster bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations.



You know what sounds A LOT better then crossing my fingers and toes for a champ token I most likely already have. They didn't increase the cost of champ gear you can now fill those gaps you're missing easier w/o vendoring the same belt 8 times, crappy centurion comms? uh gear out your companions ? if not yourself? Cent gear is still better then 49 blues, OMG people have to do some actual grinding for their gear.... it's the end of the MMO world as we know it....... Damn you Blizzard for setting the token gear precedent!


I was expecting ..... the moment .....the second..... the instant ! I hit lvl 50 ..... that my Mail box would light up..... and the magic loot fairly would would deliver onto me my full Champion set !!!! but alas........ my disappointment .....

Edited by Drmedic
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As a rank 66 valor the subject commendations are utterly useless to me.


Let me convert them into Stims or something of value...maybe a valor token that gives me a hard fixed number of valor instead of gear.


I already have all three sets of Champion completed and am working as fast as your terrible RNG system allows me to complete my BM gear.


Think about it please.

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you are awful at math if you think there is a 10% difference between BM and Champ.


(Field Tech - Sniper Gear)


87 cunning

101 endurance

46 expertise

29 crit

48 surge


81 cunning

100 endurance

50 expertise

57 power

51 accuracy


+4 expertise (about 7% gain here, but DR makes it almost utterly irrelevant)

6 cunning loss

1 endurance loss

the surge and accuracy are relatively interchangeable - likelyhood though, is youll be yanking that accuracy enhancement to repalce it with crit/surge

crit v power - depends entirely on spec. Again, for most specs, the crit is more necessary.


That's not a 10% stat difference. It's barely 3%, all told, and is actually WORSE for some specs of sniper.


If you total it up over the entire set.. you gain about 60 expertise (not even .5% because of DR) gain maybe 30 endurance, and trade a lot of crit for a lot of power, something youll probably yank and replace.


It's not a big upgrade.


No idea where your getting your math at, but just from the 5 pieces sets the difference in expertise is 230 to 250 from champion to battlemaster. That in itself is a 8.6% increase. Im at work so i cant look at the difference in all the off pieces but the trend is probably around 8.5%.

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Something like a 20 bag streak without a single Battlemaster Token for me.. as when i was rank 40 and got 28 champion bag streak without an item.. its intentional or what? as now i opened 25 bag and only got 1 Battlemaster Token..


Their entire system is borked beyond repair, its actually mildly entertaining to watch them continually stumble. Champ tokes in BM bags are good for 1 thing: companion gearing in the event there is ever a pvp encounter with companions out.



No one with BM valor currently needs or will need any Champ gear, just silly.


Should be centurion tokens until BM, then champ with a small chance to get BM. As it is, everyone is running around in Champ gear -- from valor rank 5 to 65.


As I said, that tomfoolery is mildly entertaining, like watching clowns at the circus.

Edited by Bluetickone
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Ranked Warzones, so are they going to separate the warzones based on your Valor Rank?


If this is true, then they really killed PvP. This means longer PvP queue, which means it is going to take you longer to complete your daily, or get enough Warzone and Merc commendations for the Great Bag. Since Battlemaster is not going to get that steady flow in the near future, the all future Battlemasters are getting the shaft, because of Ranked Warzones, and the Much Longer Queue.


My Advice, get rid of PvP Gear all together. At least everyone will be balanced when it comes to Gear, and you know its not about the gear, but how skilled you are and the team you are in.

Edited by GriggsC
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I only wish i could gear out my companions with this RNG *****.


3 Relicts now and 4 Weapons. And only one Companion can use my Weapontype(s).




In the old System and still current "Bonus" System i still get more out of Centurio Commendation than of RNG Champ stuff. :D

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Their entire system is borked beyond repair, its actually mildly entertaining to watch them continually stumble. Champ tokes in BM bags are good for 1 thing: companion gearing in the event there is ever a pvp encounter with companions out.



No one with BM valor currently needs or will need any Champ gear, just silly.


Should be centurion tokens until BM, then champ with a small chance to get BM. As it is, everyone is running around in Champ gear -- from valor rank 5 to 65.


As I said, that tomfoolery is mildly entertaining, like watching clowns at the circus.


Sorry, there is such as the Gaming Gods hating people...


Currently Valor rank 63.5 - I hit Battlemaster a day before 1.1. I have 189 Centurion Commendations left over after buying the belt, boots, gloves, helm, chest, pants.


The only duplicates I have are one glove, five relics, one pants, one earpiece, one implant, one offhand.


I have opened 44 Battlemaster Bags to date, I have recieved 6 Battlemaster Commendations total.


I am still wearing a Centurion Belt as my last piece, and have just recently bought my Champion Boots. I did not receive a main hand and was using a 49/49/49/49 modded lightsaber, so I used my first 3 BM Commendations for a new main hand.


I know someone in guild who is Valor 64.5 and he is still wearing Centurion belt, boots, and pants, plus he had to buy his BM saber like me, and he has only received 4 BM tokens for his ~40 bags....


So like all statistics, you have your highs and lows, and extreme highs and lows.


I approve of the new system, because it's still a POS, but it's marginally better than the POS they had before.

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This post has been redacted for excessive stupidity. Please do yourself the favor of ACTUALLY READING before posting inane idiocy.


*Edit: I did ^, just in case anyone takes that the wrong way

Edited by Yescek
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No idea where your getting your math at, but just from the 5 pieces sets the difference in expertise is 230 to 250 from champion to battlemaster. That in itself is a 8.6% increase. Im at work so i cant look at the difference in all the off pieces but the trend is probably around 8.5%.



Which has suprisingly little effect overall.

Edited by Fan_Atic
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The cost of Champion and Centurion items are NOT changing.


The chance for a Battlemaster Commendation to be in a Battlemaster Bag is NOT changing. It is still 25%.


To reiterate the mention in my previous post, we will be changing Battlemaster Commendation drops in a future patch toward the same 'steady' progession goal without changing the overall average time to gear up.


What a joke this patch was, you should downright be ashamed of yourself. 7 champion tokens and weapons cost 126? **** with that poor decision making ability. Your whole pvp team has embarrassed themselves.


We can't even fill WZ's on our server, what a damn joke pvp has become yet you constantly make it worse.


Shame on you. Your team is a joke!

Edited by Kurfer
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What a joke this patch was, you should downright be ashamed of yourself. 7 champion tokens and weapons cost 126? **** with that poor decision making ability. Your whole pvp team has embarrassed themselves.


We can't even fill WZ's on our server, what a damn joke pvp has become yet you constantly make it worse.


Shame on you. Your team is a joke!


Sorry you can't be handed a mainhand wep for whatever class you play after a day or 2 like you can all the other items if not you get even more than 1 piece a day.

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No idea where your getting your math at, but just from the 5 pieces sets the difference in expertise is 230 to 250 from champion to battlemaster. That in itself is a 8.6% increase. Im at work so i cant look at the difference in all the off pieces but the trend is probably around 8.5%.


An 8.6% increase in Expertise does translates assuming a linear relationship between expertise and PvP bonuses is at best increasing your effectiveness by 1 or 2% (that's without diminishing returns).


Assuming expertise gives you a 20% PvP bonus, a 10% increase in expertise, assuming a linear relationship, would give you a 22% PvP bonus overall.


Notice that these numbers are *extremely* inflated for example.

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the whole bag system seems kinda silly to me.


bags obtainable valor 1-30 containing cent tokens or a cent item token that just gives you something you can trade info ANY cent item or maybe 2 tokens in the case of weapon(?).


next level of bags valor 31-59 for champion stuff and next 60+ for battle master


At least remove the class requirement from tokens so we can at least use the duplicate tokens on our companions


have all bags cost the same 200 and 200 OR just a flat 800 WZ for a quality of life thing


just my thoughts



with what just went live though, i do like the extra cent tokens and the champ tokens will be easier to fill in the missing pieces and to pimp out my companions in cent gear

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7% incoming..

7% outgoing..

7% increased healing..


Yup, "just" 7%. Oh wait, no its not.


Even assuming no one is healing, that's a 7% increased damage AND a 7% reduced damage, which is a net 14% increase. Erm, that's a huge amount.


You do know that expertise effects all 3 right? Oh, you didnt? My bad.


Actually, if everyone has 7% damage reduction, and 7% damage boost, it cancels out to nothing!!!


You do know that the same numbers going in minus the same exact values going out cancel each other out right? So while you're here trying to act smug, you should've been saying something like, "in the end the only stat of the three that matters is the bonus to healing".


But you didn't. 1.5/10

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The cost of Champion and Centurion items are NOT changing.


The chance for a Battlemaster Commendation to be in a Battlemaster Bag is NOT changing. It is still 25%.


To reiterate the mention in my previous post, we will be changing Battlemaster Commendation drops in a future patch toward the same 'steady' progession goal without changing the overall average time to gear up.


Hopefully someone can correct me, but I thought when I looked last night. The Champion Boots cost was like 36 or 39 champion comendations and now they are 69.


Did I just miss read the cost last night ( entirely possable, was up later then normal ) or did they almost double when this clearly says they were not going to change?

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Skimming this thread has me confused, my Main is at Valor 42, I have 11/13 Champ, 2/13 is Cent, and this change means I will have a full set of Champ very soon...


Champ is the second best set in the game, I see this update as a very very good thing... you can now save up for champ more easily, and have control of what pieces you get and when you get them...


Way too much drama...

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