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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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What amaze me is that people that screams that Blizzard ''paid people to ruin the game reputation'' refuse to consider that a company paid people to get praise for their game


COME ON. It's Activision vs EA.


I got paid by EA to look like Blizzard paid for me to ruin the community on the forums that vast majority wont even read.

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I have to admit, when I first started reading the insane extreme posts from both sides in this thread, this was my reaction.



Even if SWTOR Lost 700k subs, it would still sit comfortably at 1 million. It would be in peoples best interest to let this go until we see how things are further down the line, I mean there's just no point (never was any) in saying game is doomed! Let it speak for itself, if it dies, it dies. If it soars into the sky, it soars into the sky.


People have Way too much invested in a game in both love and hate it feels like. If you dislike it for your own reasons, cancel, if you like it - pay for it.


Let SWTOR stand on it's own slightly awkward walker legs.

Edited by VenthiosLestaran
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It's a pretty cheap way out to accuse someone of being a paid shill, when obtaining any proof to that is pretty nigh unlikely and a rather low ad hominem (gets you banned on some forae outright, too).


Why not name names then ?

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Yup it's one massive conspiracy EA just laid out to its stock holders. /faceplam


Really dude? Really?


Some people hate something so much that they just want it to fail and will find any reason to spin a good headline into something negative. It's pathetic really.



Get used to it. Even to this day people still say that WoW only had 12 million subscribers ever in the 8 year period, not 12 million subscribers at one time. When you show them where Blizzard shows they have lost subscribers, using these peoples logic, all of the sudden 2 million people have never played the game :rolleyes:

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considering they said 500k is very profitable, and 1 million would ring thier bells, bells be a ringin at EA, even if they suffered a 50% loss of subs they would still be above th 500k sweet spot, the game will do well, as it grows and adds content, and squashes bugs, same thing any new mmo goes through nothing new here.. :) I know my sub will keep going for a long time..
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Unless you're a stock holder, you shouldn't even care.


I own calls on EA but even if I didn't, as someone that enjoys the game, I would want the numbers to be good so it continues and they have plenty of money for future development.

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considering they said 500k is very profitable, and 1 million would ring thier bells, bells be a ringin at EA, even if they suffered a 50% loss of subs they would still be above th 500k sweet spot, the game will do well, as it grows and adds content, and squashes bugs, same thing any new mmo goes through nothing new here.. :) I know my sub will keep going for a long time..


500k for years.

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Sorry that is a crock list me five constructive criticism threads where these so called fan boys attack. You can't because most of the attacks come from jerks saying f2p in one month or making up crap that isn't even close to being true and please don't hand me the BS of those threads have been deleted there are plenty constructive criticism threads on this forum that are many pages long and even has developer comments.


Valid concerns that are posted in a respectful manner get to stay and are not trolled by so called fan boys; rude non-constrictive hyperbole however will get called out every time...Bioware doesn't have to prop their game up 1.7 million people and growing are doing that for them despite the irrational campaign of hate that we have seen since the game has launched.


Lol what forum do you read? Valid concerns get fanboy attacked all the time.


Just see how worked up you are getting yourself : /


As for listing just go dip your hand into that bowl of skittles, there are plenty there every day.

Edited by Harower
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BTW, I'm Canadian


Do you know, exactly, what is the ''conservatives paid people to spin news in their favor'' ?


One employee from the Department of Defense made a edit on the Wikipedia page of the F-35 about how canadians companies were subcontracted for the maintenance.


Also indiviual, an employee of a Conservative MP, made a insulting edit to another MP Wikipedia page.


That's the whole scandal.

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It's a pretty cheap way out to accuse someone of being a paid shill, when obtaining any proof to that is pretty nigh unlikely and a rather low ad hominem (gets you banned on some forae outright, too).


Why not name names then ?



Guilt Trolling awesome... :rolleyes:



Because if we did the mods would have our "ears" for breakfast...and honestly no one can know for sure 100%


But you already know this.

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I'm in the group of paid for an extra month past the free one but cancelled subscription.



Ive got a counting down active subscription. I don't plan on playing past it but you never know.


And you don't think other MMO launches had players like you? Heck, I kmow three people who have year subs to wow that don't play anymore. So when blizz announces their numbers will you poo poo on them as well?

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Lol what forum do you read? Valid concerns get fanboy attacked all the time.


Just see how worked up you are getting yourself : /


As for listing just go dip your hand into that bowl of skittles, there are plenty there every day.


All the time...examples?


Here is the thing about the written word; the reader projects the writers emotional state...example you want me to be worked up so you project that in how you read my posts...I assure you...nothing could be further from the truth. :)

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And you don't think other MMO launches had players like you? Heck, I kmow three people who have year subs to wow that don't play anymore. So when blizz announces their numbers will you poo poo on them as well?


Didn't Blizzard mysteriously have the same amount of subs... even when they got banned for a bit in China?

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considering they said 500k is very profitable, and 1 million would ring thier bells, bells be a ringin at EA, even if they suffered a 50% loss of subs they would still be above th 500k sweet spot, the game will do well, as it grows and adds content, and squashes bugs, same thing any new mmo goes through nothing new here.. :) I know my sub will keep going for a long time..


sorry my friend 500k is breaking even and 1 million subs is profitable "but nothing to write home about" its in the same earning call Q and A.




Q: You've previously said you need about a half million subscribers to be profitable, is that still the case?

A: At 500,000 subscribers, we'd break even. At a million, we'd be making a profit but nothing worth writing home about. As it scales up from there, we're talking about a nice profit. At this point with the successful launch, we can take the worst case scenarios off the table.

Edited by Thorun
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Lol at morons in this thread claiming EA flat out lied in their financial reports.


It's pretty much all they are down to guy....they can't play the massive exodus card any more nor can they lie about the five million person guild they run all rage quitting at once; so they can only say.


You lie!!!!




When the three month mark hits and the sub numbers are 3 million or higher there will not be enough /popcorn on the planet to ride out the ragefest.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Translation for those who are too busy assuaging their confirmation bias against this game:


"Star Wars: The Old Republic is developing a committed community of players with more than 1.7 million active subscribers and growing." "


This means there are, as of the date of that statement, i.e., TODAY, $1.7M active subscribers.


"Star Wars®: The Old Republic has generated 1.7 million active subscribers and sold through more than 2 million units in a little over one month."


This means that from the date of release, 12/20/12, it sold 2M units. Coupling that with CURRENT active subscriptions of 1.7M means about 300K didn't stick around. Tthat's 15% attrition, which is NOT a giant sign that the game is failing...nor is it a very high attrition rate. Moreover, you can't tell anything about it without trend lines to show when the attrition took place. Is it steady from the get-go and therefore representative of what percentage of the population who buys the game is likely to stick with it? You just can't know what it really shows, and Occam's Razor would suggest it really just means that probably about 15% of the people who buy it will decide it's not really for them. Not bad...in fact, 85% retention is actually a fantastic number.


Do you guys need help with Engrish?


I had to post, because I don't think any of you know how to read a financial report. If you did you would have realized that some of the other posters were correct.


It doesn't require a business degree, but if you want a better example




Pretty much says it all right there. Though I personally wouldn't base my investment off that alone. As anyone that has invested knows, research is key. Unless you are one of those that thinks they can get lucky. Hey, you might be. Though many of those people fail.


I do find it funny that many of the people in this thread are the same ones that cried "WoW is dieing" when they lost 600k in a year. Now those people are saying 300k in a month is nothing. At what arbitrary point does it go from being something, to nothing? Is the line at 400k, or 500k? If you base it off a percentage of the active subs, then you look at 11 million minus 600k vs 2 million minus 300k.


I don't want the game to fail, but if you are looking at this from a financial stand point then you must take bias off the table. At this point (and I'm no pro, just my opinion) I wouldn't invest in ea based off their report. It seems others agree with me also. Now if I were to look at it as a Bioware fanboy (which I am) then of course I would CHOOSE to see it as many in this thread have. There is a difference in looking at something objectively.


This is all meaningless though, because the end of March is going to be what is important. Now that is something I'm looking forward to finding out.

Edited by Tenetke
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I got paid by EA to look like Blizzard paid for me to ruin the community on the forums that vast majority wont even read.




A paid troller. Now that's a new one.


So let's use some logic. Why would Activision, with over 10 million subs, pay to troll an EA forum with 1.7? Because they're feeling the sweat? Is that gap closing too rapidly for them to bear, so they need to create chaos?


Oh, I better stop posting before my boss sees me. We aren't allowed to troll on our lunch break. Union rules.

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All the time...examples?


Here is the thing about the written word; the reader projects the writers emotional state...example you want me to be worked up so you project that in how you read my posts...I assure you...nothing could be further from the truth. :)


That's fine, you can have your calm and collected rant then, or whatever you want to call whatever that was.


As for linking you examples, I don't provide for people too lazy to click the index page and open a few threads.


Besides given your personality you wouldn't see what's in front of your face and it would turn into a 20 reply back and forth session of me being amazed at you not seeing any fanboys shooting down players with valid concerns about the game.


You are dismissed, or I dismiss you? Not sure how to word that but you get the drift. Reply to this if you feel the need to defend your e-ego, free shot you aren't worth replying back too. Which is pretty likely, you seem the sort.

Edited by Harower
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