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I am not a Troll: Reverse Bolster Gear Pigs


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So I am about to be a fresh 50, and I will again be the "lolpwnface" recipient.


Can we have a balanced PvP that doesn't rely on Gear pigs who have botted, farmed, and otherwise done nothing but Gear-up to take advantage of the crappy Gear>Player system that has polluted PvP combat.


How about a reverse Bolster so that everybody is a t1 50

Let your play do the talking versus your gear

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You didn't put in the time but want equal footing?


MMOs aren't fps, treadmills exist to drag out content. Enjoy your grind.


For the record, gear doesn't take long and unless you are totally lazy, crafted/daily comm purples aren't far off champ.

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QQ im a new 50 and im getting rolled on, nerf everything, roll back people who go to 50 before me.


Get rid of this **** post.....


Bolster made sense in that 10-49's could compete versus one another.


what the 10's lacked was the array of skills they had not learned.


What do fresh 50's get to bolster them?


When does this gear crap end....t2,t3,t4,t5....t20..t50...I mean come on.


We all have the the same skills at our disposal, why are people afraid of playing on an even ground?....oh you got commendations from wins and triumphs? Why do people farm and Bot?


L2P =/= L2Gear

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I played the game.


I got to 50.


I run WZs.


I do my dailies and weeklies.


I've never stood around and let someone kill me without a fight.


I'm currently rank 54 with mostly champion gear.


Whatever I've gotten in the game I've worked for.


Tell me, why would it be fair to revert me down to your level just because you didn't participate as much as I did?


This is the same as saying "you worked for 20 years and make $90,000.00 a year. I have yet to work a full day and have all of $12.00 in my pocket, but I don't think you deserve to have more than me."


Suck it up and work for it, rookie.

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You didn't put in the time but want equal footing?


MMOs aren't fps, treadmills exist to drag out content. Enjoy your grind.


For the record, gear doesn't take long and unless you are totally lazy, crafted/daily comm purples aren't far off champ.



Time?.....so seniority is the deciding factor in PvP?


I can afford to gear up if that's the case, but I shouldn't have an advantage over someone who can't afford to buy in.


Should the rich kids use aluminum bats and poor kids use wood in a baseball game?


Hey, if you can afford the aluminum...you are the better team?

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I'm currently rank 54 with mostly champion gear.


Whatever I've gotten in the game I've worked for.


Tell me, why would it be fair to revert me down to your level just because you didn't participate as much as I did?


This is the same as saying "you worked for 20 years and make $90,000.00 a year. I have yet to work a full day and have all of $12.00 in my pocket, but I don't think you deserve to have more than me."



I'm not saying give me your Mats, money, schematics, Bike...or any other aesthetics...those are yours.....just if we play competitively against each other.....your gear should not be a deciding factor. Your Build versus my Build, your strategy vs my strategy, your play vs my play......is that really scary to you and people who are gear pigs?

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Bolster made sense in that 10-49's could compete versus one another.


what the 10's lacked was the array of skills they had not learned.


What do fresh 50's get to bolster them?


When does this gear crap end....t2,t3,t4,t5....t20..t50...I mean come on.


We all have the the same skills at our disposal, why are people afraid of playing on an even ground?....oh you got commendations from wins and triumphs? Why do people farm and Bot?


L2P =/= L2Gear


I have no problem playing on the same field i just can't stand you new 50s who think you should be handed **** on a gold plate and not have to put in the time that the people with gear have already done


You want to be on the same level do what we did grind it out.

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Forgive today's kids, they have been brain washed by our abbhorrent educational system that everyone should be dumbed down to the same level aka (socialism/communism), so we can all have something for nothing. We will all be equal under that system, equally broke and equally enslaved.


Instead, with some effort, you too can become a Gear Pig.

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Well let me ask you... how do you determine a new 50 as opposed to a old 50?


By expertise? If you even out expertise it makes the stat useless this makes all endgame pvp gear useless as pve gear would be so much better.


By time they were 50? If you do it by this then the lucky ones that get lots of champion gear their first week would destroy battlemasters and other unlucky people who have been 50 for ages because of the bolster going above and beyond top ranked gear.


Maybe add in blue level 50 armor with some expertise? It will really make no difference. your still going to be destroyed by those who have been 50 longer.


There's no solution to what your proposing. Older 50's are always going to be more geared then new 50's. Everyone goes through this process and you're no different. They've put in the time to improve and you should too.

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Even in popular FPS the people who have played longer have better perks, better guns, better optics etc.


If you want a truly level playing filed at all times the only games that are like that are RTS and old shooters.


This is just how current MMOs work. Things change all the time, at some point the BM gear will be pretty easy to get most likely.

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So I am about to be a fresh 50, and I will again be the "lolpwnface" recipient.


Can we have a balanced PvP that doesn't rely on Gear pigs who have botted, farmed, and otherwise done nothing but Gear-up to take advantage of the crappy Gear>Player system that has polluted PvP combat.


How about a reverse Bolster so that everybody is a t1 50

Let your play do the talking versus your gear


The problem is that MMO players are fixated on progressing their characters. It's one of those things that defines MMOs as MMOs. The incentive for grinding out warzones or suffering through bad Ilum PvP is to get more points to buy more gear to have a bigger advantage on the battlefield.


If you take that away? Folks are going to get bored really quickly. Let's face it, if you're really looking for competitive PvP action, MMOs aren't the best place for it.

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Well let me ask you... how do you determine a new 50 as opposed to a old 50?


asethics...you can have the more "Flamboyant" gear...Purple sabres, Neon Colors...hell F'ing feathers and sequins if it makes you happy....but no stat gains.

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I know the OP is just trolling, but come on for real? Why would anyone even try to PVP if there was no gear? Why not just make a game where we all get the same classes and gear and fight over and over. Why would anyone go try to down heroic mode PVE bosses? For the fun of it? Sure, but you want gear too.



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I have no problem playing on the same field i just can't stand you new 50s who think you should be handed **** on a gold plate and not have to put in the time that the people with gear have already done


You want to be on the same level do what we did grind it out.


Number one, for fifteen dollars a month I'll take my gold plate. But also, the request isn't too unreasonable. What all of you are not considering is that bolster balancing wouldn't take into account expertise. So what would happen is players who are lesser geared can actually put up a fair enough fight against those who are, especially when facing a stacked team, but the well geared players still possess a distinct advantage.

Edited by Serosen
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I know the OP is just trolling, but come on for real? Why would anyone even try to PVP if there was no gear? Why not just make a game where we all get the same classes and gear and fight over and over. Why would anyone go try to down heroic mode PVE bosses? For the fun of it? Sure, but you want gear too.




reading comprehension.....REVERSE BOLSTER PvP Wfs


have your PvE dungeon progressions I don't give a crap


Make PvP WFs like a crafting mission where you get rewards (materials and whatnot) to craft your superbad epic shiny vibrating dong....but that dong has no more benefit in WFs to you than my generic blaster

Edited by Ghamsar
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asethics...you can have the more "Flamboyant" gear...Purple sabres, Neon Colors...hell F'ing feathers and sequins if it makes you happy....but no stat gains.


Then remind me why I'm spending time online? I can go buy a freaking peacock head dress if I'm just in this for the looks.


People want reward for their effort. People want to make some form of progress or improvement. In a combat focused game, that means improvement in combat. You want a game where we're all on a level playing field. I agree with others, this is the wrong game for you. You're playing a gear-based MMO and don't want gear to be a factor.

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Then remind me why I'm spending time online?


People want reward for their effort. People want to make some form of progress or improvement. In a combat focused game, that means improvement in combat.


Besides just the fun of playing....I dunno for you, but for me, it's about becoming better, not just putting in the time.



Trying out Builds that focus on Power vs Crit, alacrity vs surge, etc,etc.


utilizing veteran spacial awareness, strategy based on opponent, etc


Aluminum bat vs wood bat...is not a true contest

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asethics...you can have the more "Flamboyant" gear...Purple sabres, Neon Colors...hell F'ing feathers and sequins if it makes you happy....but no stat gains.


Well then what would stop people from using PvE gear in PvP if PvP gear had no stats? The same arguement would still be had but instead of a 19k hp with expertise tank is attacking you a 24k hp tank with no expertise but with more power/str is attacking you? It's far faster to gear out PvP then PvE.


The solution to that? Make PvE gear have no stat increase....and then might as well delete nightmare/hardmodes too.


The fact is no matter what your going to be at a disadvantage to someone who worked for their gear.


The reason everyone thinks 10-49 bracket is so amazing is when you're coming out of it your the top dog. You're beating up level 10's and 20's who have no chance. And if you say bolster gives then a chance to beat you, your just bad. A level 49 is not going to lose to a level 10-30 even with bolster.

Now your level 50 and your basically the new level 10's and you can't take being weak again. There are also new abilities that people only get at 50. So now you blame your losses to you being undergeared but in reality it's you, standing in the wrong places and generally helping your opponent. If you do your dailies and weeklies and store up those champ bags you'd have close to a full set by now.


Fresh 50:

1 champ bag

1000 warzone comms + 1000 merc comms = 5 champ bags

weeklys= 6 champ bags

dailies for week= 14 champ bags


In your first week, if you work....that's 26 champ bags guarenteed! + any additional champ bags you earn along the way. Don't be lazy

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So I am about to be a fresh 50, and I will again be the "lolpwnface" recipient.


Can we have a balanced PvP that doesn't rely on Gear pigs who have botted, farmed, and otherwise done nothing but Gear-up to take advantage of the crappy Gear>Player system that has polluted PvP combat.


How about a reverse Bolster so that everybody is a t1 50

Let your play do the talking versus your gear


So, you don't think that the people who worked harder and longer and faster are entitled to the fruits of their labor. You think that you, having done nothing to earn the equality you supposedly seek, should be on equal footing with people who have invested more into their characters.


This is sounding like a political argument. And I have a guess as to where you would come out on that front.

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