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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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For the haters that are WoW fanboys i would like to add something that will make them scream in anger but is true. WoW isnt fun to play, SWTOR is loads of fun. That is the main difference between them and why SWTOR is a sucess and WoW is currently on its descent from glory.


This guy said it. Must be true, gents.


(I'm not a hater. I just found this to be very funny.)

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For the haters that are WoW fanboys i would like to add something that will make them scream in anger but is true. WoW isnt fun to play, SWTOR is loads of fun. That is the main difference between them and why SWTOR is a sucess and WoW is currently on its descent from glory.


That is a matter of opinion. There are people who still greatly enjoy WoW (why is beyond me). I don't agree, but their opinion is still valid. Please don't resort to being on the same level as the WoW fanboys.

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It is. And regarding Rift, if they have a million subs or more that I keep hearing about, that is fantastic for them. No name designer/no name IP with a million subs, they should be ecstatic.


TOR is off to a good start, now the onus is on BW to keep working the game and making it better like what Rift has been going through this past year.


Well I think Trion worked hard for thier subs which is a lesson a lot of devs can learn from; I honestly think TOR will peak at about 2.5 mil and drop down to around 2 mil when GW2 and MOP are released I look for TOR to have a large loyal audience for many years to come and I have to find more time to game....TOR GW2 TSW Neverwinter so many games so little time.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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It is. And regarding Rift, if they have a million subs or more that I keep hearing about, that is fantastic for them. No name designer/no name IP with a million subs, they should be ecstatic.


TOR is off to a good start, now the onus is on BW to keep working the game and making it better like what Rift has been going through this past year.


I agree wholeheartedly.


People love to bash Rift and TOR but considering Rift's small time studio orgins, it is very impressive with all that they have accomplished. And TOR is doing excellent, maybe because it's fun. Flaws and all, it's fun and that is what gets subscriptions.

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Ok, reading your first post i was almost fooled into thinking you had some reason in your words and something was wrong with your server.

Seeing the second post though, i realised i was a fool and you're hardly beeing honest.




Skyrim sold 10 millions, not 20... it was also released worldwise across 3 platforms and it was not a subscription based game. If you can exagerate in this ammount, your earlier words cant be taken seriously.


Yet, keep on going as its a good laugh to see haters squirming and trolling after the shocking news that their conspiracies were wrong.


DO carry on for my amusement haters. I love the laughs.



DCUO was also released on more than just PC. Using an argument a game is released on more platforms hence the higher numbers, is pure bullcrap.


And, as I mentioned in another thread. 1.7 million active subs, doesn't mean 1.7 million active people. It just mean that $16 are being transfered 1.7 million times. Dual accounts, multiboxers, people forgetting to unsub, people taking a short break due to something IRL but letting the sub run.

I really, really doubt there's is exactly 1.7 million people playing. Maybe a million (which is still pretty impressive though).

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Well I think Trion worked hard for thier subs which is a lesson a lot of devs can learn from; I honestly think TOR will peak at about 2.5 mil and drop down to around 2 mil when GW2 and MOP are released I look for TOR to have a large loyal audience for many years to come and I have to find more time to game....TOR GW2 TSW Neverwinter so many games so little time.


Much agreed.


I'm currently just on a TOR binge but when ME3 and a few other titles hit I'll be torn on time.


I think that with the numbers shown, it's a pretty safe bet that we're stable and looking at a long term title that should have the loyal fanbase and sub-base that should propel it into the decade healthily.

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Talking about BF3 right now...

I don't care about FIFA 12...

Here it comes.


"BioWare has delivered a game that millions will play for a long time"


My paraphrasing of what was said about SWTOR's launch on the conference call:


  • Sold-through 2 million units since December.
  • 1.7 million active subs. Rest have not started yet or have opted out.
  • Metrics suggest players are loving game.
  • Unique logins 1 million per day, average playtime 4 hours per day.
  • Server performance allowed introduction of players faster than expected in pre-order.
  • Server stability has been excellent.
  • Lack of congestion was not sign of slow participtaion. Shortly after launch, server efficiency was doubled, allowing servers to handle far more players and lifting the limits previously experienced.
  • Next phase- new content, frequent releases and aggressively courting new subs.
  • Another major update in March, larger than most recent one.
  • Adopting rates are trending favorably.
  • Ambitious plan to reach broader market with new marketing buys, will be seeing that soon.


Thank you for digging that out for us. Hopefully, BW will keep to their word and work as hard at giving us a better game that the Rift folks did. Competition is a great thing, see?

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This is all a pure pile of manure. The game has way less than that playing now. Many cancelled, or are still playing waiting for their account to become canceled.


Tehre's nothing close to 1 million people playing. Dont feed yourself with this kind of delusion, because it is pathetic. The servers are in a bad situation. Only the australian server, "the swiftsure" gets some queue sometimes. Other than that, all servers fell to standard, some heavy, during primetime. The population is becoming a huge joke. There's absolute no point on leveling another char now if you wanna feel like you're playing an mmo. Each time you load a planet and see like 20, 12, 10 ppl in it, its almost undounbtely a signal that massive numbers of ppl are getting fed up on how bad endgame is. I for one, leveled two chars, went to ilum with the second, just to alt+tab and hit CANCEL button.


See you guys on the next attempt at a real mmo, like , lets say... GW2.

Edited by russellcsf
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This is all a pure pile of manure. The game has way less than that playing now. Many cancelled, or are still playing waiting for their account to become canceled.


Tehre's nothing close to 1 million people playing. Dont feed yourself with this kind of delusion, because it is pathetic. The servers are in a bad situation. Only the australian server, "the swiftsure" gets some queue sometimes. Other than that, all servers fell to standard, some heavy, during primetime. The population is becoming a huge joke. There's absolute no point on leveling another char now if you wanna feel like you're playing an mmo. Each time you load a planet and see like 20, 12, 10 ppl in it, its almost undounbtely a signal that massive numbers of ppl are getting fed up on how bad endgame is. I for one, leveled two chars, went to ilum with the second, just to alt+tab and hit CANCEL button.


See you guys on the next attempt at a real mmo, like , lets say... GW2.


So we should believe you instead?

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This is all a pure pile of manure. The game has way less than that playing now. Many cancelled, or are still playing waiting for their account to become canceled.


Tehre's nothing close to 1 million people playing. Dont feed yourself with this kind of delusion, because it is pathetic. The servers are in a bad situation. Only the australian server, "the swiftsure" gets some queue sometimes. Other than that, all servers fell to standard, some heavy, during primetime. The population is becoming a huge joke. There's absolute no point on leveling another char now if you wanna feel like you're playing an mmo. Each time you load a planet and see like 20, 12, 10 ppl in it, its almost undounbtely a signal that massive numbers of ppl are getting fed up on how bad endgame is. I for one, leveled two chars, went to ilum with the second, just to alt+tab and hit CANCEL button.


See you guys on the next attempt at a real mmo, like , lets say... GW2.



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This is all a pure pile of manure. The game has way less than that playing now. Many cancelled, or are still playing waiting for their account to become canceled.


Tehre's nothing close to 1 million people playing. Dont feed yourself with this kind of delusion, because it is pathetic. The servers are in a bad situation. Only the australian server, "the swiftsure" gets some queue sometimes. Other than that, all servers fell to standard, some heavy, during primetime. The population is becoming a huge joke. There's absolute no point on leveling another char now if you wanna feel like you're playing an mmo. Each time you load a planet and see like 20, 12, 10 ppl in it, its almost undounbtely a signal that massive numbers of ppl are getting fed up on how bad endgame is. I for one, leveled two chars, went to ilum with the second, just to alt+tab and hit CANCEL button.


See you guys on the next attempt at a real mmo, like , lets say... GW2.


I was really hoping I wouldn't see a post like this. There is just No reason for it Russell. I mean, if the game drops off after a few month it drops off. The sub count is probably accurate for the time being and that's great. I was also wondering why there were so few people Everywhere I went during prime time with no available way to switch shards/instances.


But, ending your post promoting GW2 is only going to sour people off the idea because of your ranting post. GW2 is looking like an awesome game yeah, but this isn't how it gains fans, only haters. I personally recommend anyone who's tired of gear grinding to look into it, that's how you promote that kind of thing, not by this. Yuck.

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This is all a pure pile of manure. The game has way less than that playing now. Many cancelled, or are still playing waiting for their account to become canceled.


Tehre's nothing close to 1 million people playing. Dont feed yourself with this kind of delusion, because it is pathetic. The servers are in a bad situation. Only the australian server, "the swiftsure" gets some queue sometimes. Other than that, all servers fell to standard, some heavy, during primetime. The population is becoming a huge joke. There's absolute no point on leveling another char now if you wanna feel like you're playing an mmo. Each time you load a planet and see like 20, 12, 10 ppl in it, its almost undounbtely a signal that massive numbers of ppl are getting fed up on how bad endgame is. I for one, leveled two chars, went to ilum with the second, just to alt+tab and hit CANCEL button.


See you guys on the next attempt at a real mmo, like , lets say... GW2.

GW1 was a terrible flop, and GW2 will also be a complete failure. Mad?

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This is all a pure pile of manure. The game has way less than that playing now. Many cancelled, or are still playing waiting for their account to become canceled.


Tehre's nothing close to 1 million people playing. Dont feed yourself with this kind of delusion, because it is pathetic. The servers are in a bad situation. Only the australian server, "the swiftsure" gets some queue sometimes. Other than that, all servers fell to standard, some heavy, during primetime. The population is becoming a huge joke. There's absolute no point on leveling another char now if you wanna feel like you're playing an mmo. Each time you load a planet and see like 20, 12, 10 ppl in it, its almost undounbtely a signal that massive numbers of ppl are getting fed up on how bad endgame is. I for one, leveled two chars, went to ilum with the second, just to alt+tab and hit CANCEL button.


See you guys on the next attempt at a real mmo, like , lets say... GW2.


Some people have lives. People are spread out. My server is low pop but I actually look at the bigger picture not how many people are on a few planets at any given time. Every server has at least 500-1000 people online at 1 time. Use your eyes, stop feeding into the delusion bro.

Edited by Jswizzle
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I have to admit, when I first started reading the insane extreme posts from both sides in this thread, this was my reaction.



Even if SWTOR Lost 700k subs, it would still sit comfortably at 1 million. It would be in peoples best interest to let this go until we see how things are further down the line, I mean there's just no point (never was any) in saying game is doomed! Let it speak for itself, if it dies, it dies. If it soars into the sky, it soars into the sky.


People have Way too much invested in a game in both love and hate it feels like. If you dislike it for your own reasons, cancel, if you like it - pay for it.


Let SWTOR stand on it's own slightly awkward walker legs.


People want to be on the side of RIGHT. For some reason the trolls on the forums think they are the majority when they are the minority. Clearly 1.7 million people don't post on these forums probably 1% of that number do if that.

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Yes , you should believe me, im a population checkin maniac. I often log off and check the populations. Don´t believe in marketwatch nor sites that should be promoting gaming... like IGN and gamespot. That is cliche and you should know about that. And i predict that at some point, since EA is in charge of the budget, that they are gonna start lying about numbers. Then you know the last nail has been hammered into its coffin.


Sad story, i loved the game so much until i hit ilum. I just cant keep fooling myself. Can you?

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See you guys on the next attempt at a real mmo, like , lets say... GW2.


Yep for those who do try GW2 and post on the forums they will see you complaining if that game doesn't live up to the hype you have placed on it. I'm sure they can't wait.


It's funny seeing all this butt mad butt furious posts about how succesful TOR is. HUR I DON"T LIKE GAEM NO WAY 1.7 OTHER CAN LIKE! URRH ANGRY ME BASH KEY MAKE POST URRRR.

Edited by Aever
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Yes , you should believe me, im a population checkin maniac. I often log off and check the populations. Don´t believe in marketwatch nor sites that should be promoting gaming... like IGN and gamespot. That is cliche and you should know about that. And i predict that at some point, since EA is in charge of the budget, that they are gonna start lying about numbers. Then you know the last nail has been hammered into its coffin.


Sad story, i loved the game so much until i hit ilum. I just cant keep fooling myself. Can you?


I don't think we should. You obvioulsy didn't see the qouted interview further up about the devs increasing server populations after launch to combat wait times.


And the subscribers data comes from EA's financial reporting. Or do the lie about that to?

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People want to be on the side of RIGHT. For some reason the trolls on the forums think they are the majority when they are the minority. Clearly 1.7 million people don't post on these forums probably 1% of that number do if that.


Yep , i'm only checkin these forums from time to time now, because i dont log into the game anymore, got completely fed up with bad pvp and glitches like not being able to click your hotbar during a pvp fight, and the lack of possibility of customizing my own UI. I'm still looking for some news here that would be addressing the flawed and dull pvp system. I´ll be watching closely and willing to resub as to give em a chance judging that no matter what, they've put a lot of efforts on their quality pve.

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