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Anyone else come to a grinding halt around Tatooine?


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No people will continue to pvp but it will be for different reasons and without the motivation for newer gear i doubt it has any staying power.


They will continue to PVP to me sounds like they'll continue.


You bout it has any staying power doesn't.




As it stands, PVP honestly doesn't have too much to stand on until there's rating systems implemented.

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That isn't exactly true. In WoW you would do normal dungeons > heroic dungeons > normal raids > heroic raids. In TOR is normal raids > heroic raids. The flashpoints drop the same loot as normal operations so you can include that in the first step. So WoW had 4 steps whereas TOR has 2, and anticipate most people won't even do the second.


Whatever, the point being that progression is gear-based. This isn't old-school SWG, it's WoW-style Star Wars. People grind for gear because that is how the game is designed. Try to do nightmare modes in quest greens and the boss will enrage and wipe the floor with your Op.

Edited by MorgonKara
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I guess... if you like your MMO gaming experience to end in 2 weeks. I prefer to play for years. Hence the reason to subscribe.

xp in this game is meaningless, it is far too easy to get.

Same as money/credits. It has no value, there's nothing to buy.

Everything is this game is far too easy. It's an MMO for noobs and 5 year olds that like the pewpewpew sounds.


like wow?

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They will continue to PVP to me sounds like they'll continue.


You bout it has any staying power doesn't.




As it stands, PVP honestly doesn't have too much to stand on until there's rating systems implemented.


They will pvp until the next season of new gear. And do the grind again for gear.

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Correlia is worse, i actually contemplated slitting my wrists.


Tattooine is at least mostly wide open and explorable.


Correlia is like a MW3 zone, except without all the cool 12 year olds running around to shoot.

So basically, everything is burning and destroyed... it's quite depressing.


Correllia is great, however Belsavis on the other hand....


And Voss, even worse... /facedesk.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm having the same issue you have. I came into Tat around lv 22-23 ( I can't remember which), and it was fine until I hit the "...into the Dune Sea" part of the quest. Suddenly, you need to be up to around lv 25-26 AT LEAST in order to beat that part. I'm trying to go back and do some HEROIC missions to level up, and I haven't yet tried PVP yet (I'm not sure how to switch back and forth, the server i'm logged into is PVE).
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Yeah it varies, on my first go around I wasn't happy, mainly because I didn't have my speeder at that time. Second and third time around I really enjoyed it, hoovered up every quest I could.


It's natural that different planets will appeal differently to different people at diffeent times.

Edited by gurugeorge
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Somewhere around 30 is when you start to notice that your damage is not keeping pace with mob health, so battles start becoming longer for no reason other than a tuning decision. Those that make a continued effort to optimize their character/companion will experience essentially a speed bump while those more casually inclined will get a grind vibe as battles drag out for no apparent reason. The greater relative power feeling that peaks around 20 is deceptive and can cause later frustration.
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I have to say my favorite planet was the starter planet and then my 1st experience on the Fleet doing The Esseles.


I am disappointed that all of the other classes all convene right after the starter planet. It might have made the game more interesting to assign certain planets to their classes maybe 2-3 planets before grouping everyone together so the leveling experience is more unique per class rather than repeating the same questlines all over again.


Granted, by doing that, you may discourage grouping which is already at a disadvantage at the moment (without LFG tool).

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Roughly half the players posting on the boards appear to feel levelling is too easy and fast, and the other half seems to feel it is horribly slow and tedious.


Guess it must be just about right.


For one thing how on Nar Shaddah did you fail to make 26 before heading to Tatooine?


Recommendation: Do a few space missions, maybe some PvP, some FP until you get back to the proper level for the area.


Sometimes it isn't the world's fault when you don't use your ever-loving brain.

Edited by Gleneagle
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I really enjoyed Tatooine, and can't wait to get back there with an alt. I definitely did not come to a grinding halt there (or anywhere else for that matter). I also really enjoyed Hoth visually, but found the missions slightly less entertaining. My least favorite planet so far has been Balmorra. Edited by Kthx
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I liked some of Tatooine...Jawas, etc....but the landscape drove me nuts and made it feel like a bit of an uphill slog to get through it to the next planet. I'm not one for the desert environments. Wierdly though, I like the snow/ice climate environments and loved Hoth, despite it arguably just being just as desolate.
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I chalk it up to opinion but I like Tatooine. Did it Imp and Repub.


I hated Nar Shardaa the first time as Imp, but when I went there as Repub I liked it a bit more. To me Coruscant back to back with Nar Shardaaa is a bit much. Too much urban.


Taris was a drag.


Balmorra was meh for Imp and just a wee bit better Repub. Have to admit I snuck off and did Quesh shortly after starting the Balmorra Bonus as Repub. Afterwards I went back refreshed and breezed through the rest. AS a side note thank god Quesh was short. That would have been terrible if there were as many quests there as Balmorra.


Just arrived on Hoth. Hope it will be another Tatooine for me.

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this game doesnt have a grind.. lol


it's one of the most enjoyable mmos to come out in a VERY long time.


xp is perfect!


I don't think that's what he meant by "grinding halt." Maybe he should have used the term "screeching halt" instead so as not to elicit this kind of comment, which has nothing to do with what he is talking about. Also, actually reading the OP might have helped.




I for one understand where the OP is coming from. Tatooine is too wide open. There is a lot of travel time and everything is so bland looking. Personally I prefer war torn Corellia, Balmorra and even Nar Shadaa to Tatooine.



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I haven't hit Tatooine yet, but I'm totally with those that said Balmorra was a drag. I was really grooving on all the planets until then. Dromund Kass was awesome. Korriban was pretty cool too. Hutta was kind of a backwater and not what I was expecting, but I found the storylines mostly interesting. But I couldn't wait to get off Balmorra. I was like clawing my eyes out every time I found another quest.


I try to do all the quests I can find on a planet. Up until then I was really enjoying all the stories and I figured they were free companion affection anyway. But I was seriously considering just getting the hell off Balmorra. The storylines were so dry. The only one I came across that held much interest for me at all was the:




Imperial officer who wanted you to kill his wife for cheating on him with a spy for the resistance.



Everything else was just, "Go kill some resistance or bugs or droids." I think the setup for the planet could have made for some interesting stories. But it was just like they didn't even try. There were a couple storylines I thought might get interesting, but they just resolved way too quickly and unsatisfactorily like they had to just rush and finish them. If they ever go back and polish up the already existing worlds, I'd like to see Balmorra get a quest and story overhaul. I thought about starting a thread about how it could be improved or storylines that would make Balmorra more interesting. Maybe I'll do that one of these days and we can get some ideas from the community on how to make that place more palatable.

Edited by MrArrogant
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Roughly half the players posting on the boards appear to feel levelling is too easy and fast, and the other half seems to feel it is horribly slow and tedious.


Guess it must be just about right.


For one thing how on Nar Shaddah did you fail to make 26 before heading to Tatooine?


Recommendation: Do a few space missions, maybe some PvP, some FP until you get back to the proper level for the area.


Sometimes it isn't the world's fault when you don't use your ever-loving brain.


I don't know, but i've done every side mission I can find (minus most of the HEROIC missions on Balmorra), and I still went into Tatooine as like lv 22 or 23. I just got to 25 and i'm doing ok on that. Also, Alderaan is next and that is lv 28, so there does seem to be a natural progress rate that the game sets up for quests. As far as the space quests go, my ship isn't strong enough to withstand some of the more advanced missions (i'm still trying to find a vendor that sells ship upgrades).


I should probably note, this is my first long term experience with any MMORPG. I played WOW a bit, but got bored with it. So some of these concepts are still new to me (I have yet to utilize any of the crew skills yet).

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