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Upcoming Sith Inquistor Changes


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Most hybrid assassins stay in darkness charge because we are the softest class in the game without it. With this nerf we cant use abilities vital to our rotations while in darkness charge now. So we will either be full darkness with less utility or one of the other charges where a stiff breeze crushes us. Seems a bit weird that the squishiest class in the game is a melee dps that has to go in harms way to do its job and not a ranged dps that can stand back from the scrum.


Was trying to do the big battles on Ilum yesterday... If I went to the front line I died in seconds. My buddy that is powertech could jump into their group and mess around with them, then run back out again. Just trying to get a kill was hard, I was sitting there buffing just to make sure I got credit.


When melee classes are forced to sit in the back and sidestep combat mechanics just to participate in content there is something wrong with the design overall.


Seeing the patch notes last night there really isn't any point in going anything but 23/0/18, 31/0/10 or <shudder> 30/11/0 maul spam spec. Deception spec is only for pure pve dps and madness is just a gimmick spec.

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So... really all that's happened is that Hybridization is being nerfed. Exactly as I said.


The DPS spec is now SUPPOSED to use the DPS Sabre Charge. What's wrong with this?


And please, there's no need to be so inflammatory. I'm just trying to understand why you guys think the sky is falling.


HOw about sorcs loose bubble and ability to heal unless they go fully into the healing line...


Thats about how much defense and surviability the shadow/assasssin has w/o CT

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I think they're trying to prove they don't make decisions based on the forums.


CM: "Well, the community clearly feels Sorcerers are overpowered. Maybe you guys should take a look at them?"


Gabe: "No. That's... That's what they'd expect us to do. Name one class you've never seen whined about on the forum?"


CM: "Um... Marauders? Sentinels?"


Gabe: "No. I play a Marauder. Name something else."


CM: "Um... Shadow/Assassins."

Gabe: "Brilliant! NERF them! To. The. Ground."


CM: "But... um... no one asked for nerfs for them."


Gabe: "That's precisely why! We'll catch them off-guard and then the advantage will be ours!"


CM: "Wait... are you drunk?"


Gabe: "Yes, yes. Drunk on POWER. UNLIMITED POWER!!!"


rofl! how do i make this post my new sig?

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I have been a big fan of the game since closed beta.. but really bioware? Are you seriouslly going to nerf a class that at best performs on average?


1.Assasins can no longer change stances in battle, this means you can no longer hit hard then switch a tank role. *Expensive move to begin with but not impossible if you conserved energy*


2.Energized droped to 30% but now includes assasinate.. a move already very situational and thus no real boon to energy. It is basicly a straight out 20% nerf to it triggering.


Seems like they want us all to go madness now for some mediocre performance.

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Madness (Shared Tree)


Crackling Charge: Now additionally lowers the cooldown of Discharge while Lightning Charge is active.

Raze: Now triggers from activating melee attacks that hit a target affected by Lightning Charge’s Discharge effect. This effect now triggers more easily but cannot trigger as frequently.

Death Field: Heals the caster for 1% of maximum health for each target struck. This healing effect can no longer crit and no longer consumes Recklessness charges.

Devour: Now doubles the amount of healing generated by Death Field and Parasitism.


source http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=260938




I'm a Sorcerer. I have also played Shadows in Beta and am now leveling an Assassin alt.


I am not phased by this change at all. The 100 force cost to change stance/Charge is probably necessary. It will take no time to adjust to, and I will not be able to just pop Dark Charge when running the ball in Huttball.


As for the changes on Death Field and Devour, I don't think people realize that this is a buff, from the way I'm reading it.


Currently, with 2 points in Devour that add 20% to self heals, I can get ~500 health back when I cast Death Field onto a group in PvP. This may vary more and may be lower or higher since I rarely actually pay attention to how much is healed.


1. The simple change to 1% per target will normalize this life tap and I will know exactly how much I will get back each time. Lets say that 1% of my health, plus the current 20% boost from Devour heal me for 225 per target. I now KNOW that each Death Field will heal me for 675 every time if I hit 3 targets. This is a welcome change for me.


2. Devour now DOUBLES that healing instead of adding 20%. That self heal from Death Field just became an ~1100 self heal by hitting 3 targets. Also a good change.


3. Keeping heals constant and not crit, now saves Recklessness charges and does not waste them! :) Another good change.


Am I reading these changes wrong or are people just crying because they don't understand what this means?

Edited by Monterone
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If you were running 23/0/18 before you aren't going to stop running it because of this patch
You can say bye-bye to Crushing Darkness or Dark Charge, since new talent requires you to hit the person with discharge DoT in order to get proc of C.D. Do you see a trick here? You are in cloth again ;)

It severly hinders the effectiveness of 23/0/18 even though you are free to go in this spec after you unscrew one of your useful buttons.

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HOw about sorcs loose bubble and ability to heal unless they go fully into the healing line...


Thats about how much defense and surviability the shadow/assasssin has w/o CT

Definitely it will solve half of problems, but you can't strip every healing ability from sorc, since even low level one should be able to "spec" healing. Basic heal should be available to them anyway.

As for buble, I vote for making it lvl 9 skill so we shadows can use it like sorcs. It will make dd survivability in light armor viable I suppose.

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Instead of fixing Powertech and sorc hybrids first (which are more powerful) you 'fix' assassin hybrids.




I think fixing hybrids so they dont clearly outshine 31pt spec's is a positive change, but assassin should be way down the list if they arent going to do them all at once (which would have been the best way).

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2."realises what's going on"

3.FFS x 1000000000000000


I play tankasin and imho darkness is the only tree I found usefull in PvP.

Ok enough sarcasm...but really, why these changes? It has been proved many times that assassins/shadows are the squishiest class in game, with so manny utillities that noones really knows if they are tank, dps or just cannonfood for the opposite team.


I would like to know, who's idea was and wich exwow kid in tears the *** BW listned to when they decided to implement this nerf of nerfs.


Verry dissaopinted BW...VERRY!!!!


To all assassins/shadows out there...DO NOT LET THEM DO THIS CRAP TO US!!!

Edited by Nonfatq
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BW doesn't aim to nerf assassins with this change.

They want to remove the hybrid specs.



Again. This is not a nerf.

(Unless you were playing a hybrid assassin - which probably never was intended in the first place).




...but the reason we spec hybrid is because the upper tier talents are not useful (enough) compared to going mid-way into another tree.


Buff top two tiers and you would kill the desire to hybrid spec in the first place.




If you look at darkness changes you notice they DID buff the end tier talents.

They ALSO made sure you want to use surging charge if you go deception and lightning charge if you go madness.


Deception Assassins that already used surging charge, Madness Assassins that already used Lighting charge and Darkness Assassins that already used Wither and Harnessed Darkness are not nerfed in this patch.



If there was an issue with dps assassin survivability in pvp it would not show, because a lot dps assassins ran around in darkness charge (extra armor give you a lot of mitigation from energy damamge and kinetic damage, the majority of all abilities used in pvp - even most force attacks and tech attacks - deal energy damage or kinetic damage).


Now dps assassins will be "pure" deception or "pure" madness using surging or lightning charge- as intended. Survivability issues will surfice. Once BW get data from dps assassins not using darkness charge they can compensate the lack of survivability with more damage, more utility, more self heals or more surviability (IF there is an issue at all - not so sure about that to be honest).



If BW have a design goal to avoid hybrid builds then they first have to take actions like this before they start to actually balance the class.


(personally i think it is a bit said, with no dual spec in the game i was quite happy to find a hybrid spec i could use for pvp, pve tank and pvp dps with just change of equipment - ohh well)

Edited by Xenon-se
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I laugh at the complaints this is a nerf... to nearly all endgame assassins and shadows on my server, this is a buff to high heavens because we're all tank specced, and this just added 33% to our self heal. I already beat a healing Sage to the top of healing once as a Shadow (I lolzed at them saying 65k was a lot of healing as a sage in a 50 WZ)


On the flip side; WHY THE **** is there a buff to hybrids in the same time as a nerf to hybrids? Kinetic is the tank tree, it has a buff to force techniques power (as opposed to what was previously, **** all) for that and that alone I must say that bioware were clearly high as a kite when they decided on this course of action.


Oh and they also buffed Balance.... the only "nerf" I see is stopping people from changing technique in combat... which frankly if you were in combat you bloody well shouldn't have the force to spend 50 in the first place.


I don't get the change to Infiltration; is that the one the shadows are complaining about or do Assassins get like... a reverse of the changes we get? >_>

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Exactly Genesis, I don't see this as a nerf at all.


Stance hopping is the only thing we won't be able to do on the fly any more. Oh well. So when I get the ball in Huttball, I now have to wait a few seconds before I have 100 force to switch to Dark Charge. I am very ok with stances requiring more force to switch.


Otherwise, assassin tanks in my guild are ok with tanking changes, and the Madness tree got a buff so people can't say any more that it's a worthless tree.


Stop crying people, it's not bad. Even the OPs, who thought their changes would be THE END of the class are doing very well in warzones still, and theirs was a real nerf.

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Exactly Genesis, I don't see this as a nerf at all.


Stance hopping is the only thing we won't be able to do on the fly any more. Oh well. So when I get the ball in Huttball, I now have to wait a few seconds before I have 100 force to switch to Dark Charge. I am very ok with stances requiring more force to switch.


Otherwise, assassin tanks in my guild are ok with tanking changes, and the Madness tree got a buff so people can't say any more that it's a worthless tree.


Stop crying people, it's not bad. Even the OPs, who thought their changes would be THE END of the class are doing very well in warzones still, and theirs was a real nerf.


Your tanks must not PVP because the only real competitive pvp tank builds were all hybrids, and theyre killing all of those.

Edited by PringerZ
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