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Getting sick of these 2AM system shutdowns.


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its definitly an issue!

I play from 1am till 4am most days...


Its an issue for you and me, but it would be a much greater issue for far more people if they pushed it back to 4 am just to support a minority of west coast night owls like ourselves.


If you actually take the time to think about it this is the most reasonable time they can do for pretty much everybody. Right now servers go up at either 12 in the afternoon or 4pm for europeans anything later would be cutting into their peak hours and would piss far more people off.

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it angers me that i cant play at night cuz i love this game lol:cool:


That's what I think motivates these posts. Addiction and withdrawals. ;)


But nah these ppl gonna quit or w/e.

Edited by Exilim
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I love reaing posts like this! I am from New Zealand. The server for me goes down at 2100....thats 9pm.


Server goes down, and I am like hmprh oh wells:) Time to go watch some TV. Laters all. Enjoy playing Tor.....haha Oh wait! Servers down ain't it? :)


Drat! haha.

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I work until 12am CST, and like to play at night before it shuts down. Why arent these updates done at 4am-6am? Dont give me that crap that it interrupts with the Europeans...make them their own servers then. This is BS and it needs to be addressed!


better you then me!


what do you expect?


BW to offer up a personal server for everyone?


get real


they have to do maintenance SOMETIME


any ANYTIME they do it, it is going to prevent SOMEONE from being able to play when they want to...


so, just who the heck do you think should be not able to play instead of you?




not me, that's for sure!


my 15bucks a month is more important then yours! (which is what you are trying to tell me - that your playtime is more important then mine)

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I dont know the structure of their servers but I would really love it if they took half of them down one day and the other half the next day.


Then I could have Sith on one server and Republic on the other and never be pissed off.


I love this game it's amazing.:)

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People look at the downtime from their own personal point of view. Bioware looks at it as "we have to do this maintenance" There really should be a warning on the box that the server go offline for 4 to 8 hours 2 to 3 nights a week.


If they would do rolling updating it wouldn't be as big of a problem for people that have this late night schedule, as I do. they could easily divide the servers up in three groups, two hours after group one starts the update group two starts, two hours after that group three goes down for maintenance. Each set of servers could have its own schedule for downtime which would minimize the appearance of downtime.


Would they ever implement any thing like this, no.

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Wow, just stop, go away. This is the best time to do this stuff for the majority of players. Bioware knows it and isn't going to change anything because of childish forum tantrums. Time to get over it.


My regular play times range from 7am - Noon CST and I couldn't give a crap. Do what you have to do to make this game even better Bioware. I'm having a great time with the 95% up times.


Your play time is during light server populations. Current downtimes are during standard to heavy server populations.


That's the problem. It has been since day 1. There has been enough topics brought up on this subject from all across the world. It's time that BW addresses the issue.


Instead of taking these threads as some sort of attack you need to research the issue.

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Got home from school at 12:30 AM, had an exhausting day, looked forward to my game session at the end of it, servers shut down.

Yeah yeah, "grow up / the fact that you had a bad day is completely irrelevant / suck it up blah blah". The fact is that its not there when I've been looking forward to it, and its not the first time, either. Just sad.

Can't you pick a slightly later time BW? Or maybe do it in the morning on a weekday when very few people play anyway, like that game that rhymes with cow?

Or don't do anything, but you will continue making me sad several times a week :(

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I work until 12am CST, and like to play at night before it shuts down. Why arent these updates done at 4am-6am? Dont give me that crap that it interrupts with the Europeans...make them their own servers then. This is BS and it needs to be addressed!


totally a troll,

in our country, maintenance usually start at 2am~,

it is a common sense.

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Is it just me or are there still 7 days in a week? And there are still 24 hours in each day, right?


So if Bioware takes the servers down twice a week for 10 hours, you still have 148 hours to play each week. There isn't a single person on this planet who can't find time to play within those 148 hours. Even if two days are completely wasted due to downtime you still have the other five to play.


They give notice every time they take the servers down, most of the time it's days ahead of time that they post they are taking it down. Either you guys are so addicted you gotta cry every time you can't get your fix or you are making a mountain out of a molehill.


148 hours for somebody with no life, I agree its a mountain out of a molehill though.


I generally get 1 hour at night and a couple of warzones a day at lunchtime due to work, family other hobbies, the only maint that has annoyed me a little was the other Saturdays because Saturday is the day grandparents have my kids so a Saturday daytime accounts for 20-25% of my weekly playtime.


Not bothered by these weekly's as a PVP'r I know it resets the weeklys so I quite look forward to them :) and 90% of the time I working most the duration of them.

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I work until 12am CST, and like to play at night before it shuts down. Why arent these updates done at 4am-6am? Dont give me that crap that it interrupts with the Europeans...make them their own servers then. This is BS and it needs to be addressed!


Mate down time is down time there not going to please every one just grow up you sound like my 5 year old when he dont get what he wants!

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Your complaining about the servers going down at 2AM on a weekday??

At least it isnt 11:00AM on the weekend.


But at least US players are starting to wake up and complain about the stupid patchtimes, just take a look at Blizzard they can patch their servers without many complaints, and even if there are issues it is not like the planned the problems in advance and chose to have them.



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seriously. you can't go around the world thinking nothing's ever going to affect you. you're not the only one in it. If they change the time from 2am it'll affect someone else then they'll complain.


Suck it up and deal with it, or go play something else while the servers are down.

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Welcome to the world of the MMO. There is always at least one day that servers are down for a few hours so the game can be made better. Sucks that it's during the time some of us play but that's what happens. Someone is always going to be affected by a downtime. Even a businesses have downtime while they fix or restart their servers and apply patches. Shockingly it's around this same time too. XD
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So what about those people who get home at 3am and want to play?


You made it clear you don't give a crap about others. So why should people give a crap about what you want? Hmm?




Though I do believe the maintenance does need to be addressed for the EU.

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So, how do you suggest they handle the fact that we're all running the same client, and it needs to be updated too, Mr. Caps?


I actually agree with you, When the client is updated they all would need to come offline at the same time. the servers just came back up but there was no client patch. If all the servers were not taken off line my playable time would be around 90ish percent, as it stands i think im looking at somewhere in the 20 to 30 percent downtime on my schedule. Every 2 to 3 days. I'll get an hour maybe two if I stay up late.


Edit: Actually I take that back, I'm just going to watch some TV instead, not enough time to play to keep my interest.

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