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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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I'm calling BS on a thriving game with 1.7M active subs. The game has around 200 servers and supposedly 1.7M subs so that an estimated 8500 players per server. So if your server has 8500 active you should see at least 1500 in fleet during prime time. I hear heavy pop servers have like 300 in fleet at most during prime time. The numbers just don't add up something is not right. 1.7 I highly doubt it. If they have 1m active i would honestly be surprised.


Subscriptions =/= Concurrent Users

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That they sold same amount in next 40 days and a lot of those are still on free month but they are counted in total of active subs on the post that was linked even that they paid only for the original game. The amount of subs that was or gonna be refreshed aint 85%.


3 days after launch was the start of initial surge. What gift giving holiday happens on dec25? I'll give you a hint.. its Christmas. Or winter solstice if you are non-christian.


So pre christmas they had 1million. (which was 5 days after launch)


In december they had their biggest influx of sales based on VGcharts retail sales numbers. So basically they had most of their sales in the 13 days post launch in december, but bioware only commented on the first 3.


Understand how that works? I am betting no.....

Your argument doesn't hold water.

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NOOOOOO!!!! LIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!



No, your estimates are wrongs because 10 people who joined this site back in Dec 2011 stated people were leaving in masses......




So, because I know for a fact that people who joined this site back in Dec 2011 only speak the truth and would never fabricate statistics, this game will not last 6 months. SWTOR is a failure because those Dec 2011 joiners said so....





Furthermore, it's the same people over and over. Shills...

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3 days after launch was the start of initial surge. What gift giving holiday happens on dec25? I'll give you a hint.. its Christmas. Or winter solstice if you are non-christian.


So pre christmas they had 1million. (which was 5 days after launch)


In december they had their biggest influx of sales based on VGcharts retail sales numbers. So basically they had most of their sales in the 13 days post launch in december, but bioware only commented on the first 3.


Understand how that works? I am betting no.....

Your argument doesn't hold water.


I understand it, im not suprised that the game hasnt sold well after initial hype.

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So they GENERATED 1.7 million subs, but how many did they RETAIN ?


These news are quiete confusing....the quartal did end of 2011 and they generated subs only.


You forgot one key word: ACTIVE.


Work on your reading skills mate.

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How can you be certain of that ? It's a fairly ambiguous term to use in a situation like this.


Because if it is only 50% +1, he could be sued up his *** and end up in prison. Believe me, I advise these kinds of guys as to what they can and cannot say from a legal perspective, and "most" isn't something that is trivially north of 50%.


You guys are desperately grasping, almost panting rabidly at this stage. Go and regroup at /v/ or something. You've lost the first battle. Accept it.

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This is fantastic news! When will all the cry babies leave and get replaced with new people playing a like this game. Yes they will fix bugs, yess they will improve the game and yes I will be still subscribing and playing.


They will fix bug and improve the game with time? nonsense!

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Dunno about vast majority but officially half of that was at 23.12. but if you are true, looks like this game aint selling much these days.


So you spin it both ways. Either everyone is in the first free month and hasn't quit yet, or the sub numbers are capped and isn't selling any more.


Lol, you people will spin anything. I'll give you this. You're well trained. But you need to realize you lost the first battle and regroup. Try again. Sorry.

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They count people that has bought the game in last 30 days in to the "paying" 1.7 mil subs. I doubt they all will pay after its over.


Well, your doubts are not actual numbers. This game is doing FAR better than all the haters here are stating in their posts. Your doubts do not discount that.

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They count people that has bought the game in last 30 days in to the "paying" 1.7 mil subs. I doubt they all will pay after its over.


Those people will always be counted. As long as people continue purchasing a game, there will always be people in their first 30 days.


It's inconsequential. While some of those will go, others will come.

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